I Am Hellscream

Chapter 123 Five hundred and fifty million?

Gromash also looked at Hokkubak in a bad mood, and then said: "I found that your thoughts are the same as your behavior. Recently, it has become more and more weird??"

Even Robin squeezed his small fist in dissatisfaction and said, "Mr. Ship Doctor, we are pirates!!"

Dianguak also wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth with a little embarrassment, and then said with a smile: "What? It's mainly because I have been a pirate for a short time, and some have no idea what we pirates should do."

"Look at you, your enlightenment is not as high as Robin sauce yet, how can you be a competent and good pirate??" Cromwell also said smoothly.

Even Lu Qi, the little guy who is holding the milk and drinking it all the time, also said: "Doctor Hokkubak, I don't think you should always study your weird operations, and go out with us appropriately. You can cure your illness by just looting and killing a few people.

Lu Qi's words are extremely murderous, and he always feels a strong sense of disobedience to say such words from his little boy, and when he is fighting, Lu Qi is indeed very ruthless. Spicy, the enemy that can be solved without the ability of fruit, he prefers to use his hands to kill the opponent, and his "killing weapon" is called by Marine.

'S name complements each other very well.

Of course, this is not something that Gromash deliberately cultivated, but Lu Qi slowly developed it himself. It can only be said that his character is like this. Although it looks cute, it is actually not a good boy.

Then Gromash also said again: "Okay, okay, it's too late today. Robbery, let's talk about it tomorrow, let him drink him drunk first! I announce that the first one to put down today is Hokkubak, the guy with 28 questions in his head!!"

Gromash and their group are very famous, especially when they came along the way of the Frostwolf Pirates. The island of Kerr also knew the news that the fierce Frostwolf Pirates was drinking on the island at this time.

In a tavern not far from the tavern where Gromash and the others are located, the diamond stick-Blankenu whom Gromash and the others talked about earlier is also drinking with his little brothers at this time.

This thin man with very dark eyes just picked up his wine glass when he saw one of his younger brothers running in, and then leaned in to whisper a few words in his ear.

Then the blank smile hung on the corner of his mouth and said, "Is it five hundred and fifty million Baileys like me?? That is to say, if I kill him, my bounty will rise a lot. Huh?? Hip-hop, haha, a gift to the door."

"But the captain, that Proudmoore-Gromash is very powerful, he hit Marine Admiral Sengoku with an axe in Logue town back then, and seemed to have done hands with Whitebeard not long ago," the little brother said with some fear.But after Blankenu glared at him, he immediately shut up and did not dare to speak. It is conceivable that in front of Blankenu, it seemed that Gromash was not so scary.

Then the Blankenu said, "You know my abilities, as long as the time is right, I can still hit Marine's Admiral with one stick. As for him and the Whitebeard guy, has anyone seen it?? again? Can anyone prove it?? You said those of them were drinking in the tavern not far from next door?? Isn't this a good opportunity??

We lie there, wait for that Gromash to come out, and give him a mace. Do you think I will Immune to Death him??"

The little brother thinks of Blankenu’s abilities, and he also thinks that no one should be able to beat him without dying. After all, his vision is at this level, and he can’t see much at all, so he also nodded and said: "Okay. The captain"

After speaking, the Blankenu picked up a mace from the table that still looked very inconspicuous and didn't feel as heavy as a normal mace. Then he stood up and greeted him. Without a word, he left the tavern.

As he walked, he murmured: "If this Gromash is not killed by me, then let him be my little brother. It's a pity, he should be some Demon fruit power, otherwise, that fruit It’s okay to leave it to him.”

On the other hand, Gromash, who was fiercely fighting wine, did not expect that he was not ready to find the trouble with the diamond stick. The diamond stick had already decided to trouble him.

It is strange to say that this Gromash has been out to sea for more than two years. Basically, he has not encountered any pirate group who dared to take the initiative to find his troubles. Generally, it is only his Gromash uncle to find other people's troubles, so that for a long time. This situation caused Gromash to seem completely unaware of this possibility.

At this time, after several rounds of fierce irrigation, the genius Doctor-Hokkubak was already lying on the table like a dead dog, and his mouth was still murmuring: "I can't drink anymore, I have to do some experiments."

Except for Hokkubak, Joz and his party were also a little drunk and dim. Even Gromash was a little uncomfortable to drink too quickly because of the large amount of alcohol.

After the urination came, Gromash also put down the wine glass and said, "You drink first, I want to go out and put some water..."

Holding a milk and drinking it all the time, Lu Qi said without any discomfort: "Gromash, don't you want to go out and vomit secretly?? That's a foul!!"

Gromash slapped Lu Qi's head, and then said dissatisfied: "Do you think I look like that kind of person??"

After speaking, Gromash didn't pay any attention to Lu Qi anymore. He walked out towards the door of the tavern with a little drunkenness, and then he turned into a small alley as soon as he turned around.

"Damn it, it's back to Pirate Paradise, the drinks are not good at all" Gromash complained, untied the wolf tie around his waist, took out his own guy and started to release the water.

Just when Gromash just finished this'work', he suddenly felt a murderous attack, and immediately afterwards, he quickly turned his head and looked behind him, and then he saw a scrawny guy turning his mace towards him. Hit his head.

To be honest, Gromash still has a chance to evade at this time, and even if he quickly launches a counterattack, it is not a problem, but the problem is that his little brother is still left outside at this time and has not taken it back. At this critical moment, he cares about his face very much. In the end, Gromash chose to take back his little brother first.

After being controlled, the bastard friends put on the "exhibitionist" "famous name".

I saw him move his hands quickly, stuffing birds, lifting his pants, and tying his belt, all in one go

With a loud "bang!!", the moment Gromash finished his'work', he was also directly hit in the forehead by the mace, and then his whole person was knocked down by a huge force. He flew out, smashed the wall behind him directly, and flew into the tavern, scraping everyone and the wine table along the way to the ground, and he was also

After hitting another wall, he stuck his head in, and hung the whole person on the wall like a dead body.

And those who weren’t affected by Joz and the others looked at Gromash very strangely.

Before they could speak, the thin man who attacked Gromash walked in from the broken wall. Then he looked at Gromash, who was motionless, and then said with a little disdain: "Five hundred and fifty million?? It's ridiculous. Both of us are 550 million pirates. The strengths and weaknesses between us are obvious, and there is an insurmountable gap.


Then the Blankenu carried his strange mace on his shoulders, watching Joz and the others speak very arrogantly: "Your captain has been killed by me, follow this rubbish. Hun has no future, how about?? Do you want to be my subordinate??"

At this moment, Joz looked at Cromwell, then at Lu Qi, Urouge, Robin and others, and then they all laughed involuntarily.

"Hahahahaha, it's so funny." Cromwell said with a laugh.

"The captain is so embarrassed this time." Robin also covered his mouth and said with a smile.

"I haven't robbed others yet, but was he hit first??" Urouge also said a little funny.

"The vigilance is too bad. If it was me, I would never be hit," Lu Qi said very Tsundere.

Just when Blankenu was a little surprised how these people reacted so strangely to the fact that their captain was killed, Joz this guy also picked up the wine glass and took two sips, and then looked at the diamond stick-cloth Ranknu said, "You are right. Both are 550 million pirates. The difference between the strong and the weak is very obvious.

An insurmountable gap..."

And the Blankenu also smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes, kid, you understand the truth well, I am optimistic about you."

But before he finished speaking, there was a movement from the other side, and he saw Gromash propped his hands against the wall, then pulled his head straight out of the wall, and then he shook his head and stained his hair. After shaking off the gravel, he said, "I'm a little drunk."

Then in Blankenu’s surprised eyes, Gromash raised his head and looked at the guy, and then there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Jehahahaha, not only you look at him, but I also look at him, kid. , You are so courageous, you dare to attack me when your grandpa Gromash 987 peeing, Laozi won't punch your shit today

You can pull it clean!!"

The little guy Lu Qi frowned and said, "Gromash, can you use a word of civilization?? Don't always affect the reputation of our Frostwolf Pirates??"

On the other side, Blankenu also said incredulously, "How can I add the weight of the entire warship to my attack? Bar??"

Gromash also walked towards the guy at this time, and said, "So, is the weight of a warship?? I said, how can your messy mace have such a strong force, it turned out to be Your ability, yes, it is a good ability. It's a pity to put it on you. After I kill you, I hope I can

Find this ability again."

Gromash was talking, his whole body surged, and some flames began to appear in his breath, and his eyes began to drift outward in scarlet light, even the footprints he left between walking. It started to burn, as if a demon had passed through.

After this period of killing and conquest, Gromash can be regarded as a little understanding of the strange talent he has drawn: "The majestic" is what is going on.

As long as he releases his aura, the target he is aiming at will be slowed by his own aura. If the person's willpower is not strong enough to resist, then whenever he thinks of his Gromash, he will have no intention to fight. Don't dare to do anything with him anymore.

Even Gromash thinks that if this thing waits for his Conqueror's Haki to be fortunately awakened in the future, it will work together better.

Obviously, Blankenu, who was very arrogant before, was shocked by Gromash's aura, and saw Gromash walked slowly in front of him. With pressure, Gromash bent down slightly, brought his head close to Blankenu, and then said with a grinning grin: "Five hundred million

Ten million??"

After speaking, before the guy could speak, the thick tail behind Gromash had directly rolled up his legs, and then just like shaking a rag, it directly rolled him on the ground and beat it back and forth, blood and blood flying. The entire tavern vibrates rhythmically

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