I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 82 Lost Civilization, The Source Of Chinese Myths And Legends!

Chapter 82 Lost civilization, the source of Chinese myths and legends!

"Brother, you will be called Pangu from now on!"

Zhou Shuyi blurted out.

Li Changbai had black lines all over his face.

After thinking about it with you for a long time, you gave me such a name?


"I can fucking open the sky!"

Li Changbai rolled his eyes in his heart,

How did he, a man from Yuanmou 1.7 million years ago, have something to do with the "Pangu opened the sky" in the Chinese mythology?

Li Changbai is very speechless,

But the expression on the surface is still the same, just pretending to be weird and saying:

"What is... what weird name?"

"Huh? Weird?"

Hearing this, Zhou Shuyi was slightly taken aback.

The moment I named Li Changbai just now,

From her time travel to this prehistoric world, to Li Changbai building a small garden villa,

From drilling wood to make fire, learning Chinese and subduing saber-toothed tigers... to making pottery and porcelain...

One thing after another passed through Zhou Shuyi's mind like a fleeting glance.

Everything that Li Changbai has done, to the prehistoric world, seems to be like the Pangu opening up the sky,


It was only Zhou Shuyi who thought of naming Li Changbai.

The mythical hero of China——Pangu!

"Isn't that a good name?"

"I think 940 sounds very nice... Pangu is our mythical hero in China. Legend has it that the world was in chaos, and a titan with an ax in his hand split the sky...

Sister Zhou told Li Changbai the story of the Chinese creation myth "Pangu opened the sky".


She realizes that something is not quite right!

"Pangu Pangu..."

"Are you Pangu?"

Zhou Shuyi said in surprise.

"Could it be that the story of "Pangu Kaitian" is about you?"

Zhou Shuyi opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Changbai in disbelief.


Li Changbai was dumbfounded.

"What am I Pangu'?"

"Isn't the name 'Pangu' the one you just picked?"

Li Changbai looked puzzled.


She saw Sister Zhou yelling into the live broadcast room:

"Brothers, do you think... Is there such a possibility that "Pangu Kaitian" is actually about Brother Yuanmou Ren?"

"Nani! What are you talking about, anchor?"

""Pangu Kaitian" tells (cach) our ancient Chinese myths and legends, how could it be related to Yuanmou people 1.7 million years ago?"

"That's a mythical story. Our ancestors are mortals, so there is no difference between horses and cows!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were very puzzled, and they didn't understand what kind of nerves Zhou Da anchor was having.

"Anchor Zhou, do you suspect that the hand of the Dragon Kingdom... is the source of the story of Pan Gu opening up the sky?"

It was Professor Gu Nian who was profound and witty, explaining Zhou Shuyi's thoughts to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Professor Gu, yes yes yes!"

"That's right, that's what I mean!"

On the screen of the live broadcast room, Ms. Zhou nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Brothers, think about it, Brother Yuanmou Ren drew a dragon on the ground, determined the source of the dragon totem, and then established the Dragon Kingdom, and then...

After a pause, sister Zhou said again:

"Then, I named him 'Pangu'

"Does that mean that 'Pangu opened the sky'... is actually telling his story?"

after all

Myths are myths, such as Pangu, Nuwa, Gonggong, the god of water, Zhurong, the god of fire, etc. These gods are all heavenly gods with extraordinary abilities to move mountains and fill seas,


Whether prehistoric or modern, it is a real society.

Myths, myths and legends, gods... are actually all fabricated by the people of the time,

Using unofficial legends to imagine, thus producing this romantic legendary story.

The story "Pangu Opens the Sky" tells the story of a man named "Pangu", who split the chaos with an axe. When the chaos was first opened, one became the sky and the other became the earth. The heaven and the earth were formed, and Pangu also collapsed from exhaustion. The moment he fell down, his body changed: the breath he exhaled turned into wind and clouds; ;The skin becomes the earth, the blood becomes the endless river; the sweat becomes the rain and dew...

How did this Chinese legend about "Pangu Kaitian" come about?

And who is it based on?

Among them... it's mind-boggling.


Zhou Shuyi gave Li Changbai the name "Pangu", and then thought of the Chinese legend "Pangu Opens the Sky", his brain was like a split of lightning, and then he expressed his idea in the live broadcast room.

"Professor Gu Nian, our big brother from Yuanmou, he...he is really Pangu, right?"

Zhou Shuyi glanced at Li Changbai, and then said in the live broadcast room with a look of surprise:

"Anchor Zhou, your statement is very likely!"

Professor Gu Nian said firmly, with excitement in his voice.

"According to the current literature, we can't identify who said "Pangu Kaitian", a legend that has been passed down in China for 5,000 years, and whether it is a fiction. Whose story is it recorded...

"The legend of Pangu predates China's first dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, and all history before the Xia Dynasty has been lost."

"Therefore, there is no way to verify that lost civilization now!"

"We, the ancestor of the Yuanmou people, ruled the surrounding tribes and established a new Chinese dynasty, Dragon Kingdom!"

"However... this period of history is not recorded in our country's documents..."

"Therefore... I think that the character Pan Gu came from the lost civilization before the Xia Dynasty, most likely from the Dragon Kingdom established by the ancestor in the live broadcast room!"

Professor Gu Nian became more and more excited as he spoke, his neck was flushed red from the intense emotion.

"So many history books...don't mention the ancient civilization of 'Dragon Kingdom'..."

"I didn't expect...it's right in front of me now!"

Professor Gu Nian looked at the majestic Yuanmou man in the live broadcast room, and then murmured repeatedly.

In the live broadcast room, this Yuanmou man conquered countless tribes and established a new ancient civilization,

Moreover, he also built a luxurious and luxurious palace for himself,

And all this,

It's just this ancient civilization called "Dragon Kingdom"...

tip of the iceberg!.

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