I Am God!

Chapter 588 I want to enter your glass tank

Under the aurora.

The Void Mother looked at the White Stone Demon King standing on the edge of the sea. That would be a very suitable template for life deduction.


She still remembers her theorem and does not take the initiative to decompose the living to obtain templates.

She stood there without moving, just looking at each other quietly.

It wasn't until the white stone demon king raised his feet that she spoke.

"Don't go forward."

"Seller refuses your entry."

However, the Stone Demon King just turned around blankly. The other party heard her words, but did not understand what she meant at all.

The white stone giant standing between heaven and earth just looked at the Void Mother, then turned its head again and stepped heavily on the sea.


Immediately afterwards, the Stone Demon King jumped up.

It actually dared to trespass through the barrier set up by the giant god Seler Siren of Ruhe, and wanted to go to the world under the Mirror of the Sky.


Its movement seemed to trigger changes in the entire Sky Mirror.

Layers of water rolled back toward the sky, turning into a wall of ice crystals connecting heaven and earth.

And when it collided with the wall, it was like fragile glass hitting a steel barrier.


Broken into a large piece.

White stones fell all over the sky and were about to fall into the mirror of the sky.

Seeing that it was about to be swallowed by the Sky Mirror, the Void Mother took action and caught it all in mid-air.

After a while.

The ritual engraved on his body, divine blood, and divine grace stone was completely activated.

A large number of stones were glued together and constantly reorganized, gradually turning into a huge white stone dome.

It took another reincarnation.

The last life without any goals, nothing worth remembering, and nothing left behind is over.

And the next life of the same kind seems to be starting again.


This time there seems to be something different.

Just like what it instinctively desires, in this place, someone interrupted its fateful reincarnation that lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

The mushroom man with the world on his head in the distance came over little by little, stretched out his broad arms, and hugged it gently.

The Void Mother picked up the stone dome and walked away little by little.

While walking, while talking to himself.

"Isn't it an intelligent species?"

"Why are you so stupid?"

The mirror of the sky under the aurora.

The giant egg emits a white light and gently rubs against the tall body of the Void Mother. It seems that you can feel the softness and warmth of its body.

That is something that the sea, land, sky and this ice and snow polar region cannot bring, and it is also something that it has never felt before.

The monster is a kind of life form created by the three-leaf people.

Originating from an experiment conducted by the fire demon Haru and his teacher, Sandian created the stone demon, Lann created the wing demon, and Anhofus created the bone demon using cloverleaf materials.

Except for the most special three-leaf human bone demon.

They are intelligent species, but they are not normal life forms.

They lack some things that normal intelligent life should have, but they have power and lifespan that far exceed ordinary intelligent life.

However, after the fourth level, they will also possess true advanced wisdom after giving birth to mythical organs.

It's just that Lan En's Stone Demon King is different.

The reason Lan En created it was not because he wanted to create monsters, but because he was conducting an experiment on immortality and becoming a god.

Because when an experimental subject possesses intelligence and emotions, it is bound to be a tragedy.

Lann blocked its power to create mythical organs, allowing it to reincarnate continuously in the form of the stone demon's body and the Divine Grace Stone.

The Void Mother placed the giant egg in the middle of the sea and sat next to the stone egg.

"The reincarnated one."

"Please answer me."

"I want to make a deal with you."

"Do you want to enter Lady Sally's glass tank?"


But after waiting for a long time, there was no response from Stone Egg.


The stone egg itself trembled slightly, leaning a little closer to the Void Mother.

The Void Germ Mother wanted to communicate with the consciousness of the Stone Demon King, so she returned to the Sky Temple to consult another being.

The mythical spirit Velen has been around longer, has a good relationship with the witch doctors, and knows and hears more about it.

This mythical spirit, who was as fat as an astronaut, waved his hands, and the colorful light transmitted a voice like a dream into the consciousness of the Void Germ Mother.

"It has the blood of wisdom."

"But the stone demons are a race with birth defects. Unless they are born with mythical organs, they will not be able to possess real wisdom."

The Void Mother understands what the problem is. If this is the case, she only needs to help the other party condense the mythical organ.

At this time, Viren told her about the identity of the Stone Demon King.

"The ceremony above is the reincarnation ceremony, arranged by the sages from ancient times."

"It is the stone demon contracted by Sage Lan En. It belongs to Lan En, not you."

"You can't dispose of it arbitrarily."

The Void Mother turned around and said, "Sage Lan En, who is that?"

Velen: "A very famous shamrock, teacher of many myths."

Null Mother: "Is he still alive?"

Velen: "He is dead, but his spirit is in the land of fairies."

The nihilistic mother can only let go.

The brim of Void Mother's hat danced as she asked Velen: "Why do you know?"

Viren said quietly: "I asked the magic mirror secretly."

Fairy Sheila's magic mirror is an artifact mastered by the dominating god. There are not many secrets in this world that it cannot know.

However, there is no solution for the Void Bacteria Mother.

The Void Mother came to the sea and dropped a light leaf. When the leaf fell, it immediately reflected a strange dream scene.

The Lake Fairy's dream of barter.

He used it to contact the barter messenger, and obtained a special dead egg of a snake man through the barter dream. Life that was not born because of the lack of divine blood is very common among intelligent species.

Living eggs are not easy to use, but this kind is just suitable.

The mother's hand of Void Germ was placed on the stone dome of the King of Stone Demons, and some of its power was extracted from it. In addition to its complete personality, it only extracted a small amount of spirituality and wisdom.

As for the 250,000 years of mixed and disordered memories, she did not dare to pull them out, but allowed them to be sealed in the stone dome.

The silver light fell into the snake man's dead egg, and he saw that the egg came to life little by little.

After a while, the egg burst open and a life was born again.


As soon as the child was born, the sound of laughter came out.

That laughter.

resounded throughout this world of ice and snow.

She stood in the palm of the void mother's hand, stretching her arms and tail on the soft skin.

The Void Mother's eyes dropped and she stared at this newly born intelligent life.


As long as you wait a little longer, you can successfully communicate with this reincarnated person.

Another month has passed.

The Void Mother built a protected cradle for her child on the stone dome, and the child crawled around in the cradle.

At this time, the child's consciousness could already communicate with the Void Mother.

"...Yah?" It means who are you.

"Nothingness," said the Void Mother.

"I...I...ah?" The child crawled towards the huge mushroom man.

"The target of my experiment." Mother Void told her.

Every day that follows.

The Mushroom Man comes to the Stone Dome every day and talks to the children.

Sometimes, the Void Mother will grab the other person on her shoulder and let her see the world in the glass jar through the glass jar.

The Void Mother will magnify the situation in the snake world to the other party and teach the other party to understand this world.

Mushroom Man has no experience either, and he just learned the concepts of various written languages ​​through this method.

Child: "Who are they?"

Null Mother: "They are mortals."

Child: "What are they doing?"

Void Mother: "They are living and spending their short life."

The child looked at the world in the glass jar, his pupils reflected the bustling city and the lights of thousands of houses, and his mouth opened wide.

A few months later.

On this day, she suddenly asked her loudly on the shoulder of the Void Mother.


"What do you mean mom."

The child can already stand up and speak very proficiently.

She pointed to the glass jar, in which a child was following a woman, calling her mother.

The Void Germ Mother said: "After a female life gives birth to a new life form, the new life calls the female life mother."

The child looked at the Void Mother: "Are you my mother?"

"Nothingness, is that what mom means?"

Mother of Void: "No, Void is my name."

The child's eyes were a little confused. She always thought that nothingness was called something similar to her mother.

Then, she asked: "What is the goal of the experiment!"

This was what the Void Germ Mother called her. She always thought her name was a nickname, or a term of endearment.

However, the giant mushroom man said.

"An experiment is a simulation carried out to achieve a certain project. The goal is the materials needed for the experiment."

The child stared at the Void Mother.

She couldn't fully understand what it meant, but she probably understood that it was not a term of endearment.

Moreover, it has a cold tone.

At this moment, she seemed very lost.

The child raised his head and looked at the giant mushroom man that made people feel clean, soft and warm.

"So, you're not my mother?"

The mushroom man shook his head: "You are a special stone demon created by the second generation sage Lan En, and you have nothing to do with me."

"I just created a new body to facilitate communication with you."


"Make a deal with you."

The child didn't speak, but lowered his head deeply.

At this time, the mushroom man seemed more like a stone than a stone demon.

Perhaps it's because the stone man already has a human body, but the mushroom man's body has not changed at all.

the next day.

The Void Mother came to the huge stone dome early again and brought food to the child.

Seeing the tall shadow of the Void Mother from a distance, the child immediately walked out of the cradle building built on the top of the dome. She seemed to have got rid of yesterday's haze, and happily said to the Void Mother.

"Nothingness, I also gave me a name."

"My name is Beth."

Bess means white.

She likes white.

As soft and white as nothingness, warm white.

She straightened her back, as if she wanted to wait for the Mother of Void to praise her, and then tell her the reason why she chose this name.


After hearing this, the Void Mother simply responded in an understatement.

"Okay, Beth."

Beth raised her head and waited for a long time.

that's all?

However, the Void Mother did not observe her expression and just waved her palms.

Then, a lunch box fell from the sky and landed in front of Beth.

"It's time to eat."

Looking at the food brought by the Void Mother, all of them were exquisite and unimaginably delicious. They were precious things that Beth could not see in the world of glass jars.

Beth stuffed a piece of pastry into her mouth and drank a cup of milk tea made by miraculous magic.

"Nothingness, this must be very precious, right?"

After hearing this, the Void Mother thought for a moment.


"It's probably like this if you're outside!"

Hearing what the Void Mother said, Beth snickered happily, and then ate the food cleanly.


Time passes day by day.

Children also seem to be blown by the wind and grow up quickly.

She is already three years old.

Beth can already walk through the sea and storms with her on the shoulders of the Void Mother.

Except for not being able to enter the Mirror of the Sky, she and the Void Mother walked through every corner of the North Pole together.

this day.

Beth followed the Void Mother around for a day and finally returned.

She climbed down from the empty fingers, landed on the dome, and said loudly happily.

"Nothingness, we have been to many places, it feels like a long time has passed!"

Null Mother: "Long time?"

She was very confused: "Didn't we just meet?"

Beth wondered if it was because of a bad memory: "It's been a long time indeed. We have been together since I was born."

Null Mother: "No, Beth."

"You were born two hundred million years ago."

"The time that you and I have known each other is just a short moment for you."

"It can even be said that it is not an instant."

Beth didn't understand, so: "Two hundred million years."

Void Mother: "You can find your own memory and find the real you."

Mother Void taught Beth a way to experience her past memories by touching her real body, the huge white stone egg beneath her body.

Beth reached out her hand, but within a moment, she moved her arm away.

She turned pale and shook her head again and again.

"No, it's scary."

The sterile mother asked: "What's wrong?"

Beth said, "I don't want to be like that."

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't need to eat, and it will never die."

"It doesn't have any emotion."

"It's just a rock that moves."

The nihilistic mother wants to say, isn't this very powerful?

Beth looked at the Void Mother: "I don't want to be like it, I want... to be a living being."

The Void Mother pointed out the problem with her words: "The stone demon is also a living being."

Beth raised her head, looked at the Void Mother from the white stone dome, and immediately waved her hands.

"It's different, it's different."


"You can feel warmth, you feel pain, you need to eat."

“Will laugh, be happy, and want companionship.”

"This is what we call living."

The Void Mother thought about the content of these words and thought.

Isn’t this all weakness?

But there are some things she can't always figure out.

It was as if she didn't understand why a being as eternal and all-owning as the Creator could be sad.

Why does a being as great as the Master of Life like to eat meaningless food?

The supreme god like the Lord of Dreams, who can twist space and create miracles, calls those dream species who are extremely weak compared to him his partners.

Beth suddenly understood something: "Nothing, do you want me to become like that again?"

Mother Void shook her head: "No, I just want to make a deal with you, it's up to you."

Beth asked, "What deal?"

Void Mother: "I am conducting an experiment and need to create a brand new race based on a powerful life template."

Beth: "A whole new race, what does that mean?"

Void Mother: "With the evolution of time, everything is possible. I want to obtain a brand new race, and as a reincarnation, you can obtain what you want."

"That is a gift from the dominating god, and it is also the greatest opportunity and treasure in the world."

Void Mother: "Beth, would you like to come into my glass tank?"

Beth looked at nothingness, she didn't want to leave nothingness' side.

But she didn't dare to refuse like this. She was afraid that if she refused, nothingness would drive her away.

She could only lower her head and say, "I don't know, maybe... maybe I'll think about it later."

"Now, it's a little too early."

The Void Mother nodded: "Oh!"

After saying that, she stood up and walked away.

For her, it's a deal.

If the other party didn't agree, she wouldn't say anything more.


this day.

Outside the North Pole, in the extremely cold ice and snow, a ship sailed once again.

It was a three-leaf symbiont, driving a large ship grafted on the plant form of a monster to the North Pole, arriving at the edge of the end of the world.

I saw the storm that stretched endlessly between heaven and earth.

The Void Mother appeared at the edge of the storm and saw the alchemy ship.

At first, she had no idea what to say.

But suddenly.

The three-leaf symbiote on the ship actually penetrated her power and saw the shadow of the master of life behind her.

He instantly fell into madness and screamed hysterically.

"You didn't see it, you didn't see anything."

"What you see."

"It's just a glass jar held in the hands of the master!"

In his distortion and madness, he called out the name of the dominant god.

"That's... the master of life!"


As a Trileaf person, he is one of the few beings who can know the supreme gods and call out their names, and this also attracts the attention of the Void Mother.

She bent down and asked a question.

"Are you going to enter Lady Sally's glass tank too?"

However, this sentence brought out the shadow of the god behind the three-leaf symbiont.

The red-haired god looked at the Void Mother and said.

"The God of Nothingness."

"Can you take us to the end of the world?"

"We want to go to the North Pole to find the King of Stone Demons there."

But saw the shadow of the myth.

The Void Mother was no longer interested and turned around and left.

Neither the myth of life nor the myth of wisdom is suitable as an experimental template. The myth of life itself has long been finalized with the Luhe seal, while the myth of wisdom has long been separated from the limitations of the body and race.

The Void Mother passed through the storm and returned to the North Pole.

She came to the white dome. The girl on the dome had been sitting with her tail in her arms. When she saw the Void Mother coming over, she immediately stood up and looked at her in surprise.

Unknowingly, Beth has grown into a little girl over one meter tall.

She lives in a house on a dome that looks like a mountain. She wears clothes randomly torn from the fabric of the gods, which just cover her body, and there are delicious food beside her.

All of this was brought to her by the Void Mother.

Mother Void came to Beth and said something in front of Beth's smiling face.


"Lan En's students are here."

Beth didn't understand at first who Lan En was.

But soon, she remembered, wasn't Lan En the one who created her as Wu said?

The mother of void bacteria lowered her head, and countless void bacteria were floating around. Her huge eyes were only white, not as brightly colored as ordinary people.

"She called out your name and came to take you away."

Beth became excited all of a sudden. She nervously grabbed her clothes and shouted loudly.

"Bess is not theirs, Beth is free."

"Beth is a person, not an object."

The Void Mother nodded, she thought so too, just like the theorem she had always followed, the living belonged to her, and only the dead could be decomposed.


"This is a matter between you and Lan En, I will not interfere."

From the Void Mother's point of view, she is fair, and she will not give Beth to the other party, but there is really no reason to interfere in this matter.

However, in Beth's view, these words made her expression shocked, and she was even so nervous that she could not stand and her whole body was shaking.


"Don't you care about me?"

Beth clenched her hands into fists, her eyes filled with intense longing, and she even cried as she spoke to the Void Mother.

"if they."

"If they want to come in and take me by force."


Beth shouted the name of nothingness, her voice filled with tension, fear, expectation, and deep reluctance.

"Will you protect me?"

The Void Mother thought for a moment and finally concluded.

"I have no reason to take action."

For a moment, Beth's nervous expression was frozen in place, her hands pulling at her clothes tightly.

But the tears couldn't help but flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

The Void Mother looked at the reincarnated person who had begun to grow up, the experimental target she wanted to communicate with, a trader.

She spoke, and her voice echoed in the blue sea and sky.

As gentle as the wind.

But just like the wind that passes between heaven and earth, it passes by everyone gently without any emotion.

Her gentleness is not because of love, but because of the rules she follows.

"Beth, why didn't you talk?"

Beth let her tears fall down and told the Void Mother in a choked voice.



For the first time, she discovered that people cannot control their bodies when they are sad.

She even couldn't help but make a sound like hiccups, one after another, her body kept shaking, and she became increasingly unable to speak.

"I'm a little... uh... sad."

The Void Mother's huge white eyes stared at Beth, and after a long time she responded.



This doesn't seem to have anything to do with her.

There was nothing she could do to help him. She thought he was hungry just now.

"If you're hungry, just call my name."

The Void Mother prepared to turn around and leave again.

However, at this time, Beth shouted loudly.


The Void Mother turned around again and patiently lowered her head again.

"What's wrong?"

Beth looked at the glass tank above the Void Mother's head and the world contained in the glass tank, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

A method that does not leave the Void Germ Mother and is not captured by others.


"I want to go into your glass tank, is that okay?"

The Void Mother had no reason to refuse: "Yes, you are the experimental target of my desire."

But she asked again: "Why did you agree all of a sudden?"

Beth kept wiping her tears and lowering her head.

"I think...I think..."

She slowly stabilized her speaking voice, and finally raised her head a little bit to tell the Void Mother.

"It's not bad inside the glass jar, isn't it also next to you?"

Beth looked at the huge white shadow.

Stretch out your hand and let the bacteria of nothingness flying in the sky pass by your fingertips.

The empty "snowflakes" do not feel cold, only warm.

However, when she looked into those white eyes, she couldn't see any emotion she wanted to see in them.

This is not an ordinary life, this is a born mythical creature.

At this moment.

She totally understands.

What was already all the time for me was only a short moment for the existence in front of me.

For me, the other person is the most kind and familiar person to me.

To her, she was just a stranger she had just met.

She would never give herself what she wanted.

she also.

She will never become her own mother.

Beth's voice was almost pleading: "If I were in your glass tank, they wouldn't be able to capture me!"

The Void Mother said, "That way, I will have a reason to take action."

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