I Am God!

Chapter 609: Creating life species?

The sky is full of haze.

The sky, which was not bright and somewhat unreal at first, now looked even darker.

Countless ghosts are floating high in the sky, wreaking havoc in the world of Luo Ya'an.

From time to time, the Kingdom of God in the sky shines a circle of light, erasing those ghosts from the world.

And one door after another opened under the earth to devour all living beings, and hell spread out in the dream world, using it as a source to extend its power into the human world to harvest the souls of the dead unscrupulously.

Although Napleo was bound by the backlash, he became a prisoner and gatekeeper from the master.

But the Kingdom of God is still there.

In a city in the Dwarf Tin Kingdom.

"God, what on earth is that?" Everyone looked at the scene at the end of the sky and were stunned.

"What is this? Is this divine punishment or doomsday?" Thick ghosts swooped down from the sky and emerged from the darkness. The living people in the city were running away, wailing and shouting.

"I knew those people wanted to wipe us all out. Those guys started this war. Mortals, the time of judgment has arrived." Someone stood on the high wall and laughed wildly. He looked like a soldier, but However, one leg was broken and one eye was blind. He had gauze wrapped around his head, and his eyes were full of despair for a world that had been fighting a war of genocide for more than ten years.

"Should I choose the kingdom of God or fall into hell?" In the chaos, the followers of the King of Hell gathered around the ritual altar and shouted.

"The kingdom of God is stingy, hell is generous, and Napleo, the king of hell, gives everything." The believers shouted wildly.

"Kill them, kill all these heretics." A large number of soldiers and powerful people outside were fighting inside.

"Only God Nasha is the Lord who gives us everything." They shouted slogans. Everyone seemed to be brave and unafraid of death, but so did the evildoers. They all seemed to firmly believe that they were for Fighting for the gods is a fight for fate and the future.

On the street, someone roared and roared at the top of their lungs.

"Mortals, this war of genocide was started by the immortals in the Kingdom of God. They want to destroy everything and then reshape everything."

"Those immortals who are above are playing with our destiny, imprisoning the world and the truth, and raising us like fish in the pond. Now it's just their fishing season again."

"Only by dedicating everything to the King of Hell can we gain new life and break the fate set for us by those superior immortals."

Everything is heading irrevocably towards chaos and disorder.

The originally fragile order of the Kingdom of God and the cycle of the world have been broken, and a more cruel era has arrived.

In the confrontation between the Kingdom of God and Hell, all living beings can be heard wailing.

It’s just looking up at the kingdom of God, or looking down at hell.

There is no hope.

In the meantime.

The first king of the dwarves, the mother of mermaids, and the first ancestor of the tree people arrived together and rushed to the capital of the Kingdom of Iron, where this disaster began.

Wherever he passed, only corpses left in each city were as pale as statues, drained of everything.

There is no longer any human habitation in the huge Iron Kingdom.

The three of them finally stood in front of the huge pothole, looking at the city that had disappeared without a trace.

The Mother of Mermaids was surrounded by a whirlpool of water. She looked at the mythical light in the sky that erased ghosts and the power of the Kingdom of God that competed with hell for the laws of order and spoke.

"It's useless. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

"He cannot solve hell and cannot suppress the power of another kingdom of God. It is only a matter of time before he wants to destroy this paradise."

“It’s always easier to destroy than to build.”

"It's so easy to destroy this little paradise, but it takes tens of thousands of years to build it."

The first ancestor of the tree people was concerned about: "A god suddenly appears at this time. Does this seem to have some problems?"

The First King of the Dwarves: "If we cannot solve the Kingdom of Hell, we cannot restore our paradise."

They were checking everything here, as if they wanted to find more clues and truths from what had happened, and then find a way to redeem and save everything.

I just don’t know why, but the First King of the Dwarves can always vaguely feel a familiar smell in the mythical atmosphere that remains here.

It was as if he had seen it before.

"Why, I seem to have felt this aura fluctuation somewhere?"

While searching, the mark of life symbiosis on their bodies was touched at this time, and something like a tattoo emerged, and then pulled their consciousness to the distance.

The three people immediately looked at each other, knowing what was happening.

Mother of Mermaids: "It is Lord Breman who is looking for us."

The first ancestor of the tree people: "The captain is awake."

First Dwarf King: "He must have figured it all out."

They did not resist, and allowed the blood-red mark to pull their consciousness far away, to a deep sea of ​​blood.

They saw mutated and deformed corpses piled up on the seabed, and then saw the shadow on the altar struggling little by little and looking towards them.

"It is the existence under the seat of the evil god of original sin, the ceramic villain Naproses."

"He inherited the power of the evil god from the ancient times, which is the mythical power you see."

The first dwarf king suddenly understood something when he heard the name of the Evil God of Original Sin.

"Original Sin Evil God? Abyss?"

"And, Naproses!"

"It turns out to be him!"

At this moment, he felt like a lightning strike.

He suddenly understood that the name was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

For a moment, he suddenly remembered those memories that had long been forgotten in the long ago, those short memories of another world. Some things he had long forgotten, but he still remembered how he entered this world.

Wasn't he pushed here step by step by a guy named Naproses, who claimed to be the deputy of the Abyss God?

On the other side, the first ancestor of the tree people asked quickly.

"How did He get in?"

Briman looked towards the sky and said slowly.

"The God of Nothingness opened the world in the vat for the second time, and sent new immortals outside of us."

"It's just that I don't know."

Briman lowered his head and looked at the three people.

"It's Naproses alone, but there are more beings who haven't shown any trace."

The first dwarf king suddenly came to his senses and asked Briman excitedly.

"What did the God of Nothingness do when he sent them?"

Briman: "The overlord god built this vat world just to create a new race, and it's the same reason for sending us in."

"It may be that the existing races do not meet the highest requirements, or that they have not yet proven their potential."

"Ghosts are also a race."

"And it's a very ancient race and form."

"God's will may wish to add variables to promote the process of world evolution and decide and prove which ethnic group is better!"

Briman looked at the First Dwarf King and sighed.

"After all, a million years have passed, and the process this time has surpassed the last time."

Briman's voice became increasingly tired as he spoke.

He finally said: "That's all I know."

After saying that, he was completely swallowed up by the altar of flesh and blood, becoming a relief sculpture embedded in the mountain of corpses and flesh.

Under the altar.

The first dwarf king understood something in a daze and looked at Briman.



"What does this mean? When an excellent being appears, will everything be over?"

The first dwarf king didn't seem to be able to accept it. He seemed to have been immersed in the dream that this world could continue forever.

Even if everyone wants to leave, he will stay here.

Now, it sounds like everything is coming to an irreversible end.

On the other side, the first ancestor of the tree people couldn't help laughing. This was the first time in many years that he laughed.

The relaxed and joyful emotions flowed out of my heart uncontrollably.

"it is as expected."

"When new species emerge amid the choices, everything will end."

"Everything is going to end, everything is going to end."

The first dwarf king immediately turned his head and looked at the first ancestor of the tree people.

"What do you mean?"

"You know this?"

Furthermore, he even vaguely understood the real reason behind the war of genocide promoted by the ancestor of the tree people.

"I understand what it means to want a better future and to try possibilities that have never been tried before."

"You just want to end everything, end this world, right?"

The First King of the Dwarves questioned the First King of the Dwarves and spoke fiercely.

However, the first ancestor of the tree people looked at the first dwarf king and said.


"I know."

He said it again with great certainty, without blinking his eyes at all.


"I want to end this."

"Just end this, anything."

"Dwarves, tree people, snake people, or ghosts, all of them are fine."

The first ancestor of the tree people closed his eyes and said slowly.

"At least, I want to take everyone on board our Platinum before this time wears away everything."

"Take everyone with us and return to our hometown."

"I regret it. I should have turned around and left with them instead of stepping into this never-ending cycle."

The first dwarf king didn't want to go back at all, he shouted loudly.

"I disagree!"

"I'm not you. I don't have a home in that world. Neither Nasha nor I have a home."

"This is the only home for me and Nasha."

“Only here can we be accommodated, and only here can we embrace the Kingdom of God.”

The First King of the Dwarves roared and turned around. He couldn't accept all this at all.

"I won't allow it."

"I will not allow anyone to destroy our kingdom and everything."

The first ancestor of the tree people looked at his back and mentioned the name that had long since become a myth.


"Is your Nasha really that Nasha?"

"Have you ever thought about how an ordinary girl can control beings like gods and demons, how can she become a god in one fell swoop?"

The sound came out in the form of mental shock, echoing around.

However, the first dwarf king didn't seem to hear him. He didn't even look back and just disappeared under the altar.

The Mermaid Mother came to the Dwarf First King at this time, looked at him, shook her head and said.

"He can't hear it. You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep."

"Because when he wakes up, he's dead."

"Die alive."

The first ancestor of the tree people looked at the mother of mermaids and asked her.

"And you?"

The mother of mermaid looked at the ancestor of the tree people, with a stiff expression on her beautiful face, as if she wanted to smile.


"I am the one who is alive and dead!"

She let out a light laugh, which was transmitted through the ability of spiritual communication.

"First mate!"

"What paradise, what future."

"The three of us actually don't care at all."

"I'm just following you to survive."

The Mother of Mermaids looked at the tired and dull eyes of the ancestor of the tree people and talked about the three of them.

"There are three of us. One is deceiving himself and indulging in the dream he built for himself. The other only has a little obsession to chase the past, and I have already become a living corpse that can move."

"I have long forgotten what to care about, and what emotional fluctuations are like?"

"I don't know what to do and I don't care how you do it."


"There's no point anymore."

The mother of mermaids remembered what the first ancestor of the tree people had just said, that he would take everyone away from here and return to his hometown on the Platinum Ship.

"I have occasionally thought of that ship before."

"I occasionally want to go back to that time, but I can never go back."

The tree man looked at the mermaid mother: "We can go back."

The mother of mermaids shook her head and told the ancestor of the tree people.

"We can't go back. We can't go back long ago."

She came closer, and the tree man could see that her eyes were as beautiful and deep as the sea, but she could not see the slightest wave.

Like a gem, beautiful but lifeless.


"I forgot, what that ship looked like."

"I also forgot what I looked like at that time."

The Mermaid Mother left, and she gave up the dispute between the two.

No matter what choice the tree people and dwarves made, she accepted it calmly. Whether it was destruction or existence, it no longer mattered.

Consciousness returns to the human world.

The first ancestor of the tree people stood there, but the other two people had already left. He stood for a long time without making any movement, until he sighed.

three people.

Since then it has gone astray.


The Platinum Kingdom of the Dwarves.

In the high hall of the temple headquarters, the dwarf First King guards the statue of God Nasha here.

Under the statue of the god, there is also a statue of him. He is wearing armor and standing in front of Nasha holding a heavy hammer.

During this time, people kept coming to tell him about the situation outside.

"First King, all the mermaid kingdoms have retreated into the Earth Sea, but the Treeman Alliance is still fighting to the death with us."

"First King, the scope of hell is getting bigger and bigger. Even the dwarves we moved to the edge will be found and pulled into hell."

"King Chu, we found that there are people on the border who want to leave Luo Ya'an. They are looking for a way to the outside world. They seem to be tree people."

More and more bad news is coming, and the situation is getting worse.

The first dwarf king has always just stood here, motionless.

He seemed to be doing something, but he seemed to be doing nothing.

this day.

In the north of Luo Yaan's world, a terrifying scene suddenly erupted from the dome.

A strong light erupted in the sky and surged higher.

A tree man who controlled a huge ritual and pushed himself up to hundreds of meters actually penetrated the weakest point on the dome with one blow.


With a loud noise, a big hole opened in the sky.

It was still daytime in Luo Yaan's world just now, but now when he looked outside, he found that it was actually night outside.

In the dark night, the sky is full of stars twinkling.

In an instant, all the creatures in Luo Yaan's world saw this shocking scene.

"Who is that? Is that a tree man? Is there such a tall tree man in the world?" Everyone looked up.

"The sky was torn apart?" That scene made everyone open their mouths.

"Beyond the sky, is there another layer of sky?" This seems to correspond to some legends.

"Another world, the legend is indeed true. There is another world outside this world, a real world." There have been legends about this world for a long time. There is another world on the top of the world, but everyone is flying towards it. They will all be blocked by the barriers of the Kingdom of God, and no one has ever flown out.

Only those immortals who built Paradise can understand Paradise and the Kingdom of God so well and find the way to the outside.

However, everyone had not had time to be happy. They were just immersed in the shock and joy of seeing another world.

Disaster breaks out.

A large amount of air inside Luo Ya'an was extracted in an instant, and it continued to escape to the outside.

And the manifestation outside is the violent wind blowing up.

The original laws of the Kingdom of Luo Ya'an completely collapsed. Although death and destruction did not come in an instant, this time it was equivalent to completely blowing the horn.

The sea water lost its restraint and began to spread in all directions. Rocks fell from the top of the head continuously, and trees and plants withered in patches.

The whole world is crumbling.

The first ancestor of the tree people looked at the airflow that rolled back to the sky, and looked at Luo Ya'an who was constantly collapsing.

He looked in the direction of the Platinum Kingdom and said loudly.

"it's over!"

"It's time to leave."

"The dwarf second mate."

"Welcome aboard my ship."

The first ancestor of the tree people stretched out his hand, as if he was not destroying the other person's dream, but inviting his friends to accompany him.

"I'll take you home."

In the temple.

The first king of the dwarves walked out little by little, and he looked at the movements of the first ancestor of the tree people.

"It's useless. I won't let that final choice appear."

"I won't let anyone disturb Nasha's dream."

The first dwarf king followed the shadow of the tree man and looked at the torn dome and the outside world.


Just outside Luo Yaan's world, giant shadows towering over the sky appeared one after another on the surface.

They were stone giants, forming a ring at the moment, just wrapping up the entire Luo Ya'an world.

The tree man looked at the giant stone demon that had been summoned from a distance, and felt something was wrong.

He asked the dwarf First King: "What do you want to do?"

However, the first dwarf king's answer was to activate the magic circle.

"Sacrifice ceremony!"

Next, it’s time to prepare who to sacrifice to.

But the First King of the Dwarves called out another name that was even more incredible. He called out Byte in the Word of Wisdom.

"The God of Knowledge~"

A unique mark appeared on his body, and his consciousness was pulled towards the kingdom of gods, communicating with a kingdom of gods with unknown coordinates.

Then he saw a huge door slowly opening under the earth.

That's the gate to hell.

The first king of the dwarves originally had the mark of a god made by Naproses. Now he uses himself as the coordinate to communicate with hell.

But it wasn't over yet, he looked outside Luo Ya'an again.

"Follow my orders."

"Join the ceremony, activate the ceremony."

The First King of the Dwarves used those giant stone demons as the basis of the ritual formation, catalyzing this sacrificial ceremony to the extreme.

"Buzz buzz~"

In an instant, he saw the gate of hell under the feet of the dwarf king expand crazily, enveloping the entire city and even the entire country in the blink of an eye.

Then, endless light overflowed from it.

A brilliant and swaying light that makes people want to vomit shoots out from the gate of hell. The kind of power that can forcefully take away all the divine blood and leave no trace left is emitted from the hell.

"Gate to Hell?" Everyone in the temple was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"First King, what are you doing?" They shouted at the dwarf First King, unable to believe that this was done by the dwarf First King.

"Get out of here quickly, the power of hell will take away everything from us!" Everyone turned and ran away.

"It's over." But soon, he was overwhelmed by the light. How could anyone outrun the light?

Light swirled out.

Spreading into the distance, spreading continuously.

One city after another was sacrificed, and countless creatures turned into ghosts and were drawn to hell, leaving only an empty shell in place.

To describe this scene as apocalyptic would be an understatement.

But the first dwarf king faced all this and remained unmoved at all.

Because he sacrificed not only others, but also himself.

He felt that his divine blood was completely drained, his body was completely turning into an empty shell little by little, and his skin was turning grayish white little by little.

Then he looked at the ancestor of the tree people and pointed at him.


The light rushed towards the ancestor of the tree people, and also covered the entire tree people clan. At the same time, under the urging of those giant titans, it spread towards the sea and the fishman clan.

"Crazy, crazy, the first dwarf king is crazy, and the tree ancestor is also crazy."

"The door to the outside is open, let's get out quickly."

"Leave this world of bondage and imprisonment and go to the outside world."

Many strong men rose into the sky, trying to escape through the opened gap.

It seems that they can go out without the barriers of the Kingdom of God.


At this moment, they were all blocked by the power of the giant stone demon.

The light from the Gate of Hell swept toward the sky, and the crowd fell like rain.

Surrounded by giant stone demons, no one can escape. Everyone is a prisoner trapped in the paradise world, waiting for the final judgment.

The first ancestor of the tree people looked at the first dwarf king and thought for a moment that he was really crazy.

"You want to sacrifice everyone?"

"It's useless, everything will still be born in the final choice."

"This is unstoppable."

The First King of the Dwarves: "What if I find a way that will never end?"

"What's a way to allow our three races to exist forever and make this world never end?"

Suddenly, the first ancestor of the tree people had a bad feeling.

At this time, another loud noise broke out.


A giant stone demon suddenly moved, but it bombarded Nasha's kingdom with its hands.

That huge palm probed into the interior of the Kingdom of God and accurately penetrated the scarlet sea.

The first ancestor of the tree people was completely anxious, and he yelled.


"That's the captain!"

The first dwarf king looked at the first ancestor of the tree people and said.

"The captain is in too much pain. He has been imprisoned in this sea of ​​blood for millions of years, being cursed and eaten day after day."

"Now, I finally freed him."

After the ancestor of the tree people, a hole was opened in the sky again, and it was opened directly from within the Kingdom of God.

Originally bound into a ball, it circulated itself into a whirlpool, and no trace of its power was leaked out, but was blocked by Breman in the scarlet sea.

At this moment, the bondage was broken.


The sea of ​​blood poured down from the sky, drowning everything.

The terrifying blood of life continued to pour into the distance, spreading throughout Luo Ya'an.

The ancestor of the tree people was also a life symbiosis person. He not only understood the wisdom species, but also understood some of the secrets of the life species.

I understand better that the transformation of life species requires the existence of intelligent species, and even more requires the body of intelligent species.

At this moment, he suddenly understood something.

"You want to create life seeds?"

"Using the shells left behind by the entire paradise to create a new life group?"

The tree man looked at the dwarf in horror, filled with disbelief.

"Do you want to turn the three races into a living race?"

The first ancestor of the tree people was scared, and he asked loudly: "How is this possible? How can you do it? How can a life seed be born so easily?"

The First King of the Dwarves said: "The shed body of the ghost is the best material. I don't need to make so many. Among the countless bodies and templates, it is enough to make just a few."

In this period of time.

The First King of the Dwarves thought of a way, a way to make this reincarnation never end.

That is, the final race can never be chosen.

The First King of the Dwarves smiled. His smile was as innocent as when he was a dwarf beggar, but also looked extremely cruel.

"That's right."

"Let the dwarves, mermaids and tree people all become living species."

"In this case, the final race will never be decided."


"Will it never end?"

The first ancestor of the tree people looked at the first king of the dwarves with that look in his eyes.

It was like seeing the world's worst nightmare.

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