I Am Full Of Talent, It Is Very Simple To Fill In Next Time

Chapter 30 The Final Reunion, The Final Chapter Will Begin!

Chapter 30 The final reunion, the final chapter will begin!

Under the common witness of all the members of the Star-Moon Alliance.

Li Yueming brutally beat the mutated rat that Zhou Wuhai transformed into a meat paste with fist after fist.

After confirming that it really died completely.

Li Yueming heaved a sigh of relief.

Among the mutant creatures.

The giant rat's attack power is not strong.

The skill points for dominating one side are all on the rapid reproduction of tenacious life.


Even if Li Yueming crushed Zhou Wuhai and beat him violently.

It took a lot of effort to kill him completely.

In the bloody mess, Li Yueming stood up.

not far away.

Wang Fei, who came after hearing the news, has already prepared toiletries and new clothes for him.

Li Yueming waved his hand and said, "Send this corpse to the laboratory for safekeeping!"

Wang Fei nodded.

But the eyes that looked at Li Yueming were full of unstoppable admiration.

My own teacher is always a legend that people cannot look up to.

Just like the sun shining in the dark!


that's it.

A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Yueming is twenty-two years old.

The conflict between the Star-Moon Alliance and the mutant creatures has become more and more intense.

There were dozens of small-scale battles between the two sides along the mine transportation route and the hunting team route.

Both have losses.

As the breath of war became stronger and stronger.

The entire Star-Moon Alliance has also become more and more compact.

The civilian men who built the fortifications worked in round-the-clock shifts.

There are a lot of people who just don't feel like sleeping.

When you are tired, find a place to lie down for a while.

After waking up and eating something, we stepped up and devoted ourselves to construction.

These are voluntary organizations of the people.

In addition to regularly distributing food and checking progress, the Star-Moon Alliance.

There are hardly any overseers.

It's not that alliance members don't pay much attention to fortifications.

But the current Star-Moon Alliance is too busy.

Every member wishes to learn a clone technique and split himself in half.

There is really no extra manpower.

But even so.

Defense engineering is still advancing at a fairly rapid pace.

Under the uninterrupted work of tens of thousands of strong laborers.

A high wall rose from the ground.

The people spontaneously organized to maintain the stability of the construction site, and spontaneously checked whether the construction quality was qualified.

As long as any behavior of cutting corners is found, it will be immediately ordered to be rebuilt.

It is estimated that such a scene of united hearts can only appear at a specific moment like the present, which is about life and death.

For the sake of his wife and children and his own life.

No one dares to act carelessly.

And as the leader of the Star-Moon Alliance.

Naturally, Li Yueming has not been idle this year.

After killing Zhou Wuhai.

Li Yueming started research on mutated life cells.

In fact, he had tried this a long time ago.

But the conditions at that time were limited.

Therefore, no meaningful results have been obtained.

But now, the war is coming.

Although the entire Star-Moon Alliance has tried its best for this.

But Li Yueming knows.

Facing the endless tide of beasts.

Even if the star-moon alliance was wiped out with 100,000 people, there would be no chance of winning.

It's just a question of how long it lasts.

Li Yueming himself must find a breakthrough before the Star-Moon Alliance is breached.

Only humans have a chance to win!

this day.

Li Yueming walked out of the research room after a long absence.

Get rid of all guards.

I ran to the bathroom alone to wash up briefly.

Then he set off to find Li Xiyue, planning to take her home together.


The real home of the two has been abandoned forever in the gloomy and dark underground.

Cheap parents have already moved to the surface world.

Li Xiyue would find time to come back every ten days and half a month.

But Li Yueming has not been home for several years.

When I came to the home of the surface world.

A thin woman is drying earthworms in the small courtyard.

The moment I saw the two of them.

The earthworms in the woman's hand were scattered all over the ground.

He looked at Li Yueming several times with disbelief on his face.

After making sure that he did not admit the wrong person.

Only then did the tears fall down.

After holding Li Yueming's hand and rubbing it repeatedly for a while, he said in a trembling voice, "Baby, are you back?"

Li Yueming touched his nose.

compared to the past.

The woman has aged visibly.

Fortunately, the complexion on the face is not bad.

This also made Li Yueming feel less guilty in his heart.


Li Yueming said in an unnatural tone: "Today, I specially took some time to come back and have a meal with you!"

heard the words.

The woman took two steps back.

He looked Li Yueming up and down again.

After confirming that the person in front of him is really his son.

Only then broke through his tears and smiled: "Okay, okay, you guys wait at home for a while, I'll go and call the old man back!"

Now the entire Star-Moon Alliance is full of soldiers.

However, as Li Yueming's parents.

Even if the two old people lie down every day and don't work.

It is estimated that no one who is not open-eyed dares to find fault.

But cheap father thinks he can't help his son.

Therefore, I have to go to build fortifications with fellow villagers in the same pipeline.

The people on the side can't stop it.


in the evening.

Li Yueming's family of four sat at the dinner table after a long absence.

Looking at the handsome and heroic son in front of him.

Cheap Dad got up and went to the backyard to explore, and after a while, he came back with a jug of wine from the yard.

Since moving to the surface world.

The Star-Moon Alliance already has the ability to brew wine on a small scale.

But this thing is very strictly controlled.

I don't know where cheap daddy got it from.

Pour a glass of wine for Li Yueming.

Fill yourself another glass.

Picking up the wine glass and taking a sip, he said with emotion: "My baby has grown up!"

Li Yueming also took a drink from his glass.

But he didn't say anything.

Cheap Papa is usually not very smart.

But today I don't know why I am extra sober.

From beginning to end, I didn't ask anything, and I didn't say anything.

The father and son just drank one cup after another.

at last.

When you drink until you get a little confused.

The old man held Li Yueming's hand, smelled of alcohol, and said, "Baby, you are almost twenty-three this year, when are you going to find a wife?"


The thin and weak woman also said rightly, "Mom knows you are busy with work, so when you get married and have a grandson, bring it to us!"

hear this.

Li Yueming couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Looking at the entire Star-Moon Alliance, these two are probably the only ones who can mention this in front of him.

Others estimated that they wouldn't dare to say a word about this even if they had a hundred guts.


See big brother deflated.

Li Xiyue couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed.

Several people drank and ate food, and the atmosphere was very happy.

It seems to have briefly returned to a peaceful society where human beings could still dominate the world a long time ago.


Good times are always short.

into the night.

Li Yueming and Li Xiyue were about to leave.

After all, the entire Xingyue Alliance is now in a critical period of high-speed operation.

Both Li Yueming and Li Xiyue are the top decision-makers with absolute right to speak.

If things like this evaporate in the world, there will definitely be troubles over time.

But at this moment.

Daddy Cheap, who had already slept soundly, woke up suddenly.

He got up and stopped the two who were about to leave.

Although there is still drunkenness in the eyes.

But he still tried his best to enunciate clearly: "Children, just let go and do whatever you want, no matter what, this is your home, your mother and I... are proud of you two!"


The old man staggered back to the table.

After hiccupping, he lay down and continued to sleep soundly.

As if nothing happened just now.


(end of this chapter)

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