I Am God!

Chapter 345 The Son of Rage

Pence City.

The gates of the city were wide open, and all residents were notified to come to both sides of the street; the wide avenue was crowded with people, while the rest of the city was empty.

The bell of Wangcheng was ringing, announcing the triumphant return of the army.

Legionnaires either rode ground dragons, or wore armor and held weapons in formation and marched along the streets, bringing a huge sense of oppression.

The band at the gate of the city blew the horn, and the sound was long and vast.

General Dark Moon came back from suppressing the rebellion. He defeated the rebellion led by the stone demon tribe, pacified the eastern part of the kingdom, and at the same time deterred the Lei Ze Kingdom that had just won.

Tell them that Lei Ze Kingdom can only win because of the favorable location.

On the herding plain.

It is still the world of the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court.

But at the same time, its own strength is inevitably damaged, and it consumes a lot of treasury and national power.

The wealth and resources collected by General Dark Moon before the purge were all spent, and there were not many magic scrolls purchased from Wu Ling. The royal court was already unable to launch the next war.

The benefits are also obvious. General Dark Moon's prestige has soared, and he stabilized the situation with the help of this victory.

on the street.

The crowd is like a sea, full of people.

Although it was a victory return, many people expressed dissatisfaction.

Because life is getting more and more difficult, the royal court's tax is getting higher and higher, and all kinds of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes are constantly being imposed.

Every battle will not only levy taxes, but also requisition various materials and a lot of manpower.

Prices in Pans City and other parts of the Royal Court have skyrocketed, and the lives of low-level civilians are unsustainable. Many people are also tired of the war year after year.

"We're at war again, every year." Someone was whispering, with impatience in their eyes, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

"No one cares how many people starve to death in the west. These soldiers know how to kill people all day long." Not long ago, those refugees ran to the city of Pans. No one in the city dared to let the refugees in. It was freezing and starving to death. I don't know how many people.

"I heard that many people died this time, and none of the three sons of my neighbor's family came back." Someone lamented that every victory was made of the bones of countless people.

Of course, there are also quite a few people who admire and applaud General Darkmoon among the crowd, especially those youths and teenagers who worship General Dark Moon.

General Darkmoon went out this time and killed the leader of the stone demon tribe, who is now also called the lord; while the lords of several other tribes were captured alive, and now they are locked in a cage and dragged across the long street.

People always yearn for the strong and yearn for victory.


"Look, it's the general!"

"Are the rebels from those tribes behind? Seriously, they dared to betray the royal court."


"Win again!"

"General Dark Moon is simply too powerful."

Young people rushed forward, spitting at the rebels in the cage and cheering for the soldiers.

The frontmost general in heavy armor and helmet is Dark Moon.

At his waist is a dark and matte sword. When he walks to the middle of the street, he will draw the sword and the whole army will stand in formation.

"Wan Sheng!"

The dark matte sword erupted with bright light, it was a powerful and extraordinary item.

He led the army all the way to the palace, and His Majesty the King, who was only a child, was a little afraid of such a situation.

General Dark Moon got off the ground dragon and took off his helmet.

His expression was respectful and he could not find fault with it.

"His Majesty!"

"Dark Moon has fulfilled its mission and defeated the traitors who dared to betray this country."

The child couldn't say anything, and in the end, the mother at the side reminded him, and mechanically said the lines he had prepared a long time ago.

"The general is doing a good job, everything is up to you."

General Dark Moon: "This is my duty!"

After General Dark Moon finished this show, he came to the hall where he handled government affairs non-stop.

The latest worries are one after another.

Just when the interior of the royal city was stabilized and the capital was moved and reformed, the Stone Demon tribe rebelled.

The soldiers had just been mobilized to counter the rebellion. As soon as they set off, they received news that famine had broken out, and a large number of refugees completely disrupted the southwest.

Although General Dark Moon had won a brilliant victory at this moment, it could be said that he was physically and mentally exhausted.

General Dark Moon handed the helmet aside, and the lieutenant immediately took it over and followed him into the hall.

There are many people standing in the center of the hall, waiting for General Dark Moon.

These people are staff and confidantes responsible for assisting Dark Moon in handling government affairs, and the leader is a snake man with green curly hair.

Although his hair was unavoidably messy due to curly hair, his beard was neatly trimmed; his clothes were a blue round-neck gown with white collar and cuffs.

This is a very image-conscious person.

An Yue was not polite at all, waved the crowd to disperse, and walked inside to ask again.

"If there are any important events and situations recently, choose the important ones and talk about them."

The staff member with green curly hair said immediately.

"The main reason is the famine that broke out in Lance Territory. It has spread to more than a dozen territories, and the victims have all fled to the foot of the royal city."

"Then the southern leaders heard that they have been in frequent contact with Suinhall recently!"

The deputy general holding the helmet also felt that the recent situation was tricky, so he couldn't help but said.

"The Stone Demon Tribe, the Wind Demon Tribe, and the Zahak Tribe have rebelled, and these guys have just been dealt with."

"There's a problem again on the west side."

"It's really unstoppable."

General Dark Moon was very concerned about the issues in the south. Hearing that several southern territories had recently been in contact with the city-state of Suinhor, he immediately asked vigilantly.

"Several territories in the south, the recent disaster has also affected them!"

"What do they think?"

"Any action?"

When the staff said this, they were extremely annoyed: "How else can I see it?"

"They kept driving the refugees to our side, and even sent troops to drive the refugees away, in the name of defending the homes of the nobles and the citizens."

"Let them help the victims, one by one evading that there is no food, and in turn asking the royal court for relief."

"However, they sold a large amount of grain to the land of the sunrise, and transported merchant ships from Soinhall to the White Tower Alliance, and watched their compatriots die countless times."

"Those guys in the south are just waiting to see us in a hurry, hoping that something will happen to us."

"The way I see it, these people are a bunch of goddamned, goofy guys."

"They should all beheaded."

General Dark Moon still asked calmly: "You said someone from Suinhor had contacted them recently, what's going on?"

Staff: "I heard that Suinhor's Fire Temple sent people to preach, and wanted to persuade several lords in the south to enshrine their gods in our temple and remove the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes."

Speaking of this, the staff's face turned red.

"Are these guys crazy?"

The Ten Thousand Snake King's Court did not recognize the Goddess Scarlet at all. They always believed that Suinhor was a traitor, and they lived at the foot of the mountain of origin of life.

General Dark Moon snorted coldly.

"It seems that they want to draw a line with us."

"I don't even want my own ancestors."

Dark Moon entered the room, followed by others, and the originally spacious room became crowded and narrow in an instant.

An Yue leaned back on the chair and waved her hands: "That's it, everyone go out first."

"I want to be quiet!"

The others bowed and saluted, then retreated towards the outside.

But the green curly-haired staff member deliberately stayed at the end, turned back when he reached the door, and whispered something in front of General Dark Moon.


"The person who created the afterglow of the lunar eclipse for you said that he wanted to see you."

"You see?"

The afterglow of the lunar eclipse is the name of the sword on General Dark Moon.

This is a very powerful extraordinary item. The strength of General Dark Moon itself plus this sword can fight against a third-order power user.

General Dark Moon was very puzzled. He had recruited this alchemist many times before, and the other party always avoided him before.

This is a very mysterious person, no fixed place, and must be very powerful.

After all, those who can create powerful props are certainly not weak.

Such a person suddenly wanted to see what he was doing?

General Dark Moon asked directly: "Why did he see me?"

The aide replied: "He said he has something very important to report to you!"


General Dark Moon chose to summon this mysterious alchemist in his mansion, because General Dark Moon was very busy during the day, so it was already dark when he summoned him.

This is a training ground with wooden stakes placed inside.

General Dark Moon picked up the sword and practiced the sword skills he had trained since childhood.

General Dark Moon's sword opened and closed, simple but full of deadly killing intent.

He practiced his sword skills over and over again, thinking about the problems and difficulties he faced, and thinking about how to solve these problems.

between dancing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a shadow appearing beside him.

A tall snake figure was teaching him, reprimanding him about his sword skills.

"Raise the sword a little higher!"


"No strength?"

"Attach the spiritual power to it, so that the power of this set of sword techniques can be maximized."

This set of sword skills of General Dark Moon was taught by the other party.

The other party is not only his teacher, but also his father.

Some memories come to mind.

When he was young, he hated this boring day-to-day practice very much. One day he couldn't stand it and asked the other party loudly:

"Why should I learn sword skills?"

His father told him: "Because you will fight with people in the future, if you practice seriously now, in the future you will kill others, not be killed by others."

When he was a child, he didn't understand: "Why fight others? Why kill others?"

Father: "Because this is the rule of the Shepherd Plain. If you don't kill others, you will be killed by others."

"Those who hold the sword have the right to live, and those who hold the strength can live."

"The weak are useless, they can only be eliminated."

"The weak are enslaved, the weak are bullied, and the weak are devoured."

"Dark Moon!"

"Do you want to be the underdog?"

Dark Moon, who was only a child, hated this order, and he hated learning sword skills even more.


"Who made it?"

In order to arouse his son's interest, the father said to him: "It is made by the strong, and it is made by those who hold the sword."

When she was a child, An Yue took the smaller sword in her hand and swung it twice vigorously: "Then what if I am stronger than everyone else? Does that mean I can make rules?"

Father didn't think that Dark Moon would associate with this place at all, he was really bold enough.

Also full of pride.


"Make rules?"

The father couldn't help laughing, but he didn't hit his son: "When you have enough strength, maybe you can do it."

Dark Moon raised his spirits and trained again.

After finishing, the father couldn't help asking him.

"Tell me, if you can make rules."

"What kind of rules do you want to make? What kind of place do you want to create."

When she was a child, Dark Moon said to her father: "A world where the weak can live in peace."

These words are really naive, but the heart is also really big.

The father laughed at his son's innocence, and was also moved by his high spirits.


Childhood Dark Moon said next.


"In the future, people will not need to learn this broken sword skill, and they can sleep until noon every day."

The father was originally pleased by his son's rhetoric, but when he heard his son's words, his face suddenly changed.

The training that was originally over started again, and unceremoniously slapped the childhood dark moon with the spine of the sword.

This moment.

The rhetoric from childhood came to my mind again.

Thinking of the ridiculous thought at that time, and the small thought after the seemingly righteousness, also brought a smile to An Yue's face.

A mysterious figure in a cloak enters the general's mansion.

After undergoing the inspection, he came to the training ground.

At this moment, General Dark Moon is already sweating profusely. Snake-human powers are different from those mysterious life powers. Even if they have the power to reach tens of thousands of people, most of their bodies are still the most ordinary mortal bodies. .

He ignored the guests on the side, and didn't stop until after the practice.

Holding the sword, he came to the front of the guest.

"The sword you made is very powerful, I like it very much."

"This time on the battlefield, it is full of divine power."

The cloaked snake man replied: "It is my honor that the general likes the afterglow of a lunar eclipse."

General Dark Moon: "Speak!"

"What can you do with me?"

The Cloaked Snake directly stated his intention of coming, which also changed General Dark Moon's face slightly: "A large number of believers from the Abyss Cult have sneaked into the royal city, and many days before the general returned, they began to prepare A shocking plan."

General Dark Moon remained expressionless, but the hand holding the sword was obviously stronger: "What do they want to do?"

The cloaked snake man raised his head and revealed a mysterious smile.

"I only know."

"They may have found the Son of Rage!"

Although General Dark Moon didn't know much about the Abyssal Order, he had also heard about the seven original sins of the Abyssal Order.

These believers who believe in darkness and depravity believe that people are born with sin, and sin is also a kind of power.


"The Seven Deadly Sins?"

"I heard that the king of the devil fire abyss is also called the king of arrogance, and the king of the black mud abyss is also called the king of lust."

"Rage, is it also related to the King of the Abyss?"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the cloaked snake man. It was really shocking that the man in front of him could see so many things based on such a short sentence.

"As expected of General Dark Moon."

"That's right!"

"There are seven kings of the abyss, and now only two have returned to their thrones, and the remaining five kings of the abyss are still waiting to be elected."

"The son of wrath is the one chosen to be the king of wrath."

General Dark Moon knew at this moment that the abyss originally had seven layers, which were divided according to the seven original sins.

There is also a definite number of kings of the abyss, seven in total.

And these kings of the abyss were selected from among mortals.

As for who picked them.

There is no doubt that it is the god who controls the abyss, the evil god of original sin.

The cloaked snake man didn't stop talking, and also mentioned another piece of news about General Dark Moon's anger.

"Not long ago!"

"Famine broke out in Lanceland. It is said that several fallen priests of the Abyss Cult were all present."

"They want to find the son of gluttony they want in Lanceland, and let the king of gluttony sit on the throne of the abyss."

"but failed!"

"The throne of the abyss is not so easy to climb, even if it is the pre-selected king, it is difficult to find."

"This time they came to Pence City again, and even the High Priest of the Abyss Cult came. I heard that they came for the Son of Wrath."

The cloaked snake man smiled and said something horrifying.


"There are people in the city who have been chosen by the gods."

"And the birth of the abyss king must be accompanied by terrible disasters."

General Dark Moon asked him: "Is the disaster in Lanceland planned by the Abyss Cult?"

"What are they trying to do in the city?"

The cloaked snake spread his hands: "I'm not sure about that, what happened in Lanceland may have contributed to the flames."

"But, General!"

"In this land full of depravity, pain, and madness, is there anything else that needs to be planned to cause a catastrophe?"

"Everything here is attracting the people of the abyss to come here!"

"This is - the land of darkness."

The cloaked snake man said what he wanted to say,

"The Son of Wrath is about to be born!"

"General, please be prepared, that is the highest existence that can possess the power of an apostle or even surpass the power of an apostle."

After speaking, the cloaked snake man turned and left.

General Dark Moon asked: "Why did you tell me this?"

The cloaked snake man turned his head and glanced at General Dark Moon.

This moment.

General Dark Moon saw that the opponent's pupils were burning with flames.

It was a demonic fire of terror and depravity.

This person is also a fallen person, or he is a believer of the Abyss Cult.

General Dark Moon had vaguely guessed it just now.

The other party called the evil god a god, and called the evil people the people of the abyss.

It's just that General Darkmoon doesn't know the situation of Arrogant King Avon, let alone why an abyss cultist wants to betray their plan.

Although the person in front of him is a member of the Abyss Religion, he is a loyal believer who belongs to the arrogant king Avon.

He obeyed the will of the arrogant king.

"The same to you……"

Before General Dark Moon finished speaking, the other party had already turned into a ball of flames with a bang and disappeared into the air.


The outer city of Pence City.

In a prayer hall, there is a statue of the Mother of Ten Thousand Serpents as tall as a person in a small stone room. There are many places in this small prayer hall.

Some places that are unable to build temples will choose to build such prayer halls for believers to pray.

It's just that no one thought of it.

Behind the prayer hall where the Mother of Snakes is placed, there is only a wall separating the statue of the God of Original Sin.

In the secret dark chapel,

At this moment, a group of mysterious figures in black cloaks surrounded the statue, raising their hands high and shouting almost madly.

"The great darkness of all souls, mastering the flesh and blood stars of the seven abysses, devouring the god of original sin."

After reciting the name of God, everyone began to pray, and their voices became much quieter.

But the expression was still crazy, as if otherwise it would not be enough to express his pious and depraved heart.

"We came here following your will!"

"This time."

"We will definitely find the King of the Abyss under your seat, and push him to the throne who is destined to be on the throne."

After the routine prayers, everyone sat on both sides.

The mysterious figure on the left is the chief priest of the Abyss Cultists.

To be precise, he is not the real high priest.

Just acting as the officiant.

The one who is truly qualified to be the high priest must have some apostle power, and he is still far behind.

However, at present, the Abyssal Cult can't find such a person, so they can only choose an acting high priest.

The acting chief priest of the religious order coughed, and after attracting everyone's attention, he asked.

"O fallen priests!"

"did you find it?"

"God's Chosen Son of Wrath!"

The fallen priests came to Pence City first, and he rushed over after receiving the news that the Son of Wrath had been found.

Without definite news, he will not appear.

It's like Lanceling, where the fallen priests made such a big commotion, but in the end no son of gluttony was created, and he didn't even show his face.

As the chief priest of the Abyss Cult, the world is full of people who want to put him to death, even within the Abyss Cult.

It's just that this time it's different, this time the son of wrath was appointed by the gods.

A fallen priest reported: "I have found it, High Priest."

"We have already confirmed that it is indeed God's Choice."

The acting high priest of the church was very excited, and said a good word while coughing.

Then he looked at another person: "Is it arranged?"

"The ceremony of choosing the king!"

The fallen priest nodded: "Everything is in progress, just waiting for your arrival."

It's useless to just say it, the acting chief priest has to see detailed information to confirm that the other party is really the chosen one and that everything is really ready.

In the dark.

The acting high priest reached out his hand from under the cloak, it was a withered right hand covered with spots, and took a piece of paper.

There is a portrait on the paper, and the portrait is a young man.

With the faint light of the fire, the acting chief priest's cloudy eyes could clearly see the other party's name and information.

He let out a dry, terrifying laugh, full of anticipation.

"O wrathful prince!"

"You finally showed up."

An unimaginable momentum erupted from his old and skinny body, his eyes were extremely sharp and terrifying, and he stared at everyone present.

"This time, we won't miss it again."

"He will eventually ascend to his throne!"


The seven layers of abyss converged into a dilapidated black giant egg, which grew bigger all the time at a speed that could not be observed by the naked eye.

It's like the desires of mortals are expanding all the time.

The black and red mythical gate supports this world, and behind the mythical gate is the core of the abyss.

It rains endlessly in black here.


The sound of noisy rain echoed throughout the world, and the flesh and stars in the sky had peace.

Directly above the flesh and blood stars, the evil god of original sin, Xiao, sat on the divine throne.

Rarely, he was concentrating on building something on the long bone table with bone pieces.

This is a somewhat desolate man, wearing torn robes, sitting alone in the darkness; but when he concentrates, his focus makes people feel that the outside world does not exist.

It didn't seem to matter whether it was in the dark or surrounded by loud crowds.

Small bone fragments were in his hands, slowly building a pyramid.

He worked tirelessly and did not use any extraordinary strength to piece it together bit by bit.

This is the Demon Pyramid.


Xiao carefully carved a doll out of bones, clamped it between two fingers, and gently placed it under the pyramid.

"Lady Elena!"

The doll is very expressive, just by looking at it, you can tell that this is a proud and stubborn person.

It was Elena.

This is Elena in Xiao's memory.

Next, he moved again.

He actually started piece by piece, removing the "Demon Spirit Pyramid" that had been built with great difficulty.

He was going to do it again, with a more detailed build.

In this darkness, he didn't seem to have much to do, and he didn't have much room to fill his boredom.

at this time.

The small ceramic figure suddenly rushed in fawningly, and opened his own pamphlet.

"God of Original Sin!"

"Look, how about the person I chose?"

The figurine pointed to a name on it.

A man named Byron, with the words Furious written on the back.

Xiao knew that the ceramic villain was talking about choosing the king of the abyss.

Xiao didn't care who the ceramic villain chose, he had handed over this matter to the ceramic villain a long time ago.

The King of the Abyss will always appear, don't worry.

will always find it.

As for who can become, he doesn't care, as long as the abyss can be strengthened and perfected.

What he wants to understand more now is the road behind the power of wisdom, the connection between the crown vow of wisdom and the root of wisdom.

He looked at the Elena bone doll in front of him.

He felt that he could find the path he wanted from the other party.

He was waiting, waiting for Elena to become a myth.

Wait for the Pyramid of Demon Spirits to become a mythical prop.

He felt it should be soon.

As for how soon?

At least, shorter than 250 million years.

Xiao didn't look at the ceramic villain at all, he was still immersed in his game of building blocks, immersed in his own waiting.

He responded casually.


"Do you think he can become the King of the Abyss?"

The little ceramic figure nodded, jumping up and down on the long bone table, trying to attract the attention of the God of Original Sin.

It said very happily and excitedly.

"That's right!"

"God of Original Sin, do you want to know why I chose him?"

Xiao didn't ask, and the ceramic villain was a little disappointed.

But he immediately asked himself and answered: "Because he is just!"

"Because he doesn't fit in with this world."

After hanging around with Xiao for so long, the ceramic villain seems to have suddenly become smarter.

"A person who firmly believes in justice, and a fool who firmly believes in black and white."

"Once he is disappointed in this world, once someone destroys his ideal world, what will happen to him?"

The little ceramic figurine burst out with an expectant expression, waved his hands and said.

"He would explode with rage like no other."

Xiao was still not attracted: "Just because of this?"

The ceramic villain is full of smiling faces, and the face painted on the ceramic is elongated, which looks a little funny.

It finally told the real reason why it chose the other party.


"Don't you think this person looks very similar to Asai?"

What the ceramic villain said is very similar, it is the appearance of Asay after the shape of the god.

Instead of the one in Xiao's memory, the three-leaf man Anhofus, the three-leaf man Asai.

Xiao suddenly stopped his movements at this time, and he looked at the ceramic villain.

He said meaningfully: "You know, you are very similar to someone I knew before."

The ceramic villain became excited, the person God knows must be a very powerful guy.

Be like each other.

Doesn't that mean that he is also very powerful.

"The great God of Original Sin!"

"Can you tell me who he is?"

Xiao pulled out a piece of bone, and the entire "Demon Pyramid" collapsed.

The corner of Xiao's mouth raised a contemptuous smile, as if mocking something.

"A fool!"


"A fool who thinks that he can become very smart by possessing other people's memories."

The little ceramic figurine looked puzzled. It didn't know who the fool the God of Original Sin was talking about, let alone what the scene of the collapse of the pyramid after the God of Original Sin finally pulled out the bone fragment meant.

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