I Am God!

Chapter 460 The Spokesperson of Lust

In the past, legion marches were accompanied by a large number of beasts of burden, ground dragons, and several stone demons. But when it came to the guard legion composed of demon knights, the momentum was even greater.

There are not only ordinary beasts of burden and earth-walking dragons, but also many earth-piercing beasts on the ground; there are wind lizard dragons hovering in the sky, and in addition there are a few other magical beasts.

At first glance, the momentum is astonishing.

The army and supplies were left outside the city, while all the demon knights bid farewell to the king in the square outside the palace. The king took the princes and ministers with him, and there were many city residents in the distance who came to watch.

"The monsters of the Guards Corps look really scary!" The citizens of Moonlight City had seen the Guards Corps training before, but this was the first time for many of them to see these monsters at such a close distance.

"But it feels so powerful." Although the wind lizard dragon looks ferocious and terrifying, the more ferocious it is, the more powerful it proves, making many young people admire and yearn for it.

"It would be great if I could also become a Demon Knight." Some people had plans to become Demon Knights just by looking at these magical beasts.

"Are you going to Moonlight Province to quell the rebellion?" The older ones were focused on other issues.

"It seems that the northwest is really in chaos." Although the news came from the northwest, the civilians at the bottom had only heard it and were not sure. Now it is completely confirmed.

Anu stood under the enlarged wind lizard, accepting His Majesty the King's instructions.

Next to the king is the commander of another extraordinary army, a third-level powerful person.

The Guards Corps left, and it was the other party who took over from Anu to guard the Fire Protection City. In this way, the capital still maintained the status quo of two extraordinary legions guarding the city.

And Anu heard that he was preparing to change his job to become an alchemist recently, and he was very close to the Desire God System.

The king encouraged Anu and finally said.

"I'm waiting for your triumphant return in the palace."

Anu straightened up, nodded and said nothing more.

The wind lizard dragon bent its slender neck and lowered its head to let him sit on it, then flapped its wings and flew away, followed closely by the wind lizard dragon knights and soared into the sky with him.

Wind lizards flew over the city one after another, whipping up gusts of wind.

The mighty earth-piercing beasts lined up through the streets, and the demon knights holding lances were covered in armor and had cold eyes.

It attracted the attention of everyone in the city, and some children were still chasing and shouting on the street.


"It's flying."

"This big guy, the ground is shaking when he runs!"

Finally, the entire Guards Corps set off for the Moonlight Province, crossing another province along the way. However, due to the super mobility of the Warcraft, they arrived at the border of the Moonlight Province in more than ten days. This was due to the dragging of baggage and ordinary soldiers. The hind legs are broken and the mountains to the north are difficult to travel.

The army did not rush in, but stayed on the border to camp.

“What do we do, where do we start?”

After the deputy commander of the Guards Corps arranged the camp task, he immediately entered the camp and asked the commander Anu. Other officers also rushed in and looked at Anu.

Anu had always said that we would wait until the specific task arrived, but now it has arrived.

Anu tapped the reports from various nobles on the table, including where rebels appeared, where fierce battles broke out, and other various situations.

But in Anu's view, the information reported by the local nobles was no more than waste paper.

"First of all, let's find out what's going on with the rebels?"

"Who are the people who are causing trouble?"

"Or...are those rebels rebels?"

Anu drew a circle on the map of Moonlight Province, enclosing one of the counties.

"The rebellion started in Luoye County. Since the nobles and lords of Moonlight Province say that the rebels here are the most arrogant and arrogant, we will start from here."

"Help them solve this biggest problem for him."

Anu did not move after arriving at the border of Moonlight Province. Instead, he sent Wind Lizard to Luoye County in Moonlight Province to check the situation and see how far the rebels were affected and how many people there were.

A few days later, he finally determined the location of the "rebels."

Anu immediately summoned a group of people with the strongest mobility under his command, and the demon knights boarded the Wind Lizard Dragon and the Earth-Piercing Beast one after another, showing their first riding form.

At the same time, the wind lizard dragon and the earth-piercing beast were still covered with people.

Each World of Warcraft has ten to more than a dozen people mounted on it. This method is definitely not suitable for long-distance flights, but it is still possible to transport troops over short distances.

After they arrived in Luoye County, they immediately divided into three teams and quickly rushed towards three places in Luoye County.

The Guards Corps quickly attacked to Luoye County, and at this time, there was also a big drama going on in Luoye County.

Fallen Leaf County.

A group of farmers who lost their land and homes were driven into the jungle to hide. Thousands of people hid in it and built a temporary shelter in caves and ravines.

They were originally civilians from Luoye County and came from various places.

But more than two months ago, someone suddenly attacked various villages in Luoye County, burning down their homes and houses, and taking away all their belongings.

All the old men were killed and all the young men were taken away as slaves.

Some people fled their hometown in panic, only to find that this situation was everywhere in Luoye County.

There are refugees fleeing everywhere and "robbers" who intercept and kill them.

They gathered together and fled into the jungle.

These people were so terrified that they hid in the mountains and did not dare to go out. However, the food was gradually exhausted, and the food found in the mountains was not enough to feed so many of them. Everyone did not know what to do next.

In a cave, some refugees were discussing countermeasures.

These people are not ordinary farmers, they are either craftsmen or have been traders. They are a relatively knowledgeable group of civilians.

"Is it still so chaotic outside?" Someone wanted to go out.

"Some people have fled into the mountains recently. Bandits are everywhere outside and killing people." Someone said about the recent situation. After so long, the outside has not become better, but has become worse.

"What kind of robbers? Those are all soldiers of the Luoye Family." Someone shouted with extreme anger.

"When they burned down our village, I recognized the leader. I had met him before. At that time, Luoye County was still Luoye Territory, and he was the one who came to collect taxes." Someone immediately proved it.

"Yes, there are no robbers riding earthly dragons. Those are the knights of the Luoye family." Everyone was talking about it, and everyone hated the robbers who burned down their homes.

At this moment, a team of nearly a thousand people, who looked like a local regular army, led by everyone, broke into the jungle.

The jungle was dense and deep, but under the guidance of someone, they quickly found the hiding place of this group of people.

Soon, there was movement outside.

"Oh no."

"Those guys are at it again."

"The robber...the robber is coming."

"What robbers? It's the Luoye family's army that's coming."

"There are so many people...it's all people outside."

The snake men who were discussing in the cave immediately rushed out and saw soldiers pouring into the entrance of the ravine outside, massacring the refugees inside.

"Run or not?" Someone was immediately afraid.

"The mountain pass is blocked, there is no place to run." But looking at the surrounding situation, they also found that they had no way to run.

"Who chose this place? Didn't they think about how to escape later?" These people were farmers and craftsmen before. Before, they only thought this place was hidden, and they didn't think about the future.

"Fight them." Being cornered, they also went crazy.

The refugees hiding in the mountains picked up simple weapons. The good ones held some knives, guns and hammers, the worst ones used farm tools, and the worst ones rushed down directly holding a wooden stick.


"Revenge, revenge..."

"Perish with them."

But how can this weapon compete with those fully armed soldiers.

Those knights riding dragons and soldiers wearing leather armor easily defeated them. The initial enthusiasm quickly turned into fear and confusion.

Many people simply lay down on the ground and surrendered, or bumped around like headless flies.

"Do not kill me."

"Don't kill me, I surrender."

"Sir, please let me go!"


The scene was in chaos, but the soldiers and knights were well-trained and kept their formations stable.

The knights leading the army rushed to the front, rushed into the cave, and killed all the leaders in the cave.

Within a moment, there were only a large number of scattered corpses left in the cave.

After that, he immediately gave the order and said to his soldiers.

"That's it. Let them stop."

"Capture the remaining people and let the slave merchant from the Innocence City come over to see what he wants and how much they are worth."

Slave merchants don't need everything, after all, it's not cheap to transport it to a distant place.

The knight got off the dragon and looked at the corpses everywhere and said with disdain.

"These territories belong to the master. These guys farmed in the master's territory and refused to obey the master. Let them pay the price now."

"You think that if you change it to Luoye County, you won't be controlled by me?"

"No matter what time of day, this is the Fallen Leaf Collar."

At this time, a panicking roar suddenly came from the sky.


Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky.

"Look at the sky?" He only saw black shadows circling in the sky.

"Winged Demon, is there a Winged Demon?" For flying beings, most people's first impression is Winged Demon. The Wind Lizard Dragon has only appeared for a short time, and people in the Moonlight Province have never seen this kind of thing. exist.

"Where did so many winged demons come from?" The knights in the cave also rushed out. There were only seven or eight shadows in the sky, but for them this was scary enough.

At this time, the earth suddenly shattered.

"Bang~" The earth arched out and the rocks collapsed.

"Roar!" A huge head appeared and roared.

In everyone's horrified eyes, a terrifying monster rushed out from under the earth and directly bit a knight in iron armor and the earth dragon together.

This is an earth-piercing beast.

Its appearance was like a clarion call for war. Immediately, a series of earth-piercing beasts were seen rushing out from the ground, scaring those earth-walking dragons into running away like crazy, and even rushed directly into the mouth of the earth-piercing beast in a panic.

The wind lizard dragons hovering in the sky also rushed down one by one, and soldiers could be seen jumping off the wind lizard dragons one by one.

Some raised their large shields, and some took out alchemy crossbows and various weapons.

They formed a formation of seven people and aimed at these soldiers.

There were less than a hundred people who came, plus a dozen magical beasts, but they killed the thousands of local nobles and private soldiers present and had no way to escape.

It was even more bloody and cruel than the civilians slaughtered by the noble private army just now. The terrifying wind lizard dragon and earth-piercing beast could crush them into meat pies with just one movement.

The terrifying lance came towards them, piercing them like fallen leaves and holding them up in the air.

Several of the powerful people also died in the air cannon of the Wind Lizard Dragon.

The soldiers holding alchemical weapons advanced step by step, forcing the sergeant who had just surrounded the refugees into a blind corner.

The sergeants of Luoye County were all at a loss. They had no idea where these soldiers who fell from the sky and emerged from the ground came from.

"Who is this?"

"Where did this come from?"

"What are these flying monsters?"

"Where did the monster riding the flying monster come from?"

Everyone was frightened and confused.

All they could see was that their companions around them continued to fall, and then their formations continued to shrink. In the end, all they could see were the monsters.

"who are you?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Someone went crazy, shouted and rushed outside, and then was nailed to the ground by a several-meter-long lance.

Anu rode the wind lizard and kept watching in the sky. There was really no need for him to come over for such a small scene.

Until the soldiers of the Guards Corps killed almost all these people, leaving only the leading group to guard them.

At this time, he fell from the sky. Looking at the Luoye County lord's private army that had been strangled, he nodded with satisfaction.

From the beginning, he had no intention of holding back, just to give these people a blow.

And he also had legitimate reasons to kill these "rebellious" rebels.

And looking at the refugees who fled into the mountains, all of them were frightened by the monsters and ferocity of the Guards Corps, Anu immediately looked at his deputy commander.

The deputy commander immediately walked up to these refugees and said to these people.

"No need to panic."

"I am the commander of the Kingdom's Guards Corps, sent by His Majesty the King to Moonlight Province to deal with bandits and rebellions here."

"Everyone, please gather together now and stop running around..."

Anu waved his hand to summon a wind lizard dragon knight: "Go and tell the chief of Luoye County, by the way...and the current leader of the Luoye Family."

"Just say that the Kingdom Guards have arrived and have wiped out the rebels in Luoye County."

The demon knight on the wind lizard broke into laughter and said loudly.

"Okay, I'll notify them right away."

"Tell them there is no need to be afraid or worry. All the rebels who caused rebellion have been killed."

Not long after, another group of people got the news and hurried over.

The other party was heartbroken when he saw the corpses everywhere.

Almost screaming, he yelled: "They are counter-rebellion soldiers, my territorial private army."

Then he pointed to the refugees standing aside, barely clothed.

"These are the rebels."

"They are the rebels!"

"Killed by mistake."

"You killed the wrong person."

The leader saw the largest wind lizard dragon and Anu who was being guarded by everyone, and immediately rushed forward impatiently.

"I am the lord of the Luoye family."

"You must be Commander Anu!"

Anu said very seriously: "Yes, I am Anu, the commander of the Guards."

The lord of the Fallen Leaf Family immediately angrily repeated what he had said before, constantly telling Anu that they were killing his family's private army, a counter-rebellion army, not the rebels.

Anu seemed very surprised and surprised. He took out a letter sent by the Luoye family.

"It clearly says that the rebels in Luoye County are extremely ferocious. They besieged villages and towns and harassed cities. You are unable to suppress them."

"You're talking about these looted civilians, a group of people who don't even have armor."

"Is this the brutal rebel you mentioned?"

The lord of the Luoye family was immediately speechless and became hesitant.

But before a while, he immediately found an excuse.

"These are because the rebels have been wiped out, and these people are just the remaining villains after their defeat, so they fled into the mountains."

Anu waved his hand and asked someone to bring one of the dozen people who had not been killed but were under guard.

"Bringing slave merchants to quell the rebellion, and selling slaves outside the country while suppressing the rebellion. Is this really the first time I've seen this?"

The lord of the Luoye family didn't feel ashamed at all, and didn't even bother to cover up.

"Any questions?"

"A group of rioters can survive as slaves. We are already kind and lenient enough..."

Anu sneered and interrupted the other party forcefully without even hearing the other person's words.

"What you said is useless. I only know that I destroyed a rebel army that was plundering the civilians of Luoye County and the Kingdom."

"My eyes saw that they were massacring some unarmed civilians, and were leading slave traders and slave-catching teams from outside the country to capture everyone in Suinhor."

"Such people are undoubtedly rebels."

The other party was extremely angry: "Your Excellency Anu!"

"I will report to His Majesty the King, inform all the ministers in the royal capital, and tell everyone about your arrogance and domineering behavior."

"You are not qualified to kill my people. Killing a private soldier of a kingdom lord is against the law. This is..."

Anu ignored the other party's angry howls and spoke directly to the soldiers under his command.

"Cut off the heads of these rebels. Don't miss any one. Each one can be counted as military merit."

"If you miss it, don't come to me if your military achievements are gone in the future."

The soldiers of the Guards Corps were extremely unruly, staring at the lord of the Luoye Family with ferocious eyes.

"There can't be any less. I need to cut more."

The lord of the Luoye Family suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if these people were preparing to cut off his own head.

In an instant, he lost his momentum and did not dare to say anything more.

But Anu turned around and continued.

"Keep the rest under my watch and interrogate them why they betrayed the kingdom and who ordered them."

The once noble lord of the Fallen Leaf Territory was furious and raised his arm to point at the lizard man in front of him.


I kept saying the word "you" for a long time, but the second half of the words didn't come out.

Anu turned his back to him and gave him a final blow.


"There seem to be two rebel armies in the Kuro Mountains to the west and Valley Town to the south. I have also sent people to encircle and suppress them."

"Calculating the time, it should be almost over."

The other party immediately screamed: "What?"

After hearing this, the lord of the Luoye Family began to shake.

Then his vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

This was completely ruined for the private army and power of the Luoye family, and all the accumulation accumulated over generations was completely lost in one day.

Now is not the time before when they still had the entire Luoye County as their territory. There is no way to replenish these things.

Unless, they can separate themselves again.

Anu glanced disdainfully at the fallen leaf family lord on the ground, then ordered people to tidy up the battlefield, and set off towards Moonlight City with the surviving refugees.

"Notify everyone in the legion to gather in Moonlight City."

"It's time to meet these guys from the Moonlight Province."


Moonlight City.

Governor's Palace.

Anu led the Guards Corps into the city, sorted out the Governor's Mansion, which looked like it had been plundered, and then summoned officials and noble lords of the Moonlight Province in the name of the King's envoy. Come and see yourself.

In fact, the nobles of the Moonlight Province received the news as soon as Anu set out for the Moonlight Province, and even knew when Anu arrived at the border of the Moonlight Province, and at the same time they united to figure out how to deal with Anu.

It just went dormant as soon as it came, leaving them confused.

Then the opponent rushed into Luoye County with thunderous speed, so fast that they couldn't react, and Anu grabbed the handle.

As soon as Anu entered Moonlight City, another large group of people immediately gathered in a manor castle in Moonlight City.

"Here he comes, the king's minion."

"This guy is so ruthless. He killed thousands of people from the Luoye family as soon as he arrived, including many knights canonized by the kingdom. The Luoye family is completely finished."

"The king looks completely pissed off, what should we do?"

"How many generations have our families ruled the Moonlight Province?"

The castle belongs to the Lucci family, and its owner is a middle-aged nobleman with brown curly hair. This is a noble family with a history of thousands of years. They have taken root in the Moonlight Province since the Alpans era.

"Isn't he here to suppress the rebellion? Then let him suppress the rebellion."

"Don't he like killing people? Then let him kill and see how many people he can kill."

After the nobles of Moonlight Province finished their discussions, they came to the Governor's Mansion one after another to meet the Governor.

As soon as they met, they complained to Anu, talking about the proliferation of chaos in various places and how miserable they were.

"Commander Anu must kill those traitors and save the Moonlight Province!"

Anu looked at these people's performance and then asked.

"Can a group of civilians really do what you say?"

"They also stormed into the Governor's Mansion and killed everyone on and off the Governor's Mansion. I remember that provincial governors usually have several second-level powerful people protecting them."

"I want to ask where they got such powerful power."

A nobleman from the Moonlight Province stood up and told Anu.

"Of course not just civilians, but also cults."

Anu: "Cult?"

"Is it the Silver Church or the Abyss Order?"

The other party replied: "I don't know. I think Mr. Anu will investigate clearly."

"After all, you are the envoy sent by the king and the commander of the Guards Corps."

"I heard that you once participated in the battle to seal the Ghoul King. I think that even if there is evil, I can't be your opponent."

Anu didn't comment on the other person's compliment, he just expressed it.

"Of course I will investigate, and I will also get to the bottom of it."

"As for countering the rebellion, we still need your joint help!"

Anu said the word "heli" very strongly, as if he meant something else, but the people present were silent, as if they didn't hear it at all.

There was a confrontation, but no one gave in in the end.

So a meeting that seemed harmonious but was actually tense ended like this.

Then the real struggle just begins.

When Anu returned to the back of the Governor's Palace, he immediately received the news.

Among the dozen or so officers of the Fallen Leaf Lord's private army that he brought back to participate in the interception and killing of civilians, the leading ones died.


"Didn't I tell you that you must guard them?"

"Who can kill them in your hands?"

The deputy commander also felt a little ashamed: "They committed suicide."

Anu: "Suicide?"

Anu immediately went to the military camp to check the situation and found that it was indeed suicide. These people should have known that they would not survive, so they chose to commit suicide in order not to harm their families.

Anu had originally planned to use them as witnesses to prove some issues in the Moonlight Province, but at this moment it was in vain, and the rest were just minions, of no use at all.

"Forget it, even if they are still alive."

"Those nobles can also deny it. Even if it's bad, they can blame it on the Luoye family."

"There's no point in catching them, it doesn't prove their problem."

Deputy Commander: "What should we do with the remaining people and the rescued refugees?"

Anu: "Keep it for now. Although it has no use now, it can be used to prove the evil deeds of these people in the future."

Anu looked at his deputy commander and said to him.

"Now everyone in Moonlight Province has asked me to counter the rebellion. What do you think they think?"

After this period of time, the deputy commander also vaguely understood the situation: "There is no rebellion at all, it is just these people who are enclosing the territory. They are just like the days of the Fire Keepers, re-dividing the entire Moonlight Province without authorization. ”

"What they want now is to solidify this division and then force His Majesty the King to admit their division of the Moonlight Province."

"The so-called counterinsurgency is probably to hold you back."

"They are nobles, and now the entire Suinhall nobles are looking at His Majesty the King. His Majesty the King will definitely not be able to touch them without a proper reason, and the longer the delay goes on, the more passive His Majesty the King will become."

Anu nodded: "So, His Majesty the King needs a suitable reason."

"A reason that no one can find an excuse for, and that is ironclad in evidence."

Deputy Commander: "But this reason is not easy to find. Even if we find it, it will be difficult for us to pass it on."

Anu was not afraid at all: "Then I will fight them."

In the days that followed, Anu truly saw the shamelessness of these noble lords.

Urgent reports continued to come from everywhere, asking Anu to counter the rebellion.

They tried every means to force the refugees to rebel, tried every means to arm bandits everywhere, spread all kinds of rumors, and caused all kinds of trouble to Anu.

Then he sat on the ground and let the entire territory fall into chaos, constantly urging Anu to go and put down the rebellion.

It created a scene where the entire Moonlight Province was filled with smoke and rebellion.

Anu can be said to be very anxious.

Governor's Palace.

The deputy commander came back in the rain overnight wearing armor, and said to Anu: "There has been a lot of discussion in the Fire Guard City, saying that you are not good at countering the rebellion, and asked the king to transfer you back and replace him with someone else."

Anu sat at the table: "This is what those people want."

The deputy commander looked at Anu worriedly: "As long as those noble lords are still there, the so-called rebellion and chaos will never subside, because they are the real source of trouble."

Of course Anu knew: "I know, and they know too."

"But I can't directly attack them, and they also know that I can't directly attack them."

Anu looked at the candlelight in front of him and slowly closed his eyes.

It was raining heavily outside, hitting the stone bricks noisily.

At this time, several lizardmen came back from outside, and they also brought back a person.

After Anu saw the other party, he immediately stood up.

"found it?"

The lizard people dragged the man in and said to Anu.

"After searching for a long time, I finally found this guy."

"This guy was originally still in the Moonlight Province, but after you came and everyone wanted to kill him, he ran to the road of the giant snake and fled into the ruling country of ten thousand snakes."

"We finally found him based on your method, Patriarch."

Anu looked at the powerful snake man who was lying on the ground, even his consciousness was sealed, for fear that he would commit suicide.

"The commander of the garrison in Moonlight Province."

Anu waved immediately, and a man came out from behind, glanced at the figure on the ground and said.

"Yes, that's him."

Several lizardmen present breathed a sigh of relief. What they were most afraid of was arresting the wrong person, so they brought the person here as soon as they came back.

The deputy commander immediately stepped forward and said in surprise after hearing Anu's words.

"It's him?"

"Is he still alive?"

"Wasn't he annihilated along with the garrison and killed along with the governor?"

Anu said: "He is not dead at all, he is the governor of Moonlight Province who he killed with his own hands."

"He betrayed His Majesty the King and took refuge with those nobles, but he didn't expect that after I arrived, all those nobles wanted to kill him and silence him."

"This guy is also smart and ran away early."

"If I hadn't mastered some tracking methods when I was chasing the ceramic villain before, I might not have been able to find him."

Anu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this person.

He looked at the lizardmen who brought him back and gave the order.

"It's no longer safe here."

"You immediately take him to the Fire Guard City on the Wind Lizard Dragon and hand him over to His Majesty the King."

"When the time comes, His Majesty the King will deprive those guys of their rights and pronounce them guilty."

Anu held the long sword at his waist, his eyes were extremely sharp and filled with cold murderous intent.

"I will do it myself."

"Send all these guys to the gallows."

During this period, he finally saw how shameless these nobles were and how despicable their methods were.

They allowed rebellion for the sake of separatist rule and regarded human life as nothing.

They act as bandits and burn down other people's homes, forcing others to become bandits, and then kill these people in the name of counterinsurgency.

They themselves were clearly the real robbers, and they kept urging Anu to kill the robbers who were forced, bewitched, and incited by them.

They kept urging waves of refugees and bandits to come out, and then attacked Anu on the grounds that he was not able to suppress the rebellion. In fact, they embarrassed the king.

But what Anu didn't know was that he had already set the lower limit of those nobles very low.

Still underestimated the lower limits of those nobles.

Because they have no lower limit.


The manor castle of the Lucci family.

Before the lizard people brought back the commander of the Moonlight Province garrison, a group of people had already arrived by car one after another in the middle of the night to gather here secretly.

It can be seen that everyone who comes here is full of fear and has an uneasy expression.

"News came from the City of Innocence. The man was caught, just before us."

"The lizard man must have caught him."

"If he were any later, we would have caught that guy."

"He has been confusing us during this period, and we have been playing tricks on us. From the beginning, he has aimed in the right direction and identified our weaknesses."

Anu had just brought back the commander of the original garrison in Moonlight Province from outside and let them know in the blink of an eye.

"Is that lizard man trying to force us to death?"

"We have already regressed. We just want to restore our territory. Moonlight Province is ours. We are just getting back our own things. What else does he want?"

"He is just a beast raised by the king. Does he really think he is a hero?"

"How can a lizard man be called a hero?"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"what should we do?"

"He must be eliminated, along with that person."

Anu has cornered them, and everyone present can be said to be panicking.

At this time, the patriarch of the Lucci family stood up.

"It's okay, I've already prepared it."

This elegant brown curly-haired aristocrat seemed to have finally made up his mind, looking coldly at the Moonlight City in the darkness.

"Morabi currently only has three extraordinary legions under his control. Generally, two stay in the Fire Protection Province and one is sent out to perform tasks."

"Currently, it seems that the Guards Corps is the most powerful."

"If we don't have this legion, if we don't have Anu as a minion."

"I'll see if he can get better."

"With the help of King Ossis's remaining power and arrangements, he can still stabilize the situation. After his illusion of weakness is exposed, I don't see how he can still be the king."

The patriarch of the Lucci family looked at the others and said the last words.

"We have never recognized him as king."

After saying that, the patriarch of the Lucci family turned around and went in.

He entered the outside of a heavily guarded building, with two guards guarding the door. He opened the door with his own key and walked along the deep passage inside.

Walking all the way to the deepest point, I saw a graceful figure in a wide hidden shrine.

It was a woman, a very beautiful snake girl.

She is wearing a black gauze skirt, and just revealing her back makes people think.

The figure faced the statue in the shrine. The wind and rain outside floated in with a faint light, and the gentle rain fell on her gauze.

She could be heard praying softly, chanting from her mouth.

"The great fallen angel Meld!"

"The King of the Black Mud Abyss, the King of the Original Sin of Lust."

Hearing the voice behind her, the woman turned her head and looked at the patriarch of the Lucci family.

"My dear, are you back?"

The middle-aged man with brown curly hair walked forward with a fascinated look on his face.

He couldn't resist the other's beauty.

Because the other person is the spokesperson of lust in the world and the embodiment of desire.

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