I Am God!

Chapter 562 What a pity, you can’t see God!

Accompanied by the sound of ancient and joyful musical instruments, the puppet show on the stage gradually came to an end.

The "audience" yawned one after another in the scene where the curtain was closed, and left Simila's dream realm one after another.

They fell into a real deep sleep, but the dream bubbles they condensed remained on the sea of ​​stars.

This is also the power of Fantasy Star Sea.

Unless the dream is broken or disturbed suddenly, people's dreams will stay on the fantasy star sea.

Even Matafuss and Yin were sent back to the human world amidst the sound of yawns.

But there was still a figure standing under the stage, quietly watching the big stage of the goblin troupe.

An Li looked at the big goblin who was saying her curtain call to all the audience on the stage, and made a certain decision.


She walked through the seats and headed towards the stage.

Simila knew the other party's existence long ago, she stood on the stage and looked at An Li: "The performance is over, why don't you want to leave?"

An Li saluted and said, "Master Simila."

When Simila heard that the other party knew her name, she looked at An Li carefully.

She wrinkled her nose and said.

"The smell on your body, I seem to have seen you before."

For these incomparably powerful beings and mythological beings, their body shapes can be changed at will, and even their bodies have been changed countless times during reincarnation and reincarnation.

But the aura emanating from the blood vessels and consciousness is eternal.

An Li explained her background: "I am a student of Lan En, the second-generation sage, and my name is An Li."

She raised her head and looked at the great goblin: "I have seen your performance in ancient times, in the city where the gods descended."

Hearing that the other party had seen her performance and Lan En's name, Simila immediately smiled.

"You are Lan En's student!"

"That's right."

"The auditorium of the City of Gods Descended, I performed there."

"It was the biggest and best stage with the most people, and it left me with a good memory."

It was also because of Lan En's consent that she was able to perform in the auditorium of the City of God's Descend. Later, Lan En helped her implement the Prayer Festival in Xiyin Sai.

An Li nodded: "I've watched all your performances in the City of God's Descend. It's the theaters of "Blood of King Power" and "Prince of the Moon". It's really wonderful."

"No one else can tell a story like that except you."

That is no longer a story, but a myth.

Except for goblins, no one can really remember and figure out the past.

Simila seemed to know what An Li wanted to say: "Do you want to see it again?"

An Li nodded, then shook her head again: "Yes, but not all of them."

Then, she took a deep breath and bowed vigorously.

She explained that the premise of all the recent events was that she wanted to enter the Ice Temple in Anjo City to find what Lan En had left behind, but the giant Ruhe Moon Fern wanted to watch "Moonlight Prince".

"I don't know how to find you, and Prayer Day is approaching."

"So this method was used."

Simila nodded, and understood the reason why so many people have called for the goblin troupe recently.

"So you are showing our story, and I said how can there be people remembering us in this era."

An Li: "Please forgive my offense."

Simila didn't care, waved her hand and said.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's been so long, but people still remember our shows and performances, and people are still watching them."

"We were happy when we knew."


Simila pursed her lips, lost in thought.


After thinking for a while, Simila suddenly looked towards the stage behind.

A doll poked its head out from behind the stage curtain and both sides of the stage, and they also looked at Simila.

Simila seems to be communicating with other people, whether it should be performed again.

Soon, she got an answer.

The performance just staged is a theater for children.

The show is also a story from the fairy tale collection.

And some of the classic theaters they have staged, such as the "Prince of the Moon" and "Blood of the King" that An Li just mentioned, are indeed beyond the reach of mortals in this era.

Because of the existences that appeared in those stories, many of them have become myths and mysteries that cannot even be mentioned by name.

"If it's for the existence of the ancient times, then you don't have to worry about so much."

"In this way, the stories we have rehearsed can come in handy again."

Simila nodded and agreed to An Li's request: "Then let's do another show!"

She turned and said loudly to her companions.

"Then the next thing is, the story of the ancient times."

The partners nodded one after another, and immediately started preparations.

And An Li stood under the stage and said very gratefully.

"thank you."

Simila nodded to An Li, then looked under the stage again, and said.

"In this case, let's call some more people!"

With a wave of her hand, beams of light spread out.

At this time, there was also a change on the giant Ruhe Island in the world.

The endless fluorescent light in the moonlight forest filled the air, and a huge shadow suddenly spread out from the darkness, pointing to the sky.

In the world, all mortals who saw the existence of that shadow.

All fell to the ground in an instant, completely falling into a coma.

But a large number of fairies in the forest followed the shadow, followed it to the sky, and then disappeared into nothingness.

Those were the fairies in the letter paper wonderland, and they all stopped working tonight and went to Simila's dream realm together.

"Simila is calling us."

"Isn't today a prayer day, the goblins are very busy?"

"That's right, I heard that she will start a puppet show on the Day of Prayer, which is a special show for stories from the ancient times."

"Really, there are performances to watch?"

And in the human world, the eyes of many gods also looked at the Moonlight Province that had suddenly changed.

Staring at the giant shadow that covered the entire province's moonlight, the mythical people would fall into a coma when they saw it.

"God of Moonlight!"

"Moon Demon Jue?"

"what happened?"

The temples and forces immediately sent people to contact the Moonlight Province to investigate what happened.

But in the land of blood in the deep sea, the scarlet goddess Vivien looked at the giant shadow on the giant island of Luhe, and seemed to know what happened.

"An Li, you really did it."


An Li was still talking to the head of the group, Simila, under the stage just now, but when she turned her head in a blink of an eye, she saw shadows appearing in the seats behind.


There are fairies from the kingdom of fairies, who have fulfilled their wishes and hurried over.

There are fairies from Stationery Wonderland and fairies from Fairyland Celebration.

Those golden figures popped out like radishes popping out of the ground, filling the seats in front of them to the brim.

"Puff puff!"

These goblins came the fastest, shouting towards the stage as soon as they appeared.

"Has it started, has it started?" The auditorium, which seemed a little quiet and empty just now, suddenly became noisy.

"It's such a fun thing, don't call me earlier." Fairies squeeze me, I squeeze you, obviously there are still many places, they will squeeze together in front.

"Hurry up... hurry up..." Before waiting for two seconds, they turned into a big horn and shouted upwards.

"Ximila, what are you going to do today?" A goblin asked directly.

"I want to watch "Fairy Fighting the Big Devil." Anyway, Sally, the master of life, is not here recently, and the fairies are particularly arrogant.

Immediately behind them were fairies falling with rainbow light and gold and silver light.

The fairies sat in the back, each of them seemed much quieter than the goblins, but they also looked at the stage expectantly, whispering in low voices.

Looking at the expression, I am also very much looking forward to the next performance.

When An Li raised her head again, she saw an astonishing scene and exclaimed.

"Moon Demon Fern!"

It is clear.

The God of Moonlight has also arrived at the scene at this moment.

In An Li's eyes.

A huge, fluffy fluorescent cone can be seen hanging down from Simila's dream field.

It illuminates the entire theater brightly, and at the same time renders it a layer of night and dream.

At this moment, this giant god seems to be lighting a lantern for the goblin troupe.

The cone was many times bigger than the entire auditorium and the theater. Looking up from outside the auditorium, it was like looking at a strange planet with fluff, which was particularly shocking.

It also makes the auditorium theater look even more bizarre.

Those present were all dream creatures from the Kingdom of God of Creation, as well as the giant god Ruhe.

It seems that An Li is the only one who seems out of place.

Because everyone else is an audience in the audience.

And An Li used to be part of the stage.

What was staged on that stage was their history.

Simi stretched out her hand and tapped a few times in the air, firstly silenced the group of goblins below, and even if they opened their mouths, the sound could not be heard too far, and could only be heard within one or two meters around.

This will have a certain atmosphere, but it will not be too noisy.

She gradually regained the feeling she once had, and she appeared to be very experienced.

"Keep quiet."

"Next, let's start."

Simila responded to the previous questions from the other goblins, telling them the name of the next play.

"What will be staged this time will be two connected plays."

Simila paused for a moment, and then said pretending to be mysterious.

"It's "Prince of the Moon" and "King Jesser."

The connection of the two plays is Jessel's complete life.

Cheers came from below immediately, the fairies knew about Jesser, and even the fairies were very curious about the story of this legendary second-generation king of wisdom.

Soon, the story begins.

The auditorium theater gradually became quiet, and only when the performance was exciting, some sounds would appear.

The part about the Prince of the Moon is exactly the same as what An Li had seen before.

When he was young, Jesser was brave and charismatic, and he had a large number of followers. When he was young, he expanded the kingdom of Shiyin Sai and the Sanye people to the ocean. He was the first to conquer the ocean, and he was the first to conquer the ocean. Found the place of origin.

But when it comes to the second scene, it belongs to the story of "King Jesser".

The picture and music on the stage changed suddenly.

The color tone of the picture set becomes heavy, and the vocal music is replaced by a sad and heavy melody, which makes people feel tense.

If the first half of Jesser's life was a fairy tale full of myth, adventure and courage.

Then the rest of his life was a tragedy of betrayal, loss and madness.

Jesser, who found the land of origin and the city of God's descent, returned to the city of God's gift, and saw only a mess, his dead mother, and his heart-broken father.

The mother who named him Moonlight died, and his two elder brothers started a prelude to fighting for the throne of the King of Wisdom.

Because of the succession of the wise kingship, the descendants of the royal blood have ghosts, and they are intrigues with each other.

In the end, his father, the king of wisdom, Laidlich, chose him.

And put the crown on his head before God.

"God doesn't care, I care."

"From now on, you are the king, the second wise king of Siyinza."

"Only the gods are eternal. No matter how much we gain, we will eventually decay and lose."

"Believe in me, it's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

An Li sat in her seat, watching the sentences in those ancient legends being appealed to her ears one after another.

She had heard these words, and at first she only felt that these words were extremely heavy.

But at this moment, when I heard it together with the pictures on the stage, the feeling was completely different. It was no longer heavy enough to describe, but it made her a little out of breath.

An Li was sitting on the seat, but her hands were tightly clutching her knees.

The body is stiff and the emotions cannot be controlled.

Next, on the stage, the descendants of Ens and Boone became the people of Moyuan, and Jesser and Sanye were also expelled from the land bestowed by God.

He found the land of origin, but he could never return to the land bestowed by God.

That has become a nightmare for him all his life.

An Li also finally understood how the brave, cheerful and charming Jesser in the past gradually became the King Jesser in the mythology.

She was very nervous.

He looked at the stage seriously, not daring to miss any details. This may be the only way for future generations to know everything about King Jesser.

Only fairies can show them these epics that have long been forgotten in the dust of history.

The second act of "King Jesser" is the passing of Jesser's sister.

Jesser enacted the code of law, established one city after another, and pushed Heinsay to another peak.

But for the intelligent species, life will eventually come to an end.

On this day, the elderly eldest princess asked Jesser with hope in her eyes.


"Do you think we can return to the land bestowed by the gods, and can we still see our father and God?"

Jesser said that he would definitely, he would definitely return to the land bestowed by God and be forgiven by God.

There was light in the eyes of the eldest princess, and she begged that if that day came, Jesser would take her body back and bury her beside her mother and father.

The death of the eldest princess dealt a huge blow to Jesser.

And what she said at the end magnified the desire in Jesser's heart to the limit.

He was afraid that even if he died, he would not be able to return to the land bestowed by God.

The third scene is what An Li knew from the Moon God.

Jesser ordered his Ruhe troll Nini back to the God-given land with the crown of wisdom, but unfortunately even the power of the troll could not get close to that country.

Next, Anli saw that Jesser built the sky temple unimaginable by ordinary people with the power of the whole country. He fell into hysterical rage because of the damage to the sky temple, and turned a large number of Sanye people into slaves for generations.

He named the city under the Sky Temple the City of Servants, and he wandered under the Sky Temple day after day, praying to the gods constantly, and waiting year after year.

But he tried his best, but he couldn't get God to come.

In the end, he used the forbidden technique to plant the Sun Cup, the flower of God, on his body, and prepared to use the power bestowed by the gods to completely kill those sinful people of the Demon Abyss, thinking that he would be able to obtain God's forgiveness in this way .

In the end, he didn't expect that he was swallowed by the flower of God bestowed by God, and died in the hands of his elder brother's heir.

Last minute.

On the stage, the last dream of King Jesser was even performed.

At the moment when King Jesser was dying, he dreamed of going back to the land bestowed by God.

He dragged his old and tired body, step by step to re-board the ancient temple of Insai.

He stood hunched over at the door of the temple, looking into the depths.

Then he saw his father standing under the altar, the light shining on his shadow cast on Jesser's body.

off stage.

An Li didn't know when she stood up, she stared at the shadow on the stage.

"King Ladricky!"

"Is it your will?"

She saw King Ledriche looking at his youngest son, and said that sentence with a sigh.


"Only God is eternal!"

"No matter how much we gain, we will eventually decay and lose."

Jesser is still trapped in his obsession, even at the last moment.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to grab his father's hand: "Father, have you come to pick me up, have you come to pick me up back to the kingdom of God?"

At the last moment, he said with relief: "I knew that God would forgive us."

The picture is plunged into darkness, and the curtain is changed to the deep sea, with waves of water light on the top.

And King Jesser fell straight all the way into the depths of the endless sea.

At this point, the story came to an end in the thick epic music, that is the life and story of King Jesser.

But off the stage, An Li was already in tears.

"King Jesser!"

"You are the first person to conquer the sea and land, formulate the code of law and establish the kingdom. You are the king of wisdom who truly led the Sanye people and Xiyin Sai to open up the wild world."

"What happened in the end, did it become like this, and ended up like this?"

Finally, An Li sat weakly on the chair.


"Why did everything change after wearing that crown?"

The story of goblins is not the same as the legendary epics of the Sanye people. The epics and rumors are only a few lines, and people who came later can only use those few lines of poetry to spy and guess the truth of the age of mythology.

And in fairy tales.

Jesser is no longer a lofty mythical figure, no longer the great second-generation King of Wisdom.

He was the son of Ledlich, the younger brother of his elder brothers and sisters, and the king of all the Trilobites.

He is also the most devout servant of God, and has inherited the existence of Laidlich's will.

But in the end, it was his faith and the will of Ledlich that bound him.

Jessel becomes king, but loses everything.

This kind of ending may not have been expected by King Laidlici at the beginning.

And perhaps the only one who saw and noticed all of this is Insai the Creator.

Seeing this, An Li suddenly remembered the words of Insai God.

In the temple, King Laidlici passed away.

Jesser knelt before Him, but God just said an extremely cruel and indifferent word to him.

"It's up to you to believe in me."

"not my business."

At this moment, she really understood the meaning of this sentence.

That is not aloof indifference, but the greatest compassion and kindness in the world.

An Li stood there for a long time, silent.

And when the story ended, the huge cones in the sky also fell down, looking at King Jesser who fell into the deep sea little by little as the curtain closed.

Suddenly he spoke and called out the other person's name.

"Yeah... Cyr!"

Then, he spoke intermittently.


Finally, the curtain is completely closed.

An Li couldn't see anything anymore, and her consciousness returned to the human world.

At this moment, the sun in the world is just rising.

It also declares that the prayer festival is completely over.


Its daybreak.

People in Moonlight City woke up one after another, most of them didn't realize what happened yesterday.

Even if they were invited to attend the auditorium of the Fairy Performance Troupe, the audience could only vaguely remember where they seemed to have been.

As for what I saw and who I met, I don't remember much.

But that kind of joy and moving emotion remained in their minds.

In the room, a snake child turned over.

He stretched himself, feeling refreshed and in a very good mood.

It seems that it was a good dream.


"What's this?"

Suddenly, he found something beside his pillow.

As fine as paper cards.

He looked at it for a long time and read out the name on it.

"Fairy Troupe!"

There is a pattern of the cup of the sun on it, and the words Moonlight City and "Fairy Tale of the Fairy" are written on it, which seems to indicate that a performance about "Fairy Tale of the Fairy" was staged in Moonlight City.

This is a souvenir, or a postcard from the goblin troupe.

Although it is ordinary, it is something created by a fairy with a miracle technique.

The child turned over and yelled while holding the card, as if thinking of something in his mind.

"That's right, I went to see the performance of the goblin troupe yesterday, and it was the goblin who invited me over."

"It's such a beautiful place, it's glowing everywhere."

"It's just... what did I see?"

But when it comes to recalling exactly what he watched, the child can't remember it very well, and only some broken and incomplete pictures can occasionally emerge in the back of his mind.

It's like people recalling their dreams, but they can't remember the details of the dreams.

The only thing left that can prove everything is that card.

early morning.

The child pushed open the window, holding the card aloft.

The card was aimed at the rising sun, its rounded edges gleaming.

The child's eyes reflected the cup of the sun on the card, as if the golden flowers were blooming in his pupils.

"it is true."

"I have received the blessing of the goblin, this is a gift from the goblin."

He didn't seem to get much, only a commemorative card, but at this moment, he felt as if he had got everything.

He was recognized by the goblin, and he had seen the performance of the messenger of the kingdom of creation.

Sometimes what changes a person's life is not necessarily someone giving you something of great value.

It is a word from someone, or a certain event that affirms your life.

For example when you were little.

Someone once said to you.

You draw beautifully, you have a talent for writing, you are a genius!

Say, you are different.

And that sentence gave you great courage, and was also the real beginning of your life, your ideal and pursuit for the rest of your life.

Even if many years have passed, you have forgotten who that person is.

But those words are firmly etched in your heart.

Until one day you can't tell whether you are really who he said you are.

Gifted, a genius, truly that special person.

That sentence from that person really changed your life.

And the same.

A denial can also destroy a person.

Just like what King Lederiki said to his eldest son Enns at the beginning of the God-given Era.

"Too bad you can't see God!"

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