I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 72 Eagle Sauce Foreigner: This Chinese Savage Is The God Of Creation!

Chapter 72 Eagle sauce foreigner: This Chinese savage is the god of creation!

on the screen,

Li Changbai rubbing bamboo sticks,

The "X-shaped" pine pieces bound to the bamboo sticks are like a fan, blowing the wind whistlingly, the flames swaying, and sparks splashing everywhere.

This is a simple blower,

Not yet formed.

But enough to shock the world!

Living 1.7 million years ago, the wisdom of Huaxia·Yuanmou people radiates its dazzling light at this moment!

All Chinese people are very excited,

Cheers and admiration for the creative wisdom of the ancestors of Yuanmou people!

ran goose,

This simple "blower" is just a prototype!

In the astonished eyes of the anchor sister Zhou, Li Changbai poured the clay into the water and began to knead the clay.

The reddish-brown clay kept deforming in his hands and became very viscous.

Then, Li Changbai turned into a "Master of Clay" and started modeling the "Blower".

Sister Zhou held up a selfie stick and aimed the live camera at Li Changbai, becoming a prehistoric photographer. She held her breath and recorded this sacred moment of invention and creation.

The world's first blower will be born in the hands of the ancestor of Yuanmou people!

In the live broadcast room, Li Changbai made a "clay mold" in the shape of an eye with his big and flexible hands.

At the same time, hollow out the middle of "mud mold 217" to form a small circle.

It looks like a large version of the human eye.

It's also a bit like, an upside-down large version of the bicycle with a wide tail and a pointed front opening.


Li Changbai added clay to the opening and edges of the "clay mold" to increase the height,

Then, insert the wooden stick into the "mud mold" through the opening, and then cover it with a layer of clay.

In this way, after the clay mold dries, a "blower" shell with a hollow handle and a hollow bottom is obtained.

Li Changbai then placed a piece of bark on the ground, and used a stone ax to knock out a small point that could be rubbed against the top of the lift.

After doing all this, Li Changbai inserted the bamboo stick with the "x-shaped" bark into the "blower" shell,

Turn the casing upside down, pointing the pointed end at the fire.


He rubbed the wooden stick up and down, and the "blower" was formally formed at this moment.

Sister Zhou held a selfie stick in her hand and took a complete photo of Li Changbai's process of making the "blower".

Seeing that Li Changbai really made a blower out of clay, she opened her cherry mouth in surprise,

"This...is this blower?" (cafd)

Seeing this "blower" that looks like a gourd, Sister Zhou was surprised.


Li Changbai glanced at the little anchor and said in a deep voice.

"Can I? Then I'll try..."

Zhou Shuyi said excitedly.

Then, she put down her phone and pointed the camera at the "blower"

Zhou Shuyi's slender and tender jade hands repeatedly rubbed on the bamboo stick,

"Hoo hoo ~"

The pine bark blows the air, and the air is released through the "blower", blowing up the fire in front of you,

The greater the friction frequency, the faster the wind speed of the blower, and the more the fire burns.

"This blower really works!"

"Brother, you are too 6!"

Zhou Shuyi couldn't help but admire.

"Brothers, Big Brother Yuanmou Ren really made a blower, it's super practical!"

Sister Zhou's voice exploded in the live broadcast room.

"Really? This gourd-like thing is the blower?"

"My ancestors hung it up. With this blower, the temperature of the fire can reach more than 1,000 degrees, and pottery can be fired!"

"Old Ancestor 6, you are indeed the ancestor of our Chinese people. In terms of intelligence and creativity, they are all in the same line!

"Absolutely! In prehistoric times 1.7 million years ago, pottery tools were so advanced!"



Li Changbai followed suit,

Three more identical "blowers" were made to prepare for the next pottery making.

"East, west, north, south, and a blower is placed in each direction, which can ensure that the temperature of the charcoal reaches more than 1,000 degrees.

Li Changbai finished the fourth "blower", put it aside to dry, and then meditated.

at the same time,

Foreigners who watched the live broadcast around the world also saw Li Changbai's process of making the "clay blower", and they were all surprised from ear to ear.

"This savage's hands-on ability is too strong."

"Oh God, this Yuanmou man from China, is it the incarnation of the God of Creation?"

"This savage is so smart, he even knows how to make charcoal and blowers before making pottery.

"I don't know what his first pottery will be

Rarely, this time the foreigners did not sneer,

Instead, I was deeply impressed by Li Changbai's process of making "Charcoal" and "Blower".

They also have to admit that "Chinese people are indeed the most intelligent people in the world."

Their Chinese ancestors have already proved this with their strength!

Set the 4 blowers aside,

Li Changbai dug four trenches around the "fire pit",

Then align the air outlet of the blower with the fire pit,

And the top is covered with clay to form a closed environment to prevent the wind from running out.

In this way, the effect of the blower can be ensured to the greatest extent, so that the temperature of the charcoal is blown higher and higher.

"Clay", "blower" and "stove" are all ready.

Only charcoal remains.

after one night,

The white eyes on the kiln began to change color, and blue smoke came out.

Li Changbai hastily sealed the air intake (flare opening) with clay.

Then, spread a layer of wet clay on the kiln,

pour water into the kiln,

Then seal the kiln with clay.

two days later,

The temperature of the kiln dropped completely,

Li Changbai is ready to open the kiln.

"Brothers, after three days, Brother Yuanmou's local method of charcoal burning is finally coming to fruition!"

"Next...follow Sister Zhou's live broadcast, let us wait and see!"

Sister Zhou's excited noise came from the live broadcast room.

Then, the camera on the screen was aimed at the kiln that was no longer smoking.

The first batch of artificial charcoal on the earth...will be freshly baked soon!

Li Changbai is also a little excited at the moment,

He refined charcoal according to the method of "divine ceramic skills",

On the one hand, it is the fuel needed for pottery.

On the other hand, it is also a preparation for the future copper and iron smelting.

"Hoo hoo."

Taking the stone shovel handed over by the tribe, Ji Changbai excavated the prince.

Moments later,

A batch of black crystal-like charcoal came into view, and Li Changbai was delighted:

"It worked."

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