I Am Evergreen In the World of Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 429: Heaven's help, war choice (taking a leave for the Dragon Boat Festival)

According to Lu Changan's original plan.

If True Lord Qingmu doesn't come to him within a decade, he will take the initiative to attack and go to the Central Region.

Facts have proved that True Lord Qingmu is still quite confident and came to the Eastern Region of Daqing again.

According to the induction of Changqing Daoguo, True Lord Qingmu is currently staying around the Seven Nations Alliance and has not yet approached the Wei Dao Alliance.

The situation of the Seven Nations Alliance is not very good.

With the support of Mingquan Sect, the Seven Nations Alliance has been defeated in the Demonic War.

Counting the losses in previous wars, three countries of the Seven Nations Alliance are now occupied by the Blood Spirit Sect and the Phantom Demon Palace.

Either the Blood Spirit Sect or the Phantom Demon Palace is not as strong as the Beast King Valley, but the two are much stronger together.

Lu Changan ended his practice that day.

"Master, this is the latest information from the Wei Dao Alliance headquarters."

Outside the secret room, Di Yanjun handed the selected important token to Lu Changan.

Lu Changan took an encrypted jade slip, broke the ban, and obtained information from the Wei Dao Alliance headquarters.

"After the Seven Nations Alliance withdrew its defenses, the situation eased slightly and barely stabilized."

"In addition, Qingmu Zhenjun appeared openly in the Seven Nations Alliance and seriously injured a demon Yuanying, which also played a certain role."

After reading the intelligence, Lu Changan's eyes flickered and his face was full of thought.

It must be said that the timing of Qingmu Zhenjun's appearance was very clever.

Uncertain rumors said that he might have been invited for help by the Seven Nations Alliance, or he might have the tacit support of the Ten Sects of Xuanmen.

Qingmu Zhenjun did not directly belong to one of the Ten Sects of Xuanmen, but came from a righteous sect outside the camp.

And he joined the then declining Yuanying sect midway.

This situation is somewhat similar to Lu Changan.

The difference is that Qingmu Zhenjun stayed in the sect longer and practiced in the Central Region for a long time.

Due to this identity, Qingmu Zhenjun appeared in the Eastern Region, affecting the war situation, and the Six Sects of the Demonic Dao could not question the Ten Sects of Xuanmen.

Qingmu Zhenjun is not a direct descendant of the Ten Sects of Xuanmen, and when he came to the East Region for "travel" more than a hundred years ago, it was the Demonic Yuanying who attacked him first, thus forming a feud.

From the intelligence analysis alone, Qingmu Zhenjun's main goal does not seem to be for Lu Changan.

But his intuition tells him that Qingmu Zhenjun's real goal is himself, and the superficial actions are just to follow the general trend.


Seven days later.

No one noticed that Changqing Zhenjun disappeared and entered the Fengyuan Kingdom with endless flying sand desert.

No one knows.

In the Holy Land of Snow Mountain, two fourth-level divination masters met secretly and formally reached a cooperation.

Of course, it is limited to the divination of heavenly secrets. Zhong Tianshi cannot leave Fengyuan Kingdom and personally participate in the affairs of the outside world.

"I owe this old fox another favor."

Lu Changan smiled and returned to Liang Kingdom with satisfaction.

The destiny of heavenly secrets is invisible and intangible, and can help across space.

In the future, even if Lu Changan is in the Weidao League, he can get the secret help of Tianshi.

This agreement is mainly aimed at Qingmu Zhenjun

Personal goals, less resistance.

If the entire demon war involves too many aspects and causes and effects, Zhong Tianshi does not want to bear too much fate backlash, so he can only assist slightly.

With the invisible help of Tianshi, Lu Changan took the initiative and moved forward and backward freely.

As long as Qingmu Zhenjun did not have the magical power of a Yuanying Great Monk, it would be difficult to really threaten him.

Soon after returning to Liangguo.

The Weidao League Headquarters held an important meeting and invited Yuanying Zhenjuns from major forces.

Tianfeng Zhenjun patrolled and guarded the front line.

Lu Changan had a transcendent status and participated on behalf of Jinyun Valley.

Weidao League, Shancheng Headquarters.

Lu Changan and Fairy Xia appeared together, like a pair of immortal lovers.

In recent years, Xia Wenyue, as a new Yuanying, mainly practiced magic and magical powers and did not participate in the front line.

The two had an appointment to discuss Taoism every month, mostly in Aoyue Palace or the Weidao League Headquarters.

Therefore, there was not much yearning when they met, but more plain warmth.

The main hall.

Alliance leader Chu sat at the head, and the familiar faces were still there.

Xia Wenyue was the only new face, representing Aoyue Palace. His teacher, Jinyue Zhenjun, was also guarding the front line.

"According to reliable information, in the magic battlefield of the Seven Nations Alliance, although the Yuanying cultivators of the Beast King Valley did not go out, they borrowed a group of special spiritual birds and beasts, including two fourth-level beast kings, to support the battle. The impact on the battle situation is not small."

"It is precisely because of this that the situation of the Seven Nations Alliance collapsed so quickly."

Chu Tianfeng's tone was heavy, with self-blame.

Lu Changan nodded and said ashamedly:

"It seems that our previous preparations for confrontation were too conservative, and the pressure on the Beast King Valley was not great enough. The Seven Nations Alliance did not expect our support, and we could not even hold the Beast King Valley back."

Hearing the conversation between Chu Tianfeng and Lu Changan, the Yuanying representatives present were slightly stunned.

Now, the top two figures in the Weidao Alliance are both pro-war factions.

Fairy Xia, who had just reached the Nascent Soul stage, was also fostered by Lu Changan.

It can be said that the pro-war faction has an absolute upper hand.

"Alliance leader Chu, does Master Lu mean to take the initiative to provoke a war with the Beast King Valley?"

As the number one figure in the pro-peace faction, Master Liuyang frowned and asked back.

"After sixty or seventy years of truce between our Weidao League and the Beast King Valley, due to the unequal trade agreement and the gap in heritage, the gap in strength between the middle and lower levels of both sides has widened."

"If we continue to be sucked blood by trade and wait for a few decades until the Seven Nations League is completely defeated, the people inside will be demoralized and lose their fighting spirit. I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to fight."

Chu Tianfeng's sharp eyes swept across the cultivators present:

"In the current situation, apart from relying on the Beast King Valley, the only option is to fight."

"Our Dao Defending Alliance now has the strength of three great Nascent Souls, Lord Lu Zhenjun, Lord Diyan, and Fairy Xia. The top level is unprecedentedly strong, and the gap with the Beast King Valley is not as big as before."

After listening to Alliance Leader Chu's statement, the Nascent Soul monks in the hall thought silently.

If you want to choose a battle, now is indeed the best opportunity.

True Monarch Liuyang's face was solemn, his expression changed, and he felt that the main force and the faction were weak and unprecedentedly powerless.

Especially after Xia Xianzi was promoted to Nascent Soul and checked and balanced Jin Yue Zhenjun in Aoyue Palace.

"Do we have to fight to the death? There is no temporary compromise plan."

True Lord Liuyang said in a low tone, unwillingly.


Lu Changan smiled slightly, "If fellow Daoist Liuyang can break through the blockade of the demonic path, support the Seven Nations Alliance, stabilize the situation there, and even gain an advantage. We are not in a hurry to fight."

Hearing this, True Lord Liuyang was secretly angry, but remained silent.

This plan is indeed feasible, but the risk is extremely high. Even if the Yuanying monk takes action personally, his life will be in danger.

The Wei Dao Alliance currently obtains intelligence from the Seven Nations Alliance, and many elite scouts are killed every year. They are blocked by the Beast King Valley and the Wujian Gate, and even face the siege of the Blood Spirit Gate and the Phantom Demon Palace on the other side.

In fact, Lu Changan is extremely confident that he can do this.

With the help of the [Black Wind Cloak], he was confident of crossing the siege of the demonic path and assaulting the battlefield to support the Seven Nations Alliance.

However, if the distance is too close, even if you deliberately suppress your energy and do not use magic power, you may still be sensed by Aoki Aoki, a fellow practitioner of the "Eternal Green Technique".

Lord Aoki has many connections in the Seven Nations Alliance and has a high status.

If there is a geographical advantage when meeting Lord Aoki there, he might be able to find helpers.

On the other hand, Lu Changan has local advantages in the Wei Dao League and has more support from his allies.

"Actually, Lu is also a monk who pursues peace."

Lu Changan's tone was soothing and his smile was gentle.

"But many times, the best option to stop a war is to fight."

"As long as we don't suffer a disastrous defeat, even if we can barely balance the power for a period of time, we can make the Beast King Valley surrender. If we start negotiations again then, won't we have more chips and negotiate better terms?"

"Fellow Daoist Liuyang, you might as well think about it, if we can rely on the Beast King Valley so easily, how good will we be treated in the future?"

Speaking of which.

True Lord Liuyang smiled bitterly and sighed, finally choosing to compromise and obey the will of the main war faction.

If the war situation is still acceptable, it will actually be beneficial to a rational peace seeker like him.

On that day, the top leaders of the Guardian Alliance reached a preliminary intention and decided to restart the Demonic War, completely holding back the Beast King Valley and sharing the pressure for the Seven Nations Alliance.

As for Jin Yue Zhenjun who did not attend the meeting, her personal opinion is no longer important.

Xia Xianzi, on behalf of Aoyue Palace, agreed to the main battle plan.

After the meeting.

Chu Tianfeng left Lu Changan alone to talk.

Lu Changan influences the combat power of many Nascent Souls and is the second most prominent figure in the Wei Dao League. Leader Chu has to discuss many decisions with him.

"At this point in time, Alliance Leader Chu chooses to restart the Demonic War, but what is the suggestion of the ten Xuanmen sects?"

Lu Changan directly probed.

According to the calculations he and Tianshi made, the past ten years are the best time for the Wei Dao Alliance to fight hard, and it may also be the last chance.

"Well, the big boss behind the Ten Sects of Xuanmen secretly supports the Wei Dao Alliance. In addition to intelligence and divination, he also promised to provide strategic materials for the Beast King Valley."

Chu Tianfeng did not hide anything and revealed some secrets to Lu Changan.

Without the secret support of the ten Xuanmen sects, even if Chu Tianfeng was a talented person, it would be difficult for him to lead the Wei Dao League to persist for such a long time.

The stronger Seven Nations Alliance may have more support.

The arrival of Lord Aoki at this point was probably facilitated by the Ten Sects of Xuanmen.

Through Chu Tianfeng, Lu Changan learned about the attitude of the top leaders of the ten Xuanmen sects.

Although the ten Xuanmen sects are the largest force in Daqing and are stronger than the six demonic sects, they are not united internally and have serious internal conflicts.

At present, the internal fighting among the ten sects of Xuanmen has not ceased, and opinions are not highly unified.

The Central Region is relatively more prosperous and rich in products, which makes many major sects of the ten Xuanmen sects content with the status quo. After driving away the six demonic sects, there is no longer any unifying fighting spirit.

Due to the distribution of interests and grievances from generation to generation, some major Taoist sects even started fighting among themselves.

Therefore, the actual support brought by the ten Xuanmen sects is actually limited, and they will basically not send powerful Nascent Souls to directly participate in the battle.

The leader of Taoism, "Ling Yu Zhenjun", was interested in him because his hometown was in the Jing Kingdom of the Wei Dao Alliance.

If the situation collapses and the Jing Kingdom ends up attached to the Beast King Valley, Zhenjun Ling Yu will have no reasonable excuse to intervene.

"If the war starts again, can Lord Lu Zhenjun and Lord Diyan join forces to contain a middle-stage Nascent Soul in the Beast King Valley?"

Chu Tianfeng spoke solemnly and asked the question he was most concerned about.

"If he were to simply block a mid-stage Nascent Soul, Lu would be 50 to 60 percent sure."

Lu Changan said without thinking.

Chu Tianfeng was slightly startled: He didn't even say which middle Nascent Soul stage Lu Changan was asked to contain.

In the Six Demonic Sects, there is a certain gap in strength between the leaders of the Demonic Sect and other middle-stage Nascent Souls.

For example, the great elder of the Beast King Valley has much stronger magical power than the sect leader who is also in the middle stage.

This does not include the natal silkworm of the great elder of the Beast King Valley, which can be resurrected with full health almost once at a critical moment.

To Lu Changan, neither of the two mid-stage Nascent Soul giants in the Beast King Valley posed a real threat, and there was little difference between them.

Since it is a beast-controlling sect, the main advantage of both the Beast King Sect Master and the Great Elder is that they have more ways to control beasts, such as fourth-level spiritual pets.

This advantage will be greatly reduced for Lu Changan, who is good at positional warfare.

In the years since he returned to Daqing, he has been gathering information and doing his best to make predictions.

In terms of offensive strength, the two mid-stage Nascent Souls in Beast King Valley are not at the top of their class.

At least, it is not as good as Yuhuang, who is luxuriously equipped and possesses the [Blue Dragon Sword].

Unlike the old monster Jin Kun, the metal magic weapon has certain restraint on Lu Changan.

In this way, Lu Changan would not be under pressure no matter who he faced.

What's more, in the years since he returned to Daqing, his magical power has greatly increased, and he is more than one or two better overall than when Dayuan became famous as the "Double Dragon of the Central Region".

"That's good."

Chu Tianfeng smiled and felt relieved.

Lu Changan is not even afraid of the Great Elder of Beast King Valley, and his strength will only be stronger than he expected.

That night, Lu Changan stayed overnight at the elder's residence of the chief helmsman of the Weidao League.

Xia Xianzi accompanied him and served him.

Based on their status, the relationship between the two is legitimate and there is no need to avoid any taboos.

A few hours later.

After some tenderness, the fragrance in the bedroom is fragrant.

Lu Changan lay lazily on the bed, his palms caressing Xia Xianzi's ice-white back under her crotch, and a quiet and melodious voice whispered in his ear:

"Once the demonic war begins, the future situation will be unpredictable. Has my husband ever considered a way out, such as leaving a blood heir?"

Hearing this, Lu Changan's head moved. When Fairy Xia mentioned bloodline heirs, did she really intend to stay as a heir, or was she hinting at the identity of his wife?

"Wenyue should know that my husband is scattered all over the place and has offended too many enemy forces. For example, the Beast King Valley, Wujianmen, and True Lord Aoki."

"The world of cultivating immortals is changing. Even if we, as the True Lord of Nascent Soul, call the wind and rain, we can't help ourselves in the face of the catastrophic situation in the world of cultivating immortals. If we are not careful, we will fall into the clouds at any time. Only by becoming a great cultivator of Nascent Soul, can we He can dominate a state in the world of immortality. If he doesn’t reach this level of invincibility, how can Lu really dare to marry a wife and have children?”

Lu Changan sighed and expressed his difficulties.

If these words were heard by ordinary monks, they would probably sneer at them.

But Xia Wenyue is also in the Nascent Soul stage and is facing the general trend of the demonic war, so she feels the same way.

She secretly thought that the husband did not give her the status of his wife and did not want to leave any heirs because he was worried that his wife and children would be targeted in the demonic war.

If it were just a concubine or a Nascent Soul cultivator, it would not be of much significance to target her.

"Lu Lang has great ambitions, I believe I can wait until that day."

Xia Xianzi's cold and snowy face showed a rare smile and spoke words of encouragement.

Lu Changan opened his mouth. This woman wouldn't believe it, would she?

Xia Wenyue's innate Taoist body is suitable for dual cultivation. She has benefited greatly from the "Dragon and Phoenix Double Cauldron Method" and her cultivation progress is faster than that of her master.

This is also because Lu Changan is relatively equal and does not completely treat her as a deputy, and has many Evergreen Skills to support her in return.

Xia Wenyue is therefore somewhat confident that if she can survive the demonic war and gain some opportunities in the future, she may not have no hope of reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

She has a certain hope of reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and is more powerful than her. Her husband, who is blessed with good luck, will naturally have a chance of becoming a great monk of Nascent Soul.

Lu Changan secretly sighed and misjudged Fairy Xia's admiration for him since she was a girl.

Half a month later, the Wei Dao League once again entered into full preparations for war, and the atmosphere was tense.

However, the middle and lower-level monks of the Wei Dao League have become accustomed to it after years of "hardening".

The war is about to begin, and surprisingly few monks will run away before the battle begins.

As the number two figure in the Weidao League, Lu Changan went to the front line for the first time to patrol and sit in command.

The Wei Dao Alliance mobilized more high-level monks, which naturally alerted the Beast King Valley and responded in kind.

Not long after Lu Changan arrived at the front line, a Nascent Soul-level black wind escaping light flew from the territory controlled by Beast King Valley, like a domineering magic flame meteor.

The newly joined Demon Lord is a young man wearing a black feather robe and a stern face.

"Huh? This gentleman has rebuilt his Dharmakaya and has returned to the level of Nascent Soul cultivation?"

Lu Changan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He came to the front line of the battlefield in person this time to cause trouble and deliberately provoke a fight.

The Defendant Alliance's background is much worse than that of the Beast King Valley. If they take the initiative, their chances of winning are very low.

The defensive battle is different. The Wedao League has rich experience and is particularly good at it.

Therefore, the strategy of Lu Changan and Alliance Leader Chu was to cause trouble and drag the Beast King Valley into trouble, forcing them to attack.

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