I Am Hellscream

Chapter 109 Gromash was caught stealing fishy.

In The fish men island, several major events have happened throughout The fish men island in the past few days. The first thing is the hero of The fish men island-Hellscream. Proudmoore, Gromash returned after nearly two years The fish men island.

The second thing, since the second day after Gromash came back, all the major towns of The Fish Men Island have hoisted the flag of the Frostwolf Pirates under Gromash in addition to the flag of the Neptune royal family.

The third thing is that Dragon Palace announced that it will cooperate with the Frostwolf Pirates to develop and rectify the Murloc Street, which has become the source of the disaster of The fish men island. A large number of stable jobs.

There is no doubt that with the return of Gromash, the entire The fish men island will undergo earth-shaking changes from now on.

And this change is not slow, but very rapid.First, since the flag of Gromash was hoisted, the pirates who crazily poured into The fish men island began to converge their behavior, and secondly, in the Dragon Palace. After the city announced the'Murman Street Renovation Plan', the entire Murman Street began to be reorganized without waiting for the third day.

This is one of the reasons why Gromash really wants to cooperate with Dragon Palace. First of all, Gromash does not have much financial resources to support him to complete the employment plan of tens of thousands of people on Murloc Street. If there is no cooperation with Dragon Palace. If the city reached a cooperation, Gromash would have to accumulate two or three years to carry out this plan.

But now it's different. Their Frostwolf Pirates are a bitter, but the Neptune royal family in Dragon Palace is a serious'earth rich man', and both sides trust each other very much, so Dragon Palace is a big hand With a wave, the initial project investment was directly contracted, while the Frostwolf Pirates of Gromash used technology to buy shares, and the final five to five accounts were divided.

Gromash has no opinion on this. First of all, his return to The fish men island to occupy the territory was so smooth. Among them, the Neptune royal family gave him great convenience, so the bonus of five to five points is not excessive.

Secondly, after The fish men island became the site of Gromash, Gromash has regarded the entire The fish men island as its own basic disk, and Dragon Palace is the political center of The fish men island, and they will get a lot of wealth in the future. After that, how can it be impossible to lock those wealth firmly in the Dragon Palace like a miser, King Neptune and King Otohime

The character of the concubine, coupled with Gromash fiddled with the two of them, these dividends will basically be used by them to the construction and prosperity of the entire The fish men island. In this way, for Gromash, it is only good. There is no harm, think about it in another direction, this dividend is basically equivalent to his left hand and the right hand.

At this moment, in the chaotic and disorderly Murloc Street, a few murlocs were standing in front of an old house holding a big hammer. One of the octopus said without a word: "Living here. It’s been so many years, but today I have to demolish my own house by myself. Thinking about it, it’s really a bit sad.”

"If you want to start a little bit, this is all for a better life in the future, right?? You don't want your children to be like yourself in the future??" Another strong murloc also followed.

"Yes, we have all received the wages. Even if you can't trust the people in Dragon Palace, don't you even trust the Gromash boss? Anyway, I have decided. In the future, I will not only join the construction team this time, but also Joining the factory run by the boss of Gromash, I don’t want to live a life like this anymore with today and no tomorrow, 々."A shark murloc said in a deep voice.

That's right, in order to establish the trust between the two'forces' that are somewhat unpleasant to each other, the Dragon Palace and the Murloc Street, Gromash also directly sacrificed his own big killer'Yi Gong' from the beginning. Relief".

If you want to open a factory in Murloc Street, first of all, the entire old Murloc Street must be gradually demolished to provide the factory with a location where it can land. In Gromash's view, instead of hiring another construction team to handle this It’s better to hire fish people who have nothing to do in Murloc Street to do it. This is the first time the two parties have reached a cooperation.

With the deepening of this cooperation, after the establishment of the factory in the future, a certain amount of trust will be generated between the two parties, and then the second step of the recruitment plan will be much smoother, right?

After hearing the words of his companion, the octopus man also flashed firmness in his eyes, and then said: "Yes, even if you can't believe in Dragon Palace, the credibility of the boss of Gromash is still very strong. I am willing to believe the words of the boss of Gromash, for the sake of beauty. Tomorrow, for our next generation and"

Speaking of this, the octopus man gritted his teeth and stepped on his feet. Regarding the big iron hammer in his hand, he slammed the door of his room with a hammer, smashing the entire door to a smash, and then he said: "The murloc The future of the street!!"

With the fall of his hammer, the entire Murloc Street renovation plan movement began vigorously.

The scope of the entire Murloc Street is extremely large.In Gromash's estimation, from the beginning of the demolition of the old building, to the establishment of a new factory, and finally to start the production of cloud materials, there must be a period of two or three years as an excess during this period, and even If there are new ideas or changes to adjust the strategy, it is not impossible to make four to five years.

But this time is not something that Gromash can't wait. Besides, this project can be handed over to Dragon Palace to handle the follow-up, and their Frostwolf Pirates are not restricted to death here.

In the morning in Mermaid Bay, on this quiet street, Gromash this guy is sneaking back to a certain house. After he opened the door with the key, he looked at the scene inside and looked bitter.

Then, before he could speak, Shyarly, who had an expression of "I'm angry," with her hands on her waist, was constantly slapping the ground with her tail on the floor, and she had already spoken.

"Onii-san, did you run out to find those sisters again last night??" Shyarly asked very dissatisfiedly.

Gromash closed the door a little embarrassingly, then turned the subject away and asked: "Huh? Shyarly, why did you get up so early?? Don't you sleep late??"

"Huh!! I remembered to make breakfast for onii-san, but when I opened your room, I found that you were gone." Shyarly said angrily.

And Gromash also quickly opened his mouth to force a defense. He righteously said: "Shyarly, you must know that our pirates are very dangerous. Therefore, we must have strong strength to overcome these dangers, but strength is not something that can be done out of thin air. What appears, these are all you need to persevere in training and tempering yourself, in fact,

I just went out for morning exercises."

Shyarly looked at Gromash, and then said, "Onii-san, I haven't seen you for more than a year. Your ability to lie is really getting better and better, but next time you lie, can you put the lipstick on your face first? Wipe clean with the lip marks first??"

Gromash was also a little surprised to look at the reflection on the window, and said, "Impossible, I clearly checked it when I came out of Aishia."

Gromash also reacted when he said that, he was caught in the trap of the little ghost spirit-Shyarly, and then he turned his head to look at Shyarly again, and saw that Shyarly was really angry, and her hair was completely flat. Floating in the air, and then the originally flat and white teeth quickly became sharp, and then Shyarly slammed into Gro.

Marsh took a fierce bite against his shoulder.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for more than a year. My pure and kind-hearted baby sister who is like a white rabbit has turned into a cunning little fox. Unfortunately!!" Gromash exclaimed.

With Gromash's painful cry and rubbing his eyes, some of the little Robin who did not wake up also walked downstairs in a set of very cute pajamas. Did you make Shyarly angry??"

Gromash hadn't spoken yet. At this time, the door was pushed open again. I saw a sweaty little Lucky wiped his face with a towel while annoying, and said, ""Huh? Gromash, you're back? I originally thought this morning. I asked you to go to the morning exercise, but I found out that you were not there. I thought you had gone for exercise, but I went out for a round and finished the exercise.

I didn't see you, where did you exercise? What did you exercise?"

Gromash also smoothly pushed Shyarly's mouth off his shoulders, and then rubbed Shyarly's head, while opening his mouth and said, "Cough cough, then what, I went to practice more advanced skills."

"Oh? What technique?? Explosive? Can I learn too??" Lu Qi didn't think much, and asked a little curiously.

"You are too young now, too young in all aspects, you don't have the qualifications yet, but don't worry, you will definitely learn it in the future, but it is not explosive power, but waist strength." Gromash said very ghostly. .

Seeing that all the people living in this house have gotten up, Shyarly stopped torturing Gromash anymore. She groaned and brought out the prepared breakfast, and then said, "It must be those vixens who are seduce onii. -san, hum, when I grow up, I must make them look good!!

Gromash also said a little funny: "Yes, yes, then pray that our baby Shyarly will grow up quickly."

After eating breakfast, Shyarly's temperament has already disappeared. She was very excited and said: "Onii-san, shall I make coffee for you? Just use the coffee beans you brought back this time."

In fact, Gromash doesn't want to drink a cup of coffee every morning after dinner. Compared with this, he prefers to have a glass of wine or something. Even if there is no wine, drink milk.

However, his baby sister is a coffee master. Gromash looked at Shyarly's expectant eyes, and he could only bite the bullet and said: "Okay, Shyarly, I like coffee the most, especially mine. My baby sister made coffee for me herself."

"Hey, don't worry, onii-san, it's delicious." Shyarly also smiled happily, and then turned around to make coffee for Gromash.

But Lu Qi, the little guy, didn't see anything outside. He directly sat on the sofa and said, "I want a cup too. Add more sugar. If possible, I'd better add some milk!"

Shyarly said without looking back, "Without your share, you can go to the refrigerator and get milk by yourself."

After hearing this, Lu Qi said with dissatisfaction: "Shyarly, I am a guest!! Also, I am your brother's right-hand man. I will be born and die for him in the future!!"

Who knows that Shyarly ignored him at all, and instead said to Robin, "Robin, do you want more sugar on yours? Acting?"

Robin was packing the tableware, and he said, "Well, I actually want to add some milk."

"Okay, I get it~" Shyarly nodded and said.

Until then, Gromash patted Lu Qi on the shoulder and said gleefully: "It seems that you are afraid that you have no coffee to drink, Jiehahahahaha.

Lu Qi was also very cold. Tsundere snorted and stood up and walked towards the refrigerator and said, "Huh, forget it, I prefer to drink milk myself."

"Yeah, it's kind of Tsundere's." Gromash also said with a smile. .

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