I Am God!

Chapter 508 The witch doctor’s divine name and the entrance to the dream world

The capital of Matara.

In the tall stone palace, people from the entire Duke family are constantly arriving, including children from far away countries.

Men, women, old and young all showed sad expressions.

The wingmen walking in the palace were whispering. The people present were wearing a style of clothes that was relatively common in the kingdom of wingmen.

Or expose one arm, a slender shoulder strap goes around the back and buckle together, or there are two slender shoulder straps go around the back.

It looks particularly loose, because in this way their wings can be fully exposed without any obstruction.

The more noble the person, the more formal the occasion, the longer the hem of the clothes; the winged man seems to want to cover the inhuman lower limbs, so that he looks almost like a beautiful and noble sky angel.

People kept coming in, sitting by the bed and talking to a scrawny old man.





As Wus lay on the bed, he saw familiar figures arriving one after another, coming to see him off and to the kingdom of God.

"He's back!"

He nodded every time someone came in.

Say the same sentence and then call their names.

The voice was hoarse, weak, and even mentally in a trance.

People who saw this scene lowered their heads in great sadness, and some couldn't help crying or covered their mouths.

Us wanted to say something, but he didn't have enough energy.

In the end, I could only lie on the bed and look at my juniors quietly.

Everyone's sadness at this moment is indeed true, because Wusi has long passed on the position of Duke to the next generation and has retreated behind the scenes for a long time. The struggle for interests is not so fierce.

As the eldest member of the family, he was like the backbone of the family. His death is a huge loss to the entire family and the country.

Wusi has aged very badly recently. Eighty-nine years is neither long nor short.

As a second-level powerful person, Us has already given birth to many descendants of his great-grandson generation. Being able to live to the age of ninety can be said to be a complete success.

He himself did not expect that he would have to deal with a lot of things when he was old.

They carried out reforms, introduced brown bulb vines, and cooperated with the demon clan.

Even, he wants to further break through his own power.

Although it ultimately failed.

Wait until midnight.

Instead, Wus suddenly became energetic. He suddenly sat up from the bed and was helped to sit on a chair, just like usual.

But this makes people even more worried. Everyone knows that Us's last moment has arrived.

At this time, a descendant from the Oracle Kingdom arrived and hurriedly came to Us.

This is a couple whose temperament seems different from other family members, more like two scholars.

Us saw the child in their arms, who was only about three or four years old. He vaguely remembered that this was the first child in his great-grandson's generation.

But this was the first time for Wusi to see this child.

"This is?"

Female Wingman: "This is our child, Duke of Us."

Male Winged Man: "Grandpa, her name is Matafus. She was born on a beautiful rainy day, under a rainbow."

Speaking in Yiren language, it means "child in the rain". The word "mata" is taken from "matali", which itself means "in the rain".

Wusi looked at the child and saw that his grandchildren already had the next generation.

"Even she has started to grow up."

Wus looked at the child and asked her.

"Do you know who I am?"

The child looked at Us timidly, and Us's cloudy eyes looked at the child, but there was a moving light shining in them.

In the eyes of the dying old man, he seemed to see his life continuing in this child.

The child shouted: "Great-grandfather!"

A smile appeared on Wusi's face, he sat up and took the child over.

The child is small, has soft wing feathers, and is wearing white clothes. He looks like a little angel in the sky.

Us gently lifted her up, and the woman beside him supported her with some worry.

Wus looked at the child's appearance and said, "You are really just like an angel in the sky."

When the child saw Wushu's eyes and expression, his fearful expression disappeared and he laughed.

The feeling of blood connection always makes people feel good. Sometimes, even just smelling the scent of the other person can bring a sense of peace of mind without any expression.


"Have you ever seen an angel in the sky?"

Us put down the child and sat with it in his arms. He remembered that when he was a boy, he went to the Holy Mountain of Light to participate in the selection of Sky Angel: "When I was a little older than you, I went to the Holy Mountain of Light, and I was almost there. Become an angel in the sky."

Us blinked: "Really, just a little bit."

What Wus said was true. After all, he later reached the peak of the second level on his own, and he was indeed only one step away from the qualification selection.

Child: "Why didn't you become a sky angel?"

Us: "It's said that I lack some talent, but it's also possible that I lack some courage and persistence. Maybe I could have persisted for a while, but finally gave up."

In fact, Wusz knew that no matter how hard he worked, he could not change his talent flaws, although he was only a little short.

But now that I think about it, if he had tried hard, would there still be a chance?

But the past is irreversible and has finally become a regret.

But the child looked at his great-grandfather with great longing: "Being able to go to the Holy Mountain of Light to select the sky angel is already very powerful."

"My father and mother told me that my great-grandfather was a very, very... very powerful man."

Us rocked the chair and rocked with the child in his arms.

"Haha, it used to be like this."

"I am proud to go to the Holy Mountain of Light to participate in the selection. I am also proud to be able to govern this country smoothly."

"But what I am most proud of is the second half of my life, to be precise, the last ten years of my life."

Us groped around the bedside and finally took out a book.

"The Theory of a Round Earth".

Us pointed to several names above, one of which was him.

Wus looked at this book, his eyes were shining, and his energy and energy were different: "This is what I am most proud of. I helped Lei create a round earth instrument, and assisted him in compiling this book "The Theory of a Round Earth" "Look, my name is written on it."

The child's father couldn't help but step forward: "Great-grandfather, this is a great discovery. Your name will definitely remain in the annals of history and be sung by everyone."

"Not only the winged people, but other races will also remember you."

The child asked curiously: "Is the world really a round ball?"

Us nodded: "Of course, because someone has confirmed it."

The child asked again: "Who is it?"

Wus held up "The Theory of a Round Earth" and said, "That's the person at the top, the person who wrote this book, an ancient god named Lei."

"He flew an aircraft around the world from the giant island of Luhe, proving that the earth is round; he created unprecedented magical equipment and soared into the sky."

"He was fearless and never knew what it meant to be afraid or give up."

"He is the kind of person I long for and yearn for, the kind of determined and persistent person."

When the child listened to this story, he heard the longing and yearning in Us's words, which also inspired the child's yearning.

I turned to the back of the book and saw a letter inside.

That was the latest letter Ray had sent him.

Lei wrote in the letter that his plan to fly to the sky failed.

He said in a joking tone that he fell from the sky and fell miserably. Now he is searching for the missing parts of the Sun Wing everywhere on the sea.

The Sunwing's body, two wings, and one foot have been recovered so far.

Such a heavy blow, but there was no hint of frustration in Lei's letter.

"never give up."

"How enviable!"

Us gently touched the paper of the letter and looked at the words on the letter. Lei's appearance seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

The young man stood politely, without much expression, but his eyes were like burning flames.

Us said to the child: "Remember, if one day you desire from the bottom of your heart and want to do something, you must do it."

Child: "Will it be successful if you do it?"

The old man shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

"But if you don't do it, you will regret it in the future."

"When you're old like me, you'll be talking all day long."

Wus looked into the child's eyes and spoke like a theater actor, his voice becoming thicker.

"If I had chosen that path at that time."

"I will definitely be different from what I am now, I will definitely be more successful, and I will definitely do great things."

When he said this, his tone slowed down again.

"Doesn't it feel ridiculous?"

The child covered his face and kept shaking his head.

"I don't want to be like this."

Us laughed and said to the child.

"That's right, don't be like that."

"We can fail, but we cannot be cowardly. We can be weak, but we must have courage."

"We all long for the firm and persistent people we once were, and hope that we can rush forward bravely when faced with every choice and fork in the road."

"Whether it's the right way or the wrong way."

“Instead of lingering, hesitating, and looking back in fear.”

"It's like... thunder."

Wusi's expression gradually changed, and his energy and energy seemed to be withdrawn along with it.

"Unfortunately, by the time I figured it out, it was too late."

“I’ve missed so many things when I truly have the courage to know when it’s time to move forward.”

Us's voice became smaller and smaller, and others also noticed the changes in Us. The child's mother wanted to pick the child up, but Us shook his head.

He took a strong breath and said softly.

"Wait a moment..."

"It will take a while."

"Wait for someone."

Wusi has reached the end of his life, but he is holding back his breath and waiting for someone.

When daybreak came, a stream of light appeared at the end of the sky.

Lomire finally arrived.

When he came in, everyone lowered their heads and looked at the sky angel curiously.

Lomir walked to the chair and called the old man's name: "Us!"

Us heard the sound and finally slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at his friend and said softly.

"I failed."


Lomir looked at Us and said nothing. He knew that Us had only his last breath left and wanted to finish speaking in one breath.

"But in the end, I was still very happy."

"Because I did it and I just lost."

"The most uncomfortable thing in life is not losing, but that you obviously wanted to do a lot of things, but ended up doing nothing."

Lomir knew that Us was talking to him.

This was also the reason why Wus wanted to see him. It was not that he wanted to ask for help, but that he wanted to tell him that if he really wanted to do it, there was no need to panic or be afraid.

Because at the last moment, he will not regret his final decision.

Finally, Us wanted Lomire to bring a message to Lei who could not come, the figure who could never be seen again after saying goodbye.

"If one day you see Lei again."

"tell him."

"I was lucky to have met him and unlucky not to have met him sooner."

"Living never giving up, living without regrets, is too dreamy for ordinary us."

"But in the end, at least I didn't leave with the biggest regret."

"I'm so grateful to him!"

Us finished these words in one breath and leaned his head completely on the chair.

His face turned sideways to the window sill, to the side of the sun, and there was no more sound.

Until the moment of his death, he was still looking in the direction of the sun.

It seemed that at the last moment, he saw the aircraft coming through the sea of ​​clouds with rainbow-like light.

He saw the mechanical doll that seemed to be glowing in the sunlight, waving to him, leading his companions.

At the last moment of his death, he still clutched the book tightly.

A book called The Round Earth.

Lomir stepped forward and closed Us's eyes.

Tell him, "I'll tell Ray."

Wusi's dream in life went to the Dream Star Sea, and did not go to the top of the Holy Mountain of Light in the legend of the Winged Man.

At this time, the Holy Mountain of Light had not yet turned into a kingdom of God, and could not accept the spirits of servants, not to mention that Us himself was not a servant of the King of Sky Angels.

Everyone lowered their heads and expressed condolences for the passing of Wus.


at the same time.

The country of witch doctors on the floating island.

I only saw earth-shaking changes in the botanical garden high up. A small mini city appeared in the depths of the jungle of the botanical garden, hundreds of times smaller than a mortal city.

The city is built under a huge tree and there is a creek next to it.

There are various houses built in the small city simulator, even on the surrounding trees. There are small doors at the foot of the trees, in the branches of the trees, and in the cracks of the trees. Inside the doors is a A small house.

Sally's favorite thing to do these days is to look for these small doors in the gaps between trees in the jungle, and then knock on them.

Sally held a branch, squatted on a tree, and knocked on a small door that was only ten centimeters high.

"Dong dong dong!"

Inhabited by a key ghost, it poked its head out and then let out a scream.


He didn't even want the house anymore. He ran around along the tree trunk in an instant and disappeared without a trace.


Sally almost rolled on the floor laughing, it was so funny.

Sally then found a small wooden door at the foot of the tree and knocked on the next door.

This time there was a pen-wielding ghost inside. After opening the door, he shouted: "Write a letter for you, one..."

When he raised his head, he saw the little giant squatting at the door of his house with a wicked smile.


After a scream, the door was immediately closed.

Sally didn't care, just suppressing her laughter.

She then went on to find the next ghostly house hidden in the jungle, never getting tired of it.

On the way, she saw a pair of moving scissors, with an eye growing out of the screw that fixed the scissors, which looked a bit scary.


Although it has no mouth to speak, its faint fluctuations in consciousness are emitting words. Although it is weak, it is still a species of extraordinary intelligence.

It has the ability to communicate spiritually, if it is willing to communicate.

It was pruning the shrubs in the jungle, as if it belonged to a certain gardener during its lifetime.

Sally grabbed the scissors.

He conveniently cut a small tree on the road until it was like a dog chewing it, and then turned around and left with satisfaction.

The ghost spirit was left with the pair of scissors, looking at the other short trees he had neatly trimmed, and this short tree that stood out from the chickens like a dog gnawing at it. For a long time, he didn't know what to do.

Finally, she arrived outside the mini city.

She poked her head around and crept closer.

You can see her sneaking her head out from the city wall and causing huge chaos when she looked inside.

For a moment, a dark shadow enveloped the city.

All the ghosts and spirits in the city immediately became confused and everyone ran towards their homes.

"Run!" A large number of small bottle ghosts lined up, and when they ran away in a panic, they bumped into each other and fell into a pile like dominoes.

"It's that guy, it's that guy." A ghost spirit transformed into a quill pen in the style of the Winged Man Kingdom looked at the sky and said with the frightened scream of a middle-aged man.

"Close the door, everyone close the door." Every household closed the door tightly.

"She took away several cup ghosts a few days ago, everyone, be careful!" There were several ghost soldiers turned into silver forks and silver spoons on the road. They shouted loudly. They came to the road and looked at them mightily. Looking at the terrifying shadow in the sky, it looked like he was going to fight to the death, but his lower body had already softened for some reason.

The ghosts and spirits are quite a bit older and don't look very smart.

However, they are an intelligent species in themselves, and many of them can still communicate, especially after they have been born for so long and have begun to live in groups.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the power that was born after the death of mortals. Their living habits are still somewhat similar to humans in many places.

Not only have there been changes in the botanical garden, but there have also been changes in the City of God's Kingdom.

Most of the cities in the Kingdom of God are filled with large ghosts and spirits, placed in various places as decorations.

For example, the painting scroll ghost, the helmet ghost, etc. are all placed inside.

It adds a bit of color to the empty city of the Kingdom of God.

Suddenly, the entire country of witch doctors became extremely lively.

At this time, the witch doctors came to the vehicle of God and found Sheila, the master of dreams.

"Lord Sheila!"

The blond goblin knew the purpose of the witch doctors. After all, the witch doctors created so many ghosts and spirits just to open the door to the dream world and introduce the power of dreams into this world.

"Are you ready?"

"Where are you going to place your entrance to the dream world and the altar of myth?"

The six witch doctors had already planned it and said immediately.

"Lord Sheila, we are going to place the entrance to the Dream World and the myth altar in the botanical garden."

Silla nodded: "Just do it, I will assist you."

Each myth will build its own myth altar, and also has the power to open the door to the dream world and extend its own laws and power to the distance. It can also sense any servants and believers who chant the name of its god.

But this place is different after all. This place has gone beyond the limits of the dream world, so although the witch doctors are ready, they still come to ask the master of the dream world.

Seeing that Lord Sheila agreed, the witch doctors also breathed a sigh of relief.

This can be said to be foolproof.

The six witch doctors gathered in the botanical garden and came to the upper reaches of a creek in the botanical garden. Here they could see the largest tree in the botanical garden and the city of ghosts and spirits under the tree.

This mini city is a mythical altar built by witch doctors, and there is a big tree hole in the tree, with a double wooden door embedded in the tree hole.

The witch doctors stood in a circle around the ghost city and then made the same gesture.

It's like praying.

The mythical altar in the shape of a mini city immediately emitted a strong light, and lines appeared inside and outside the city, and on the city walls.

A ray of light rose into the sky and connected to another world.

The witch doctor's voice also followed the light and spread to the far end.

"Rooted in the realm of nothingness of the dreams of all living beings, and penetrating into the realm of dreams of the consciousness of all beings."

"I will engrave the name of God in the depths of the dream world, and use the mythical altar as a link to conclude an eternal contract with the dream world."

Following the words of the witch doctors, a powerful force was transmitted from another world and spread to every corner of the floating island.

It even spreads to the depths of everyone's heart.

"Our god's name is——"

"The Lord of Divine Forms above the Star Realm, the God of Creation of the Spirit of Old Things, the ancient mythical witch doctor who was born from the power of creation."

At this time, the witch doctors shouted in unison.

"The mythical altar of the land of witch doctors."

"Turn on!"

In an instant, the power of the witch doctors poured into the myth altar with the appearance of the god's name, and also spread into the dream world.

The mythical laws of the witch doctors also began to be transmitted along with the dream world, which is the mythical characteristics they inscribed on the Cup of God.

For example, the left-hand witch doctor can give supernatural power to dead objects and turn them into organs. The left-leg and right-leg witch doctors can absorb the power of emotions and memories.

This power of mythical law extends to every corner through the dream world.

from now on.

Every old object in this world that contains thoughts and memories may turn into a ghost under the power of the mythical altar and the witch doctor's mythical laws.

At the same time, the newly born ghost spirits were contacting the witch doctors through the power of the mythical altar.

The witch doctors raised their hands at the same time and pointed at the big tree that the Ghost City relied on.

"The door to the dream world!"


At this time, the wooden door of the tree hole opened with a bang.

Shadows flashed one after another, and ghosts rolled down one after another.

Following the aerial roots and lines of the big tree, we slid down into the mini city.


A place of light.

The Principality of Matare.

As Us's funeral was completed, the crowd that gathered gradually dispersed.

This huge family indeed produced many prominent figures and controlled a country, but except for a few people in each generation who could inherit something, most of them were just ordinary nobles.

By the third generation, many people did not even have fiefdoms, only a title.

If the next generation comes, they may not even be able to inherit an honorary title.

Martafusi's parents were honorary nobles with only a title. The two met at the Oracle Academy in the Oracle Kingdom, and later became tutors at the Oracle Academy, responsible for teaching etiquette and historical knowledge to the children of the nobles.

Now their family has left the Principality of Matare and is preparing to return to the Oracle Kingdom.

On the top of the mountain, an empty boat docking station was already full of people.

After waiting for a while, a standard mechanical fish airship landed in the sky, its tail wagging looking a little stiff.

"The demon spirit airship is destined for the Kingdom of Oracle, and will pass by the Kingdom of Good News on the way." A demon spirit in a clay pot on the boat made a voice.

"Only those with tickets can board the ship." The clay pot demon added.

"Can't I pay you now?" Some people at the bus stop crowded in front of the people selling tickets. The so-called tickets were actually pieces of coarse cloth tape with writing on them.

"No, the tickets have been sold out." It seems that the space for the Demon Spirit's airship is still very tight, and it has been sold out long ago.

One after another, people boarded the airship. Some found it strange, while others were already familiar with the airships of the Demon Spirit family.

For short distances, many wingmen are still used to flying by themselves, but this kind of journey across countries, or even several countries.

Many winged people have become accustomed to taking the Demon Spirit Clan's airships, especially when they carry a lot of luggage.

"Martavs, we are going up too." At the stop, the father said to the little girl.

On the chair, the little girl was still reading a book, seemingly fascinated by the world described in the book.

At this time, the mother bent down and stared at the little girl.


The mother called the girl's name loudly, and the little girl closed the book in fear.

The mother nodded with satisfaction and said to the little girl.

"Stop reading and get on the boat!"

"I missed it. The next time will be more than ten days later."

The little girl Mata Fusi held the book "The Round Earth" that Benus still held in her hand at the last moment, boarded the mechanical fish airship, and sat in a seat by the window.

This is just an ordinary book. In the eyes of others, it is not as valuable as the precious props and precious magical research books left by Wus, or even as valuable as a world map.

This is also the reason why Marta Voss was able to get this book, but the little girl cherishes it very much. She thinks this book is extremely precious, very valuable and meaningful.

Especially the world described in the book was an eye-opener for Marta Voss.

"In the spherical world, only a small part of the world has been truly explored. The more we know about this world, the more unknowns we will discover."

"The earth has a force that attracts everything and us to the ground. Everything we take for granted is actually a law that is so powerful that it is unimaginable."

Matafos sat in front of the window, her little head filled with fantasies.

She took the letter out of the book and wondered if she should open it and read it.

But Matafosi didn't notice that the words on the book in her hand suddenly started to flow and turned into the outline of a human figure.

The pages of the book flew by themselves without any wind, and finally fluttered and flew up.

Fly towards the window.

At this time, the mechanical fish airship had already taken off.


Matafus was very surprised and wanted to catch it.

The book flew very fast and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, disappearing into a brilliant light.

The girl stuck her head out of the window, grabbed the letter written by Lei to her great-grandfather, and looked at the blue sky outside.

"Great-grandfather's book..."

"flew away?"

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