I Am Hellscream

Chapter 132 If you don't give it, I will grab it!

At this time on Visalia Island, a group of old scholars are observing Corton Island through telescopes.

"This is really a deserted island. In my opinion, if it doesn't rain here, no one can survive. Sooner or later it will be deserted." There is not such an old meteorologist at this time-Ha Radar was wearing a pointed hat, dressed like a wizard, observing Corton Island through a telescope.

Another old scholar also held a telescope in his hand. After looking at the island of Corton, he observed for a while and said: "There seems to be a pirate on the island. I saw a pirate ship.

"The number of pirates has increased over the past few years. Which island can't see the pirates??" Harredaid said indifferently.

"Then shall we go down?? Is there any contact information for the client??" Another old scholar asked.

Harreda and the others are actually very kind-hearted. After hearing this question, Harreda thought for a while and then said: "I have to go, otherwise this island will die, the client's contact information I didn’t, but they said that after going to the island, someone would come to us to check out.”

I have to say that this group of old scholars who are flying around in the sky all day long, except for meteorological research, are really simple, and they dare to accept such weird commissions...

On the other side, Gromash also returned to the boat, and then he looked at Visalia Island and said, "If they are very vigilant, they may find something wrong. If they don't get off, they will run away. It will be very troublesome, so I'll go up and have a look first."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Cromwell looked at the Visalia Island and said: "It doesn't seem to be necessary, they are in a small airship to'pick' us up."

The rest of the people also followed Cromwell's gaze, and then they saw a small rickety hot-air balloon airship running out of Visalia 28, slowly drifting towards the island of Colton. ..

"Isn't it?? These guys are too alert???" Gromash also looked at this scene with a little surprise and said.

But he thought about it, the entire Visalia Island will be turned around by the little thief cat alone in the future. It seems that the old scholars above are really um, innocent??

I don't know if they are really brave or stupid, just in the surprised eyes of everyone in the Frostwolf Pirates group, the airship with many small balloons actually slowly stopped to the side of Gromash's Artemis ship. .

Then an old man who seemed to be about 50 or 60 years old walked down slowly on the hot air balloon, and then the old man smiled and waved to Gromash and the others, as if saying hello.

"Ahem, for an instant, I actually felt guilty for the action we were about to take," Joz cleared his throat in embarrassment and said.

"Are all the scholars so innocent now??" Gromash also looked at the old scholar who was waving at them a little awkwardly.

But Lu Qi didn’t feel anything at all, and instead said very evilly: “If you continue to let them be so innocent, sooner or later they will be eaten clean by the evil wolves, so let me teach them what it means to eat sheep. The world is better."

After speaking, Lu Qi's finger was shining with electric light, and he aimed at the old pedant, as if he was going to give him an "electric light poison dragon drill".

Gromash slapped Lu Qi's arm off, and then he said, "Don't mess around. Although their brains are a bit awkward, they are talents. I'm not sure they will be my subordinates in the future."

After Gromash finished speaking, he jumped off the boat in a vigorous step, then walked to the old man in the blue wizard robe, and said, "You are the meteorologists of Visalia Island?? I'm really waiting for you. It's been a long time!!"

Harreda hasn't really recognized Gromash. After all, they fly in the sky all day and are busy doing research. Although the newspapers can be received, they rarely read them. In addition, the Marines have been talking about Gromash recently. "Low-key" processing, so that Gromash hasn't been in the newspapers. People like Harida are naturally impossible to be the first time.

I recognized him immediately.

After hearing Gromash's words, Hardeda was also a little surprised and said: "So you are the client, I thought you were the pirates who came here to do bad things, hahahaha, when we first met, I am the chief of Visalia. Climatologist-Harreda."

Gromash saw that this guy was so innocent, he smiled and stretched out his hand to shook his hand, and then said, "Are you the client?? Well, indeed, generally speaking, we are the client. That's right. My name is Gromash, Proudmoore. . Gromash, it's a pirate, yes, I would like to ask a lot of advice in the future, by the way, our commission has passed three months

Why are you here??"

Even if he heard the name of Gromash, Harida still didn't have much reaction. Then he said with a little embarrassment: "The direction and speed of Visalia Island are mostly controlled by natural wind. We just Gradually adjust the angle according to the wind direction, so it’s a little late to come.”

Gromash was also taken aback after hearing what he said, and then asked a little uneasy: "Could it be that you can't control the trajectory of Visalia Island at all??"

If Visalia Island can't be controlled and can only float around at will, then play a fart??

But fortunately, things are not as Gromash thought. Harreda waved his hand very confidently and said: "We still have the technology to freely control Visalia Island. I am an expert in studying the weather of'wind'. I need to pass a knot, I can create a strong wind, so Visalia Island can be controlled, but the natural wind

Formation and advancement have more research value, and you didn't give me any accurate signal date, so we have come all the way. "

Gromash was also relieved when he heard that, then he patted his chest and said, "It's good to be able to control it, it's good to be able to control it. You scholars are really amazing. You can study these weird things. It's amazing. I like it very much. you!"

"Hey, hey, thank you for your compliment. Okay, let me now show a scientific rain to this island. Although it can't completely change the climate here, it can still bring some things here. "A good change" Harreda touched his beard, and said with some joy.

However, Gromash stopped his movements, and then said: "Don't be so troublesome, this island is going to die, and it will not be long before it will become a desert. No life can survive here. Nature will If this island is resolved, maybe it will sink to the bottom of the sea soon"

Harreda was also a little confused by Gromash's remarks, and then he asked doubtfully: "Then what do you tell us to do here?? And what about the people on this island... You can't watch them die, right? ?"

Until then, Gromash showed an evil smile and looked at Harreda and said, "Didn’t you just say it? I am a pirate, think about it, what will happen if a pirate invites you all the way to come here? What do you think?? As for the characters on the island, they have their own destiny, of course, if you want to save people, take them to Visa

Isn’t it impossible on Leah Island??"

Harreda also seemed to be frightened by Gromash's evil smile, and then he said with a little fear: "Aren't you trying to rob us?? To be honest, our Visalia Island is very poor, or else. You don’t have to go to Qinghai so often to accept this kind of commission."

Gromash laughed and wanted to pat Harreda's shoulder, but when he raised his hand, he noticed that Harreda was not as tall as his waist, so Gromash put his hand down a little embarrassed, after all, he couldn't shoot people. Hat? It's rude.

"Ahem, what? We are a group of very high-grade pirates. Although we also looted, we rarely attack you, so don't worry, I am not aiming at your poor little wealth." Gromash pretended to speak.

And Harreda also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then he continued to ask: "Then what are you going to do?? If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first.

"Don't worry, Master Halledard, I'm Gromash, anyhow, I'm also a human being. Of course, it's impossible to waste time asking you to come and do nothing. I saw that science and technology are the primary productive forces. You master the technology that can freely travel between Sky Island and Qinghai, butI didn't make good use of this advantage at all, so that you even need to accept this kind of commission to earn the poor scientific research funds. It is really regrettable, so in the spirit of internationalism, I decided to save you. Sharia Island, you scholars, you should settle down and do your research, there is no need to be filled with copper odor.

Isn’t it busy? I announce that from now on, Visalia Island will be officially divided into the station of our Frostwolf Pirates, and you are naturally mine. Under my banner, you don’t need to Let’s run around for these little money." Gromash said a lot, then paused after looking at the dumbfounded Harreda and continued.

: "How is it? Master Harida, what do you think of my proposal??"

Harreda got back to his senses after being asked by Gromash. Then he shook his head and said: "No need, thank you for your kindness, I still think we are on Visalia Island."

But this time Harreda didn’t finish talking, Gromash smiled and took the battle axe behind him 000, and then said: "I am Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash, as a strong man, I I am willing to communicate with you on an equal basis, but this does not mean that you are qualified to make irresponsible remarks with me, don't make a mistake, Master Harred

, I'm a pirate. As a pirate, if someone doesn't give me what I want, then I will grab it!!"

After speaking, Gromash raised his hand with an axe and slashed towards the already deserted island, as if the roar from hell also burst out, in the horrified gaze of Harreda, Gromash This axe directly split the entire island in half, and it continued to shatter in the strong impact.

Had he not been picked up by Gromash's other hand, I'm afraid he would have to smash his ass.

The original dilapidated town also collapsed in an instant, and the houses basically collapsed. Fortunately, the houses in this dilapidated town were built with thatch and other things, and they did not produce any innocent lives. At most, everyone suffered. As for the economic loss, the town has no economy at all.

In the exclamation of the poor people in the town, Gromash once again hung the legendary battle axe he held in his hands behind his back, and then he put a brutal smile on his mouth and said, "Master Harred, You don’t want Visalia to be like this?

For others"

At the same time, Monet, who was standing on the deck, squatted down in horror and hugged his sister, sugar, with the other hand covering his mouth, looking at the sinking island, his eyes were full of disbelief. I didn't see it with my own eyes, she would never have thought that someone would sink an island with a single blow, even if the island is small,

And he is dying, especially the person who did such a thing is the lecherous captain who is often dubbed "pervert" by everyone.

Lu Qi, who was standing next to Monet, put his arms on his chest, glanced at Monet with disdain, and said: "Huh, it's a fuss, isn't it just that I broke an island??"

Instead, Robin squeezed past Lu Qi, gave Lu Qi a fierce look, then patted Monet on the shoulder and said: "Don't be afraid, the power of Gromash should not be the source of your fear, but should make you feel that It’s better to be safer. Only with such a powerful person can you live better in this chaotic era, isn’t it?".

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