I Am Hellscream

Chapter 149 Sengoku Admiral's concerns.

Cromwell took out the phone worm to contact Nygqak and they quickly rushed in one direction, and soon found the Artemis on the chaotic coast.

"Have you got the stuff??" Hokkubak asked very excitedly after seeing Cromwell.

"Of course, don't underestimate me. Isn't it just looking for a Devil Fruit?? I still need to worry about this kind of thing??" Cromwell said with a terrible ass.

Then he would take out the Op-Op Fruit, and said, "Hey, the legendary Paramecia- Op-Op Fruit, as long as you eat this, you will become the strongest doctor in the world."

Hokkubak also took the Op-Op Fruit in Cromwell's hand, then beamed his eyes, and said excitedly: "It's the strongest genius doctor. It's a good name, I like it!"

Cromwell didn't care about Hokkubak, but quickly said: "Barr, quickly turn the rudder and get out of here, as far as possible, don't worry about Gromash boss, with his skills, he won't be here! !"

The Artemis quickly left Mignon Island, but the people on the island did not know that the Paramecia- Op-Op Fruit they were fighting for and looking for had already been taken away.

This guy Doflamingo is standing in a run-down town that has been mostly destroyed by the aftermath of Kaido and Gromash's fight. In front of him, there is a man who is trembling, covered in blood, and very panicked, and this guy is the trader. Promoter, Diez Barreiros.

"You mean the fruit of the transaction was stolen???" Doflamingo said with a gloomy face.

"Listen to me. No one thought that the two monsters would suddenly appear and fight. The aftermath of their fight hit here, and we didn't pay attention," Barreiros said nervously.

Doflamingo ignored his explanation at all, and said in a deep voice: "Without a deal, you will be worthless, causing me to run in vain and fall into this dangerous situation. There is no forgiveness for my sins."

After speaking, in the horrified expression of Barreiros, Doflamingo raised his hand and shot him to the head. Then he turned around and said with a more gloomy expression: "Go find, Op-Op Fruit was taken advantage of. It should not be so fast if you stole it randomly."

But this time he hadn't finished talking about Doflamingo, and a fierce slash had already slashed at him with an extremely fierce momentum from outside the town.

Doflamingo's reaction speed is also very fast.As soon as he saw the slash, his hands were quickly folded and a thick line was pulled out, wrapping Armament Haki, and it was very accurate to hold the slash, but it was powerful. His impact still pushed him backwards on the ground for a long time.

"Spray damn Marine." Doflamingo said very upset.

"Young Master" Gladius and the others also quickly guarded Doflamingo and spoke.

"Leave me alone, go find Op-Op Fruit!!" Doflamingo said in a deep voice.

The rest of the cadres also nodded quickly when they heard this, and a few flashed away from Doflamingo's side.

Until then, wearing a unicorn shoulder armor on his left shoulder, and a famous sword-Jin Kunluo hung on his waist, his face was expressionless, and the heroic Admiral of Headquarters candidate-Taomen-Gion also walked slowly from outside the town. Came in.

"Doflamingo seems to have failed the transaction 々" Gion looked at Barreiros who was lying on the ground not far away from Doflamingo, and said softly.

"Furfurfurfur, Momousagi Vice Admiral, can't you give us some time to make up for these small accidents??" Doflamingo said softly with an evil smile on his mouth.

Gion put his finger on Jin Luo lightly, and said, "It's a pity that we don't have time. So Doflamingo, are you ready to be a guest in Impel down??"

Doflamingo also reduced his smile a little, and then said: "The place is too humid, there is nothing to go, why not invite you to our Donquixote Family as a guest??"

"ー Sword Stream-Chasing Rabbits!'

It was not Gion’s words that responded to Doflamingo, but the sharp blade in her hand. Luo seemed to be slashing on Doflamingo's chest.

"Line-White Shield!" Doflamingo stepped on his feet and quickly distanced himself from Gion, and condensed a strong line shield on his chest, enveloping Haki's power, blocking Gion's slashing.

"It's really impatient. I've wanted to ask since just now. The shoulder armor on your shoulder looks familiar. Is it a gift from Gromash?" Doflamingo lifted his hand and pulled out a few thin lines. Said to Gion.

"Shut up, shit!" "Gion's expression became more gloomy after hearing Doflamingo's words, and a few cold lights flashed in his hand, cutting off Doflamingo's invisible thread and then said.

"Sure enough, the rumors from the outside world are not credible. They all say that the Admiral alternate of Naval Headquarters-Momousagi Gion is a very gentle woman, but I can't tell it at all," Doflamingo looked at Gion and said.

Just when Doflamingo and Gion were fighting, in the Naval Headquarters-Marinford port, several huge warships also quickly set sail, preparing to cross the Calm Belt and head toward the North Blue.

On the deck of the warship, Admiral of Headquarters Sengoku also said with a heavy expression: "It's really troublesome, not only Doflamingo, but also Kaido and Gromash, who has been able to stop recently, also appeared on Mignon Island."

"According to the information sent over there, Kaido obviously came to trouble the Gromash, and Gromash also went to war directly with Kaido on the island very happily. Neither of them brought any subordinates. At this stage, they I don’t know about Op-Op Fruit.” It’s rare for this guy Garp to reveal himself.

With a steady expression, he stood behind Sengoku Admiral and said.

"Sengoku Admiral and Mr. Garp, let’s not talk about Op-Op Fruit. The battle between Kaido and Gromash will definitely change the situation of the world? If Kaido really wins, and Overwhelmed by that Gromash, they Beasts Pirates," Kuzan said worriedly.

"It's better to say that if Kaido can really beat that Gromash, it's better because that guy is not a person who can be subdued. If Kaido catches Gromash, then Gromash will have to be imprisoned for a long time, less on the ocean. This scourge can be stabilized a lot," Garp Vice Admiral said in a deep voice.

"But this possibility is extremely low. Looking at Gromash's behavioral style, he is indeed very alert, but he is very able to let go of his face and figure. When it is not necessary, he rarely does it for those meaningless face. Do something irrational, if he really can't beat Kaido, based on my judgment of him, this guy is likely to choose

If you choose to flee, even Kaido won't be able to catch him!!" Sengoku Admiral also spoke out his own judgment.

"The more such a person, the more difficult it is to deal with," Garp murmured along with it.

"The hero?" Kuzan said quietly after a moment of silence.

"Moreover... Judging from the news from Xiaohe, there is no obvious gap between Gromash and Kaido. Both of them played very fiercely and excitedly. The outcome of the battle is temporarily unpredictable. Maybe Gromash will be. Winning is not necessarily true." Sengoku Admiral said again.

"Then if he wins, New World is gradually stabilizing, isn't it???" Kuzan said in surprise.

"Are you trying to talk about the Four Emperors?? No, this will not have a big impact. Although the guy Gromash is very strong, he is indeed a'new man' compared to the others. Yes, he is short in power. The board is big, and he is different from that Shanks. The most important thing is that Kaido hasn’t lost, hasn’t it??" Sengoku Admiral did not hesitate


". Yeah, that bastard Kaido, it's not the first time he has lost, as long as he doesn't die, he can afford to lose!" Garp also continued.

Sengoku Admiral was not only worried about the Op-Op Fruit transaction and the battle between Kaido and Gromash, but also worried about his adopted son, Rosinante.

Before the opening of the Mignon Island trading incident, Rosinante had contacted him and obtained some information about Mignon Island from him. What Sengoku Admiral was worried about at this time was whether his adopted son would be in Mignon Island. Do things, if you do things, then forget it, in case if you get involved in the battle between Gromash and Kaido

Send someone to someone with black hair.

Garp seemed to see that Sengoku's mood was a little bit wrong. He patted Sengoku's shoulder carelessly and said, "Sengoku, what are you worried about?? Are you scared?? Hahahahaha."

Sengoku Admiral looked at the sea in the distance and finally said, "Yes, I am really afraid of one thing."

Sengoku Admiral actually attaches great importance to Rosinante. After all, this child was brought up by him since he was a child. He has no children on his own. Indeed, he regards Rosinante as his own, just like his own son.

Otherwise, he would not cry so badly about the things that Rosinante sacrificed later, let alone look at (good money) Rosinante's face, and finally let Trafalgar-Ro in Dressrosa.

So he was really scared at this time, afraid that he would lose his son.

Garp was also stunned after hearing what Sengoku Admiral said. Of course, he knew that Sengoku, who has experienced many battles, could not be afraid of people like Gromash or Kaido, so he also asked with some doubts: "What happened to you? Do you feel worried?"

Sengoku Admiral thought for a while and finally said, "Rosinante's child is probably also on Mignon Island."

Garp fell silent again after hearing Sengoku Admiral's words. After a long time, he said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

On the other side, on Mignon Island, Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer is standing somewhere on Mignon Island, with some Marine generals around her, her hands are folding something, she fiddles, and speaks. : "Op-Op Fruit's whereabouts is missing? Has the transaction completely failed?? It's really troublesome."

If you follow her gaze, you can see that what is folded in her hand is not something like paper, but a person. This person is one of the cadres of the Donquixote Family Stone Giant-Pika.

"General Staff, Mr. Vergo is calling for support. It is very close to us," said a Marine standing behind Tsuru Chief Staff Officer.

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru sighed and said, "Go and meet Vergo's child first."

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