I Am Hellscream

Chapter 114 The Marine Council with a heavy atmosphere.

Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate, as the current pinnacle of pirates, the pirate emperor of New World, the king of the sea, his every move has naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

Especially Naval Headquarters and World government, they have never ignored any movement of Whitebeard. This time Whitebeard suddenly set sail from New World's own territory, and has not done any disguise to coat its flagship, Beluga-Mobile. , Does he need to think about where he is going?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the strongest man in the world to appear in The fish men island, and The fish men island is three extremely important places-Mariejois, Celestial Dragons directly governed island-Sabaody Archipelago, Naval Headquarters-Malinford. They are very close.

The guy Whitebeard suddenly came to this kind of place. Even the Naval Headquarters and the World government felt that Whitebeard shouldn't do anything'irrational', but it's weird if they don't take it seriously.

Sengoku Admiral and Garp Vice Admiral, Tsuru Chief Staff Officer and others are sitting here in Marshal Kong's office in Marlinford Justice Fortress, waiting for news.

It didn't take long for a Marine officer from the intelligence department to rush in and say: "Report to Marshal Kong, the latest information on The fish men island has been collected!!"

"Look at your expression and you will know that something major has happened, let's talk about it!" Marshal Kong glanced at the intelligence officer and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Marshal Kong, there is indeed a big incident there, first of all Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash led the Frostwolf Pirates to divide The fish men island into their territory. According to intelligence, the entire The fish men island has already begun. The flag of their Frostwolf Pirates was hoisted. Next, the Whitebeard Pirates arrived at The fish men island yesterday, the strongest man in the world.

Whitebeard and Proudmoore- Gromash started a trial and destroyed most of the coral hills. The result of the battle is unknown, but Whitebeard admitted that The fish men island is the site of the Frostwolf Pirates 987, and his weapon Daguan Knife was destroyed. However, follow-up observations showed that neither Whitebeard nor Proudmoore- Gromash were harmed. Currently, Proudmoore

-Gromash is carrying out a project called "Development of Fish Men Street", and Whitebeard is drinking with the king of The Fish Men Island-Neptune in Dragon Palace," the intelligence officer quickly said.

After he finished speaking, the entire Marshal's office fell silent. Marshal Kong closed his eyes slightly, waved his hand and said, "I see, continue to stare at The fish men island..."

"Yes, Marshal Kong!" The Marine intelligence officer also saluted, and retired very interestingly, leaving room for everyone.

As soon as the intelligence officer left with his front foot, a slightly excited voice came from the Marshal's office.

"Marshal Kong, please let me go to The fish men island and catch Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash!!" Admiral alternate of Naval Headquarters-Gion said in a deep voice.

Marshal Kong looked at the unicorn shoulder armor on Gion's shoulder and sighed silently. Then he said, "Gion, don't get so excited when you hear about that bastard, think about it."

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also pulled Ragion's arm and said softly: "Yesterday he and Whitebeard both started fighting. After the two met, they destroyed most of the Coral Hill, and Whitebeard's weapons were destroyed, although we did not I think that Gromash has been able to defeat Whitebeard, but it is obvious that he has not suffered any losses or suffered any injuries, and that

Every Whitebeard has recognized that The fish men island is his site. This shows that Whitebeard recognized the strength of Gromash, Gion."

After the marshal Kong and Tsuru's chief staff, Gion calmed down a little bit. Then she sat in her seat again and said, "I know, I am indeed too irrational. With my strength "

Gion said that she didn't continue speaking any more, but at this time, the slender fingers holding the handle of her waist had already turned white due to excessive force.

Everyone also knows what Gion's sentence means. As early as two years ago, her strength has fallen under Gromash. Although Gion's strength has also grown rapidly in the past two years, it is obviously different from what it has already been. There are still many gaps between Gromash, which is able to work with Whitebeard and whose strength has been recognized by Whitebeard.

What's more, Gromash is a very chicken thief. Regardless of whether he chose a site so close to Naval Headquarters and so close to the holy land-Mariejois, it seems to expose himself to the eyes of World government and Naval Headquarters.

But when you think about it, the geographic location of The fish men island is very special. First of all, if you want to conquer Gromash, there is no such thing as a large-scale fleet to go to The fish men island for conquest.

Because if you want to enter The fish men island, you have to go through the deep sea, and the danger of going through the deep sea is very great. Even if the entire army is wiped out there is not impossible.

And when they arrive at The fish men island, the Marines will fight in the deep sea with Gromash, a powerful guy with murloc bloodlines, in The fish men island. Isn’t this funny again? Take a thousand steps, even Marine We successfully'recaptured' The fish men island, and we may not be able to catch Gromash. He just drilled into the sea. Marines don't even think about it before coating.

Chased it out, and even if it chased it out, it's probably going to die.

Therefore, the site that Gromash chose was very tricky, and Marshal Kong was also very troublesome. In his opinion, even if Gromash put the site in New World, it was better to conquer than in The fish men island.

Thinking of this, Marshal Kong was a little embarrassed and sighed again and said: "Now that we have to admit it, as of now, we can't help Gromash at all, and this guy has really grown to us now. You have to make all-out preparations to deal with the enemy, no longer relying on some Vice Admiral

Or it's time for the fleet to be able to suppress him. "

"The only thing to be thankful for is that although this Gromash behaves badly, most of it is directed at our Marine and World government. He himself seems to have his own bottom line and arrogance. Judging from his experience in the two years of going to sea, He has never voluntarily launched an attack on any country or town.

This also rarely hurts lives. Compared with other pirates of the same level, he is considered more human. "(ciad) Sengoku Admiral also said with some emotion.

Speaking of this, the expressions of the rest of the Marine generals are also a little unspeakable. If you want to say that the impression of the Marines on Gromash, it can be said that it can be bad. , Sakazuki and others, but if you put aside their position, they are very complex about Gromash's senses.

Miscellaneous, as to why Gromash was convicted in the first place, the Marine executives here all know this well, and it's not all the damn, high-ranking Celestial Dragons who killed it.

If nothing else, Gromash's top combat power should have become a hole card in the hands of the World government. With his strength and growth rate, if there hadn't been the Celestial Dragons attack that year, he would probably be early. All entered CP-0 and became a big man, at least not weaker than Admiral of Naval Headquarters in terms of status.

Alternate even Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

And if Marine had discovered his potential earlier, maybe he would have been poached a long time ago, sitting in this office and discussing the topic of'justice' with all the bigwigs present.

Rather than as it is now, a top combat force that should have become a "just" force has been forced into the force of an "evil" pirate force, and the Marines still have nothing to do with him, they can only pray silently for this. Don't mess up guys anymore.

I don’t know if Sengoku Admiral and Marshal Kong colluded well or something. Just after Sengoku Admiral said that the meaning was very unclear and did not conform to his Marine position, Marshal Kong said something that made everyone's expressions face. A more silent topic.

"A week ago, the World government sent us the draft plan for Naval Headquarters. You probably already know about it??" Marshal Kong also said with a bit of unhappy.

Garp Vice Admiral, who hadn't spoken all the time, heard Marshal Kong's words, and he stood up and said, "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I will leave.

Marshal Kong also said directly, "Garp! I haven't finished my words yet!'

"Although you haven't finished speaking, I have finished listening!" Garp didn't save any face for Marshal Kong, turned around and opened the door and walked out.

The rest of the Marine generals on the scene seemed to have already taken offense. Garp's unrestrained character has been rampant in Marine for many years. Not to mention that Marshal Kong can't control it, even Five Elders can't control it.

Marshal Kong seems to be accustomed to Garp Vice Admiral. Seeing that this guy slapped his ass and left, he was not too angry, but looked at the others and continued and said: "Forget it, leave him alone, you guys What do you think?"

Sengoku Admiral did not speak when he heard the words. It seemed that his opinion, Marshal Kong, had already known his opinion, and the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at the surrounding atmosphere and found that no one seemed to want to take this embarrassing topic, so she also sighed. Said: "Marshal Kong regarding this Seven Warlords of the Sea plan, we at Naval Headquarters should say that everyone is opposed to it.

Opinion. "

Sakazuki, who had just recovered from his injury, also said in a deep voice, "It's really shameful that justice and evil are together!"

Even Kuzan, who has never had a good relationship with Sakazuki, said, "If we concentrate on the opposition, will the government consider canceling this plan?"

At this time, Sengoku Admiral finally spoke. He also shook his head helplessly: "Since the marshal and I got this news for the first time, we have already gone to Mariejois to meet Five Elders and seriously opposed this. It's up"

Marshal Kong also said with some embarrassment: "Yes, do you think I would be willing to accept such a ridiculous plan?? I want Naval Headquarters to cooperate with the implementation?? Old man, I caught the pirate for a lifetime, but I really didn't expect it. In the end, I have to stand in the same camp with these pirates, do you think I have never opposed it??"

After speaking, Marshal Kong said weakly: "But there is no way, the World government has decided to go its own way. After all, Marine does not have much political power, and I can't do anything about it. ."

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also said in a melancholy voice: "In other words, this matter can only be discussed under the premise that we are forced to accept the follow-up drafting plan, right?"

Sengoku Admiral also nodded and said: "Yes, that's it, but after all, it is the government's big plan to check and balance the era of pirates and balance maritime forces. At this stage, it is only drafting. Longer time will not come, so luckily in the unfortunate, at least we all have a period of time to buffer

-Next, adjust your mentality.

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