I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 98 According To The Ancient And Lost Legend, There Are Nine Tripods In Kyushu, And One Tripo

Chapter 98 The ancient and lost legend, there are nine tripods in Kyushu, and one tripod towns one state!

The tripod has not yet been made,

The academician professor has gone crazy!

Su Bingqi opened his eyes wide, with a dull expression, as if his soul had been hit hard.

On the "tripod body", he smelled a familiar smell from the lines carved by Li Changbai.


They are all familiar to him...

China's mountains and rivers terrain!

Su Bingqi has studied bronze artifacts for more than 60 years,

In the early years, in order to ensure the authenticity of scientific research results and the rigor of scientific research data,

He often goes to various places in China to study and conduct on-the-spot visits.

This walk has gone for more than 60 years.

This walk is to walk all over the 9.6 million square kilometers of Huaxia rivers and mountains.

Freezing Mohe, Penghu Islands, Potala Palace, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes...

Those mountains, rivers and rivers...all left the footprints of the world's first archaeologist.

and today,

"Ding Mould" made by Li Changbai,

first tripod,

The third tripod,

seventh tripod,

Su Bingqi saw the familiar mountains and rivers.

"How can this be?"

"These tripods are actually covered with Chinese mountains and rivers?!!"

"How did he know about the ancestor of the Yuanmou people? No! He knew!"

"He knows!! He ruled China!"

"These mountains and rivers in the provinces of China... must have been told by the leader of his tribe!"

Su Bingqi's neck was flushed, looking at Li Changbai who was carving patterns on the "mold" of the giant bronze tripod in the live broadcast room, he was very excited, like a madman pursuing academic truth!

A scientific madman!

no one will believe,

In various high-end academic occasions,

Under the lens of China Central Media and the flashlights of countless media at home and abroad, this respected archaeological giant who still maintains reason and elegance,

at this very moment,

I lost my composure because of the patterns carved by a Yuanmou man in the live broadcast room!,

gaffe.... madness...

Su Bingqi couldn't control his emotions at all,

but after a while,

He stared at the patterns carved on the "mold" of Li Changbai's second tripod body,

It was a "beast face pattern" that he had never seen before,

"Not 'Glutton' or 'Panlong', Qiongqi? Chaos?"

"No! Neither!"

Su Bingqi scratched his gray hair on his head, recalling the bronze patterns that he had spent more than 60 years researching.

He was surprised to find that,

He has studied Chinese bronzes for more than 60 years,

He saw more than ten thousand kinds of animal patterns engraved on bronze ware.

so much...so much...


Only the second "Ding Mo" carved by Li Changbai

But he didn't even recognize the "beast face pattern" on one of them.

Not to mention the "cauldron body" that is also printed with "beast face pattern" at the back.

"Could it be..."

"The ancestors of the Yuanmou people cast this time... a bronze tripod that I have never seen before?"

"Wrong, wrong, my research is wrong!"

Su Bingqi couldn't help laughing at himself.

he always thought,

1.7 million years ago, the Yuanmou emperor who ruled China would cast the "Simuwu Ding", no, the "Longyan Ding" is a huge rusty giant preserved after millions of years of baptism. tripod.

but now,

Archaeologists around the world...he was wrong!

What Li Changbai is casting now is something he has never seen before!


It surpassed the cognition of the first academician of archaeology!

If even Su Bingqi doesn't know these giant bronze tripods,

I don't even know the "beast face pattern" on the "cauldron body",


With a population of 1.4 billion in China, who else can know it?


Who else can recognize this blue planet with a population of 7.5 billion?


The academic spirit of Su Bingqi, an old academician, is—never give up!

as long as there is a glimmer of hope,

found a clue,

He will never give up!

He must find out the answer!

The phone was blown by him,

Professor Gu Nian of Jinling University, Professor Wang Chunfa of the Huaxia National Museum, President Xia Sheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director Xing He of the National Palace Museum in Taipei...

The phone calls of these top palaeontological and archaeological experts in the country were all blown up by him.


all ignorant,

Can't recognize them all!

Su Bingqi does not give up,

I also made overseas phone calls and sent faxes to old friends from top overseas universities...

But without exception, it is said that these tripods are not the kind of "Simuwu tripod",

None of them had seen it.

However, just as Su Bingqi was on his way to despair, a Chinese scholar at Columbia University suggested to him,

You can try to start with the mountains and rivers on the "tripod body"...

Find the provinces where those mountains and rivers are located,

Perhaps the secrets of these huge bronze tripods cast by the Yuanmou people can be revealed.

Su Bingqi had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he slapped his head:

"Damn it! How did I not think of that?"


This fanatical bronze ware "scientific lunatic" took pictures of the "tripod body" terrain, mountains and river patterns carved by Li Changbai one by one, and began to investigate.

Li Changbai didn't know the bronze tripod he made,

The pattern he engraved on the "Ding Mo" with reference to the patterns given in the "999 Bronze Ware Design Drawings" will drive an archeology and dean of Qingbei University into a state of madness

I am eager to find out the truth and find out the "true face of Mount Lu" of these bronze tripods.

"The painting is so-so, just look at it.

After Li Changbai made the eighth tripod,

And carved patterns on the "tripod body",

It's just that the pattern this time is a bit strange,

It is neither the ferocious-looking "beast face pattern" nor China's "landscape pattern"

but a……….

how to say?

looks like a person,

A god with supernatural powers.

The god...is holding the sky up with his hands,

The boundless sky...... seems to be stretched by her!

If someone stands in front of this "cauldron body", look carefully at this "spirit"

He may be surprised to find,

This "god" appears to be alive!

"Brother Pangu, why don't you continue to draw?"

Zhou Shuyi came up and looked at Ji Changbai in front of "Zhou Mo" a little strangely.



She saw the "Picture of Gods Supporting the Sky",


Zhou Shuyi only felt her brain bursting suddenly,

A majestic oppressive aura... blows towards the face.

"This... what is this?"

Zhou Shuyi's face was pale,

The whole body was firmly suppressed by the coercion emanating from this "spirit map",

Can't move!

at this very moment,

This good-looking female anchor who has hundreds of millions of popularity in China,

In front of this "Gods Supporting the Sky Map",

But like a little chick,

like an ant,

As if the supreme god of the "cauldron body", as long as you open your eyes a little,

It can make her Zhou Shuyi completely suffocate to death and cut off her vitality!

"Cough cough cough..."


The strong sense of oppression disappeared,

Zhou Shuyi's whole body suddenly relaxed,

"Cough cough cough..."

The oppressive feeling disappeared suddenly, causing anchor Zhou Da to cough suddenly and sharply.

"Could it be...an illusion again?"

Zhou Shuyi plucked up her courage, and looked at the pattern on the body of the eighth mouth "Ding Mo" again,

The gods were still supporting the sky, but there was no sense of majestic oppression that rushed towards her and wanted to suffocate her to death.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Zhou Shuyi's face was pale, and she looked up at Li Changbai with a strange expression.

"This big brother Pangu...why can he draw such a terrifying portrait?"

"How the hell did he do it?"

Zhou Shuyi was puzzled and troubled, but she didn't dare to ask Li Changbai.

Because of the "Brother Pangu" in her mouth,

The ninth giant cauldron is being fabricated!

"Brothers, I almost died just now!"

Zhou Shuyi calmed down a bit, and said in the live broadcast room out of breath.

"Ah? What's wrong with you, anchor?"

"Sister Zhou, are you okay? I just let you broadcast live, don't be so pretentious?"

"Stay away from the stove, and don't get close to it, so as not to catch the fire on your body and burn yourself."

The water friends in the live broadcast room thought that Zhou Shuyi was invested in the bronze tripod made by the ancestor of the Yuanmou people in the live broadcast, and reminded her to pay attention to safety.

"That's not it!"

Zhou Shuyi was annoyed, and then said angrily:

"Have you seen the eighth tripod made by Brother Pangu?"

"I'm telling you...don't look at the pattern on the 'cauldron body'!"

"Please do not!!!"

Zhou Shuyi roared in the live broadcast room with a voice almost roaring.

"Zhou Shuyi, are you crazy? Isn't it just a pattern? What's the big deal?"

Some water friends do not believe in evil, and they speak hard.

"Am I crazy? Are you sure?" Zhou Shuyi was furious,

"That's right, sister Zhou, it's just the pattern on the bronze ware. Besides, this is just a 'cauldron mold', it hasn't been cast yet, so the pattern must not be drawn very well.

"Oh, is it so?"

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me.

0 for flowers...

Zhou Shuyi sneered,

In order not to affect the water friends in the live broadcast room, she specially changed the camera,

Now the water friends didn't take her warning seriously.

"Then you can experience it for yourself!"

Zhou Shuyi's voice was heard in the live broadcast room.

"This week's anchor is crazy, it's inexplicable..."

The word "wonderful" of the water friends has not yet been uttered,

I saw Sister Zhou re-changing the camera in the live broadcast room,

Then the screen moves,

It was fixed on the "Picture of Gods Supporting the Sky" on the eighth cauldron,




Countless people in China, after seeing this "Picture of Gods Supporting the Sky",

The whole person's brain is bewildered,

The majestic sense of oppression spread over the surface,

They... experienced the same death crisis as Sister Zhou did before!

Although, it's just a picture of the live camera,

It was far less intense than what Zhou Shuyi witnessed personally approaching,

But it's just this frozen picture of "Gods Supporting the Sky",

It is enough to make these more than one billion water friends... have a sense of crisis of death!

What a terrifying painting of a "tripod body" is this!

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Just like sister Zhou, these water friends who saw the painting of the gods,

wake up from hallucinations,

The sudden relaxation of the body and the disappearance of the suffocation made their throats itchy unbearably,

One after another, they coughed violently and violently.

"Cough cough cough... Zhou Shuyi, you tamde..."

"Anchor, you are such an old 6! You are too bad!"

"Little Zhou Zhou, I've been so kind to you, yet you let me see such horrible paintings!"

"What is that? Who is that person? Why is there such a terrifying coercion?"

"Could it be.........is this Kamui? It's just a picture, fuck!"

"Why... Yuanmou's ancestor standing in front of him doesn't affect him at all..."

"That's right! The First Ancestor just stood in front of this picture of the gods and admired it for 3 minutes, but he didn't see any of it!"

"Is this eighth tripod a tripod? It's the ninth tripod...does the ancestor want to keep making it?"

Zhou Shuyi also felt strange,

Just now

She clearly saw "Brother Pangu" standing in front of the "Picture of Gods Supporting the Sky",

But nothing happened.

not only nothing happened,

And laughing at the "Picture of Gods Supporting the Sky",

It seems that the picture is some proud work of his...

The more Zhou Shuyi thought about it, the more horrified she became, and her heart immediately trembled.

She suddenly expected something,

The "Gods supporting the sky map" is so scary,

Isn't it "Brother Pangu" who drew it by himself...



"Who is this big brother Yuanmouren?!!"

Li Changbai still doesn't know that the sweet-looking little anchor next to him, but with a small body and a short butt and a fierce chest, cares about him.

But Zhou Shuyi said something right,

The "Gods Supporting the Sky Map" had no effect on him at all.


Because he Li Changbai is the person of this tripod and this picture!


Even if she can support the sky,

Listen to Li Changbai too!


Li Changbai made the ninth tripod,

Also painted patterns on the "Ding body",

"It's another mountain terrain!"

Seeing the ninth tripod, Su Bingqi's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the pattern of the "cauldron body", and turned to check the information excitedly.

"Pretty good."

Li Changbai arranged this set of tripods one by one in the shape of "pin".

"Open the oven!"

"Firing pottery!"

"Hoo hoo!"

next steps,

Just like the previous production of "Xuanyuan Sword" and "Longguo Ding",

Making pottery fan......



Pour "copper juice" along the spout

Li Changbai did not forget to add "Ding Er" to this set of tripod

after one night,

Early the next morning.

Nine domineering and heavy bronze tripods,

"Product shape",

Appeared suddenly in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room,

Witnessed by 7.5 billion netizens around the world,

This nine-mouth cauldron...is the "sense of expectation" cast by Huaxia, the Emperor of Yuanmou!

at this time,

An almost crazy shout shocked the entire live broadcast room:

"Comrades, go hide and find out, the old man has found out...

"These big bronze tripods are the Kyushu tripod!"

(I wrote this chapter about Zhenshuang, there is another update, a little later, thank you readers for your support, please subscribe for thousands).

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