I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 87 Megatron! The First Of The Top Ten Artifacts In Ancient Times, Xuanyuan Sword!

Chapter 87 Megatron the world! The first of the top ten ancient artifacts, Xuanyuan Sword!

Thousands of live broadcast rooms around the world,

It's being broadcast live.

When the water friends in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room saw the dragon king walking towards the clay, someone suddenly exclaimed:


"Could it be that the ancestors planned to use the 'fan casting method' to smelt bronze wares?"

The person who spoke was a postdoctoral associate researcher at the Shanghai Museum.

"Comrade researcher, what's the name 'Fan Zhufa'?"

The water friends racked their brains, and they were all puzzled by the researcher's message.


It's not their fault either,

After all, the term "bronze smelting" can only be understood by researchers like cultural relics and museums, as well as some ancient cultural relics and bronze ware lovers.

It is normal for ordinary people not to understand.

"There are actually many techniques for smelting bronze. The common ones are 'fan casting method', 'lost wax method', 'welding method', 'cold forging method' and so on."


The 'lost wax method' is to use beeswax, tallow and rosin to prepare wax liquid, pour it into the designed mold, and then place it in a high-temperature furnace for calcination. Because the temperature is too high, the wax liquid will melt and evaporate to dryness, so as to obtain the shaped product. Bronze utensils. "

"But the easiest... is the 'Fan Casting Method'. First use yellow clay to make the shape of the bronze ware, called 'Nei Fan' or 'mold'. Then use yellow clay to make clay blocks, splicing them on the shape The outer side of the "outer fan" is called "outer fan", and exquisite patterns are engraved on the inner side of the "outer fan". Before calcination, the "outer fan" and the "inner fan" are combined, and then the molten copper is poured in the previously reserved casting port. Wait for it to cool and dry.......Break the "outer mold" and "inner mold" to get a well-shaped bronze ware. "

This researcher at Shanghai Museum, who graduated from Fudan University, explains 800 very professionally.

In the live broadcast room, the two techniques of smelting bronze ware were explained in detail for the water friends.

"The casting materials prepared by the ancestors of the Yuanmou Man did not include beeswax, butter, etc., and he used a large amount of 'yellow mud', that is, 'clay' to make 'inner molds'." Obviously, he planned to use the 'fan casting method to make bronzes!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room listened to the words of the associate researcher, as if they were in the clouds,

These professional knowledge about smelting bronzes are really hard to understand.

"Why didn't the ancestors of the Yuanmou people use the beeswax method? The wax liquid can be melted at high temperature. Isn't this more convenient than the 'fan casting method'?"

In the live broadcast room, some water friends raised doubts.

As soon as the man finished speaking, a hoarse old voice suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room:

"Thanks to Dr. Chen Shengjun from the Shanghai Metropolitan Museum for popularizing science for us. His introduction about the 'fan casting method' used by our ancestors to make bronzes is very clear and comprehensive, but the comrades in the live broadcast room..."

"Think carefully about the era in which your ancestors lived, when was it

"That is the prehistoric world, where are these beeswax and butter materials found?"

"Just like our ancestors used clay to make porcelain, this "fan casting method" is actually the best smelting method that our ancestors could think of!"

"Also, you need to know that the ancestor of the Yuanmou people lived 1.7 million years ago, and he was the first person to use the bronze smelting technique Fan Zhufa!"

"This method of casting bronze ware is his unique invention and creation, which is 1.69 million years earlier than the people in Central Asia six thousand years ago!"

Professor Gu Nian is obviously also immersed in the craftsmanship of bronze utensils, and helped associate researcher Chen Shengjun explain to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Hearing Professor Gu Nian's popular science explanation, the water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly realized,

"The ancestor of the Yuanmou people is so obsessed? How did his brain grow, and now he has learned to invent the craft of smelting bronze!"

"This is too amazing. Our Chinese bronze casting skills are more than one million years ahead of the world!"

"Brothers, what do you think... what will be the first bronze ware of the ancestors?"

Just as the water friends invented the "Fan Zhu Method" bronze smelting process for the ancestors of the Yuanmou people, Sister Zhou's cold noise was transmitted to the live broadcast room.

She raised a crucial question.

The first piece!

What will be the first bronze ware cast by the emperor of the Ancient Dragon Kingdom...?

As soon as Sister Zhou's words came out, the live broadcast suddenly fell silent and fell into silence.

Then, it slowly became lively:

"The ancestor's first bronze ware, I guess it was a tripod!"

"The bronze tripod is big and beautiful, and the patterns are beautiful. The ancestor must be the first to choose this!"

"I guess it's a bronze wine bottle. It's the most suitable for the ancestors to drink water from!"

"Are you deep in the well? That bronze wine bottle is for drinking, goddamn drinking water!"

In the live broadcast room, the water friends were discussing in one go, and the noise was everywhere.

Whether it's them, Professor Gu Nian, Associate Researcher Chen Shengjun, or even Miss Zhou...


Looking forward to the king of this ancient civilization,

What will be the first bronze?!!

Li Changbai didn't know about Sister Zhou's live broadcast room, because he was going to cast the first bronze ware, and there was a lot of quarrel,

"Hey! The popularity value has increased!"

But he noticed one thing, because the popularity of "bronze wares" keeps rising,

There are more and more viewers pouring into Sister Zhou's live broadcast room, and even the global live broadcast room,

These netizens are all watching this Yuanmou man, the ancestor of China, who cast bronzes 1.7 million years ago!

It can be said,

Li Changbai's bronze smelting this time can be said to be highly anticipated!

Although Li Changbai knew that the popularity of Sister Zhou's live broadcast room was skyrocketing,

But his most important task at present is to cast the bronze ware, so he ignored the soaring popularity.

"Start with the simplest casting, let's make the big bronze sword!"

Li Changbai wet the clay, and then began to work with the tribesmen to make mud.

"Get the model out first..."

"The length of the sword body (cabj) is 96cm, the length of the sword body is 66cm, and the length of the hilt is 25cm..."

"One side of the sword is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers, grass and trees, and the hilt is made of farming and animal husbandry...

Li Changbai visualized the bronze sword in his mind.


Use the clay on hand to make "mud molds".

This is the first step in "bronze smelting", which is called "molding".

"It's done."

Li Changbai was overjoyed when he saw the lifelike clay "sword model" in his hand.

But this does not mean that the casting of bronze swords is over.

on the contrary,

This is just the beginning.

"Is this a...sword?"

Holding up her mobile phone, Zhou Shuyi, who recorded the live broadcast for Li Changbai, said in surprise.

"Brothers, the first bronze ware made by this big brother is... a sword!"

"It turned out to be a sword...

"But it's normal. The ancestor of the Yuanmou people is now the king of the Dragon Kingdom, the majestic master of a country, and uses stone axes to bow and arrow like ordinary soldiers? That's a bit out of character!"

"The Great Bronze Sword! The First Ancestor is going to make a Great Bronze Sword!"

"Are you saying that there is no end to the sword? What are you talking about with the big sword?"

"Brother dei, why is it called the Great Sword?"


Li Changbai dried the "sword model" under the hot sun,

Then, take out the grease from the toothed pig, spread it on the dried clay "sword mold", cover the "sword mold" with clay thicker than a palm, and press it hard, so that the "sword mold" The patterns of "sun, moon, stars" and "mountains, rivers, plants and trees" are all printed on the clay.

Then, when the clay is half dry and thick, it is removed from the "sword mold" and modified to make the pattern more beautiful, and then placed aside to dry.

"This second step, 'Fanfan' is ready!"

Li Changbai glanced at the clay taken out from the "Sword Model".

"Hoo hoo!"

He ordered the Yuanmou people to start burning the fire.

First dig a hole on the ground, then pinch clay around it to form a furnace, and then put the "blower" in from four directions,

Finally add the charcoal and start making the fire.

This operation is exactly the same as when making pottery.

"This ancestor is too professional in casting bronze ware. He pours the film and fires it...how on earth did he invent and create this casting method?"

"The old ancestor's method......... is simple, more professional than me pouring film on the cup!"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"


The water friends in the live broadcast room saw Li Changbai's rigorous film pouring process, and were amazed by his miraculous and proficient techniques.

"The pattern on the clay sword model is absolutely perfect, isn't my ancestor still a painter?"

"The painting on it seems to be the sun, moon and stars, as well as flowers and trees... It's too vivid!"

"This sword.....Why does it look familiar..."

In the stove, the charcoal was burning vigorously.

In each of the four directions, there is a man from Yuanmou cleaning the blower.

Looking at the red charcoal, feeling the heat from inside,

Li Changbai nodded with satisfaction,

"The temperature has exceeded 1000 degrees, and it has been fired into pottery."

The clay cut from the "sword model" is clamped with wooden sticks, and Li Changbai puts it into a furnace with a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees to burn it.


Li Changbai scraped off a layer of the original clay model from the outside, and used it as an "inner model".

Then take out the burnt "pottery mold", wait for it to cool down, and then let it surround the "inner mold" and close it together as the "outer mold" of the cast "bronze sword".

After doing all this, Li Changbai ordered his subordinates to bring thin rattan to bind and paste it tightly with mud to prevent cracking.

The gap between the "inner mold" and "outer mold" is used to cast molten copper.

"Hoo hoo!"

Put "combined" aside,

Li Changbai started to make "copper-tin alloy",

Using the principle of "fire method to make copper",

Li Changbai burns copper ore and tin ore in a blower furnace to obtain raw copper containing tin.

Then increase the temperature of the fire to turn it into "copper sweat".

Then, the "copper juice" is poured into the "combined fan" from the spout.

cool down,

Breaking the "Outside Model"

take out.

"It's done!"

In the astonished eyes of countless people in the live broadcast room,

Li Changbai held up a bronze sword, raised his arms and shouted. .

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