I Am Hellscream

Chapter 111 The tolerance of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard’s Moby Dick quickly came out of the deep sea, as Gromash estimated, as an old friend of Neptune, coupled with the pride of his Whitebeard, his Moby Dick did not go to the sea. Mori appeared in the port of Coral Hill in an open manner.

At this time, Gromash is standing on the port of Coral Hill, with a smoking cigar in his mouth, and the legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer on his back, and scarlet light radiates outward from time to time in his scarlet pupils. , Surrounded by wisps of blood-red aura, hitting his upper body naked, even the unicorn engraved on his back seemed to be faintly roaring, that shoulder

The roaring unicorn on the armour made his aura even more turbulent.

Standing next to him is Neptune, the king of the fish men island and the great knight of the sea. Neptune seemed very excited after looking at it.After the war-inspiring Gromash, he also said in embarrassment: "Gromash, why do I think you seem a little excited? I have said that Newgate and I have been friends for many years.

Will embarrass you Frostwolf Pirates.

Gromash also smiled when he heard the words, and then he spit out a puff of smoke before he said: "Your Majesty Neptune, you are the king, even if you and Whitebeard have been friends for many years, you will not understand the relationship between our pirates. , You know, Whitebeard-Edward Newgate, he is currently the pinnacle of our pirate power, and there is a saying in the sea

If you don’t defeat Whitebeard, you won’t be able to become the One Piece King. It is conceivable that what he represents in our pirate forces is precisely because of this sentence. I don’t know how many people have challenged Whitebeard. , It is still his Whitebeard and his Whitebeard Pirates who can stand on the pinnacle, countless heroes are bending in front of him

, I have become an inexhaustible silver medalist in the sea. Tell me, in the face of such a person, as a pirate who intends to fight for supremacy in the world, how can I not be excited? Did you hear that? My war The axe has already begun to growl eagerly 987"

Just when Neptune wanted to say something, Gromash said again: "What's more, in my opinion, even if Whitebeard won't fight me here, he will weigh my weight. After all, If it was me, it would be the same.

Neptune also fell silent after hearing Gromash's words, and finally he said: "Anyway, our Dragon Palace City will keep you safe Gromash."

"Jiehahahaha, Your Majesty Neptune, you have some confidence in me anyway, even if you face Whitebeard?? I really don't think I will lose, but anyway, I still have to thank you. ." Gromash said with a laugh.

While Gromash and King Neptune were talking these words, standing behind Gromash's group of Frostwolf Pirates, Joz also opened his mouth and said, "Here is the strongest man in the world and his strongest Pirates. "

Then Gromash also heard the words and looked at the port again, only to see that the huge Moby Dick had stopped there firmly at this time, and then wore a captain's hat, with a long golden hair, and a pair. The tall whitebeard man walked off the Moby Dick, behind him, followed by a few figures, Gromash also recognized

Some of them are out, among them is the Whitebeard Pirates' first team captain and marine doctor Phoenix. Marco, with the third team captain Saatchi, this guy should have been the captain of the fourth team, but now Whitebeard Sea The captain of the third division of the thief group, Joz, has become a Gromash person at this time, and Saqi is automatically "promoted" to the first level, but it is not

I know what is special about the captain of the second division. Since this period, it has been vacated. At present, the veteran of the second division, Marshall-D-Teach, is temporarily taking this position.

Similarly, Gromash also saw the guy who seemed harmless to humans and animals at this time, ciad stuttering Sakura peach pie, he was Blackbeard who could turn the world upside down in the future.

Whitebeard was holding his big sword in his hand, and then slightly raised the corner of his mouth, looking at the old friend Neptune standing on the edge of the port and the Frostwolf Pirates group headed by Gromash.

"Kula la la la la, do we seem to be taken seriously? This Gromash came to pick me up personally." Newgate said with a laugh.

After Whitebeard finished speaking, Saatchi, the captain of the third division standing next to him, said: "Father, let me try their skills first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Saatchi drew his weapon and walked towards Gromash and the others. Marco wanted to stop Saatchi, but Whitebeard stopped him first.

Saqi is not a fruit capable person, otherwise Teach will not have to worry that Saqi will quickly eat Dark Fruit and kill him that night in such a hurry.

Gromash watched this guy walk towards him very confidently, and frowned slightly.In his original impression, he always thought that Saatchi was a kinder guy, who knew that this guy was so angry when he was young. Sheng, Whitebeard, the father, hasn’t spoken yet, and the son, he can’t wait to jump out.


"No wonder Teach is going to kill you. I'm afraid if you don't have Whitebeard to cover you, you would no longer know where you died" Gromash thought in his heart, and then he didn't look at Saatchi. In his opinion, this kind of person Even if he can't be his opponent, even if he does his Gromash trip, he only wants to do it with Whitebeard.

Seeing that his captain didn't even bother to speak, Joz also smiled, then moved his wrist and said, "Let me weigh the captain of this famous Whitebeard pirate group."

After speaking, Joz also walked out a few steps and walked towards Saatchi. On the other side, Saatchi also looked at Joz and said: "You are the strongest newcomer of last year-Diamond Joz?? It's a pity that you have followed the wrong person. If you had entered New World earlier, you might have joined our Whitebeard Pirates."

After hearing what Saatchi said, Joz was also a little unhappy and said: "I didn't follow the wrong person, and you are qualified to evaluate??"

Saatchi smiled and said, "Hehe, this is the newcomer. I will let you see if I am qualified now."

After speaking, Saqi's hand flashed with a sharp blade, wrapped Armament Haki and slashed towards Joz.

Looking at this scene, Gromash didn't care much. Don't look at Joz's usual days, but his strength is quite powerful. In the original history, he was able to beat Saqi to three times. Team captain, Gromash believes that his "training" of Joz is no worse than Whitebeard. If Saatchi can beat Joe

It's strange that even Gromash felt that he couldn't even break Joz's defense.

Sure enough, Gromash saw that Joz didn't seem to care about Saatchi's slash. He quickly turned his right arm into a shining diamond, and then even Haki was unwrapped, very tough. After holding up Saatchi's new attack, even the root hair was not lost, and then Joz's sturdy body ran into Saatchi at a high speed that was completely inconsistent with his body shape.

"Shining: collision!!"

However, in Gromash's view, although Saatchi is not as good as Joz, he is still a captain-level figure. Even if he hasn't really grown up, he can't be too weak to reach this position.

Sure enough, when Joz hits Saatchi, Saatchi also swipes his sword very quickly, making a quick turn on Jozs body, falling behind Jozs, and not being given by him. Hit a sturdy one.

And Joz's reaction speed is also very fast, I saw him stomping on the ground, then a few bits of rubble, and then slapped the rubble against Saqi, just as Saqi's sword in his hand smashed into the air. When the stone was crushed, a successful smile hung on the corner of Joz's mouth.

"Six styles. Shave!"

As Qiaozi's voice fell, I saw a "bang!" First gear, but it was too late at this time. Although his reaction speed was fast, it was inevitable to face Joz's sudden one-handed assault.

Some hastily.

In the next second, Joz's huge shining diamond fist had already hit Saatchi's sword.

"Six Styles-Diamond Siege Cannon!

A powerful impact erupted from Joz's arm, Saqi's face suddenly reddened, and he seemed to take a sigh of relief.Then the whole person was beaten by Joz and flew out, and after landing, he stepped on the ground. Several broken footprints came out, and the powerful force was released. Then Saatchi seemed to have swallowed something, and then he said:"

That's amazing. I apologize for my arrogance just now.

After Gromash heard this Saqi's words, his impression of him changed again.Anyway, although this guy's behavior at this time was a bit arrogant, he was able to admit his own without hesitation. Wrong, this is very courageous. Generally speaking, the more people like him, the more stubborn and better-looking.

Qi can afford to put it down, but he is considered a bright and upright man. What's more, Gromash can also see that Saqi was obviously injured by Joz just now, and he had old blood that should have been vomited by him. It came out, but this guy swallowed it back abruptly. There is no doubt that if this kind of injury spit out a mouthful of blood, it would be okay to let the breath go.

Yes, but if you swallow it back, it will definitely aggravate his injury. Gromash also understands that Saatchi would rather than spit out the blood. It must be to protect the face of his Whitebeard Pirates and to protect his old age. Daddy Whitebeard's face.

I have to say, this guy takes the glory of Whitebeard very seriously.

After hearing what Saatchi said, Joz didn't continue to do it. He stopped and said, "You can be regarded as a person who can afford it and put it down."

Until then, the guy Whitebeard laughed and said, "Kula la la la la, Saatchi, now you know how powerful it is? I said it a long time ago, don't underestimate them, after suffering this loss, you too It’s time to reflect on your own character, and come back."

Saatchi also said with some embarrassment: "Daddy, I'm embarrassed."

Whitebeard said indifferently, "What's the shame of this? You didn't shame me, Saatchi!"

Marco also smiled and patted Saatchi on the shoulder and said: "I said long ago, if you don't change your character, you will suffer sooner or later, do you believe it now? But it doesn't matter, it's too late to change now."

"The thief hahahaha, it's a small loss, Captain Saatchi." Teach also said with a laugh.

At the same time, Cromwell, who was standing next to Gromash, looked at the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates and said involuntarily. It's a half move, but the tolerance of Whitebeard and everyone under him is also revealed because of this. From this point of view, it is called

People shouldn't be underestimated.

"Although you won, don't be complacent, Joz is the strongest of you, and that Saatchi only became the captain of the third division two months ago." Gromash also smiled and said. .

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