"Brother Lu, you are finally here!"

Li Ergou, who was dressed in a big red robe, came out and opened his arms, wanting to give him a warm hug.

Lu Changan was slightly disgusted, and patted him on the shoulder.

Compared with a few years ago, Li Ergou's face is more rounded, his belly is slightly bulging, and his skin is not as dark as before.

He is obviously under thirty, but at first glance, he looks like a wealthy grandpa.

"Changqing, this is my gift."

Lu Changan took out two talismans, both of which were high-quality wind speed talismans, which were begged by Li Ergou a few years ago.

Nowadays, the monks of the Mu family all refer to Li Ergou as "Changqing" or "Li Changqing".

"Haha! Big brother, come over and eat and drink casually. What gifts do you want?"

Li Ergou's eyes lit up, he quickly took the talisman, and welcomed Lu Changan to the main table in the house.

Xianfan is different, Li Ergou's relatives are not here, he regards Lu Changan as his elder brother.

Although Li Ergou was the first to be promoted to the fifth level of Qi Refining, he still respected Lu Changan and was as close as he was ten years ago.

"You, the bridegroom officer, go to work first."

Lu Changan waved his hands.

For more than ten years, Li Ergou has completely integrated into the Mu family and gave birth to descendants of the spiritual root for the Mu family.

He also fought desperately for the Mu family and broke his leg.

In the eyes of the Mu family, he is a trustworthy and good son-in-law, and he is regarded as his own family.

There are quite a few people who come and go with the ceremony, except for the woman's relatives, some are from the tribe that Li Ergou is acquainted with.

"Does Mu Yinglan know? A golden flower of our Mu family back then, the Hui family visited relatives a few days ago. It was really grand, and the monks in the late stage of Qi refining personally escorted it."

"Tsk tsk, Mu Yinglan married into the 'Zhou Beast's family' and leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade. This step is the right one."

The conversation between adjacent banquets caught Lu Changan's attention.

Mu Yinglan was the daughter of the Linggen clan that the Mu family wanted to match up with Lu Changan back then. In the end, it was not successful, and it made the girl feel bad.

Lu Chang'an had heard about Mu Yinglan's marriage.

Three years ago, after the dispute between the two clans.

The relationship between Feiyuehu Mu's family and Beastmaster Zhou's family gradually narrowed, taking the place of Zheng's family before.

Facing the rising Huang family, the Zhou family was vigilant.

The Maple Leaf Huang family built three foundations and united as one. If it develops, it may threaten the status of the Zhou family in the future.

On the other hand, the Mu family is the weakest, bordering on the current territory of the Huang family.

The Yushou Zhou family didn't want the Huang family to annex the Mu family and grow further, and had the idea of ​​supporting the Mu family.

This is the background of Mu Yinglan's marriage to the Zhou family.

In fact, the eldest lady, Mu Xiuyun, is an ideal marriage partner.

However, after the ghost incident in the medicine garden and her promotion to the seventh level of Qi Refining, Mu Xiuyun declared to the outside world that she would not marry.

Mu Xiuyun's cultivation is not bad, and she is also a first-tier senior talisman master. The senior management of the Mu family does not want to lose outstanding talents and supports her decision.

But if you marry, you can still recruit a son-in-law in the future.

I heard that Mu Yinglan took the initiative to replace Mu Xiuyun and marry the second son of one of the Zhou family's line as his wife.

And she is the wife.

For Mu Yinglan, it was considered a high climb!

"This girl is quite vengeful."

Lu Changan couldn't help but smile when he thought of something.

A few days ago, when Mu Yinglan went home to visit her relatives, she made a deliberate walk around Lu Changan's courtyard.

Not to mention, she does have the demeanor of a rich and noble lady.

Lu Chang'an understood Mu Yinglan's strength and clinging, and he was happy to see Mu Yinglan's life better.


That night, Li Ergou married sisters Mu Caiwei and Mu Cailin to his home.

Eagerly, hug left and right.

This scene made the original fairy seedlings sour, and even some young people in the Mu family were envious.

Li Ergou's existence today depends on having a baby.

The first to marry a wife and have children will receive a generous extra reward.

The first to give birth to a spiritual root heir, and get the broken-rank elixir in the middle stage of Qi refining.

Later, they gave birth to several children.

Fertility is obviously stronger than that of immortal cultivators of the same level.

He also sacrificed his life for the Mu family.

For this kind of good son-in-law who is completely integrated into the family and is so fertile, the Mu family is naturally willing to cultivate and add more "burden" to him.

If it were an ordinary man, he would have fallen into the red dust of beauty.

However, Li Ergou was able to pull it out, and he has never slackened in his cultivation.

For this, Lu Changan was quite surprised.

In fact, Li Ergou's ability to do this was also influenced by Lu Changan, an ascetic monk in the neighboring courtyard.

Even changing the name, Li Ergou borrowed from Lu Changan.


After taking a concubine for three days.

Li Ergou took the initiative to find Lu Changan and took out a letter.

"Zhao Siyao asked us to go to Jinyun Valley to get together within half a year."

"Well, I got the letter too."

Lu Changan nodded.

Because time is not tight, Li Ergou took a concubine a few days ago and did not mention this matter.

"Brother Lu, what do you think, do you want to help Zhao Siyao?"

Li Ergou followed his advice.

In the past year, Zhao Siyao implicitly showed them the difficulty of competing for core disciples.

It goes without saying that he asked them to go to Jinyun Valley this time.

Lu Chang'an said: "You can help, but you have to do what you can."

"How much does Big Brother plan to help?"

"One hundred spirit stones."

Lu Changan stretched out a finger.

"Well, I can only give out fifty spirit stones at most. My Ershun needs to spend spirit stones to start cultivation now..."

Li Ergou said in a difficult way.

"A lot." Lu Changan smiled.

After all, Li Ergou has a family, so the expenses are bigger.

"Brother is still chic! Talisman masters can make money, and they don't have so many burdens."

After the two discussed it, they made a decision.

The next day, he left Mu's residence on a spirit horse.

"Twelve years."

Looking back at the magnificent Feiyue Lake, Lu Chang'an almost felt nostalgic for this place.

The last time I went out was nine years ago.

It is extremely rare for a pure Mu family member not to leave Feiyue Lake in the past ten years.

I have been holding back in the clan for so long.

It is inevitable that Lu Changan will have needs when he goes out this time.

First, the spoils in his storage bag are extremely rich, and he needs to find a place to sell them.

Mainly the gain from killing Ge Danshi.

The precious medicinal materials sealed in those jade boxes alone are worth more than a thousand spirit stones.

Second, the "Cloud Sand Body Refining Jue" he has practiced in the past two years needs to be combined with the first-order spirit sandstone to absorb the essence of the ore and sharpen the body from the outside to the inside.

There are not many first-grade sandstones that can be bought in the family, and the quality is average.

When Lu Changan went out to sell stolen goods, he wanted to buy a batch of high-quality spiritual sand in large quantities, preferably for more than ten years.

Body refining technique is a kind of practice method that consumes both time and money.

Most monks don't have the financial resources at all; or they have the financial resources but don't have the energy to practice concurrently.

Although the body refining technique can greatly strengthen the body, most immortal cultivators rely on long-distance methods, and magic weapons and supernatural powers are king.

Apart from its strong survivability and melee combat, body training has no outstanding advantages.

Therefore, few monks practice physical skills.

However, Lu Changan has a long lifespan and has a lot of free time every day. Currently, he has sufficient financial resources and has the conditions to practice physical skills as well.


a month later.

The two arrived at Hengshui Mansion on a spirited horse.

First go to Prince's Mansion and meet up with Edward Lam.

Yi Lam also received an invitation from Zhao Siyao.

"Haha! I've been waiting for you for a long time! Come, try my Yunfeng tribute tea."

Lin Yi smiled brightly and poured tea himself.

Edward Lam was dressed in a loose robe, with beards on the corners of his lips. He had a calm demeanor without losing his sense of intimacy.

Lu Chang'an almost forgot the arrogant and arrogant young master back then.

In the past two years, Lu Changan had dealt with Lin Yi.

Lin Yi created the "Yinxian Pavilion", went to the residence of Mu's family, and bought a batch of talismans from Lu Chang'an.

Now, Yinxian Pavilion is basically on the right track.

Lin Yi was promoted to the fourth level of Qi Refining and recruited several casual practitioners and a group of secular martial arts masters.

the next day.

The three went to Jinyun Valley on a spirit horse.

During the Qi refining period, it is labor-saving and convenient to use this half-spirit beast spirit horse to travel.

In terms of long-distance travel, it is better than flying with an imperial weapon.


a month later.

The three of Lu Chang'an came to Jinyun Valley.

Jinyun Valley is located in the center of the majestic mountains. Under the brilliance of the sun, the mountains rich in metal minerals reflect a faint golden glow on the clouds, outlining the solemn treasure land of "mountains and clouds with a line of gold".

The three came to the foot of the mountain gate.

Looking up at the lofty Cultivation Sect.

Lin Yi and Li Ergou had complex emotions, awe, longing, and unwillingness.

Here was once their place of failure.

Lu Changan was as calm as water, neither humble nor overbearing, and came to the mountain gate.

Take out the token and let the gatekeeper disciple report.

About half an hour.

Zhao Siyao, who was wearing a moon white long dress, flew over on a cloud handkerchief, and landed in front of several people.

Wearing a phoenix hairpin on her head, her fairy skirt is fluttering, and she is beautiful, with a cool and fairy-like temperament.

The three of Lu Changan were stunned for a moment.

I haven't seen her in nine years, but Zhao Siyao's beauty is suffocating, like a fairy in a painting, without any fireworks.

"Three fellow Taoists, please stay safe."

Zhao Siyao's beautiful eyes, as clear as a spring, glanced at the three of Lu Chang'an, showing a hint of surprise.

Li Ergou and Lam Yi have changed a lot.

And Lu Changan's appearance has hardly changed, he is still the eighteen-year-old boy.

Junyi is out of the dust, as indifferent as water.

"Zhao Daoyou, are all the female disciples in the sect as beautiful as you?"

Li Ergou came over in a daze and grinned. She is no longer as shy as she was back then, and she would blush even if Zhao Siyao, who was once a little girl, looked at her.

"If Li Daoyou is interested, I will introduce you to two of them in the future."

Zhao Siyao smiled lightly, as crisp as a bell.

The four walked and chatted.

It was as if he had returned to the immature boy back then, entering the Golden Cloud Valley from here, and taking part in the Immortal Sect assessment.

Zhao Siyao led the way, entered Zhike Peak in Jinyun Valley, and took a seat in a pavilion.

"Three please sit down."

Zhao Siyao sat calmly at the head, rolled up the sleeves of her skirt lightly, revealing her jade-like catkins, used her power to ingest teacups and spiritual fruit dishes, and dropped them on the small tables of several people.

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