I Am God!

Chapter 217 See you in the next era

It is a ship that greets the god-made man, the legendary sacred ship.

It has rams like a giant's face and hangs a sleepy lamp.

The person who controls it is the body of the ferryman, not the created puppet clone.

The man made by God took a boat through the gate of the kingdom of gods, and headed all the way to the sun of the dream, watching the sun gradually turn into a giant golden cup.

The land bestowed by the gods floated on the cup of the gods, and huge bubbles like mountains fell down one by one below, and the endless light of wishes passed over the edge of the island.


"A perfect man made by God."

"The ultimate mystery of life."

At the edge of the Godsend, witch doctors await him.

The man made by God got off the boat and walked towards the pyramid along the path of the sea of ​​flowers.

The witch doctors could only stop under the pyramid, not daring to move forward.

The man made by God walked up to the temple step by step, and he came before Insai.

Inside the temple, the three supreme beings in this world, Insai, the mother of life, Sally, and the messenger of God, Sheila, are all waiting for him there.

The man created by God humbly knelt on the ground.

He has no will, he is just a prop, a prop created by God Insai.

Yin Shen looked at the man made by God. When he first created it, he only wanted to explore the power of life power, but he didn't expect so many stories to appear on it in the end.

But no matter how legendary a story is, it is just a story after all, destined to end one day.

Yin Shen took Sally's hand: "Sally!"

"This is the answer to life, you are the seed of wisdom."

"But we are going to the next era soon, let's leave everything to the next era!"

Yin Shen stretched out his hand.

Immediately, the figure of the man made by God melted away, and an endless sea of ​​blood spread, and a blood-red coat of arms rose and floated in the sea of ​​blood.

The coat of arms shows a man with outstretched arms, and the back is twisted head after head of Ruhe troll.

It exhausted the mythic power of all life, and it bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

at last.

into the palm of God.

Yin Shen took the coat of arms and pinned it on Sally's clothes as a badge.


Sally glanced down and could tell she didn't dislike the little toy.

After Yin Shen finished this matter, he said to the God's Messenger Sheila: "It's time to leave."

The meaning of this departure is different from the previous departure.

God Yin will leave this world completely, reach beyond everything again, and descend into the next era.

The messenger of God, Sheila, looked at God Yin, and then at the sea of ​​sunflowers under the pyramid, with reluctance and worry on her face.

Yin Shen knows her thoughts and worries without saying a word, and she is reluctant to part with the goblins.

"You want to take them with you!"

God's Messenger Sheila: "I can't bear them."

Yin Shen: "I will always say goodbye."

Sheila's eyes were full of reluctance: "But, even if you know this."

"It's still sad."

Yin Shen: "They are not myths."

"I am an existence beyond space and time, you are anchored by faith and my dreams, and Sally is an eternal life."

"We are not afraid of the erosion of time, we ignore the erosion of time."

"But they."

"After years of washing, maybe there is nothing after returning, and they are not the group of people you expected."

The messenger of God, Sheila, has her own countermeasures, or she has already thought about it.

"I can use the Cup of God and my Kingdom of Dreams as the carrier to make the goblins give up all their power and become spirits of prayer to blend into it."

"They will always live in my dreams from now on."

"Although they can no longer become myths, nor can they gain more powerful power, they can only become part of the kingdom of my dreams."

"But there is no better way."

Some people may think that it is cruel to deprive others of the opportunity and future of greater power, but Sheila thinks it is nothing.

"after all."

"Strength has never been our pursuit. Being able to play happily with friends is what we like most."

This method of the goblin, or a more obvious example.

If Sheila is a god who believes in becoming a god, the land bestowed by the gods is her kingdom of God, and the goblins have become petitioners in her kingdom of God.

The goblins are always attached to Sheila's power and live in her divine kingdom.

But this can't be done with the power of myth alone, it must be done with the help of the cup of God, the root artifact of dreams.

Even so, there are disadvantages.

Yin Shen pointed out the problem: "In this case, you will bear a huge burden."

"You may be affected by them, and it will be very troublesome for you to wake up in the next era."

Sheila, the messenger of God, smiled, and she looked at God.

"It doesn't matter."

"Just as God said."

"The most abundant thing we have is time."

The corner of Yin Shen's mouth also raised, the goblin really remembered everything he said.

In the kingdom of fairies, Sheila summoned all the fairies.

Tell them: "We are partners and I will never leave you behind."

Some of the goblins asked her: "Then we are going to the next era. Will there be goblins in the next era?"

Sheila said, "Of course there will be, but that's the goblin of the next age."

"You will be the ancient goblins, their ancestors."

The goblins were laughing and laughing, each with longing expressions on their faces.


"We're all ancestors."

"We are the best."

Some goblins also asked, "What will the next era be like?"

Sheila thought for a while, but she didn't know: "I don't know, but according to what God said, the world in the next era will be green, plants will cover the land, and there will be more life forms on land and sea. .”

"It's a thousand times more lively than it is now, ten thousand times."

The goblins cheered immediately, what they like most is excitement.

Sheila led the goblins to the edge of the land bestowed by the gods in a long line.

Sheila stood on the shore and fulfilled the wishes of the goblins one by one.

"I want the body of the protoss, the same as Lord Sheila's." After saying this, the goblin immediately transformed into a human child with light emitting from its body.

"I want the cutest face." The goblin made a wish and found that nothing had changed, because Sheila told it that its current face was the cutest.

"I don't just want the body of the gods, I also want a pair of wings." He penetrated the barrier of the land bestowed by the gods, first turned himself into light, and then turned into a human with wings.

"I...I...I want a balloon house, floating in the air forever." All the power in the goblin flew out, condensed a balloon house in the land bestowed by the gods, and brought it in.

One after another, the goblins integrated all their power into the land bestowed by the gods through their wishes.

They lose all their strength, they even lose their bodies.

Their bodies have become completely condensed by the light of prayer, but because the light of prayer can turn into various things, there is no hindrance.

They are no longer independent goblins, but the dependents of the god who dominates dreams, the elves who guard the kingdom of God.

Or there is a more formal name - the spirit of prayer.

They became part of Sheila's dream.

This is one of the mythical abilities of the dream demon Sheila after she became a dream myth. Not only can she obtain the wish light by fulfilling the wishes of others, but she can also make the fairies her own wishing light through faith and wish fulfillment. spirit.

Come to strengthen your own country and increase your own mythical power.

Just like the racial ability of the power of life, the myth of life can become stronger and stronger by creating a race, and the individual of the race can obtain part of the blood of the myth after death.

The myth of the dream is the same, with its own method.

As little goblins and big goblins merged into the kingdom of gods, the kingdom of goblins also disintegrated.

But the kingdom of fairies did not disappear, but instead appeared in the land bestowed by the gods. Those dreamy domains created by the fairies spliced ​​together in every corner of the land bestowed by the gods.

The land of the gods grew larger and more sacred and fantastical in appearance.

It is so magnificent that people can tell at a glance that it definitely does not belong to the world.

The shadows of these goblins slowly emerged on the cup of God, and their names were recorded.

"Hee hee hee."

"I want to occupy a good place in the sea of ​​flowers."

"Look at my wings, I can fly."

"I still have a flying house."

The goblins who have turned into spirits of prayer are frolicking in the sea of ​​flowers, as usual.

The dream demon Xila stood in front of the sea of ​​flowers and said to the fairies.

"Time is up."

"It's time to sleep."

The goblins who kept making trouble in groups, like children listening to the teacher, immediately put them into line one by one.

They found their place in the sea of ​​flowers and fell asleep in the sea of ​​flowers.

"Bye now!"

"It seems to be a long time before we see you again."

"How long is it?"

"Have a dream time!"

The goblins bid farewell to each other, some directly turned into a flower, some turned into a ball of light and merged into the flower cup, and some turned into a toy or a stone.

This sleep.

See you in the next era.

The goblins all fell asleep, and the entire land bestowed by the gods or the entire dream world fell silent for an instant.

At this time, Sheila returned to the pyramid temple and said to God.

"Everything is arranged."

Yin Shen nodded, and took off Sally's small conch, and took out the God's Grace Stone that was blocked inside.

After Sally took it back, she immediately blew it.

"Woo hoo."

Yin Shen didn't stop her, but just patted her head.

Subsequently, Sally's mother nut of all things grew bigger and bigger, and it became to occupy the entire temple.

Sally went right in, curled up like a child and slept inside.

The mother snail of all things floated up and fell into Yin Shen's waist.

God Yin walked to the gate of the temple, and the moon of God in the sky also fell, turning into a ring and falling into the hands of God Yin.

Immediately afterwards, the entire dream world began to shake, and the God's Cup under his feet became bigger and bigger.

At the same time, Yin Shen's figure is getting bigger and bigger.

It's not that God Yin and God's Cup are getting bigger, but that the dream world and its contents are shrinking.

Standing in front of the temple, Sheila, the messenger of the gods, looked at the gradually growing majestic God Insai, and asked a question.


"What about the Sanye people and the people of Moyuan?"

"Will they embark on a new path and create their own miracles?"

Yin Shen lowered his head and said something to her.

"Life will not become extinct, it will only evolve and reincarnate."

"Even if we can't see them in the next era, their bloodline will still be passed on, and they will regain their status as masters in another form."


"Will we see them in another form in the next era?"

at last.

The dream world melts into the cup of God.

With a wave of his hand, Yin Shen put the Cup of God into his sleeve.

He loosened the force that tightly anchored himself in this world, and an incomparably powerful force directly dragged him to an unknown place.

Yin Shen has seen hundreds of millions of stars, and seen the origin and end of everything.

He took the dream world and everything he cared about, and disappeared into this world.


The moment when Insai God left.

Vivien, the third-generation sage of truth, is watching a second-level priest break through the realm in the Insai Temple in the City of God's Descendance. This is a very promising young man who is about to become a curse-seal priest at a young age. Heinsay and the Pillars of the Temple of Truth.


After all his spiritual power was activated, he did not usher in the final transformation, and the brand of divine magic did not descend on him.

After the breakthrough failed, the second-order priest was at a loss.

He stood up and looked at everyone.


"No, it's not right."

"I can't sense the cup of God, and I can't draw power from the dream of law."

Others in the temple also talked about it, and this has never happened before.

You may fail, or you may not be able to condense the brand of divine magic because of insufficient aptitude, but there will be no such situation where you can't even sense the cup of God.

That was the privilege bestowed by the gods on the Sanye people, and it was a bequest from the early king Laidlich.

The God's Cup is the root power to protect the goblins, and it is also an important part of the God's Messenger Sheila to make up for the eternal life in the dream. At this moment, Yin God took away this world.

With the disappearance of the God's Cup, the imprint of divine magic that appeared in this world because of the dream of God, and those seeds of tyrannical power that manipulated laws also disappeared in this world together.

That is.

In the future, there will be no new third-tier power users appearing again.

The three leaf people have touched their own ceiling.

"Can't sense the Cup of God?"

"how could be?"

"Is something wrong?"

The priests in the temple were discussing a lot, but Vivien, the third-generation sage of truth, suddenly stood up, and she walked towards the outside of the temple.

She suddenly felt a strong chill invade her body, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

She looked towards the sky outside and whispered suddenly.

"What the little man in the bottle said..."

"It can not be!"

At the same time, all the ritual workshops in Xiyin Sai and the Kingdom of Demon Abyss stopped for an instant.

Lighting up continuously in the past, the ritual stone slab like a wishing machine suddenly lost its luster a little bit.

The priests of the workshop were at a loss, but no matter how they pushed the ritual slabs, there was no response.

"what happened?"

"there is none left."

"Why didn't you move?"

One after another, the ritual workshops were shut down, and the ritual system that radiated to all the cities of Xiyinsi with the nine ritual temples as the core went on strike in an instant.

All capable beings begin to discover.

After the dream world, that is, the spirit world, disappears,

All priests above the second level can no longer use the power of the ritual array. The so-called second-level priests of the spirit world can no longer use the power of the spirit world.

As the capital of Heinsay, the City of God's Descend, of course received the strongest impact.

All the surrounding workshops lost their qualifications to use miracle power, and the news immediately caused a sensation in the whole city.

A person hurried into the temple and came to Vivien's side.

"Master Sage, something serious happened!"

All kinds of news about the loss of induction in the kingdom of gods was immediately sent to Vivien, the third-generation sage of truth. Vivien trembled when she received the report.

Holding the scroll, she lowered her hand weakly, then sat down on the chair in a daze.

"It turned out to be true."

"It turned out to be true."


She suddenly understood.

It turns out that the prophecy and the rumors of the ghost believers are true.

God really left this world, he got tired of this world and went to the next age.


Chaos broke out in the entire Xiyinsi, enjoying the dividends brought by the power of miracles, and the Sanye people have not been short of food for so many years.

They used the power of miracles to create everything they wanted, and they used the power of miracles to build their prosperous cities. It took them less than a hundred years to grow from savages in the wild to a developed civilization.

They used the sparsely populated, barren and narrow land to create miracles that are impossible to create.

But at this moment.

Only then did people discover that the civilization they built relying on the power of miracles.

The illusion of prosperity held up by the goblins, like the source of the goblin's miraculous power, is just a dream.

And now, the dream is shattered.

Chaos broke out in the city of God's Descend, and countless people were spreading the doomsday words uttered by the ghost believers.

On the street, someone roared loudly like a walking dead. It was the bankrupt workshop owner.

"God withdrew his gift, and the end came."

"God has abandoned us, God has abandoned His beloved."

"It's over!"

"It's over! It's over!"

The crowd gathered more and more, but priests and guards came out immediately to disperse these people who spread the doomsday talk.

Regarding these news, many people do not believe it, because the news is too terrifying.

But many people faintly believed it, otherwise why all the ritual workshops were closed?

The nobles and bureaucrats in high positions have even received the news in advance and started to prepare.

above the street.

Vivien and An Li stood together, they had just witnessed the chaos.

Although it has subsided barely now, the two of them understand that this is only temporary.

An Li chattered about her plan beside Vivien: "We have regained the holy lake, and we can hold on for a short time."

"We have to expand the offshore fishing grounds, but there may be conflicts with the Kingdom of Demon Abyss."

"The fishing grounds in the dark river area need to be expanded, while we still have so many third-level curse-seal priests."

"The power of the sealed spirit can also achieve part of the power of the ritual array. We can use the sealed spirit to restart the workshop. We are still hunting monsters everywhere. We can use their power to..."

"Food...food is the key."

Vivien listened quietly, her mood was extremely solemn.

Standing on a high place, she looked at the vast land outside the city.


"It can still be supported now, so what about in the future?"

"What should I do next?"

Vivien stared blankly at the barren ground: "Look! There is nothing in this world."

"We used to think that we have a lot, we have everything in this world, we can do anything."

"But in the end I found out..."

Vivien looked at An Li: "We have nothing but the power bestowed by God."

She couldn't imagine that when their generation passed away.

When those curse-seal priests are all dead, and when the third-level monsters are no longer born, how can the Sanye people survive on such a desperate and dead land.

Even if they can survive, it is estimated that they will not be able to maintain the prosperous civilization they once had.

God has not appeared for an unknown number of years, so long that people have even begun to forget the existence of God Insai.

for them.

Insay is just a myth, a statue in a temple.

Just like the clouds in the sky, the wind in the sky, and the air around you.

It was only at this moment that they really understood that they could no longer survive without clouds, wind and air.


It is the only thing they can rely on in this world of nothing.

An Li couldn't help it now, she seemed a little angry.


"Abandoned us."

"Just abandoned us like this, without any signs or instructions."

Vivien remembered what the little man in the bottle said: "Maybe."

"I should have believed what it said, we just never meant it."

"That may be God is declaring an omen to us, and He has already made us prepare in advance."

"It's a pity we never realized it."

As she spoke, she suddenly denied what she had said before.


"Actually, I already believed what they said, but I was too arrogant."

"I thought that even if there were no gods, we could still be the masters of the earth. I thought we were strong enough."

After Vivien finished speaking, she was silent for a long time.

Her expression changed from helpless to flustered to resolute little by little.

She said to An Li seriously: "From now on, the world will have no light."

"We are the last light of civilization."

"We're looking for a way to free Sheinsey."

An Li asked her: "Sister, will we perish because of this?"

Vivien: "We will not perish because of this, we will definitely be able to find that way."

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