Lu Changan placed his palm on the surface of the eggshell, faintly feeling the heartbeat and subtle movements inside.

He confirmed that the black water turtle has entered the hatching stage.

For a period of time thereafter, he injected some evergreen mana into the turtle egg every day to provide energy nourishment.

Whenever he injects evergreen mana, the life inside the eggshell will transmit a kind and dependent spiritual fluctuation.

Lu Changan believed that even if the hatchlings bred in the future did not sign a spiritual pet contract, they would recognize him as their master.

two months later.

With a "click", the eggshell burst.

A miniature turtle, smaller than a baby's palm, is trying to break its shell in a naive manner. Gather enough energy to feed, first the head, then the limbs of the body, and finally drilled out of the eggshell.

After hatching, the young Xuanshui turtle looked around nervously with its cute and silly eyes, and quickly locked on to Lu Changan.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, the young turtle crawled over affectionately and rubbed against Lu Changan's wrist.

Lu Changan spread out his palm, and the young Xuanshui turtle climbed up, occupying only one-third of his palm, rubbing the breath on his palm, almost falling over, it was really cute.

After the Xuanshui hatchling hatched.

The rock rat in Lu Chang'an's pet bag was extremely restless.


The huge ground rock mouse was released, staring at the young Xuanshui turtle on Lu Changan's palm, a cold light flashed in the mouse's eyes, and it bared its teeth.

The Xuanshui turtle was frightened and ran into Lu Changan's clothes.


Lu Chang'an kicked the rock mouse, and the latter groaned in pain, his killing intent disappeared, and he looked aggrieved.

"It will also be your master from now on. If it dares to change its mind, it will send you to the Colosseum..."

Lu Changan gave a warning and put the rock rat into the storage bag.

Not to mention the gap between middle-grade bloodlines and local-grade bloodlines.

The Xuanshui turtle was hatched by him himself, and he poured his heart and soul into it.

The ground rock rat is just a spoil that was captured halfway.

The two are of course not comparable.

Lu Changan fed some spiritual liquid to the young turtle, and checked his physical condition by the way.

In the jade tube that Zhou Qingxuan gave back at the beginning, there was an illustrated book of Xuanshui turtles, including juvenile turtles.

Lu Changan compared them and found that they were basically the same in appearance.

Only the texture of the turtle shell is slightly different.

Lu Changan's young tortoise has a slightly leaf-like texture on its shell, which is hard to detect without careful attention.

The juvenile turtle is very small, so Lu Changan puts it in a pet bag every day, and builds a small moist environment inside.

This turtle is relatively clingy, so Lu Changan will take it out to interact with it every day, and transfer a little evergreen mana.

The water turtle is mainly of the water attribute, and also has some wood attributes.

The one raised by Lu Chang'an, just a few days after birth, can spit out light green water bubbles, accompanied by weak mana fluctuations.


Zhuyeshanfang City.

Lu Changan's life remained the same without much change.

Although there is an extra pet, the water turtle is actually quite easy to keep.

No fuss or fuss.

It does not consume many resources, far inferior to some land spirit beasts. The only disadvantage is that it grows slowly.

In the blink of an eye, a year or two has passed.

Five years have passed since the auction.

Lu Changan was over forty-three years old.

His cultivation is close to the peak of the sixth level of Qi training, and he is still a year or two away from being promoted to the seventh level of Qi training.

He looked like he was about twenty years old and in his prime.

At this time, the young Xuanshui turtle has grown to the size of an adult's palm, and the mana fluctuations it emits have reached the initial stage of Qi refining.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Changan feels that this mysterious water turtle grows faster than the one introduced in the jade tube.


After feeding the Xuan water turtle, Lu Changan came to the first floor of the shop.

"Miss, are you back?"

Mu Xiuyun, who was wearing a green gauze dress, was checking the talismans at the counter of the shop.

In the first two years, Mu Xiuyun was promoted to the ninth floor of Qi Refining, and since then she has been away from the shop often.

I don't know if there is something wrong with the family, or they are planning to build a foundation.

Fortunately, the current store business is stable, not bad, and the two apprentices have also grown up.

Mu Shan and Mu Ershun became first-tier low-grade talisman masters, and the low-grade talisman they drew was already profitable.

Among them, Mu Shan is good at dealing with people and the world, and she can be regarded as the second shopkeeper in the store.

"Chang'an, this is a pigeon flying letter from Fangshi station."

Mu Xiuyun flipped her hair in a bun, elegant and charming, and handed a letter to Lu Changan.

The envelope has the logo of Jinyun Valley, and it was sent by Zhao Siyao.

In the world of cultivating immortals, fixed gathering places for cultivating immortals, such as major cities, sects, and families, will have stations for correspondence between each other.

Lingge Feixin is one of the faster ones.

Lu Changan used a specific method to break the restriction on the envelope and opened the letter.

A few years ago, Zhao Siyao went to Huanglong Fairy City near the Black Mist Mountains, and occasionally had contact with Lu Changan.

Recently, Zhao Siyao has almost collected the resources of the Foundation Establishment Pill, and has returned to Jinyun Valley.

"Chang'an, what's wrong?"

Mu Xiuyun looked over with concern.

Lu Chang Anxin only saw half of it, his complexion changed suddenly, and his brows were wrinkled.

With a dignified expression, he was silent for a long time.

"Yidi Lam...was seriously injured and died?"

Mu Xiuyun received the letter, her face paled, and her onion fingers trembled slightly.

"What! Uncle Lin passed away?"

Mu Ershun, who was busy not far away, heard the conversation and couldn't help being shocked and lost his voice.

Edward Lam is a friend of his father.

In the past 20 years, he has visited Mu's house many times, and also came to Fangshi during the auction.

The last time we met was five years ago.

At that time, Uncle Lin asked his proud son Lin Lu to spend more time with Mu Ershun.

Unexpectedly, today, the bad news came suddenly.

Mu Xiuyun put down the letter and said softly, "Chang'an, do you want to go there?"


Lu Changan nodded, after all, they have been friends for more than 20 years.

As a talisman teacher, he often traded with Lin Yi's Yinxian Pavilion, and he received a box of letters.

Zhao Siyao is rushing to Hengshui Mansion.

Regarding the cause of death of Edward Lam.

The letter described that Lin Yi led the monks of the Yinxian Pavilion to cooperate with the disciples of Jinyun Valley to encircle and suppress a wanted evil cultivator.

In the end, although Xie Xiu was repelled, Lin Yi was seriously injured and unable to recover.

When he was sent back to Hengshui Mansion, he was seriously injured and died.


"Go to Changqing first."

Lu Changan took Mu Xiuyun's flying boat, and the two set off together.

For the first time in ten years, Lu Changan left Fangshi.

"Hey! The sun came out from the west, and the turtle talisman master went out?"

The monks I knew in Fangshi couldn't help being amazed when they saw Lu Changan leaving.

Today, the vicinity of Zhuye Mountain is generally stable, and a small amount of robbery repairs will not make a difference.

The Evil Faced Flying Eagle back then was only a rumor, but it has long since disappeared.

Even if it appears.

With Lu Chang'an's attainments in body training, and the strength of the first-order peak rock mouse, even if he doesn't use the talisman card, he can handle it with confidence.

What's more, there is Mu Xiuyun who is at the ninth level of Qi Refining by her side.

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and it arrived at Mu's residence in Feiyue Lake in less than a day.

I haven't returned for ten years.

Seeing the shimmering and jade-like Feiyue Lake, Lu Changan felt a sense of intimacy.

There have been many changes in Feiyue Villa and the surrounding spiritual fields and medicine gardens.

The number of monks in the family has increased significantly, and there are many young faces.

The flying boat landed in Li Ergou's other courtyard.

"Yidi Lam died? The young master died?"

When Li Ergou heard the bad news, the skin on his round face trembled, and he was stunned for a long time.

Perhaps, the deepest impression of Lin Yi in his mind is still the awe-inspiring little duke 20 years ago who exuded royal authority.

Lu Changan and Li Ergou agreed to go to Hengshui Mansion to mourn the deceased.

"Chang'an, I'll go with you."

Mu Xiuyun said softly.

"No, you are now a senior member of the Mu family, and you have something important to do."

Lu Changan shook his head.

He knew that Mu Xiuyun was very busy, traveling between the family and the store, and planning to build a foundation.

What's more, Mu Xiuyun has no friendship with Lin Yi.

Mu Xiuyun's gentle eyes couldn't help but dim, and said lightly, "Then I'll lend you the flying boat."


After a few days.

The flying boat came to a valley a hundred miles south of Hengshui City.

This is the stronghold of Yinxian Pavilion, which is covered by phantom array.

Lin Yi left a message before his death that he wanted to bury himself here.

fell into the valley.

Lu Changan saw five or six monks sitting cross-legged in a corner of the valley.

There is a mausoleum there, and a tombstone is erected.

Zhao Siyao was dressed in white, sitting next to a young man with dark skin, and waved to the two of them.

"Uncle Lu, Uncle Li."

Lin Lu knelt in front of the tombstone, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was haggard and desolate.

Li Ergou stared blankly at the name on the tombstone.

Suddenly my mind broke down and I burst into tears.

This made Lin Lu, who was kneeling beside him, also sob.

Lu Chang'an was a little surprised. Although Li Ergou and Lin Yi had known each other for a long time, their friendship was not particularly good.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, Lin Yi looked down upon Li Ergou.

Li Ergou was very afraid of that young master.

Later, they became friends, and they talked about everything with a smile.

Several monks from Zhao Siyao came over to persuade Li Ergou.

"Brother, Lin Yi is smarter and more cunning than me. He created a cultivating power with his own hands, and it was very popular for a while. I am far inferior to him!"

Li Ergou wiped his tears and said.

"It's a long road to cultivating immortals, how many more steps can we take than him? Then, one by one of us..."

The death of Lin Yi had a serious impact on Li Ergou's Taoism.

Edward Lam is the first, definitely not the last!

The road ahead seemed dark.

This pessimism even infected Zhao Siyao and several other monks, and the atmosphere was dull for a while.

Lu Changan burned a stick of incense and bowed to the tombstone.

He spoke to break the silence,

"You're right, we can't see the end of the fairy road, and every step may lead to the fall of the road. But every extra step, we can see the scenery that we have never seen before, and the fairy fate of this life is not in vain. If you fail in this life, there will be an afterlife!"

"I don't want the Tao to be eternal, but I only want the road of immortality to be evergreen."

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