I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 422 Discover A New Continent! The Ancient Greek Primitives Used Fire Dictionaries For The Fi

Seeing what the fans said, Zhou Shuyi smiled and nodded, "Yes, you are right, as long as the Huozhangzi used by Brother Pangu and I are gone, we will use Chaoyang's method .”

Chaoyang's stomach was a little hungry. After turning the wood for a while, he felt that he couldn't turn it anymore. After rubbing his stomach, he wanted to continue turning the wood.

Otherwise, there would be no way to light the fire for a while, seeing that he was still busy, Li Changbai felt a little distressed, and he wanted to tell him that they had a fire pocket.

"Chaoyang, don't be too busy. I have a torch in my hand. Just lightly blow on it to light a fire."

Chaoyang was very surprised, guess what Li Changbai said is true?

Seeing his distrust, Li Changbai wanted to give him a try.

He took the torch and put it to his mouth and blew on it. After a while, red sparks ignited in it.

Seeing sparks appearing there, Chaoyang was very happy, never thought that the thing in Li Changbai's hand would be so miraculous that it could ignite sparks.

He pointed to the dry wood over there, Li Changbai's things could ignite sparks, so they should go up and light the dry wood right away.

Li Changbai wants to tell Chaoyang that his method is also very good. This is the most primitive method of the ancients. If they run out of fire folders, they can use his method to get the source.

"Chaoyang, for the time being, we have fire pockets in our hands, so you don't have to be so tired. After our fire pockets are used up, we will use your method to get the fire source."

Li Changbai will use his method in the future, Chaoyang feels very happy, Li Changbai and the others returned to Ganchai, Li Changbai wants Chaoyang to try.

"I just blew lightly on Chaoyang, and sparks will rise here, now you try.

Li Changbai handed a fire zip to Chaoyang's hand, Chaoyang took the fire zip and blew it lightly.

Seeing the sparks blowing out from the fire pocket, Chaoyang was very happy and jumped up and down.

Seeing Chaoyang was so happy, Li Changbai said with a smile, "Hurry up and light the firewood, we have to prepare the ingredients in a while, the fans are waiting for us, we can't waste too long time."

...... Ask for flowers 00

Chaoyang nodded, took the torch to light the dry wood, and the fire started.

Li Changbai sat the pot on top, poured two bottles of settled water, put the curtain he made himself, and put the shell crabs on top.

Li Changbai covered the thin stone and sat there chatting with fans.

"Everyone, don't worry, our lunch will be ready in a while, and we can go to eat. After eating, we can continue to broadcast live for everyone."

Fans are not in a hurry, they can wait slowly, Chaoyang is sitting there staring at the high technology.

He thinks this thing is very magical, there seem to be many subtitles on it, some characters he knows, some characters he doesn't know, or a lot of words he doesn't know.

Seeing Chaoyang staring at the phone all the time, the fans kindly reminded him.

"Master First Ancestor, please tell Chaoyang to pay attention, don't always stare at the phone, otherwise his eyes will not be able to bear it.

"Yes, Lord First Ancestor, we are all zero for him."

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