I Am God!

Chapter 158 Wishing and the Fairy with a Human Body

By the clear holy lake.

The leprechaun held hands with a little girl and invited her to board a hot air balloon.

She said that she wanted to fly to the sky and see what the temple surrounded by the sea of ​​clouds looked like.

Looking down from a height, the whole world becomes open.

Whether it is a lake, a holy mountain or a temple, it has become extremely small.

"The temple and the cities on the ground have become so small!"

The goblin gave the child a pair of binoculars, stretched them and put them in her hand.

"What's this?"

The child curiously held it in his hand and asked the fairy.

The goblin told her: "You can see things in the distance, and you can use it as an eye to explore the world."

The child is placed in front of the left eye and the other eye is closed.


"This is what I want, to be able to see so far."

The goblin can see inside every child, what they really want.


No matter how happy they are, the children will never remember the fairy after parting.

But the goblin doesn't care, as long as it can stay happy.

A wish containing the distance and the telescope floated out from the child's eyebrows, and together with Li's brand of divine magic, it fell into her divine blood.

Then, it turned into a beam of light.

This is also the last wish she gained on this trip.

The goblin's smock has been painted with dense prayers, and all the mythical blood has turned into the light of wishes, and there is only one last step left.

And this step can only be carried out by returning to the dream world.

"It's time to go back."

The goblin looked at the child running home by the lake from above the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, and the child kept looking into the distance with a telescope.

What kind of person is she imagining that the child will become in the future?

An explorer who ventures out of Hinnsay to explore the unknown?

Or a dreamer yearning for the sky?

"After I go back, will the wishes of the children become empty dreams?"

The goblin thought for a while, although she was the first goblin to find a wish, she was definitely not the last.

In the dream world, there are many companions like her.

"Will not!"

"My partners, like me, will embark on this road again to fulfill the wishes of the children."

The goblin laughed, and the hot air balloon flew higher and higher.

In the end, it disappeared into a dreamy starlight.

The balloon flew past a huge door, and the ship giant and the ferryman sat in front of the door and waved at her.

Dim shadows pass by in small boats, carrying the dreams of the dead through the gate that only opens a gap.


The goblin also responded to the ferryman, but the ferryman didn't speak, but just looked at her.

When she stepped into the temple, the god was not in the temple.

She saw God in the sea of ​​flowers outside.

The goblin called out to the figure in the depths of the cup of the sun: "God!"

God asked her, "How do you feel about going to the outside world this time?"

"Any ideas?"

The goblin thought for a while and replied: "The land is too barren, and there is only one race, the Sanye people."

God asked her, "Do you think it is a bad thing to have fewer races?"

The goblin shook his head: "I don't know either."

The goblin's eyes were full of doubts: "Is it because this world can only accommodate a few intelligent life forms, or is it because the Sanye people don't need so many competitors."

"But I feel it."

"This world is longing for the birth of more life, every race is a miracle."


The library is brightly lit.

Many goblins were flying up and down, and the administrator at the door was motionless as if he had fallen asleep.

The dream demon Xila leaned over her desk and concentrated all her energy on a pen, her eyes lost in thought.

Occasionally, with a flash of inspiration, the pen moved a few times to squeeze out a few words.

With such slow speed, I wrote less than a few lines a day.

Because the goblin is tired after writing a few lines, the goblin wants to rest.

But today is different, because this is the last page, the goblin is gritting her teeth and insisting.

When the last punctuation mark was drawn, the goblin's empty eyes lit up, like a light bulb being lit.


"I'm done, I'm done."

The goblin hugged her silk scroll, spun around with agile steps, and danced on the spot.

The golden smock swirls, emitting fluorescence.

The goblin finally finished writing his "Wishing Art", her joyful voice spread to every corner of the library, and all the goblins in the big library looked over together.

"Finished?" Goblin No. 1 was shocked.

"Finally finished." Goblin No. 2 sighed.

"Master Sheila has written the book!" Goblin No. 3 shuttled around every corner, shouting loudly to convey the shocking news.

"What? It's over?" More little heads popped up, dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, all the elves, big and small, in the country of fairies knew the news.

The fairy book has been written since she came back. Today she said that she would finish it tomorrow, and tomorrow she said that she would work hard the day after tomorrow.

The goblins looked forward to it one by one, and then went from looking forward to shrugging, to indifference.

Finally, all goblins think.

The writings that their Lord Sheila said may be stillborn.

No one thought that it was actually finished.

All the goblins poured into the great library, and welcomed Sheila at the door.

To this end, the Fairy Country held a grand celebration.

Sheila walked out of the big library holding the scroll proudly, so proud that she was about to fly into the sky.

She took the stage to give a speech, showing her writings to all the goblins.


"This is the book I wrote. It's called "Praying Technique."

All the fairies were cheering, and ribbons, snow powder, and colorful bubbles appeared under the sky of the fairy kingdom.

The goblins seemed to be crazy, yelling around Sheila.

This is the first book written by the goblins, and Sheila has become the most knowledgeable scholar of the goblin family and the only great writer who has published books.

There is only one scorpion cake.

She took the goblins to fly from the country of goblins to the land bestowed by the gods. The island of the land bestowed by the gods is her dream realm, where she will complete her final transformation.

The dream demon Xila landed on the sea of ​​sun flowers, and a large number of fairies flew around her.

"Let's all turn into light!"

The beam of wish light on the dream demon Xila's gown completely exploded, and she seemed to be transformed into a little sun.

The light fell on the sea of ​​sunflowers, on the city bestowed by the gods, and on the swamp of the ancestor fish.

Assimilate the entire field.

The divine blood, the memory, and the realm of dreams merged into one, and the goblin on the goblin began to transform under the golden light.

Fairies' clothes are not just clothes, but part of their body.


The garment becomes their mythical organ.

The characteristic of wisdom and power is spiritual power, the puppet incarnation of a spirit body possessed after breaking through the fourth level.

The characteristic of goblin power is the domain of dreams. After the goblin breaks through to the fourth level, all the power is integrated into the domain, and it can control everything in the domain.

Their memories, their mythical blood, their everything.

Sheila disappeared.

But then, an illusory shadow like a goddess of wind appeared in the sky.

Her body seems to be completely composed of wind, and only a rough outline can be seen.

She floated above the clouds, opened her mouth and breathed out the cool wind swaying the sea of ​​flowers.


The other elves were not afraid, but stretched out their faces to feel the wind.

The shadow dissipated and turned into a faint water goddess again.

It was a huge shadow made of water mist, stepping between the clouds.

The sky began to rain immediately.

In this realm, on this island of gods.

Dressed in mythical clothes, she can turn into wind and rain.

It can also be transformed into heavy snow.

Her entire body has been integrated into the domain, she is the island of the gods at this moment, and nothing can hurt her here.

Unless you can directly attack the origin of the goblin, or destroy this island of gods.

"La la la la!"

The goblins sang songs and chased Sheila who was transformed into wind, frost, rain and snow.

Finally, at the foot of the Pyramid Temple.

The Dream Demon Sheila reappeared.

The golden mythical clothes twirled and fell, and the bones and flesh in the clothes staggered out like weaving cloth, and the goblin turned into a tall "person", that's right, it was a person.

She has a tall figure like a goddess in mythology, long bright golden hair, and fair skin.

Bare feet fell from the air and stepped on the stone steps.

She has hands, feet and limbs, as well as a heartbeat.

This time, the goblin completely possessed the human body.

In other words, a body exactly like a god.

The brand-new Dream Demon Sheila and a large group of fairies climbed up to the Temple of God hand in hand, and came to the gate of the temple.

Yin Shen looked at her and laughed.

Say something.

"I live in your dreams."

The goblin knelt before the god on one knee: "The whole world and we are gods."

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