I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 48 The True Branch Horned Deer Herd! Yuanmou People's Private Prairie!

Chapter 48 The True Branch Horned Deer Herd! Yuanmou people's private prairie!

Leaves wrapped golden poison dart frogs,

In front of Sister Zhou and other members of the Volcano tribe, Li Changbai operated carefully.

Sister Zhou watched this scene nervously, and subconsciously held her breath, for fear of accidentally making a movement that would scare the poisonous cutie in Li Changbai's hand.

But Miss Zhou was too worried.

Although the skin of poison dart frogs has poisonous glands, as long as there are no wounds on the hands, they will not be poisoned, only a rash.

Li Changbai took the leaves to catch, just in case.

Although he has a body of steel, it's just that his physical body is stronger, which doesn't mean he's invulnerable.

Whenever there is a small wound on his hand, he will also be poisoned.

Under the careful operation of Li Changbai,

The dozen or so arrows on his quiver were all smeared with golden dart poison frog poison.

"Hoo hoo!"

Li Changbai signaled to the tribal people,

Let them drop the quiver behind their backs,

Li Changbai caught several poison dart frogs with leaves, poisoned their bows and arrows one by one, and poisoned their spears.

After 5 or 6 poisonous frogs were consumed, the batch of bows, arrows and spears were finally poisoned.

"Hoo hoo."

Li Changbai greeted the tribe, and led sister Zhou and others into the rainforest and headed for the grassland.

Although the golden poison dart frog was born 40 million years ago,

But after experiencing these tens of millions of reproductions, the number is getting smaller and smaller.

In the prehistoric continent of 9.6 million square kilometers in China, which is also the tropical rainforest where the Li Changbai volcanic tribe is located, there is a small group of prehistoric poison dart frogs.

Other groups of golden poison dart frogs are mostly distributed in the American plate, far away.

Therefore, Li Changbai just scratched the skin of these highly poisonous little creatures with stone arrowheads without harming them, so that they can be reused next time.

"The Encyclopedia of Wilderness Survival explains that the prey poisoned by the poison dart frog must be thoroughly roasted before it can be eaten."

Li Changbai pondered.

Although his field survival experience is weak,

But it is not impossible to see that these brightly colored and unusually small frogs are highly poisonous prehistoric poison dart frogs.

What he lacked was that he couldn't be sure whether the poisonous frog toxin was harmful to the human body.

But looking through the memory fragments in the encyclopedia, Li Changbai felt relieved knowing that high temperature can kill the golden poison dart frog toxin.


A group of people trek along the deep forest,

about 1 hour,

Zhou Shuyi only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, and his vision was vast and boundless.

"Guys, we're here!"

"This is the private prairie of the ancestors of our Yuanmou people!"

Sister Zhou pointed to the grassland with lush yellow grass not far ahead, and shouted to the live broadcast room.

"Is this the prehistoric grassland? It looks the same as the Hulun Bell Prairie except for the lush grass..."

"Why is the grass all yellow? It feels like I've come to Africa. Don't we have a lot of rain in China? These grasses are all yellow and yellow..."

"According to the season, the time our ancestor lived in was at the end of midsummer, and it's almost early autumn, right?"

"I have everything except grass. Where's the prey?"

"By the way, what is it like for primitive people to hunt? Are they rushing up in a swarm?"


In the live broadcast room, countless water friends chattered and looked at everything on the grassland curiously.

Sister Zhou held up the live broadcast room, looking very excited.


What a fun thing to do!

And what a prehistoric hunt,

Don't be too fun!

Zhou Shuyi was very playful, holding up the selfie stick, letting the camera scan the grassland in all directions.

But apart from the tall prehistoric weeds, no other creatures were seen.

Li Changbai did not stop Sister Zhou from communicating with friends in the live broadcast room with a loud voice,

Now it's only on the outskirts of the grassland, so it's okay for Zhou Shuyi to take pictures of the surrounding scenery.

The other Yuanmou people were a little angry. Seeing this hairless woman holding strange things and talking nonsense, she couldn't help but get a little angry. They all showed fierce faces, showing the wildness of primitive people.

Savage game is alert,

Usually they hunted cautiously, crawled forward, covered their bodies with the grassland, lurked in front of the branch-horned deer, and then smashed the prey with stone axes to kill the prey, completing the hunting process.

Although they now have bows and arrows, these Yuanmou people still maintain their original hunting consciousness.

"Hoo hoo."

Li Changbai issued a warning, telling the tribal people not to care about Zhou Shuyi.

Now that he has a bow and arrow in hand, hunting in this prehistoric grassland is a sure thing!

After the leader spoke, the rest of the Yuanmou people didn't have much to say, and they returned to their original calm state. They drew out their bows, arrows and spears one after another, looking at the grassland, a little eager to try.

They are prehistoric primitive people with a hunting instinct flowing in their bones!

"Follow up."

Li Changbai's sense of language is much better now, and he can communicate with Zhou Shuyi in a simple way.

Of course, these words are all taught by Zhou Shuyi,

Even if the language ability of modern people is restored, he will keep his mouth shut,

Do more, talk less.

Li Changbai gestured, and his sister Zhou and the tribe followed behind him.

A group of people marched deep into the grassland.

didn't go very far,

A herd of deer appeared ahead.

"It's the extinct true branch horned deer! There are so many of them?!"

"With so many deer, sister Zhou and the old ancestor are going to get rich!"

"It's better to be a prehistoric grassland. There are fewer people and more prey. It's not like the modern grassland, which has been eaten up by humans..."

"Like North American passenger pigeons?"



[ps: Today's update starts, guaranteed bottom five, please collect, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the God of Wealth will come to your door, I wish readers a lot of red envelopes and riches in the new year! Thank you thank you~]

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