The more you work, the better.

I feel jealous.

I really feel jealous.

The basic salary for guarding the gate is 25,000 yuan a month.

This is enough for a college student who just graduated with a salary of 3,000 yuan to work for almost a year.

As a security guard, you don’t need a degree, there are almost no requirements, and anyone can do it.

[Fuck, is this true or false? If this is true, then the benefits are too good, too humane, big companies don’t have such high benefits. ]

[Oh my god, high temperature, cold weather, meal subsidies, communication subsidies, this is everything you can think of, all of them are included. ]

[Everything you didn’t expect is included, cold weather subsidies, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. ]

[So it seems that what Aunt Zhang said about her son's low-level employees being able to earn 100,000 yuan a month is true. Guarding the gate only earns 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and the employees must be paid more. ]

[Oh my god, I also want to work in this factory, as a security guard, please help me ask if they are still hiring! ]

And at this time, Xiao Xueqing.

The shock she received was no less than that of the fans.

Xiao Xueqing is a student of Magic City University.

High education, high starting point.

But if she graduates, she will have to start from scratch.

To get to the salary level of 25,000 yuan.

At least it takes several years of training and a lot of hard work.

In Taoyuan Village, it's just guarding the gate.

As everyone knows, guarding the gate is so comfortable, you don't have to do anything.

Just sit there, drink tea and read newspapers to pass the time.

You can easily get 25,000 yuan.

The cost-effectiveness of such a job is much higher than her industry!

To be honest.

Not to mention the fans in the live broadcast room.

Even Xiao Xueqing was tempted.

So, Xiao Xueqing immediately showed an embarrassed smile.

"Um, Aunt Zhang, let me ask the old guys in the live broadcast room, are you still short of people here?"

"It's best to be the gatekeeper. We guarantee that they can start work immediately."

Hearing this, Aunt Zhang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, girl, this factory is in our own village, and we don't recruit outsiders."

Hearing this, Xiao Xueqing was also shocked.

[Oh my god, this factory is actually in Taoyuan Village, and it doesn't recruit outsiders. ]

[Damn, I thought I was going to turn over a new leaf. ]

[Can't you be flexible? Let me do cleaning, as long as the money is in place, I'm willing to do anything! ]

[The salary is so high, which means that this factory is very profitable. What does this factory do? ]

And this also reminded Xiao Xueqing.

Xiao Xueqing has always been puzzled by this question.

So, she asked.

"Auntie, what does this factory do? How can it make so much money?"

However, upon hearing this.

Auntie Zhang immediately showed a serious look.

"I can't tell you about this." She looked mysterious.

Instead, the brothers in the live broadcast room became even more curious.

[What can't be said about this? ]

[Is it an illegal business? ]

[It's really possible. If you report it, you will definitely get a lot of money. ]

However, seeing these comments, Xiao Xueqing disagreed.

She knew the character of Grandpa Qiang very well.

Therefore, she also felt that the descendants of Grandpa Qiang must be good people.

Besides, now is a society ruled by law.

If it was really an illegal business, it would have been discovered long ago, and it would not have waited until now.

[It doesn't seem to be the case. The villagers are very simple. You are just overthinking. ]

[Yeah, maybe it's really a company that can't be talked about. There are too many things that can't be talked about! ]

[Fuck, the more you talk about it, the more curious I am. Goddess Xueqing, please visit the factory one day and let us see what it looks like for a security guard to run a factory with a monthly salary of 25,000 yuan. ]

[I agree with both hands and feet. ]

And at this time.

Seeing that Xiao Xueqing had not spoken.

Aunt Zhang felt a little embarrassed and reflected on whether she was too stiff just now.

So, she whispered.

"If you really want to go, go ask the old ancestor."

"This factory belongs to the old ancestor. If he is willing to let you go, you can go."

"The people in our village were also arranged by the old ancestor."

And as soon as these words came out.


Everyone was stunned.

[What? This factory is opened by the old ancestor, are you kidding? 】

【Oh my god, this is to let the villagers live a good life, and they even opened a factory. 】

【Who said before that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish? Look, our ancestors have already done it. 】

【Not only did they do it, but they did it so well.

Monthly salary is tens of thousands of yuan. I envy them. I really envy them. ]

[My biggest failure in my life is that I didn't reincarnate in Taoyuan Village. ]

[Damn, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. Why was I born in such a poor and backward place like our village? If I were given a chance to travel through time, I really want to go back to 1999 and spend dozens of yuan to buy my father a T-shirt and let me die in it. It's better than the villagers of Taoyuan Village that I can only envy now. ]

[The above, your words make me live in Bengbu. ]

[It's really filial piety. ]

At this time, Xiao Xueqing was also confused.

I just felt that my brain was in a mess.

After a long time.

It turned out that this factory was opened by Qin Feng!

"So that's the case. Then I know. Thank you very much." Xiao Xueqing said to Aunt Zhang.

But my heart was beating.

It seems that the subsequent interviews.

It still has to revolve around Qin Feng.

This guy is the real protagonist of Taoyuan Village.

At this time, almost half an hour has passed.

Aunt Zhang glanced at the two of them.

"You have been standing for a long time. Are you hungry? Otherwise, how about eating that bowl of twice-cooked bacon?"

Upon hearing this.

Suddenly, the two people who were still confused just now.

Immediately said with full energy.

"Okay, Aunt Zhang, then I'll trouble you."

To be able to taste the cooking of the ancestors.

These two people are more enthusiastic than anyone else.

"Then come to the kitchen." Aunt Zhang said.

Then, she took the two to the kitchen.

Aunt Zhang's family has an open kitchen.

So, eat at the island in the middle.

However, when they saw the golden island in front of them.

Suddenly, Xiao Xueqing and Xiao Hei were at a loss.

Xiao Xueqing even tried to touch it.


It's pure gold!

Such a big table.

They are all made of gold.

This must be worth millions?!

Xiao Xueqing and Xiao Hei were stunned.

This is too extravagant!

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