I Am God!

Chapter 360 Mountains under the Starry Sky and the Temple of Tao

Northland Wasteland.

It has been more than a hundred years since the organization Wasteland Witch Spirits was born here.

In the beginning there was only Sukob.

And now.

The witch spirits have spread their reputation to all countries. Although there are great bonuses from the magical scrolls, the scrolls created by the witch spirits are extremely popular in all countries.

Now, this organization composed of the servants of the God of Truth and Knowledge, the Witch Spirits, is about to undergo tremendous changes.

And this city, large and small villages and towns, which were originally gathered by the relatives of the witch spirits and gradually built up, will also establish their own country in this former barbaric land.

It started decades ago when Sukobu and all the wizard spirits brought water down from the frozen plateau and opened up a river called Sukobu River.

Trees grew in many places on this land, creating green.

The people living here have also cultivated a lot of land and planted various crops. Now there are some more workshops, but most of these workshops are mainly for the production of magical scrolls.

The remaining small workshops also produce some things for personal use in the wasteland, and the output is still very small.

Ships often arrive from several fishing towns in the west, especially the caravans from the Fire Demon Swamp and the Beast Plains. This barren land can be considered well-run.

As the basis of a new country, this is enough.

this day.

In Scroll City.

The lords of various territories in the wasteland and the mayors of several towns came.

Everyone in the city also came to a building called the Royal Palace to witness the establishment of this new country and watch the coronation ceremony of the new king.

Many lords and nobles pressed their fingerprints on a piece of paper, declaring the king's orthodox inheritance. His coronation was recognized by everyone.

But this owner obviously refers to people who can press fingerprints.

A tall, strong man who was obviously part Aiweier descended on the stone platform.

The loud voice spread to all directions in the street.

"Our country is called the Wasteland Witch Country."

"In order to thank the witch spirits for helping us build this country, we put the word witch into our country forever."

"Thank you to the God of Truth and Knowledge, thank you to Lord Sukob, and thank you to the Witch Spirit."

"Under their protection, we finally established our own country."

Everyone cheered.


"The Wasteland Witch Country, our country."

"We also have a country."

"Did you hear that? Wasteland Witch Country, the name of this new country!"

Many devout believers directly prostrated themselves on the ground to thank the God of Truth and Knowledge for their protection.

Some even shouted fanatically or burst into tears.

Everyone feels that it is of extraordinary significance to establish a country that belongs to them, and they look forward to this country becoming an existence like Suinhor and the Ten Thousand Snakes King's Court in the future.

Sukob did not intervene or interfere in the establishment of the new country.


Although Sukob rejected the name of the Kingdom of Witch Spirits, several families who founded this country still put the word witch into the name of the new country.

The largest families in the wasteland are fighting each other, all trying to compete for the throne.

Finally figured out a way to choose the king.

That is, each generation of kings is selected from several families that established the country, and each selected king family is eligible to inherit the throne.

This method was unexpected by no one. Even Sukob had never heard of such a country before.

He didn't know what the result would be, but the Land of the Rising Sun and the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes had made new attempts, so it wasn't surprising that the wasteland had made some changes.

Sukob did not attend the founding ceremony of the Wasteland Witch Kingdom this time.

His influence in this country is already great enough, and he does not want to leave too many marks here and affect the vitality and hope of this new country, especially when he is about to leave.

But he still paid attention to all this from a distance.

At this time, many wizard spirits from the wasteland wizard organization also gathered around Sukob.

Sukob turned around and looked at all the wizard spirits.

For more than a hundred years, Wu Ling has remained in this barren and barren land, and now it has grown to a large scale.

Sukob seemed to be a little reluctant, but he finally said it.

"Everyone should know."

"I will leave the wasteland, not just for a short time, but to integrate into the outside world."

"I want to do something. This thing will take a long time to complete, and it is very likely that I will not come back."

Sukob looked at these people, each of them had a different light shining in their eyes and a different expression.

“I don’t know what I’m going to be like when I get out.”

"So I don't ask all of you to leave with me. From now on, you can freely choose to stay or go."

"You can choose to leave the wasteland."

"You can choose to follow me, inherit my will and ideals, and open up a new future."

"You can also choose to go to other places to do what you want to do and spread the inheritance of the witch spirits to all directions."

"Of course, you can also choose to stay in the wasteland and in this new country."

"Growing up together in this new country, doing what we were most familiar with before, erecting statues of the God of Truth and Knowledge on the wasteland, creating more scrolls of magic, and exploring more secrets .”

"It's all your choice."

After the words fell, no one spoke for a long time, everyone was watching.

After a long silence, someone finally stood up.

"Lord Sukob."

Sukob looked at the other party, and the other party said firmly: "I want to leave, but I want to go to the former homeland of Ewell."

"My ancestors came from there, and I wanted to go and see what it has become now."

"I want to go take a look."

"Is the lighthouse that Ivel once was still there?"

For the people of Ewell, that lighthouse seems to have a special meaning.

Sukob also has the blood of the Aiweier people, and he felt a little sad when he heard the other party say this.

"The lighthouse of Ewell."

"Hundreds of years have passed, and now it has collapsed."

"I have also gone back and seen that the prosperity of the past has disappeared, and the people of the past have long since left this giant island."

The other party replied: "Then I will repair it again."

"I will light it and let it guide the ships on the sea as it once did."

Sukob nodded: "I understand what you mean and what you think."

"But I hope that you can regard the Wasteland Witch Country as a country that belongs to you, a country that also belongs to the Aiweier people."

"There are many Aiweier people in the Wasteland Witch Kingdom, but there are also many Ten Thousand Snake people, as well as people from various swamp and jungle tribes, and many of them even have Suinhor blood."

"Although this group of people does not have the blood of the Ewell people, they are still part of this country. They also look forward to and love this newly established country. They are also friends and even family members of the Ewell people."

"Open your heart."

“To focus on the future, focus on everyone.”

The young man nodded and stepped aside.

Immediately afterwards, someone else came up.

The Witch Spirits are divided into several branches. One group wants to follow the former glacier fortress to the other side of the frozen plateau, where the city of Aiweier used to be.

One group wants to go to the Fire Demon Swamp and build a new city there.

They will extend the footsteps of the Wasteland Witch Kingdom and the Wasteland Witch Spirits to more distant places.

There are also scattered individual people who want to go to Suinhor, the Land of the Rising Sun and other places; to bring the inheritance of witch spirits and the technology of making magical scrolls to other countries.

After the entire wasteland wizard spirit developed to its extreme in the wasteland, they did not choose to stay here conservatively.

Instead, he walked out boldly.

However, most of the wizard spirits finally chose to stay here in Scroll City. They have long been accustomed to everything here.

There is also a part that chooses to follow Sukob into the distance.

They will become an important part of the power of Sukob's pioneering contract, and may also be the source and beginning of faith and believers after Sukob becomes a god in the future.

Sukob didn't say anything and respected everyone's choice.

Word spread that Sukob was preparing to leave.

Immediately, there was a huge uproar in Scroll City. Thousands of people came to the tall stone gate of Wuling Underground Palace and crawled on the ground to try to save Sukobu.

He came to the stone gate and looked at the black mass lying at the foot of the mountain.

No one spoke, but there was an invisible pressure.

Everyone hopes Sukob can stay here forever.

But Sukob decided to leave.

He stood in front of the door and said to everyone.

"I am guided by God."

"I formed the Wasteland Witchlings and watched the birth of this new country."


"My mission in the wasteland is over. The rest is up to you to create on your own."

"And next, I still have more important tasks and missions to complete."

Begged repeatedly to stay.

Still couldn't convince Sukob to leave.

At this time, everyone knew that Sukob could not be kept.

The king of the Wasteland Witch Kingdom came to Sukob, lay at his feet and begged him.

"Lord Sukob."

"Please leave something behind!"

Sukob knew that the Wasteland Witch Country wanted his power to give written contracts the power.

Recently, many people know that Sukob has the magical power that can give words the power to form a contract and supervise the completion of the contract with the power of myth.

Those who fail to fulfill the contract will be punished and pay a price.

It's hard to avoid being tempted by such a powerful force.

The contract promised by the gods, doesn't this mean that after signing the contract, it becomes an unbreakable oath?

Sukob thought for a moment and did not directly agree to the king.

He decided to give the other party a test.

"Bring over the contract you want to sign."

"If I think it's okay."

"I will empower these covenants in the witness of truth."

"No mortal can violate these covenants without paying the price."

Sukob deliberately said, "If I think it's okay."

But in the eyes of everyone present, this was Sukob's agreement.

There was ecstasy on all their faces.

Everyone's eyes sparkled with desire.


Sukob didn't wait long, everyone was moving very quickly.


Contracts were brought over one by one and delivered to Sukob.

These contracts written on ordinary paper have no effect. Without rituals and extraordinary bonuses, the contract cannot be successful.

Therefore, there is a price to pay when signing a contract.

But the king didn't know, and neither did the nobles.

Sukob didn't say anything.

He just wanted to see what kind of contract the king and nobles of this new country wanted to reach.

But after seeing these contracts, Sukob suddenly laughed.

The king hopes to enter into a contract with other king-selecting families to guarantee the king's rights. This is quite normal. After all, other king-selecting families are not easy to fool, and it is impossible to sign a problematic contract.

But when it comes to people like farm owners, fishery owners, workshop owners, and businessmen, those contracts have changed.

Each of their contracts looked like the legendary evil god of the abyss came out of the darkness and wanted to drain people of their marrow and soul.

Sukob's student Long was also helping the teacher read the contracts sent one after another.

"What is this?"

"Are you sure this is a contract and not the evil god's grimoire?"

"One generation is not finished, how about generations to come?"

Long looked at one of the proposed contracts and was stunned.

Legend has it that there is a book in the hands of the Evil God of Original Sin, with the names of certain people written on it.

The person whose name is written will eventually be devoured by the evil god until nothing is left.

That is what Long said, the evil god's grimoire.

He looked at his teacher and wondered how those people had the guts to send such things over. Did he think his teacher couldn't understand the problem?

Sukob thought it was normal, or he had expected it.

"They probably thought I wouldn't read the contracts one by one."

"They thought."

"I just waved my hand and these contracts were in effect forever."

When Sukob said this, he waved his hand pretentiously.

"Isn't that what they think?"

"As an apostle of God like me, I can have anything with just a wave of my hand."

"As long as they lie down on the ground and pray to me, and they can persuade me, I can conjure up anything for them."

"They're used to praying."

"They are used to asking for everything from witch spirits and gods."

Long spread his hands: "Are you deceiving yourself and others like this?"

Long shook one of the contracts: "Who are you trying to deceive?"

Sukob: "Never underestimate people's greed, let alone their stupidity under greed."

"They always take a chance and try it. Maybe they will succeed?"

"Human greed can lead them to deceive gods."

"You are still deceiving yourself. God may not be able to see it."

Sukob gave a final sigh.

"This is in front of me."

"I'm thinking."

"What would be written on this if it wasn't in front of me?"

"If I give the power of the contract, who knows what will happen?"

Sukob also began to reflect on himself and began to reflect on the loopholes in his own ideas.

"An unbound contract."

"Is it bringing order or chaos?"

"Even if it brings order, is that order what I want?"

He did not give up, but was thinking of ways to make up for such problems and loopholes.

same day.

Sukob came to Scroll City, and everyone looked at him expectantly.

Expecting him to "mercifully and generously" put their contract into effect with a wave of his hand.

The deadline is.


However, Sukob burned all their contracts in front of them.

As the flames burned, everyone was stunned and guilty.

Sukob looked at these people who were used to praying to him and asking for help from the witch spirits and himself again and again.

"have a look!"

"What do you want to do with my hand?"

"What do you want to do under the truth and under the eyes of God?"

"What do you think you are thinking, I don't know?"

"You think I will allow it, God will allow it, and your dark and lucky ideas succeed?"

Under Sukob's gaze, everyone lowered their heads.

Some people even trembled and lay on the ground, and the scene was silent.

Sukob looked at everyone and said.

"It seems."

"You are not ready for this kind of power."

This sentence is very familiar.

It seems that not long ago, the God of Truth and Knowledge also spoke to Sukob.

At that time, Sukob was not ready to become a god either.

"When you're really ready."

"I or my successor will come here and give you your power again."

After saying this, Sukob turned and left.

Seems to be angry.

Many people felt guilty and did not dare to retain Sukob or make any demands based on the old friendship.

And Sukob led the wizard spirits to leave Scroll City and began their journey out of the wasteland.


Although Sukob led a river from the frozen plateau, most of the wasteland was still barren.

The vehicles of Sukob and his party walked across the road, kicking up layers of smoke and dust.

Long was pulling on the animal-controlling leather sheath in front of him, and spoke quietly.


"Say, you are a majestic quasi-god."

"Why are you traveling without any pomp and circumstance? You are no different from ordinary people."

Long's previous thoughts were wonderful.

Although he said that he would walk in front of the teacher in the future and let Sukob work for him.

But when traveling, Long is still in front to catch the bus.

Sukob frowned: "Don't say such things, what a quasi-god."

Long was still young and knew that he had said the wrong thing.

He immediately shut up.

Sukob also knew the character of his student. Seeing that his warning was enough, he asked him: "What do you think it is like for a god to travel?"

"Have you seen what it's like when the gods travel."

"What you saw before were manifestations of the kingdom of gods."

“When the spirit truly walks in the world, no one can see it and no one knows it.”

"Maybe a random passerby you meet on the road is a certain god."

"Don't talk about gods."

"And don't use your thoughts to speculate on gods."

Next, Sukob kept writing something with a pen in the carriage, as if he was still thinking about the contract.

Long couldn't help but ask.


"Do you still want to do this?"

"If the contract is too powerful, then if you sign a contract, won't you never be able to get over it?"

"If I want to make a contract with someone in the future, I will have to tremble in fear. I will have to read every word on it and not miss a single word."

But Long continued.

"But if it is a fair and just contract with strong binding force, it feels very good."

"Under the protection of the contract, everyone can get what they deserve and complete the tasks they should complete."

Sukob didn't pick up the page, read it, and answered Long until he finished writing.


"I made some changes."

Long pulled the galloping sail beast and turned back to look inside the carriage.

"What modification?"

Sukob did not hide it. Long was his favorite student. He was consciously instilling his own ideas and ideals into Long.

"The creation of a contract cannot be unlimited."

"The conditions for the contract to take effect must depend on the circumstances."

"If the contract is signed in a certain country, then it should also be subject to the laws of that country."

“As the code changed, so did the framework and limitations of the covenant.”

"Give power to the contract."

"You must first give power to the code."

"When concluding a contract, the punishment for breach of contract should also be written in the code. When the contract is violated, the punishment is not arbitrary, or the same punishment is used regardless of the contract, but the code and the laws in the code are punished."

Sukob looked outside the carriage. The end of their journey this time was the Eclipse City in the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

"This is also the reason why we went to Eclipse City in the Dark Moon Province. I am going to see the supreme governor of the royal court. Dark Moon originally gathered many scholars to compile a new code. It is said that it is the most complete code currently. "

"I want to take a look and read the contents of this code carefully."

"if you can."

"I will give power to that code."

"If we want to accomplish what we want to do within the secular kingdom, it must be consistent with the secular dynasty and governing institutions, rather than being carried out through violence."

"I hope to be able to convince the supreme governor of the Royal Court. He has previously invited me to preach at the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes. I think he should agree."

Long thought about Sukob's content for a moment, and then asked the question: "What if there is a problem with the code itself?"

Sukob replied: "Then as long as people overturn and amend the code, those problematic contracts will naturally be changed or abandoned accordingly."

Codes bind contracts, contracts bind people, and people can in turn modify the codes.

This is what Sukob currently has in mind regarding the use of contracts.

"What if there are big problems with the code, but people can't amend it?"

Sukob was not angry at Long's sincerity. On the contrary, Sukob appreciated this reasonable sincerity.

"If the code had such serious problems, I would not have given it power in the first place."


"You, who follow me, will be the witch spirits who make contracts for people in the future."

"What is it for?"

"The most important thing is that I'm here."

“As long as I’m here, I can keep making adjustments and modifications.”

Long looked at his teacher.

Long fully understood what his teacher Sukob wanted to do.

He even became afraid of this matter.

"So this is also an experiment, to complete your ideas through practice, but this is a testing ground."

"A country, or an entire civilization."

Sukob: "It's an experiment, so to speak."

“But I think it’s better to describe it as a bold leap forward on the way forward for civilization.”

"We are on a new path."


"We may create a world that is ideal for us, or we may make mistakes."

"No one knows what the future will be like, you don't know, and I don't know either."

"Not even the gods can predict the future."

"How about it?"

"Feeling scared?"

Long: "Teacher, do you think we will succeed or fail?"

Sukob: "There will be failures, but there will be successes."

"I believe this is the right path."

Sukob lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand, speaking in a calm voice that could not even be called loud.

But what he said was extremely shocking.

"I will take this road to the end, and eventually walk this road and become the myth at the end of the road."

Long turned back to look at Sukob and didn't speak for a long time.

For the first time, he had a new understanding of the concept of becoming a god.

His teacher Sue Cobb.

It showed him the existence of another kind of god and the way of another kind of god.

Becoming a god is not for eternal life or infinite power.

But because I found this path.

I want to take this path to the end.

Then, guard the end of the road and become the myth at the end of the road.


Suddenly, the beast pulling the cart hit something.

Long, who had been busy talking to his teacher Su Kobu and not driving the car properly, woke up and immediately began to tighten the animal-control leather sheath on his hand.

The result turned around.

He was stunned.

It was still broad daylight outside just now, with blue sky and white clouds.

In just a short moment, the day suddenly turned into night.


The sky is filled with stars.

The vast Milky Way stretches across the vast universe in the sky, emitting twinkling light at the same time.

Looking up at the starry sky, Long felt dizzy.

That feeling is not that the sky is spinning.

Instead, the ground beneath his feet was spinning, and the entire world was shrouded in the power of the starry sky.

Long opened his mouth wide and was dumbfounded.

Sukob also noticed the situation outside, looked at the stars in the sky and said something.


"it's beautiful."

Sukob came out of the carriage and ordered everyone to stop.

Long still didn't understand why such a vision occurred.

"Why does it get dark so quickly?"

"No, it's obviously only noon?"

"Why is it so dark?"


"It's a solar eclipse, right?"

Long, who was a little confused, thought of what Sukob had just said to him, and he looked at his teacher excitedly.

"No, we must have met the gods."

"Which god is joking with us?"

Turning day into night sounds like something only a god can do.


What Long said is not wrong.

Sukob turned his attention to the other side under the starry sky, where a mountain range undulated, and starlight streamed on the mountain range.

On top of the mountains, there are ancient and dilapidated buildings.

Even though it has been so dilapidated that nothing is left, the remaining ruins still depict its former glory.

The Temple of Tao in the Kingdom of Xiinsai.

This was once the place where the god Polo died, the burial place of Tito, the first saint, and the hometown of Stan, the second saint.

In the Temple of Tao, sacred objects about them were once enshrined.

Legend has it that there is a sea of ​​sunflowers under the Temple of Tao, which was planted by Polo himself.

The first generation saint Tito returned from the God-given land on the sacred boat, and slept there together with the sacred boat. Finally, because of being disturbed, the sacred boat returned to the place where it once started.

The stars turned upside down, and something more magical happened.

It's like stepping back in time.

The ruins began to recover, returning to the grandeur of hundreds of millions of years ago.

Sacred temples rise from the ground, and ancient cities and buildings emerge layer by layer, giving people a glimpse of the prosperity of the Trileaf people's era of miracles.

Billions of years later, the city of saints reappeared.

Just don't know.

The sea of ​​flowers that once existed is still there.

Are there any things left that bear witness to the past?

The snake-men present were all stunned, thinking they had seen the kingdom of God.

Only Sukob confirmed anything for sure.

"It's really the Starry Night Mountains."

Long's voice immediately became much louder: "Starry Night Mountain Range?"

While saying this name, Long also remembered the records about this name in the books he had read.

The most mysterious forbidden place of death, the Starry Night Mountains.

It is said that this is a moving mountain range. The most famous one where it appears in records is the ancient legend of the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

The legendary saint, and the legendary leader of the Temple Knights.

in many legends.

That was the follower whom the Mother of Life came to pick up. The Mother of All Snakes completed her test and returned to the Kingdom of Creator God.

It's just that this legend is not recognized by other countries except the Ten Thousand Snakes King's Court.

It is believed that the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes added legend to its existence.

But at this moment, this legendary place really appeared.

And in the eyes of others, besides the Starry Night Mountains, this place has a more terrifying name.

"The Forbidden Land of Death."

Everyone stopped, looking frightened at this extremely beautiful and dreamy scene.

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