I Am Hellscream

Chapter 147 Kaido, have a great fight!

Kaido has never played against Gromash. Before that, although he had heard of some deeds of Gromash, in the final analysis, he, a rough guy who is often drunk, could not study Gromash's routines too carefully. After Gromash grabbed an axe at his head, he really didn't care too much.

With his talent, he was going to take this axe forcibly, and he was shaking his tail, ready to pull Gromash out.

Then Kaido, just like the rest of the top masters, suffered from Gromash's big loss under such carelessness.

The moment Gromash's giant battle axe burning with unicorn fire touched Kaido's head, Kaido realized that things seemed to be different from what he thought. Isn't this guy too strong?? It's outrageous!!

You should know that when Whitebeard fought Gromash for the first time, the pure power competition was completely lost to Gromash, and at that time, because Whitebeard did not have the ability to activate, Gromash also did not have the ability to activate.

But at this moment, Gromash can be said to be a real full blow. After all, he knows how rough and thick Kaido is, and how can he tentatively keep his hands??

With a "bang!", a huge sonic boom was uploaded from Kaido's head, and a strong shock was spreading through Kaido's body along with severe pain. In the next moment, this guy was carried through by this powerful force. Go down and slam into Mignon Island from the sky.

However, Kaido is also a top-level powerhouse, of course, it is impossible to be killed by "Zero Eight Three" Gromash with an axe, and his reaction speed is also extremely fast. In the falling mid-air, he quickly converged his huge body shape. , The whole person quickly returned to human form, and then slammed into the ground, shaking the entire Mignon Island.

And Gromash's figure is like a real fierce god from hell, carrying the battle axe on his shoulders, looking at the big hole that Kaido smashed in the ground, and said in a deep voice: "How about this axe of Laozi, how is it? its not bad, right??"

Doflamingo, who was looking for Op-Op Fruit on the island, also watched this scene in shock at this time, and said in disbelief, "Is that guy already so strong???"

"Sure enough, his strength has grown to the point where we have to deal with it all to solve it." Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer also watched Gromash slowly descending in midair and said in a deep voice.

But Gromash hadn't continued to pretend to be forceful, and Kaido stretched out a big hand in the pit that Kaido smashed and grabbed the edge of the pit. Then, Kaido's tall and strong body crawled out of the pit. When he came up, he first shook his head, as if he wanted to make himself a little more awake, then he reached out and touched his head, opened his hand and looked at it, a burst of red blood

Appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Huh??" Kaido looked at his palm in surprise, and then said again: "In this world, very few people can hurt me. There is one more today!!"After speaking, Kaido took his mace from his waist and looked at Gromash with a grin, "I admire you more and more, Proudmoore- Gromash, come to my Beasts Pirates, how about becoming Laozi's deputy captain? ??"

Gromash looked at the mace in Kaido's hand, and also secretly raised his own vigilance, and then said: "Kaido, don't you like to beat your opponent to stand up, and then try to persuade you to surrender?? Why don't you give it a try, can you do this for me too??"

"It's arrogant," Kaido said while looking at Gromash. The next second, his figure was so fast that he suddenly appeared in front of Gromash, and the mace in his hand was also swung out and hit Gromash's head.

Gromash has long been wary of Kaido's "big club". At the moment Kaido disappeared in place, he had already captured Kaido's figure with the powerful Observation Haki, but Gromash had no intention of parrying his mace. , The battle axe in his hand was also ruthlessly slashed at Kaido's chest, but his whole body was no longer

The second step was a little higher, and the original height of the head was changed to the height of the chest, and it was barely a defense against Kaido's'sticky mallet'.

Gromash intends to hold on to Kaido's attack and have a taste. If he really can't catch a single blow, then he's a fart, hurry up and find a chance to run away, if he receives a serious injury after receiving it. , Then continue to fight, give Cromwell a delay, and then find a chance to leave, if it is really not that scary, Gromash

I'm going to fight the bastard Kaido here for ten days and nights.

With the two loud noises of "Yi!", Gromash's battle axe slashed Kaido's chest with a blazing flame, Kaido's mace also slammed into Gromash's chest, and both of them snorted at the same time. There was a sound, and then couldn't stand the strength, and again flew out at the same time.

Kaido's chest was cut out with a small blood stain. After a little blood flowed, it quickly healed, and Gromash's chest was also smashed and there was a large bruise, and he was also covered by mace. The upper barb brought out the Bloodline, but Gromash's injury was quickly recovering.

Through this fight, Gromash can roughly understand the difference between the two. Kaido's mace is indeed very strong. When the stick is down, Gromash is snatched away, and he almost beat him up. Both are a little bit painful. In terms of defense, he should be inferior to Kaido.

Hit, Gromash's injury is heavier, but that's just a little bit, but this kind of weak gap, Gromash is still acceptable, after all, his resilience is extremely strong, and his vitality is also quite strong, and his self-healing power should be better than Kaido is stronger, at least not weaker than him.

Then some hits

Gromash got up with a carp, stood up from the ground, patted the wound on his chest, with a frame hanging from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Kaido, who also got up from the ground, he said, "It's not that good, I just pulled your skin here today!!"

Kaido was very excited after seeing Gromash and said, "Good opponent, no wonder Jack's idiot will lose to you. You are qualified to be Laozi's respected opponent!"

"Did you misunderstand something?? Jack kind of guy, also use me to shoot?" Gromash said as he activated his abilities again, only to see that the space around him began to become blurred due to the high temperature, the hell in his hands. The Destroyer seemed to be burnt through, and began to glow.

If it weren't for Gromash's hell destroyer's indestructible nature, Gromash would not dare to use it like this.

The corner of Kaido's mouth also wore a bloodthirsty smile, and then his eyes flashed with a black light, and with a mace in his hand, he hit Gromash at a very fast speed. Gromash also roared, and an axe struck his wolf. Tooth stick.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!!"

"Hell's Fury!!"

With a loud bang, a powerful wave of air erupted at the intersection of the two weapons. This wave of air instantly swept across the island of Mignon, whether it was Doflamingo, Cromwell, or Marine generals. Firmly stabilize your figure for the first time.

Armament Haki's hedge even shattered the space around the two of them. Electric sparks flashed continuously. Kaido's arms trembled constantly, and it seemed to be resisting Gromash's huge force, and Gromash's legs. There was also a slight tremor, and the ground under his feet was constantly cracking.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Under the stalemate, Gromash was the first to change his move. He roared, and a head hammer slammed Kaido's head, slamming Kaido into a wing, and because of this impact , So that both of them did not hold back their strength. Under a sudden loss, the weapons in their hands knocked out at the same time.

Gromash's reaction speed is extremely fast.The moment the Hell Destroyer released his hand, he had already condensed the evil curse power from his body in his hand, and the scarlet light flashed by, and Gromash hit Kaido's chest with a palm. Then instinctively used Murloc Karate 0.

Murloc Karate is a means of attacking the substance "water". It can even use the blood in the enemy's body as a medium when it is practiced to a high level.

Gromash was originally this master, and he was caught off guard by hitting Kaido under the palm of his hand.

"The Murloc Karate-Chi Yan Palm!

Gromash's reaction speed is fast enough, Kaido's speed is not slow, he also raised his leg and kicked Gromash at the moment the weapon was released.

In the next second, Kaido's face changed suddenly, and it seemed that he had become reddened by some impact.The whole person was beaten by Gromash and flew out, and Gromash took advantage of the first hand, and did not let Kaido take advantage of it. That kick was sincere, so relying on Armament Haki's defense and his own thick scales, he abruptly took over Kaido's one.

The foot only took two steps back and then relieved the strength.

After Gromash stood firm, he did not continue to pretend, but slammed under his feet, and quickly chased out the inverted Kaido.He clicked under his feet and accelerated with shaved steps.A few flashes appeared on the top of Kaido, and then Gromash hugged Kaido's head with both hands, wrapped Armament Haki's knees, and slammed into Kaido's chin.

Kaido certainly won't let Gromash succeed so easily.While Gromash hugged Kaido's head, Kaido also quickly blocked his chest with his arms, holding Gromash's knees very accurately, and then he roared and opened his mouth to face. There was a breath on Gromash's chest.

Gromash was hit by Kaido, and the powerful impact sent him flying out in front of Kaido. Kaido also slammed into the ground, raising a large cloud of smoke.

The high temperature is not harmful to Gromash, so the heat of Kaido's human form just brought a strong impact to Gromash, causing Gromash's internal organs to be injured again, and some blood was involuntarily spilled from the corners of his mouth.

But soon, the strong and vigorous vitality in his body began to quickly make up for these injuries, which made Gromash even more excited.

Since his debut, he hasn't really played with anyone so much. He has worked with Admiral like Sengoku, but at that time he could only take advantage of Sengoku's care and run away.

He did have a hands-on with the Marine hero Garp, but at that time he was hanged and beaten. If it weren't for the ability to resurrect, he would have already explained there.

As for working with Gion and Sakazuki, it is not very happy, let alone Whitebeard, it can only be regarded as a test of each other.

Only this time when he played against Kaido, he really felt that he could fight 3.8 quickly, and the fight was sweet and hearty!!

Among the four pirate emperors, Kaido's strength is very strong, but his overall strength is strong, but in terms of attack power, it should be worse than Whitebeard and Shanks in the peak state of the future. After all, the two are one of them. Those with the Shock Fruit ability themselves have the top attack power. One is a master with a knife. Shanks has no physical fitness.

How pervert is, the defense is naturally not very high, so how did he stand with the Four Emperors?? It must rely on the extraordinary power and attack of Haki.

Kaido's strength lies in his immortality and defensive power. No one can beat him to death. If he can stand up, he is naturally the winner. Later, he was called "the strongest singled out". It is not unreasonable. Gromash is the opponent of the first battle!

Gromash raised his hand and wiped the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth. Then the pupils of his eyes were red, and a lot of weird light floated outwards. The whole body rose greatly, and he was very excited and said, "Come on! Kaido, let me fight here. happy!!

Kaido also got up from the ground, and he was quite excited and said, "Laozi has been searching for a long time, and finally found an opponent like you!! Have a great fight!!"

After speaking, the two of them exerted force at the same time, wrapped their shoulders in Armament Haki, and violently collided together.

The place where the two shoulders collided once again set off a powerful wave, sweeping the entire Mignon Island

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