I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 17 Li Changbai: "Very Moist!" Damn It! This Kid Actually Touched Miss Zhou!

"Are you crazy, let me teach Yuanmou people Chinese?"

In the live broadcast room, Sister Zhou felt incredible when she heard what the water friends said.

This is a prehistoric human being 1.7 million years ago.

With their learning ability, can they learn Chinese, the most difficult language in the world?

It's impossible to think about it!

"Anchor, try it. If it works, you will be the 'Mother of Chinese' who spreads the Chinese language and culture. It's super cool!"

"Our Chinese ancestor can even drill wood to make fire. What's wrong with speaking Chinese? Sister Zhou, you are bold enough to teach me!"

"Yuanmou people are primates with strong learning ability and imitation ability. Anchor Zhou, you can try to teach a few simple Chinese."

"It's so inconvenient for you to communicate. The Yuanmou people of this tribe have learned Chinese. Wouldn't it be much more convenient for you to communicate? Otherwise, Miss Zhou wouldn't understand what your ancestors said..."


Professor Gu Nian, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: Ms. Zhou, why not give it a try, starting with the simplest words.

Professor Gu was also curious and left a message in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

According to historical research, the Heidelberg man 700,000 years ago already possessed mature pronunciation organs, but they did not speak until Homo sapiens appeared 300,000 years ago.

Yuanmou Man, 1.7 million years ago, had only two tooth fossils to determine whether the vocal organs were mature.

That's why Professor Gu suggested that the anchor sister Zhou try to teach these Yuanmou people to speak,

"Especially the leader of the Yuanmou people, he has a very high IQ and a strong learning ability."

Professor Gu said again.

Li Changbai's performance of "drilling wood to make fire" allowed this expert professor who has studied the history of ancient humans for 50 years to see signs of the evolution of late Homo erectus to Homo sapiens.

The Yuanmou Man transformed by Li Changbai is closer to Homo sapiens, closer to modern humans!

"Oh, well, I'll try it."

On the screen, Sister Zhou nodded dully, accepting this seemingly absurd suggestion.

People in Yuanmou can speak Chinese?

How is this possible!

Sister Zhou obviously didn't believe it.

Not only Miss Zhou, even the foreigners watching the global live broadcast don’t believe it,

Now that I have the opportunity, I will naturally not forget to sneer:

"My Uncle is a linguist at Harvard University. He told me that it is impossible for Yuanmou people to speak. Chinese people are too stupid!"

"If you want prehistoric savages to learn Chinese, only God can do it?"

"Xiba, Chinese is the cultural heritage of our kimchi country, you are not allowed to use it!"

"The Chinese people are a bit funny, how could a monkey talk? Hahaha, stupid Chinese people!"


Ran goose,

At this moment, Huaxia netizens rarely quarreled with these stinky white pigs,

Instead, he opened his eyes wide and stared at the screen in the live broadcast room.

Looking forward to sister Zhou, spreading the ancient Chinese in the older and more distant prehistoric era...

Zhou Shuyi straightened the mobile phone holder and pointed the camera at Li Changbai,

Then said softly:

"Brother Yuanmou, do you want me to teach you how to speak?"

That pair of smart and beautiful eyes looked at Li Changbai.

Sister Zhou decided to start teaching from the boss of Yuanmou who has a strong learning ability and a super high IQ.


Li Changbai stretched out his hand and drove away the noisy Yuanmou tribe around him.

"Hey, what are you doing driving them away, you must stay and learn!"

"Anchor, keep them!"

"Forget it, let's teach the head of Yuanmou first. This is the smartest. If he has learned it, he is afraid that other Yuanmou people will not be able to learn it?"


Because Li Changbai traveled through Yuanmou people, he communicated with Sister Zhou in the language of Yuanmou people, and there was obviously a hindrance between the two of them communicating.

It would be a good thing if the two can communicate smoothly by learning Chinese again.

Li Changbai blinked and nodded.

"Great, let's get started!"

"Teaching you to speak Chinese is the reward for treating me to dinner!"

Sister Zhou said with a smile.

But then, she was in trouble again.

She Zhou Shuyi is just an anchor, not a Chinese teacher, how can she teach "students"?

"Zhou Shuyi, aren't you usually good at talking? Why are you dumb now? Hurry up and show your demeanor like the first sister of the fish!"

"Sister Zhou, whatever you say is the best, just say what you say!"


"What's the best way to say..."

After thinking about it for a while, Sister Zhou suddenly realized:

"That's it!"

She faced Li Changbai directly, opened her lips slightly, and a word came out:

"Follow me and read..."


Water friend: ...

Professor Gu: ...

General Lin Weihai: ...

All Chinese people: ...

Li Changbai's face is full of black lines, this quintessence of Chinese culture is indeed the style of her anchor Zhou Shuyi Zhou!

"Hey Zhou Shuyi, can you be more serious, there are so many people watching!"

"Sister Zhou, be serious. Do you know how many people are watching your live broadcast? 5 billion people in the world!"

"Grandma, let me accept your nature first, and now you represent the whole of China, and accept the quintessence of China first..."

The water friends in the live broadcast room turned green when they heard Sister Zhou's words.

Although, they have watched too much of Sister Zhou's live broadcast, and they are also used to Sister Zhou being so bohemian, opening her mouth is the quintessential heroic personality,

But this is a global broadcast, you, Zhou Shuyin, have to give Hua Natsuki a positive image!

"I know, I know, I know~"

"I'm serious."

Zhou Da's anchor was not in a good mood.

"Look at me," she said to Li Changbai with her slender index finger pointing at her own lips.

"Follow me and read,"


It seems that some magic is at work, Li Changbai, who could only make a sound of "huhu~",

The lips parted slightly, and a word popped out:


"I rely on it!"

"Is this okay?"

"Our Yuanmou people's ancestor is too lazy, isn't it? He can really talk!"

"This Yuanmou leader's ability to learn and imitate is truly unique."

"Although his vocal organs are immature, they are at least complete." Even Professor Gu couldn't help nodding his head in approval.

Hearing this "oh", sister Zhou was also very surprised.

She didn't expect... the ancestor of the Yuanmou people who lived 1.7 million years ago could actually speak!

Although the tone of voice is not accurate, as long as you can speak, you can correct it if you can learn to speak!

Thinking of this, Sister Zhou strikes while the iron is hot:

"Follow me and read... me!"




"Why is it 'oh' again?"

Sister Zhou frowned, and then saw Yuanmou's throat trembling in front of her, a flash of light flashed in her mind,

She suddenly grabbed Li Changbai's big hairy hand and put it at her throat.

"Hey, hey, sister Zhou, what are you doing too much?"

"Damn it, this Yuanmou man took advantage of Miss Zhou, I'm not as good as a Yuanmou man!"

"This kid actually touched Miss Zhou, damn it!"


Li Changbai:? ? ?



[ps: Sister Zhou has joined the Yuanmou People's Family, and a new live broadcast project is about to start! Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all data, thank you ~]

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