I Am God!

Chapter 377 Holding the power of God to control the wind and rain

In the deep underground cave.

Ackermanmon and Sero stood side by side, one with a face as paralyzed as ice, the other with a fanatical expression.

There seems to be a fire burning in Thurlow's heart, and he always looks at the world with the most fanatical eyes.

But Ackerman is a cold stone. No one knows what he is thinking, just like a corpse without a heart.

Under the burning altar.

A wise ghoul came to Thro and Ackerman and reported the situation to them.

"Chief Sir!"

"Second Master!"

"It's completely decorated."

Ackerman: "Have you checked it yet?"

The ghoul replied: "Already..."

Sero spoke directly at this time, interrupting the ghoul's words.

"No need to ask, second seat."

He raised his hand, and an invisible powerful force extended from all around. The plague blood curses in all the ghouls resonated with Thro's power. He could feel the situation in every corner of the city. .

"It's been successful."

within these days.

A huge ritual formation with the burrow as the core, the Shepherd's River and the canal as the boundary, the underground passage as the hub, and a large number of ghouls as nodes was thus formed.

This was the framework that Serro originally planned to use as the Plague Blood Curse Ritual Array, but now it has been modified to become the Abyss Sacrifice Ritual Array.

The entire royal court seemed to be led by Sero.

It's not because of how clever his strategy is, but because the information on both sides is not equal.

One is in the light and the other is in the dark.

Because of the existence of Ackerman, the King of Snakes, Sero can always be one step ahead of the royal court, putting the results the other party wants in front of their eyes, constantly diverting their attention.

This situation will definitely not last long.

Neither Sukob, nor the supreme governor of the royal court, nor the divine attendants of the temple were fools.

They must have all sensed something was wrong, and have even begun to investigate the truth hidden beneath the false appearance.

But during this period.

Cerro and Ackermanmon have completed all the arrangements.

Ackerman looked along the altar at his feet, and his inspiration seemed to see a terrifying and huge pattern printed on the entire underground of Eclipse City.

It's like a giant chopping board.

Everyone is a beast waiting to be slaughtered.

Ackerman asked Sero: "Such a large abyss sacrifice formation."

"How many people need to be consumed as a price to open the door to the abyss."

Sero couldn't help but laugh, and he smiled and said terrifying words.

"It's not a sacrifice, second seat."

"We entered the abyss together and fell into darkness together."

"The moment the Gate of Original Sin arrives, the mud of filth will swallow everything, and everyone will become an abyss monster."

Sero circled the edge of the flame altar and turned behind the flames. His shadow stretched as long as the person on the ground, spinning around like a pointer.

He held Ackermanmon's shoulders and said to him.

"What a wonderful thing it is."

"Everyone will hold hands together and step into the abyss!"

"Everyone is smiling together and looking forward to the new future."

Being able to describe such a horrific scene so warmly, even though Thurlow is a corpse eater and the son of a butcher, he is still quite romantic.

He led Ackerman forward and stood directly in front of the flames.


"I will eat this city completely and eat everyone."

"They will enter my stomach, the depths of my gluttony."

"King of all snakes, are you interested?"

"Come to the kingdom in my stomach and still be their king?"

Ackerman said nothing.

Thoro laughed, knowing that Ackerman would not choose this way.

"rest assured."

"If you don't want to go to the abyss, I won't force you."

"I will enter the abyss, and you will stay in the world and become my other hand and eye in the world."

Ackermanmon did not continue this topic, he just asked Thuro.

"When are you going to activate the ritual formation?"

Thurlow told him: "Today at midnight."

Ackerman nodded, turned and left.

He left the slope of the altar and walked towards the outside, and at this time, Sero called to him.

"Wait a moment."

Ackerman turned around, and Sero threw something down from the altar.

"Bring it with you."

Ackerman took it and found that it was "Abyss Divine Grace".

Ackerman raised his head and glanced at Sero.

Thurlow said.

"Take it well!"

“No matter what you want to do, you need strength.”

Sero was obviously helping Ackerman, but he still looked unforgiving.

"Although what you are pursuing is..."

"Ridiculous freedom."

"What kind of unfettered life?"

Sero shrugged his shoulders, mocking what Ackermanmon valued most.

Ackermanmon didn't pay attention to these minor problems of Sero. He looked at Sero and seemed to feel something.

"Are you trying to hold back? It's not like you."

"If you have a backup plan, you won't have the courage to do whatever it takes."

"That's what you said."

Thuro sneered: "This is charity, second place."

Sero turned around, his back facing Ackermanmon. "

"Get out of here!"

"Any later and you will enter my stomach."

"The Gluttony King of the Abyss will not give you a chance to choose."

Ackerman turned and left, but couldn't help but smile softly as he left.

After he returned, he immediately left with the old snake man whom he had made into a ghoul, the middleman Suinhall sent to contact him.

He is a very key figure.

Although he does not have strong power, the other party is very special and is the controller of Suinhor's important intelligence network in the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

It was with the help of his power, as well as his own identity and the help of the Corpse Eater Secret Cult, that Ackerman finally built a huge underground force and controlled every move of the Ten Thousand Snakes King's Court.

Its tentacles even penetrated deep into the side of the highest consul of the royal court and the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Even said.

This time, Sero was able to successfully arrange such a huge ritual formation, relying on this power.

Ackerman left Lunar Eclipse City in several cars and headed into the distance.

The moon rises higher and higher.

Spreading light into the River of Shepherds.

Ackerman in the vehicle opened the curtain and looked towards the Lunar Eclipse City.

It seems to be waiting for something.

He waited for a while, but when there was no arrival, he lowered the curtain.

Just the moment he put down the curtain, he suddenly felt something.


He immediately pulled the curtain hard and stuck his head and even half of his body out.


A ray of light burst out from the center of the distant city and headed towards the sky.

Circles of light emerged from the earth and turned into a huge ritual array that connected to the depths of the dream world and to those beings named after myths.

The sky is changing.

The originally cloudless night sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and strong winds hit.

Immediately afterwards.

Black rain falls from the sky,

In Ackerman Mundu's shocked eyes, a big hole opened in the sky.

From the black hole, filthy black mud flowed.

The black mud is extremely sticky, sticking together like asphalt in the sky and falling slowly.

The black mud light looked at it.

It makes people feel evil, filthy, and depraved, and creates strong disgust from the bottom of their hearts.

That is life's instinctive fear and escape from the darkness of all spirits.

Along with the appearance of black mud, the shadow of a huge mythical door also appeared in the big hole opened in the sky.

at the beginning.

He was very far away, and as the black rain and black mud came, He began to get closer.

It seems that he wants to enter the human world.

Akhmenmon called out His name, that terrifying name.

"The Gate of Original Sin."

"A symbol of divine power!"

To be more precise, it is a symbol of the intelligent demigod, although Akmanmon now possesses a large amount of extraordinary knowledge and secrets that are difficult for mortals to access.

But he still didn't know this secret that went straight to the core of the gods.

Sero opened the ritual magic circle.

He carried out his craziest fight to the death, hoping to once again create the miracle he had once created.


For a moment.

The thunder in the sky shook everyone in the city.

The Ten Thousand Snakes Temple, the Qi Lawyers Guild, and various institutions in the Royal Court were all alarmed. Thousands of people appeared outside at the same time that the power fluctuation appeared, raising their heads and looking at the black sky in the sky. rain.

Among the Contract Lawyers Guild, a being with the form of a god suddenly rushed into the air, looking at the black rain that kept dripping and getting bigger and bigger.

Sukob did not act rashly immediately. He was observing the surrounding situation, looking for traces of the real person behind the scenes.

Also, what exactly does the other party want to do?


Sukob also saw a snake man rushing into the distance in the black rain on the night-shrouded street, trying to escape the sudden strange rain and go home quickly.

But as he ran, he turned into a snake demon.

During the struggle, it completely fell into madness, began to roar manically, wanted to attack the surrounding beings that did not belong to the abyss monsters, rushed into a circle of beasts on sail and tore a beast into pieces.

Although Sukob is an Ewel who grew up on the giant island of Ruh, he also knows what happened on another continent in the distance, the Ewell Peninsula.

He immediately recognized what the black rain was and what the ritual was initiated in the city.

"Abyss Black Rain."

"Someone opened the Abyss Sacrifice Ceremony in the city."

"When was the arrangement completed? I didn't even notice it?"

Sukob did not expect that someone would actually arrange such a horrifying evil ritual under his nose.

The magnitude of this ceremony and the power of this ceremony are simply beyond human imagination.

Several questions immediately came to Sukob's mind.

Who can preside over such a ceremony? At least he is an apostle.

How many extraordinary materials and powerful persons are needed as nodes for such a ritual array? At least it's calculated in thousands.

Who could arrange such a ritual array under his nose without being discovered? Sukob immediately thought of the Corpse Eater Secret Cult, this extremely mysterious force.

"Everything they did was just to confuse us. Their real purpose was this ritual that covered the entire Eclipse City."

Sukob understood the links immediately.

On the other side, Long was currently sending a signal to the wizard spirits in the city not to go out and avoid the black rain in the sky.

After he finished all this, he hurried to Sukob's side.

"Who is this?"

“What exactly does the person conducting the ceremony want?”

Sukob originally didn't know the complete purpose of Thuro, but when he saw the big hole opened in the sky, not only the most terrifying black mud flowed out.

Along with the black mud, there was also a dark red mythical door.

"That is?"

"The Gate of Myth."

Sukob's voice became louder, and you could see that his inner emotions fluctuated greatly.

"He wants to summon the Gate of Sin."

At this time, even Sukob was completely panicked.

The Gate of Original Sin.

That is a mythical level of power.

Long didn't panic, because he was completely confused at the moment: "Isn't it possible?"

But he immediately asked: "Is it possible for the other party to succeed?"

Sukob said hurriedly: "Of course it will not succeed in other places, but this is Eclipse City."

For the evil gods, the sacrifices here are unimaginably rich, and even myths are tempted by them.

At least.

Such a huge sacrifice is enough to call out the Gate of Original Sin.

Of course, the premise is that you have to spend thousands of extraordinary beings in a city like Eclipse City to have an apostle preside over the ceremony.

If Thoro didn't have cheap extraordinary monsters like ghouls that could be mass-produced, he wouldn't be able to assemble the conditions for such a huge ritual array.

Without the naturally formed hiding place of the underground cave, it would be impossible to set up such a ritual array under everyone's eyes.


Without Sukob's forcing, he would not have thought of such a crazy idea.

By summoning the Gate of Original Sin, everything will eventually become a tribute to the Evil God of Original Sin instead of falling into his hands. His original plan was to achieve nothing.


"Find everyone and return to the Contract Lawyer Guild, and then use the power of the idol to protect this place."

"The power of the black rain in the abyss is simply impossible for ordinary people to resist."

Sukob finished speaking in a hurry and rushed towards the light pillar.

His figure flickered a few times, and then he passed through the increasingly heavy black rain and appeared next to the light pillar.

He saw the earth crack under the beam of light.

A huge underground cave appeared in front of people.

There is an altar burning with evil flames in the cave. At this moment, a snake man wearing a cloak and a mask is standing in front of the altar.

At this moment, a shadow hundreds of meters high behind him was twisting, and the plague blood curse emerged in the shadow.

Throughout the city, thousands of plague blood curses emerged, appearing in every corner of the city, resonating with the snake man on the altar.

The moment Sukob saw the other party, he immediately took action.

Sukob roared loudly.


"Madman, do you know the consequences of summoning the Gate of Original Sin?"

Sukobu held the Book of Witch Spirits in his hand, and the densely packed words gathered into a sea, and finally turned into a written contract spirit hundreds of meters high.

It wields huge power and wants to directly erase the opponent.


I want to blow down the altar and the entire cave together.

But a powerful force immediately blocked him, and a spiritual force field unfolded directly. It was a spiritual force field that had been multiplied by the ghoul ritual.

The powerful curse power gathered together, and finally collided with Sukob's written contract spirit, and no one could do anything about it.

The masked snake man with the cloak raised his head and looked at Sukob.

"What consequences?"

Thoro stared at this apostle of God, a figure he had once found unmatched.

"I will have the power of a god, albeit temporarily."

Sero's crazy emotions leaked out, and his crazy face could even be vaguely seen through the mask.


"At least at this moment, I am a god on earth."

Sukob was completely angry. He was an extremely arrogant lunatic. He wanted to sacrifice the lives of countless people just to briefly gain the power of the gods.

The opponent's powerful mental force field, which had received a lot of ghoul power and ritual blessings, could not be broken so easily. Sukob could only use his own trump card.

“Using words as a carrier.”

"Command by contract."



The Book of Witch Spirits immediately communicated the authority of his own words, and even communicated with the dream world.

Through the authority of words, he borrowed a large amount of contract power.

This time, a large number of contract spirits responded to him, and the will of thousands of people converged on him, forming the so-called power of law.

The law is an invisible light that turns into powerful waves and sweeps away.

Under that law, everything was wiped out.

The surrounding black rain was dispersed.

Although Sukob is an apostle, his precise identity should be called a reincarnation.

Although he is an apostle, he has already embarked on the path to mythology and already possesses the power of an extraordinary apostle.

At this moment, with the power of the contract he borrowed.

Even the ritual launched by Sero was suppressed, and the light beam began to be depressed.

Looking at it, it seemed that it was going to wipe it out completely.

This time.

Sukob can be said to have used his greatest strength.

But at this time another situation occurred.

On the other side of the giant hole in the sky, the Gate of Myth continues to approach the real world from the darkness, and its power also begins to penetrate from the dream world into the real world.

A corner of the Gate of Original Sin.

Astonishingly, the abyss of darkness and nothingness has been explored.

The terrifying black rain from the abyss turned from a drizzle of drizzle into a violent storm in an instant, sweeping across the earth.

For a moment.

It overcame the power of Sukob's judicial decree.

Sero laughed and looked at the sky: "Look, my mythical power is here."

Sukob was extremely distressed. He seemed to feel what was about to happen: "That is the power of the evil god of the abyss, you idiot."

"What do you think you are?"

"You are just a plaything of the Evil God of the Abyss."

Thurlow didn't care: "Everyone who wants to change their destiny is a plaything of fate."

"But who says that playthings can't change your destiny?"

The black mud from the sky also continued to pour down, landing in the center of the city.

Sukob also had to avoid it, not daring to touch the most filthy and filthy thing in the world.

Sukob was forced to retreat, far away from the big hole in the sky.

Although Sukobu is a reincarnated person, he possesses power beyond ordinary apostles.

But at this moment.

He was facing the door of myth.

In the black storm.

Countless snake people in the city were instantly eroded by the darkness of the abyss, and black filthy spots grew on their bodies.

Immediately afterwards.

They had scales all over their bodies.

In the end, he was controlled by evil and desire, and became a beast-like existence.

The city was immediately in complete chaos. Unknown how many monsters began to attack the houses of other snake people, pulling them into the black rain; tearing their will to resist into pieces and making them become part of the monsters.

the other side.

Many powerful people saw the signs of the battle between Sukob and Thuro, and at the same time they rushed to the place where the light was emitting, and to the big hole in the sky.

Together with Sukob, they wanted to nip everything in the bud.

"Lord Sukob has suppressed the evil spirit."

"Hurry up and help Lord Sukob."

"Damn it."

"What do these guys want?"

Everyone still doesn't understand the current situation. They still think they can still control the situation. They don't know what Thuro is doing.

However, when they arrived at the bottom of the huge hole in the sky, large amounts of black mud from the abyss poured out, flowing down overwhelmingly.

And that black rain.

It turned into a violent storm in an instant, sweeping everyone into it.

The protective magical barrier on their bodies was torn to pieces in an instant, and scores of people were swallowed up by the black rain.

"not good."

"Get away quickly."

But when I realized it, it was already too late.

"No, the rain can't stop it."

"What kind of wind is this? You can't breathe. There is something wrong with this wind."


"My hands, something's growing on my body."

"I have an extra hand, hurry up, chop it off for me!"

"It's over."

Even if these powerful people escaped the black rain, the overwhelming black mud that followed instantly swallowed them up and turned them into abyss monsters.

One by one, these powerful people became snake demons with black scales, and even four-armed snake demons with multiple arms.

Along with the overwhelming black mud, there was also a black storm sweeping the world.

In this scene that is like destroying the world.

The Gate of Original Sin fell from the sky.

It is connected with the consciousness of the sacrificer on the altar and the person conducting the ceremony.

At this moment.

Sero's power seemed to be rising endlessly, running towards the end of the sky.

He could feel that he had the authority of God,


Sero laughed wildly, he couldn't stop laughing.

Because the excitement and happiness pouring out of my heart are just like the power in my body, endless.

He opened his arms, and behind him the Gate of Original Sin stood in the center of the city.

The tripod stands between heaven and earth.

With wind, rain and black mud.

Sero's voice was carried through the storm, as if he was having a conversation with someone.

He held his head high, letting the violent black rain fall on his mask.

"did you see it?"

"I, Sero."

"A butcher's son, a fellow as low as the mire."

"You can also hold the authority of God and control the wind and rain in the center of this world."


In the black storm.

In a world-destroying horrific disaster.

A cursed puppet stood in front of the window of the stormy three-story stone building, looking far into the sky.

It saw the door of myth falling from the sky to the earth, bringing disaster and despair that destroyed everything.

He saw the entire city transform from a peaceful paradise to a monster's lair in an instant.

At this moment.

The feathered serpent's memory was pulled back many years ago, and it seemed to have witnessed such a scene.

That is the deepest fear etched in its memory.

The feathered snake couldn't help but tremble, even if it was just a door, the truly terrifying existence had not yet appeared.

It has already remembered the evil god who returned after 250 million years.

"This is it."

"That's the door."

Although this door has changed a lot from before, Quetzalcoatl can still recognize it at a glance.

This is the symbol of the evil god with its mythical door.

But as the eyes fell.

Feathered Serpent saw in the black rain in the distance, the snake man wearing a mask and embracing the gate of myth.

It suddenly froze.

Obviously, the other party is a snake man.

"What is he doing?"

"What is he doing?"

It doesn't understand.

All it pursues is to transform from a monster into a human again.

And now this man is transforming himself from a human into a monster at the expense of everyone in the city.


“Why give up who you are as a human being.”

The Quetzalcoatl suddenly felt extremely angry. It felt that what it longed for most was being trampled by another person.

The beliefs it holds, everything it stands for.

It's like a joke in the eyes of the other party.

Sometimes it’s all you pursue, all you care about, and you’re willing to give everything to get it.

In the eyes of others, it is just trash that can be thrown away.

Some people are willing to give up their power in order to become human, and some people are willing to give up their human identity at all costs for power.

The imprisoned caged bird banged its head against the cage with bloodshed; the one with freedom tied the chains to itself.

The aloof gods are eager to restore their own civilization, and the emperors who represent civilization are willing to destroy their own countries to get the chance to become gods.

Everyone has something they can't get.

Then do whatever it takes to fill the void you are missing.


Sukob had just stepped away from the huge hole in the sky, avoiding the black mud spurting down from the sky, and avoiding the Gate of Original Sin falling from another world.

I saw a large number of powerful people being eroded by the abyss, and there were many figures Sukob knew among those people.

Sukob paused, then his face showed anger.

"Damn it!"

"This can't go on like this."

Sukob knew that he could no longer save the situation on his own.

This is no longer a war between apostles, this is a confrontation between myths.

Sukob read out the three-part name of God as an apostle on the spot.

"The God of Truth, the Lord of Books and Knowledge, the God of Eternal Reincarnation!"

"Your apostle asks for your attention."

"I hope to get your response and your help."

Sukob was a little excited. It could be seen that he was indeed shocked by the disaster of the Gate of Original Sin falling and the world-destroying black rain.

"This city..."

"It's already in danger."

Sukob raised his head and looked up at the sky.

"Only you, only you can save it."

"Please help us fight against the power of the evil god of the abyss."

The call followed the wind and spread to the sky above the clouds.

spread to the other side of the distant world.


The violently rotating storm suddenly stopped, as if a stop button had been pressed.

A ray of light fell from the sky in the distance, accompanied by a mirage-like phantom.

A huge door fell from the sky and landed on Sukob's back, blessing Sukob with the power of myth.

Sukob held the Book of Witch Spirits in his hand and looked at the masked snake man at the other end of the Gate of Original Sin.

The gate of truth and the gate of original sin.

The two mythical doors met face to face again after many years.

The feud between Xiao and Asai has gone through time and again and will never end.

It's like an eternal curse. The two people who drank the poisonous wine of eternal life and opened up the road to myth.

Destined to play this game of mutual torture in the reincarnation of fate.

I've been very busy lately and come home late every day, so the update is a bit late.

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