I Am Evergreen In the World of Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 435: Capturing Yuanying alive, a great victory

Sensing the movement behind them, the expressions of the two True Lords Wanhe changed drastically, looking in disbelief.

"Lu Changqing, why did he appear in Yuanliu City?"

They were about to break the siege of True Monarch Black Feather, when Lu Changan came from behind, forming a pincer attack.

Lord Diyan just hid next to Fairy Xia, but even the master Lu Changan arrived immediately.

"Guo Zhenjun", who was wearing a purple python robe and looked like a strong man, looked surprised and uncertain:

"Is it possible that there is an insider at the top who exposed our plan?"

Fang Zhenjun's strength exceeds that of ordinary Yuan Ying in the early stage, and he also has a fourth-level war beast, so he should easily suppress Lu Changan.

How could Lu Changan be killed immediately?

Only if Lu Changan knew the plan, could he support them regardless of the cost and abandon the important frontline towns he was guarding.

Once the important town is conquered by the fourth-level Beast King, opening a gap in the front line and allowing the Beast King Valley to drive straight into it will have serious consequences.

"Guo Zhenjun, go rescue Heiyu first! I will use the Wanhe Formation to block Lu Changqing."

Zhenjun Wanhe made a prompt decision.

When Lu Changan arrived, it meant that the plan went bankrupt and it was impossible to capture Fairy Xia.

First clear Black Feather's siege. By then the number of Nascent Souls on both sides will be equal, and you will be able to advance and retreat calmly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Guo Zhenjun and Elder Wanhe rushed towards the crack in the formation, trying to rescue Black Feather Zhenjun.

Elder Wan He took a step slower.

He made secrets with both hands to control the Ten Thousand Cranes Spirit-Destroying Formation above the Immortal City.

In an instant, the sharp sound of thousands of cranes resounded for dozens of miles around. The low-level monks in the battlefield area felt pain in their eardrums and their minds were confused.


Thousands of spiritual cranes circled at high speed in the sky, their spiritual powers connected, and their feathers filled the sky, turning into a giant tube-shaped feather blade storm.

The nearby stone and wood buildings were pulled and sucked away by the feather blade storm of the Wanhe Formation, instantly collapsed and crushed into powder.

The monk who was accidentally involved in the battlefield screamed and turned into a ball of blood.

"This Ten Thousand Cranes Formation can contain ordinary Nascent Soul for a moment."

Lu Changan felt the pull of the wind within a ten-mile radius, his escape speed was reduced, and the huge feather blade storm rolled in at an extremely fast speed.

The [Black Sky Wing] behind him suddenly flapped, blowing up a black cloud of clouds and flying away from the sky above the Ten Thousand Cranes Formation at a faster speed.

In an instant.

The loud and piercing cry of thousands of cranes reached Lu Changan's mind, and his heart, energy, and blood fluctuated slightly. However, its spiritual consciousness and physical body are powerful, and the impact it receives is much lower than that of the Nascent Soul of the same level.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Cranes Formation suddenly changed, and a huge feather-light sharp blade formed at the top. With a "chi" sound, it cut across Lu Changan's body.

Peng! puff!

The protective shield on Lu Changan's body exploded, and his body was pierced by the feather light sword blade and turned into a phantom of sawdust.

The next moment.

Black wind wings appeared a hundred feet away.

Lu Changan relied on the high-speed flight of [Black Sky Wing] and his superb "Phantom Wood Clone" to successfully escape from the Ten Thousand Cranes Soul-Destroying Formation.

However, the Ten Thousand Cranes Formation delayed Lu Changan for a moment or two.

Guo Zhenjun and Elder Wanhe led the cultivators to rush into the immortal city formation to rescue Black Feather Zhenjun.

"Evil beast!"

Guo Zhenjun, who was dressed in a python robe, had just entered the formation when he was blocked by Diyan Lord, who transformed into a giant rat demon king.

Before Guo Zhenjun came in.

The [Soul-eating Black Threads] around Lord Diyan's neck turned into strange black threads, like the terrifying long hair of a female ghost, wrapping True Lord Black Feather's body into a black rice dumpling.

"No! What kind of rare treasure is this!"

Lord Black Feather was entangled in strange black threads. Affected by the freezing, he could only control 50% of the mana in his body, and the mana aura was further devoured by black threads.

Not only that, [Soul-Eating Black Silk] seemed to contain a fourth-level poison that he was familiar with.

Lord Black Feather suddenly fell into a desperate situation.

This scene is very similar to the situation when Lu Changan planned to kill his physical body.

What's frustrating is that Lu Changan didn't take action personally this time, but his woman and spiritual pet took action to take advantage of him.

The dual control of the Ice Divine Chain and the Soul-eating Black Silk completely made Black Feather Master completely unable to escape from the predicament alone.

Fortunately, my own Nascent Soul came to kill him.

Guo Zhenjun sacrificed a purple-gold dragon-carved stick-shaped magic weapon, and the python robe on his body fluttered under the influence of Nascent Soul's magic power.

A stick in the sky!

The purple-gold carved dragon stick turned into a giant pillar reaching the sky, with golden patterns and purple dragons swimming and shining on the surface, tyrannically piercing the fairy city formation above.

boom! Peng!

This giant stick-shaped magic weapon slammed hard at the fourth-order Rat King who was blocking the formation's crack.

Lord Diyan's body was covered with petrified armor, and a high-grade silver scale shield was wrapped around his body, blocking him in front of him.

But it also has to control the [Soul-Eating Black Silk] to trap True Monarch Black Feather. It has to do two things at once and cannot fully defend.


The stick shadow that looked like a huge pillar flying up and down in the sky, slapped a few times in an instant, causing the silver scale shield to fall and the petrified armor to be smashed.

Mr. Diyan groaned. The huge body of the demon king was dripping with blood. He was smashed out of a big blood pit and suffered serious trauma.

Even the powerful demon king's body can't stand the attack of heavy magic weapons.

Lord Diyan gritted his teeth and held on forcefully.

It received an order from its master to capture True Monarch Black Feather and capture the Nascent Soul today.

"It's really thick-skinned!"

Guo Zhenjun felt in trouble. The fourth-level demon king was huge and blocked in front of him, making it difficult for him to get around to rescue Heiyu Zhenjun.

If Mr. Diyan fights with all his strength, he will not get any advantage.

Crucial moment.

Elder Wan He rushed in one step behind and understood the overall situation instantly.

Without even looking at Mr. Diyan who was standing in front of him, he quietly waved his sleeves behind his back.

Hee hee hee——

Three [Flying Feather Needles] circled a semi-circular arc in the void, their aura was extremely obscure, and they flashed away, instantly stabbing Fairy Xia behind.

Stab the head, abdomen and lower body respectively.

Diyanjun was suppressed by Guo Zhenjun's giant stick magic weapon. When the three [Flying Feather Needles] passed by in front of him, he felt the reaction.

It was powerless to stop Wanhe's evil tricks.

"Zhenjun Wanhe's [Flying Feather Needle], which is famous for its insidious poison, is specially designed to protect the body and contains fourth-level poison. Once you are hit by this needle, you will be seriously injured and your combat power will be damaged; in severe cases, your Yuanying will be out of the body and you will be killed on the spot. die."

Guo Zhenjun noticed the [Flying Feather Needle] walking around in front of him and felt secretly happy.

Once Fairy Xia is attacked and loses her fighting power, she will be able to break the situation immediately, and True Lord Black Feather's crisis will naturally be resolved.

Fairy Xia has successfully restrained True Lord Black Feather through the [Ice God Chain] and with the assistance of Lord Diyan.

Three [Flying Feather Needles] arrived in an instant, exuding a fatal threat, making Xia Wenyue's heart skip a beat.


The body-protecting shield that was running hastily was easily broken by three [Flying Feather Needles].

At the moment of life and death, Xia Wenyue looked pale and instinctively activated the life-protecting magic weapon on her body.

The skirt fluttered and snowflakes flew.

A dream-like ice lotus magic weapon made of crystal jade flew out from Fairy Xia's body.

The ice lotus magic weapon was divided into three and turned into three blooming cyan ice crystal light lotuses. They rotated around Fairy Xia and actively blocked the three [Flying Feather Needles] as if she was spiritual.

bite! Ding! Ding!

Ice chips are flying and the cold air escapes.

The three [Flying Feather Needles] from True Monarch Wanhe were blocked by three ice crystal light lotus grids, allowing Fairy Xia to escape by just an inch.

Zhenjun Wanhe, whose attack failed, looked gloomy.

It almost worked.

"How could Xia Wenyue, as a new Nascent Soul, have such a magical and powerful magic weapon? Even the Earth Rock Rat has such weird and strange weapons."

The two true kings were surprised.

Although it was just a simple confrontation, the magic weapons and equipment of Lord Diyan and Fairy Xia were too luxurious.

How did they know that these magical and powerful magic weapons came from the Great Abyss where the civilization of cultivating immortals was more prosperous.

The overall strength of the other three major regions in Dayuan, except the Central Region, can crush Daqing.

Most of these powerful magic weapons were obtained by Lu Changan and Jing Wufeng in the battle against the "Seven True Lords" in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Central Region.

Soul-Eating Black Silk True Monarch Mingshui, who came from the middle stage of Nascent Soul, is certainly extraordinary.

Fairy Xia's Ice God Chain and Black Ice Flying Lotus came from the amazing opportunity of Lord Lingxue.

Her magic power and innate Tao body are very suitable for the two cold magic weapons.

"Fellow Taoist Wanhe, what should we do?"

Elder Wan He and Guo Zhenjun's rescue efforts had no effect in a short period of time.

Behind, Lu Changan, with the blessing of [Black Sky Wing], threw away the Ten Thousand Cranes Formation and quickly approached it.

"The three of you will stay together today!"

Once Lu Changan arrives, he will be attacked from both sides and from both sides.

The immortal city's formation surged, and streaks of thunder and fire passed through.

Several alchemy monks from the Wei Dao Alliance led the army of monks and took advantage of the situation to launch a group attack. The formation master waved the formation flag and quickly repaired the formation.

The army of monks who followed the three Demonic Lords came in, fighting beasts and birds, resulting in heavy casualties.

This has nothing to do with individual strength, it is the natural advantage of the defensive side.

"I didn't expect that the Wanhe Formation could only contain Lu Changan for such a short time. Fairy Xia and Lord Diyan are both stronger than expected."

Elder Wan He glanced at True Lord Black Feather who was bound and unable to move, and couldn't help but want to retreat.

Lu Changan's women and spiritual pets are so difficult to deal with, but his own magical powers can only be more powerful than the first two.

Once they are blocked in the fairy city, the situation will be bad.

However, abandoning his fellow Yuanying elder and his grandson-in-law in this way would seriously damage Wanhe's reputation.

"Prepare to retreat!"

Seeing the slightly hesitant Elder Wan He, Guo Zhenjun saw what the other person was thinking and immediately sent an order to his men.

Without any hesitation, he put away the purple gold stick magic weapon and quickly withdrew from the healing gap in the formation.

Guo Zhenjun is a Nascent Soul cultivator from an affiliated force. He has no worries and worries, and he will not fight to the death. On the battlefield, he will prioritize protecting his own people.


Before Lu Changan arrived, Guo Zhenjun evacuated Yuanliu City and led the monks from his own force to evacuate.

Lu Changan knew that he could not keep all three Demonic Nascent Souls.

He waved the [Black Sky Wings] behind his back and turned into a black thunder, which flew to the front of the fairy city and intercepted Elder Wanhe who came out.

"The Nascent Soul of the affiliated forces is indeed unreliable!"

Elder Wan He cursed secretly, he didn't expect Guo Zhenjun to run faster than him.

Fortunately, Guo Zhenjun did not run away directly. Instead, he covered his army of monks, evacuated in an orderly manner, and took care of him from a distance.


There was a sudden loud noise in Yuanliu City, and with the explosion of the huge Yuanying, the mana fluctuated almost to the middle stage of Yuanying.

It turned out that it was Master Black Feather who self-destructed his magical body in despair.

"If the Nascent Soul leaves the body, it can at least save its life."

When Elder Wan He heard the explosion, he took on the large array of forbidden attacks and rushed out of the fairy city without looking back.

"Grandpa Wanhe, save me——"

In the fairy city, the shrill and desperate Nascent Soul screams came from the soul level.

Something doesn't seem right?

The two Demon Dao Nascent Souls couldn't help but look at them, their hearts trembling.

I saw the black-robed Nascent Soul villain who came out of his body after True Monarch Black Feather exploded his magic body. He was covered in a layer of frost, and poisonous blood flowed from his eyes and nose.

Not only that, the Nascent Soul villain was entangled in the threads of the [Soul-Eating Black Silk] and looked weak.

The Nascent Soul villain makes secrets, exhales the original Qi, and performs the Nascent Soul secret technique.


The spirit body Nascent Soul expanded violently, erupting into a dangerous black flame of the soul, which forcibly shook away the [Soul-Eating Black Thread].

Immediately, the Nascent Soul villain flashed and escaped along the crack before the fairy city formation was about to be repaired.

However, the seriously injured and weakened Nascent Soul spirit body, under the negative effects of poison, frost, etc., caused its escape speed to be more than half slower than normal.

After escaping from the formation, the black-robed Nascent Soul villain looked resentful and stared at Elder Wan He who escaped first.

As soon as the Nascent Soul villain escaped from the large formation of cracks, his vision suddenly went dark.


A strange pale green spider web spread out dozens of feet, just in time to catch the escaped Nascent Soul villain.

"Land turtle——"

The Nascent Soul villain was numb all over, and was covered by the [Ghost Spider Soul Binding Net] that turned into a spider web cage. A trace of dark ghost power seemed to be invisible, tightening it tighter and tighter.

The Nascent Soul villain struggled in fear, looking at Lu Changan who was escaping in front of him. The latter seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and waved in this direction.


[Ghost Spider Spirit Binding Network] Bring over the trapped Nascent Soul villain.

Lu Changan typed out several sealing talismans, pasted them on Master Black Feather's Nascent Soul body, and sealed it in a jade box densely covered with runes.

The Nascent Soul villain's struggling screams came to an abrupt end.

"Black Feather..."

Guo Zhenjun and Elder Wanhe, who had fought their way out of the Immortal City one after another, felt a chill in their hearts.

They originally thought that Black Feather True Monarch had self-destructed his legal body and that Nascent Soul spirit body would be more confident of escaping.

After all, there are no giants in the middle Nascent Soul stage here, and treasures aimed at Nascent Soul escape in the Daqing East Region are very rare.

Unexpectedly, Lu Changan had a magical object that could imprison the spirit body of the Nascent Soul, and he captured the Black Feather Nascent Soul alive who was seriously injured, poisoned, and extremely weak.

Lu Changan put away the sealing jade box, and fluttered the black wings behind his back, like a black meteor, chasing the nearby Elder Wanhe.

Wanhe originally withdrew, but it took him a few breaths to gather Wanhe's formation.

Xia Xianzi and Di Yanjun took advantage of the situation to rush out of the fairy city, kill the remnants of the demon army that had not retreated, and followed Lu Changan to hunt down Zhenjun Wanhe.

Being chased by the combat power of the three great Nascent Souls, Wanhe Zhenjun, even a veteran Nascent Soul, was a little frightened.

Especially Lu Changan, who was in the early stage of Yuan Ying's early stage and quickly narrowed the distance.


Lu Changan took out a fourth-level cold-type magic talisman named [Frost Heaven and Earth].

The sky was covered with freezing air and frost, and countless huge hailstones fell from the sky, covering the area where True Monarch Wanhe was, turning it into a world of silver-white frost.

Although the fourth-level spiritual talisman poses little threat to Nascent Soul cultivators, this level is extremely rare in the world of immortal cultivation.

"Guo Zhenjun, please help me quickly!"

Zhenjun Wanhe's escape speed was not as good as Lu Changan's. In order to break through the envelope of [Frost Heaven and Earth], his speed was further reduced by another 30%.

"Old man, the woman who dares to scheme against Ben Zhenjun will stay with Black Feather today."

Lu Changan approached quickly, and the [Black Sky Wing] behind him waved out a black whirlwind, accompanied by several black wind feather blades that were more than ten feet tall, entangling Elder Wanhe.

Guo Zhenjun, who was further away, was about to turn back to meet Elder Wanhe.

But at this time.

Within the territory of the Wei Dao Alliance, a cold golden rainbow emitted the spiritual pressure of Yuanying monks and was rapidly approaching Yuanliu City.

It is the Nascent Soul True Monarch supported by the Wei Dao Alliance.

The Immortal City on the front line is besieged by the three Nascent Soul combat forces. No matter how slow the Wei Dao Alliance reacts, they will send help sooner or later.

The supporter is a Jurchen Lord, who wears a phoenix crown on his head and a golden robe. He has cinnabar dots between his eyebrows, cold phoenix eyes, and a strong aura.

It is the Lord of Aoyue Palace, Master Xia Wenyue, and True Lord Jin Yue.

The direction Jin Yue Zhenjun came from was closest to Guo Zhenjun.

Guo Zhenjun's heart sank, there were many enemy Nascent Soul cultivators. Especially when I thought about the fate of Lord Black Feather, I immediately retreated.

"Elder Wanhe, Guo can only stop Jin Yue Zhenjun..."

Guo Zhenjun had no choice but to transmit the message and took the initiative to fly over to intercept Jin Yue Zhenjun who was supported by the enemy.

As a result, the main fighting area between him and the Three True Lords Wanhe and Lu Changan was widened.

"Your Excellency, as a Nascent Soul affiliated with the Demonic Way, why should you take risks and fight? Why don't you just retreat."

Jin Yue Zhenjun saw the situation clearly, fought with Guo Zhenjun, and launched a verbal offensive.

Both of them knew that they were just trying to contain each other. Therefore, they didn't fight hard and it was reduced to garbage time.

Guo Zhenjun did not leave Elder Wanhe and run away alone, which was considered very conscientious.

On the other side, Elder Wanhe was miserable.

After he was entangled by Lu Changan, he was soon chased by Xia Xianzi and Diyanjun, and faced a group fight from the three true monarchs.

Elder Wanhe only has a lifespan of a hundred years, which is considered to be nearly a thousand years old. At this moment, he was beaten violently by Lu Changan and the three men, and he was unable to resist.

In order to prevent Wanhe from exploding and pulling people back, Lu Changan was not in a hurry to kill the enemy, but adopted a siege strategy.

Lord Diyan used the yellow sandstorm spell to surround him as much as possible and consume Elder Wanhe's mana.

Fairy Xia also focuses on restrictions.

Seven differentiated black ice flying lotuses floated around her, brilliant and crystal clear. Three of them automatically rotated to protect her body; the other four ice lotuses flew out, each as heavy as an iceberg, bombarding Wanhe's defensive magic weapon and body protection magic weapon. Cover.

Elder Wan He's old face was pale, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. Thousands of spirit cranes rushing around were strangled by the three Nascent Souls, causing heavy casualties.

A blue-black robe was shrouded around him, but the light was dim. It was slapped by Lu Changan's [Dragon Wood Staff], and many cracks appeared.

Even if he has deep magic power and powerful supernatural powers, it will be of no avail if he is surrounded by three Nascent Souls of the same rank.

This is more stressful than facing a mid-stage Nascent Soul.

Being chased by the mid-stage Nascent Soul, he only had to deal with one person, or he could run desperately in one direction without facing a siege.

"Good opportunity!"

Lu Changan found a flaw, closed his palms, and condensed a deep and twisted withering blue light.

A "peng" sound.

Emitting the withered divine light of the cycle of time, it penetrated the phantom of Elder Wanhe's torn green and black robe, corroding a dry blood hole in his chest.


Elder Wan He's body stiffened. As an old monk, he was keenly aware of the massive loss of longevity in his body.

At that moment, his life and blood quickly withered and withered, losing ten or twenty years of his life.

This not only killed one-fifth of his life span, but also caused a loss of life and blood, and his fighting strength dropped by 20%.

"That's it...that's it!"

Elder Wan He coughed up blood from his mouth, his face was dry and he looked like a zombie.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why Lu Changan arrived so quickly to help.

Elder Wan He's defensive robe was in pieces, and the three [Flying Feather Needles] lingering around his body were dimmed and fell powerlessly.


But the Nascent Soul mana in his body erupted like a volcano after a brief period of calm.


As soon as Lu Changan finished speaking, a sunspot-like flame spot and mana storm erupted in the center where Elder Wanhe was.

The power of the explosion of Wanhe's body was comparable to the mana storm in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, causing Lu Changan and the others to retreat violently.


Lu Changan turned into an afterimage of black wings and disappeared from the place.


The [Ghost Spider Spiritual Net] spread out, intercepting a vague and uncertain old-looking Nascent Soul spirit body.

However, the trajectory of Elder Wanhe's Nascent Soul's escape was beyond Lu Changan's expectations.

First, towards Yuanliu City.

Then it turned another arc, and then moved towards the Beast King Valley. After a few flashes, it disappeared into the distant sky.

Lu Changan's [Ghost Spider Soul Binding Network] predicted the wrong direction and failed.


"This old guy has a superb Nascent Soul escape technique, and he knows that I have a rare treasure to imprison the Nascent Soul, so he actually uses reverse thinking."

Lu Changan put away the [Ghost Spider Spiritual Net] with some regret.

In fact, in the war of cultivating immortals, being able to kill the legal bodies of two Nascent Soul Lords and capture one of them alive is already an incredible achievement.

Moreover, most of the trophies of the two Nascent Soul Lords were left behind.

Although this battle did not completely kill Elder Wanhe, it shortened his life by twenty years. Even if he seizes his body and rebuilds his legal body in the future, it will not be possible.

What's more.

Some of Lu Changan's powerful trump cards and trump cards, such as [Nail Arrows], supernatural puppets, and green-armored fourth-level puppets, were not exposed in this battle.

On the other side, when Zhenjun Wanhe blew himself up, Guo Zhenjun did not hesitate to consume his blood essence and use escape skills to escape.

Jin Yue Zhenjun is similar in strength and cannot stop him one on one.

After Wanhe blew himself up, Lu Changan and the other three had no chance to pursue him despite the shock wave.


Lord Diyan transformed into a mouse form, quickly collected the trophies left by the two True Lords, and hunted down some high-level demon monks who were fleeing for their lives.

"It is of great significance to kill and defeat the two Demon Lords in this battle."

Jin Yue Zhenjun in the distance was greatly surprised. He did not expect to encounter such incredible military exploits in a support battle.

She secretly thought that as a reinforcement, in addition to her military exploits, she should also have the right to distribute a few spoils of war.

Lu Changan ignored Jin Yue Zhenjun who flew towards the Immortal City.

His eyes were looking in a certain direction.

It is probably located between the Seven Nations Alliance and the Wealth Alliance, towards the direction of the Black Mist Mountains.

In today's Nascent Soul battle, Changqing's mana in Lu Changan's body fluctuated violently.

At this moment, a sudden impulse brings blessing to the soul, and the Evergreen Nascent Soul Dao Fruit produces a kindred feeling in the dark.

"Strange, why did Lord Aoki appear in that position?"

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