Two days later, Tengling Mine.

Lu Changan, who was "recuperating" in Yinzhu Pavilion, received heavy news from the outside world.

Hu Ang and Yumei, who had not yet left, gathered in Yinzhu Pavilion.

"The Ye Family Spirit Ship was destroyed...Elder Ye Xiang died? What happened? Is the news true?"

Lu Changan looked shocked and stared at Master Xiuyu who had finished his report.

"I have repeatedly confirmed that the intelligence information is reliable."

Master Xiuyu had just calmed down, his face was rosy, and his tone was slightly encouraging.

Then she described the specific content of the intelligence.

"The five-color peacock of Tianpin bloodline is suspected to have reached the fourth level? Is it a chance factor, or has the Ye family offended someone?"

Lu Changan muttered to himself doubtfully and fell into deep thought.

Hu Ang paid attention to Lu Changan's expression and shook his head secretly, denying the unrealistic association.

"If Xiang Dalong also raised a five-color peacock of Tianpin bloodline and practiced in Yunxia Sect for decades, there would be no sign of it."

When he first received the news, Juan had many suspicious targets.

Mainly the forces around Dayu that are good at controlling beasts.

Big Snake Mountain? The spiritual pets cultivated by this force are mainly snakes, insects and animals, with fewer birds, unless they are secret weapons.

Dashan is unlikely to help Yunxia Sect deal with the Ye family.

The two power camps adjacent to Dayu Kingdom, Baqishan Mountain and Daluo Kingdom, both have powerful beast-controlling forces, but the fourth-level five-color peacock has never been heard of.

"Anyway, this is good news for us."

"It involves the fourth-order five-color peacock. Such a terrifying legendary creature must be extremely cautious. If you delve too deeply into it, you may cause disaster."

Lu Changan's tone was cautious, and he finally set the tone on the matter, which was recognized by the three real people present.

"Elder Xiang, that mysterious five-color peacock is hard to tell whether it is friend or foe, and it may not have left the surrounding area. Should Tengling Mine be on heightened alert?"

Master Xiuyu knew some details of the peacock disaster, and felt an unknown terror in his heart.


Lu Changan shook his head: "However, I think that the five-color peacock alarmed the Nascent Soul of Dayu Kingdom, so he should not dare to commit any more crimes."

"Elder Xiang's words make sense."

Hu Ang and Yumei Zhenren agreed with Lu Changan's speculation.

Having said that.

On the same day, the two alchemy monks supported by Hu Ang and Yumei quickly withdrew from the sect.

There is a fourth-level formation at the Yunxia Sect's mountain gate, and there are also fourth-level holy beasts stationed there, so they are not afraid of the five-color peacocks.

"The special nature of the supernatural peacock puppet, and the level of the monks on the scene, really can't tell the truth."

After seeing off several real people, a smile appeared on Lu Changan's lips.

The framework of the supernatural peacock was originally based on the five-color peacock of the Peacock Saint, and many fourth-level treasures were subsequently added.

Those survivors dare not look directly, and their spiritual consciousness cannot discern the truth.

The place where the Five-Colored Peacock started was at the outer edge of the Ye family's influence, and the area under the Ye family's jurisdiction covered most of Liang Guoda.

One of the true kings of the Ye family went to the royal family to negotiate. There was only one Nascent Soul in the family, so it was impossible to follow him regardless of the cost.

Most probably don't have the guts.

If that five-color peacock reaches the fourth level, it will be impossible to defeat by ordinary Nascent Soul in its early stage.

Lu Changan dared to take action based on his judgment of the situation.

at dusk.

Lu Changan closed his eyes and made contact with the "Special Peacock" hidden thousands of miles away.

Before this operation, Lu Changan let the shadow of his second soul merge with the supernatural peacock to act like a puppet clone.

This kind of puppet clone is Lu Changan's unique method, which is difficult for the outside world to imagine.

The supernatural peacock clone hiding in the mountains and deep valleys has already sorted out the harvest and destroyed suspicious objects.

One of the storage bags is from a strange-faced man from a third-level mid-level puppet master.

The three wolf puppets used by the strange-faced man before are all in the storage bag and are basically intact. In addition, there are two third-level puppets.

There are five trophies of third-level puppets alone, which shows that the strange-faced man has some background or an extraordinary opportunity.

Lu Changan was rather attracted by the puppet attack technique mastered by this person.

"found it."

Through the puppet clone, Lu Changan consulted a jade slip, which recorded the "Joint Attack Puppet Book", the secret technique of puppet inheritance.

Even if there is no jade slip inheritance in the storage bag, Lu Changan still has a backup plan. When the man with the strange face was killed, the strange peacock absorbed the remaining soul of the man with the strange face.

"It's a bit interesting. This combined attack method draws on the combined attack principle of human monks' homologous skills."

After Lu Changan had a preliminary understanding, he was very interested.

However, we also discovered the limitations of the puppet joint attack strategy.

First, the source of materials is strict, they must be complete sets of puppets, and the materials are the same or from the same source.

Similar to a set of mother-in-law magic weapons made of the same material, they can only be found but not found.

Secondly, it places a heavy burden on spiritual consciousness and requires exquisite puppet control skills.

A rough understanding means that micro-management requirements are extremely high.

With the strange-faced man's accomplishments, he has reached his limit by controlling a third-level mid-level puppet and two third-level low-level puppets.

"Hey! This puppet joint attack inheritance seems to have been passed down from 'Da Kun'."

From the jade slip records, Lu Changan found some clues and came to a conclusion.

Although the jade slip inheritance is not explicitly stated, it is described sideways.

In addition, the inherited written language has the characteristics of Dakun dialect.

The world of immortality has had a common language since ancient times, but the languages ​​of each world are subdivided and it is inevitable to incorporate local elements and characteristics.

Because Lu Changan's second generation came from a cultivating family in Dakun, he could be keenly aware of it.

"Well, Da Kun is near the Great Abyss. For tens of thousands of years, inheritance resources have been exchanged, which is not surprising."

Lu Changan was quickly relieved when he thought of the relevant map information in the memory of "Zhenjun Chahai".

When you reach the level of Nascent Soul and above, crossing different state boundaries is no secret.

If the state boundaries are not too far apart and the level of danger is average, one can cross them in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

In Kunzhou in his previous life, Lu Changan had two fetters.

One is the Xu family from the previous life, I don’t know if it exists.

The other one is "The Art of Evergreen Ancient Trees", which was obtained from Da Kun's mysterious cave in his previous life. Lu Changan only grabbed half of the volume.

After cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, Lu Changan will have no follow-up skills.

Lu Changan opened Elder Ye's storage bag again and was a little surprised.

"Tsk, tsk, the most precious part of the batch of high-quality ores that the Ye family plundered from the Tengling Mine has basically fallen into the hands of this person."

Lu Changan harvested another pile of precious third-level ores.

In addition to ores, Lu Changan, as a third-level high-grade weapon refiner, can also recycle materials from the magic weapons of the two true elixir monks.

Lu Changan accepted this "stolen money" with a smile, and the layout of the puppet army could be greatly advanced.

"Sure enough, it's more comfortable to abuse food, and it's faster to accumulate treasures by killing people."

Lu Changan was satisfied with the results of the Alien Peacock's attack this time.

Of course, this kind of behavior can only be done occasionally and let nature take its course.

The target is a hostile force, so there will be no psychological burden.

Dayu Imperial City, the residence of Yunxia Sect.

In the picturesque waterside pavilion, two graceful figures, one purple and one red, standing side by side with long skirts trailing to the ground, elegant and elegant.

"Zi Yan, you and Mr. Yuan Jin admire each other's talents and looks. If we can achieve a good marriage, it will be of great benefit to both the Yunxia Sect and your personal practice."

The female cultivator in red dress beside True Monarch Zixia is named "Red Sleeve True Monarch". She is about twenty-four or five years old. She has a face like a jade plate, is elegant and dignified, and her words and deeds reveal the nobility of a superior.

"Senior Brother Yun Lan has only died a few years ago, and the real culprit has not yet been found. How could Zi Yan..."

True Lord Zixia sighed quietly and declined politely.

"Don't use Yun Lan as a shield. Your relationship with him has broken off. There is no real Taoist relationship. It's not like I don't know about it, sister."

"According to my sister's advice, Yu Yuanjin is the best among the contemporary Yuanyings of the royal family. In a few hundred years, when the elders retire, he is likely to become the leader of the Daewoo royal family."

"If you two become Taoist couples, the royal family will take care of the Yunxia Sect in the future. In the negotiations with the Ye family in a few days, my sister and I, as the mediator, will not cause you to suffer."

Red Sleeve True Monarch gave many hints in his words.

Facing this friendly royal female Nascent Soul, Fairy Zixia was secretly vigilant and dealt with her carefully.

True Lord Hongxiu is the cousin of the current Emperor Yu according to blood relationship. He has always been the trusted confidant of Emperor Yu and the chief steward of the royal family.

If it is for selfish desires, Zixia Zhenjun knows that Yu Yuanjin is a good choice as a Taoist companion.

With Yu Yuanjin's excellence, the two of them may be able to jointly rule Dayu in the future.

With the treasured resources of the royal family, the chance of being promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul is also higher than that of ordinary forces.

However, the dowry behind this is the Yunxia Sect.

Jiang Ziyan, who had grown up practicing in the Yunxia Sect since childhood, did not want the sect's orthodoxy to fall by the wayside and be swallowed up by the royal family.

Revitalizing and protecting the sect is a shared ambition between her and her senior brother.

The two of them had made an oath during their master's lifetime and in front of the memorial tablet of the previous master.

"Emperor Yu promised that the royal family would not interfere in the affairs of Yunxia Sect and maintain the independence of its orthodoxy..."

The Red Sleeve Lord smiled sweetly, obviously knowing the concerns of the Lord Zixia.

During the conversation, Zixia Zhenjun turned his eyes and waved to receive a communication talisman flying from a distance.

The monks stationed in the station would never interrupt the conversation between the two true monarchs unless it was urgent and important information.


True Monarch Zixia's consciousness received the contents of the communication talisman. After a brief moment of astonishment, her starry eyes flashed with a strange look, and her lips pursed slightly.

The exciting news from the Tengling Mine eliminated her passive situation before the negotiations and gained unexpected bargaining chips.

Otherwise, if she rejected the royal family's matchmaking, she would definitely not get any "preferential treatment" in subsequent negotiations and coordination.

The Ye family, one of the four major aristocratic families, has always had a marriage relationship with the Daewoo royal family.

Within the scope allowed by the rules, the royal family's tendency will obviously affect the distribution of resource interests.

"It's really enviable for Yanmei to get the lucky general 'Xiang Dalong'."

The Red Sleeve Lord sighed softly. She touched the trembling jade bracelet on her wrist and received an intelligence message from the royal family.

The Tie clan leader "Tie Danxin" supported by the Ye family was killed by Elder Xiang. The Ye family camp was defeated and withdrew, and the situation was over.

Later, the bizarre "Peacock Disaster" made the Ye family even worse, almost losing the possibility of a comeback.

"Elder Xiang is indeed the lucky star of our sect."

True Lord Zixia smiled happily, thinking that the Yunxia Sect had been very lucky in the decades since Xiang Dalong joined.

In addition to the death of the Taoist couple who risked their lives, Dan Daxiu was born in the door, an immortal golden elixir and a half-step golden elixir.

Within the sect, a fourth-level holy beast was born, which barely made up for the Taoist companion's loss of top-level combat power.

This time, the victory established by Elder Xiang gave her absolute initiative in the subsequent negotiations.

The news coming from the Tengling Mine made Red Sleeve Master not in the mood to "play matchmaker" here, and he quickly left.

Watching his retreating figure, Zhenjun Zixia stood there and thought deeply for a long time.

She didn't know what she thought of, but her joyful mood was somewhat diluted.

"I am the only female Nascent Soul left in the Yunxia Sect. As long as I am single and no other Nascent Soul is born in the Taoist lineage, the Dayu royal family will probably not give up the idea of ​​​​matching her easily."

Jiang Ziyan's eyes showed worry. Ever since she took charge of the sect, her heart had always been uneasy.

Although the sect has a fourth-level holy beast that acts as a Nascent Soul fighting force, he is still an outsider after all, and his sense of belonging to the Yunxia Sect is far less than that of her and senior brother Yunlan.

After Elder Xiang was transferred to the mine, True Lord Zixia got along with Lord Diyan. The latter had no dependence on her and lacked awe and obedience to her.

Mr. Diyan is only loyal to Elder Xiang and loves his father and daughter, so it is difficult to develop a relationship with her.

In this unreliable situation, he also faced the covetousness of the Daewoo royal family.

Zixia Zhenjun suspected that the Ye family's actions to compete for the mines might be driven by the royal family behind the scenes, in order to force her to submit.

The royal family wanted to bring Xiang Dalong and Princess Zhiwei together, and she saw it.

In the battle at the mine, Xiang Dalong defeated Ye Fanchen, the descendant of Tianjian Pavilion, and became more and more dazzling. With the fourth-level spiritual pet he owned, he would definitely be poached by the major forces in the Central Region in the future.

In the final analysis, Xiang Dalong is a guest minister who joined the Yunxia Sect midway, and he has "cracks" to exploit.

Fairy Zixia actually knows that there is an almost perfect solution to the current situation.

As long as she and Xiang Dalong become Taoist partners, these problems will be easily solved.

At that time, Xiang Dalong and Di Yanjun will become their own, truly bound to the Yunxia Sect, and will not worry about being poached.

After forming a Taoist couple, the Dayu royal family would no longer bring her and Yu Yuanjin together, leaving an important flaw in the Yunxia Sect.

She has always admired Xiang Dalong's character, talents and abilities, but she didn't have that kind of admiration.

Nothing is perfect, and this lack is not harmful.

However, as the Nascent Soul True Monarch and the famous Zixia Fairy in the Central Region, she could not let go of her reserve and reveal her feelings to a low-level monk.

If Xiang Dalong refuses, how will the two get along in the future? How embarrassing?

Therefore, this matter can only be realized unless Xiang Dalong takes the initiative to pursue it or confesses to her.

Half a month later.

Lu Changan was still recuperating in the mine and did not leave Yinzhu Pavilion for half a step.

A few days ago, he was wary of the Nascent Soul Lord who was in charge of the Ye Family. He investigated the whereabouts of the "Five-Colored Peacock" and found it here, so he never let the supernatural peacock come back.

Fortunately, the Yuan Ying clan leader of the Ye family was only within the Ye family's sphere of influence. After a few days of symbolic searches, there was no substantive breakthrough, and the matter was finally settled.

This result was within Lu Changan's expectation.

The disaster faced by the third-level spiritual ship resulted in the loss of two true elixir monks, among whom the strange-faced man was a guest.

In fact, the Ye family only lost one middle-stage pill-forming monk and a group of middle- and lower-level monks.

For a force like Jinyun Valley, this is considered a strain.

For the Ye family's size, this is not an unacceptable heavy loss.

If you make an enemy of a mysterious fourth-level heavenly peacock for this reason, you will lose more than you gain.

Even if the two Nascent Souls of the Ye family join forces, they can't stop the five-color peacock who is a true fourth-level heavenly product. They can't catch up in terms of speed alone.

Regarding the mysterious appearance of the five-color peacock, various forces have general speculations.

Either it is Yunxia Sect’s hidden trump card.

Either a fourth-level spirit bird was passing by nearby, and it was an accidental act of beating its teeth as a sacrifice.

The latter has a relatively high degree of recognition.

Because the Great Abyss is close to the sea, big monsters sometimes come to land to commit crimes, snatching away and devouring some two-legged beasts.

This situation is more common along the coast and near islands.

After confirming that the Ye family did not pursue further, Lu Changan quietly went out and brought back the supernatural peacock and the trophies.

Two months later.

The results of the mediation between the Yunxia Sect and the Ye family in the royal family came.

The Tengling Mine belongs to the Yunxia Sect. The Ye family suffered a lot of losses and did not get the expected industrial benefits.

On this day, Lu Changan, who was studying the inheritance of the Puppet Attack, suddenly sensed a huge aura of the Nascent Soul stage, approaching the Tengling Mine.

Soon, a cloud of clouds disappeared from the sky and descended on the mine.

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

Surrounded by the misty rays of the sun, the dreamlike and graceful figure of Fairy Zixia landed in the center of the bamboo forest in the mine.

Lu Changan and Master Xiuyu came forward to greet Master Zixia.

"In the previous battle, the performance of the Tengling Mine was commendable. Ben Zhenjun returned from the royal family negotiations and came here specifically to take a look."

After Zhenjun Zixia praised him a little, he dismissed everyone and talked to Lu Changan alone.

Inside the Yinzhu Pavilion.

"Senior Sister Jiang defeated the Ye family and won the royal negotiation. It is gratifying."

Lu Changan invited Fairy Zixia to the table and prepared to make tea to entertain the guests.

"Junior Brother Xiang is the real hero."

True Lord Zixia smiled and stopped Lu Changan's movements.

She took out the fourth-level spiritual tea, stood up, and made tea for Lu Changan herself like a lady.

Washing hands, making tea, sealing the pot, smelling the aroma... the whole process is elegant, natural and pleasing to the eye.

"Junior brother, please have some tea."

After a while, Jiang Ziyan served a cup of tea, her red lips opened slightly, blowing away the scalding heat, making her bright smile turn as red as the morning glow.

This gesture made Lu Changan startled.

Today's Zixia Fairy is extremely beautiful and unusual.

She looks like a fairy walking out of a painting, with her temples held high, her neck stretched out, her eyes as bright as stars, wearing a purple fairy skirt that stretches to the floor, surrounded by silk ribbons, with a faint fragrance floating around.

The unparalleled beauty of the Jurchen King seems unattainable, but the action of serving tea has a down-to-earth feeling of intimacy.

There seems to be a vague expectation in the gentleness and subtlety.

“Good tea!”

Lu Changan took the tea cup and felt the fragrance of the tea, not only the fragrance of tea, but also the quiet and timeless fragrance of Zixia Fairy. He took a sip and felt as ethereal as a dream.

"If Junior Brother Xiang likes it, he can often come to Senior Sister's cave to taste it."

Fairy Zixia smiled, raised her sleeves, and refilled Lu Changan's glass.

Lu Changan was flattered and thought to himself, what kind of ecstasy medicine did this Jurchen sell today?

This kind of contrast and implicit beauty from the upper-level Nascent Soul Fairy can be controlled despite his experience and determination.

Fortunately, after the Lord Zixia served tea, he returned to his seat, restored his usual dignified demeanor, and asked about the details of the battle in the mine.

Fairy Zixia did not doubt Lu Changan about the five-color peacock.

After praising him again, Zixia Zhenjun's eyebrows relaxed, he was in a good mood, and he made a promise of reward:

"Junior Brother Xiang has made great achievements in Tengling Mine. If you want any reward, just ask. As long as Senior Sister is within your ability, I will grant it to you!"

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