I Am Hellscream

Chapter 141 Hire the warrior of the sea!

Gromash also said helplessly, "Hey, sugar, Crawling, if you dare to eat my horns, I will eat you!!"

"Idiot! Gromash is an idiot!" Granulated Sugar seemed to be very happy, and shook his horns while riding on Gromash's head.

"Youth.. Jurchen is amazing, I'm not afraid of anything at all." Gromash sighed and said, then he looked at the old chief who was obviously confused by this contrast, and then said: "Shandi Is the chief of the demihuman?? You came to see me, why?"

The old chief did not dare to make irresponsible remarks about Gromash's weird "state". He resisted his awkwardness and said, "This Master Captain"

"Gromash, my name is Proudmoore- Gromash, I am the captain of the Frostwolf Pirates, and at the same time the master of Angel Island." Gromash interrupted him and said.

The old chief also swallowed, and then continued: "Master Gromash, about the warriors of our Shandia clan a week ago."

"Jiehahahahahaha, you are really bold. Angel Island is my territory. As the master here, I should protect my lambs, and you dare to attack Angel Island, so I imposed some small things. Give them a lesson." Gromar "Zero Eight Three" said with a big smile.

"I'm extremely sorry, Master Captain Gromash, our Shandia clan is completely unaware of the fact that Angel Island has become your domain. The reason why we attacked Angel Island is also because of the grievances that have been entangled for more than four hundred years. For our offense, we Shandia people are willing to pay corresponding compensation. Relatively, I hope you can uphold it.

Your hand, forgive the soldiers who have offended your territory. As a price, I am willing to pay my life for this, in order to calm your anger. "The old chief said very sincerely.

"Jiehahahaha, just one life, do you want to exchange hundreds of lives??" Gromash said with a disdainful laugh.

The old chief also didn't know how to answer. To be honest, the Cloud Shinobi Village of their Shandia clan are all suffering, haha, how can they come up with any valuable compensation?

In addition, the old chief himself did not have much experience in negotiating, and it was the first time to ask for help in such a low voice.He didn't even think about how to do it.He just came to meet with his passion and determination not to see the death of his tribe. Gromash.

Just when the old chief was overwhelmed, Gromash spoke again. This time he seemed to have changed his face. There was no disdain and arrogance in his words. He looked at the old chief and said, "I am Qinghai. The pirates here, about the origins of your Shandia clan, I know very well that you who originally lived on Gaya Island more than four hundred years ago

, Was taken to the sky by a huge soaring ocean current along with the land of gold, Shandora, and then the gods of Angel Island found you. Sky Island’s desire for land is persistent and crazy, so from where they found you From a moment on, the land war that lasted for more than four hundred years began. "

When Gromash said this, he stood up, walked off the seat of God, and came to the old chief's side. After examining him for a while, he said again: "I won't say much about the following things. Anyway, you were defeated and kicked out again. With Shandora, even your most proud warrior-Calgra died there..."

"That was a despicable sneak attack," the old chief seemed a little excited to argue, but Gromash interrupted his words with a wave of his hand, and then said: "I'm interested to hear what happened in Qinghai after you were washed into the sky. What happened??"

The old chief also calmed down a little bit, and then said: "Please tell.."

"More than four hundred years ago, a person who was misunderstood by your ignorance and then driven out of Sandorah was named'Venbulan, Rolando'... I think you should remember this person??" Gromash walked over. Behind the old chief, turned his back to him and said.

The old chief suddenly turned around and said: "Hero-Rolando, he is the great benefactor of our Shandia clan. At that time, we were ignorant and didn't notice the plague. We thought We angered the gods and brought down natural disasters. After the hero Rolando appeared, we also misunderstood him until later, I

Only then did we understand that the friend who was expelled from us turned out to be the benefactor of our Shandia clan. But soon, we were sent to the sky, and there was no way to repay that kindness."

"Jiehahahahaha, things are unpredictable, you guys walked quickly, but Roland was miserable by you." After Gromash finished speaking, he told the old chief the story after that.

"In the end, Rolando was slandered by the world as the'big talker', and died on the execution stage humiliatingly. His story has been passed down like a joke to this day. His surname "Venbulan" has also become a shame since then, let Wenbu The descendants of the Lan clan have been ridiculed by the descendants of the'big talker' for more than four hundred years. In Qinghai, whenever someone lied was exposed

After that, other people would describe him like this, "That person is just like Vembran-Rolando, he is a big talker!', Jiehahahaha, this is really one." Gromash laughed and said here, he paused, and stopped. He smiled and sighed somewhat sentimentally, and then continued: "What a desperate story."

On the other side, the old Chief Ba, who was standing behind Gromash, knelt down on the ground in tears, and kept sobbing and saying, "It is our fault. awful"

Gromash actually doesn't quite understand why it has been more than four hundred years. The Shandia still respects Vembrane, but it is not wrong to say that he is cunning or humble. He is planning to take advantage of this.

Gromash looked at the old chief who was kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly. He also said again: "The world is unpredictable. Who would have thought that you would be rushed to the sky?? No wonder who, but have you ever thought about it? To make up for this kind of thing??"

"Make up? How to make up??" The old chief asked again, completely unaware that his intention had been inexplicably strayed by the guy Gromash.

"Return to Qinghai to prove to the world that four hundred years ago, the adventurer Vembran-Rolando was not a big talker, he was a real hero." Gromash spoke to the old chief with a smile on his mouth.

"Return to Qinghai???" the old chief whispered.

The war between Shandia and Angel Island has been entangled for more than four hundred years. It is indeed impossible to say who is right and who is wrong. For the “god” who initiated the war at that time, he just wanted to rely on the “god”. Land' to solve the food problem of Angel Island and expand the living space of Angel Island. As a ruler, he did nothing wrong, and the Shandia

Not to mention nothing wrong. Theoretically speaking, they are a victim.

But the position is different, the angle and result of the problem will not be different, this kind of nonsense war Gromash does not want to let it continue, but wants to resolve the quarrels, contradictions, and hatred that have accumulated over the past four hundred years. Obviously, it is impossible to do it in a few words, unless there is a big villain-Enel, and both sides are

They abuse one side, and then spend six years, let them work together to defeat Enel, understand and understand each other in the battle.. But the question is where does Gromash have this mind??

So his idea is also very simple, just separate the people on both sides directly, wherever the Shandia people come and go, anyway, Gromash is also planning to take the following Gaya Island into its own territory after this. At that time, let the Shandia people return to their real ancestral land, Gaya Island, to live there, where their vitality should be restored quickly.

Gromash will also gain a source of brave and skilled troops, won't it?

"Yes, I admire the bravery of your Shandia people. As warriors, you are full of courage and glory, and are very worthy of admiration, and it happens to be Proudmoore. What Gromash likes most is your brave warriors, so I Give you a suggestion, join my subordinates, work for me, for more than four hundred years, it has become a big talk with Rolando

The story of the king happened. No one wants to believe that there was still a nation named'Shandia' on the ocean. They have one of the best warriors in this world. The glory brought by the ancestors has long since sunk into the sea. Now when speaking of warriors, people only think of the giant warriors of Elbaf

Don’t you feel sorry??” Gromash said impassionedly, and then he patted the old chief’s shoulder and continued: “These four hundred years of war have been going on for long enough, presumably you are already bored. Come on?? So join my subordinates, bear my banner, and spread your Shandia people bravely to the sea again??

For the glory of your ancestors!"

The old chief was also a little moved by what Gromash said. To be honest, Tenten has lived for this endless war for more than four hundred years. Who can not be tired?? Not to say that Angel Island does not want to fight, even if it is a brave and good fighting incense The Dia people don’t want to fight anymore. After four hundred years of fighting, the more they live, the more they go back, the more they fight, the poorer they are. Who can continue to be happy?


However, although the war does not want to fight, some things still need to be completed, so the old chief thought about it and said 3.8: "The Captain Gromash-sama war is indeed not what we want. For more than four hundred years, this endless war has made We shed all our blood, but there is one thing we must accomplish, even if the war continues.

Go, it doesn't matter if you fight for another four hundred years, that is to go back to Shandora again, ring the golden bell, to comfort the ancestors, we are not dead, Shandia is still alive!!"

"Jiehahahaha, this kind of thing, I can completely promise you 0." Gromash said with a smile.

"In addition, the Shandia people are willing to join your subordinates, but please understand how many fighters are willing to work for you." The old chief said again.

"No problem, what I need is a brave warrior. If I am confused and distrustful, how can I become a sharp blade in my hand?? For whether I can subdue your Shandia warriors, I am confident that I Gromash There are!" Gromash said indifferently.

"Then those young soldiers before us," the old chief asked hesitantly.

"Jiehahahaha, Monet, take the old chief to meet their warriors, and they can be released. I believe that the glory of the Shandia clan will not deceive me with these botched lies??" Gromash is very The atmosphere waved his hand and said. .

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