I Am Hellscream

Chapter 159 Do something unhealthy to be healthy and healthy.

In the morning, on a soft big bed, Gromash's sturdy body was lying on it, and he was asleep on the left and right sides of the two beautiful beauties, both of great shape and appearance.

Looking at this scene, Gromash also smiled when recalling the absurdity of last night.

"Yeah" Gromash stretched after waking up, then turned around and looked around, then said with a smile, "Doflamingo is such a good friend, hahahaha."

After speaking, Gromash turned over and woke up both beauties~.

Soon, from the bedroom where he was resting, there were sounds of playfulness and anger.

It was noon when Gromash appeared again. Doflamingo, who was eating a luxurious lunch, saw Gromash bite his cigar and walked into the restaurant while humming. He also smiled and said jokingly: "Fur Furfurfurfur, Master Gromash, why did you get up so late??"

Gromash said very refreshingly: "Jiehahahaha, Wenrouxiang, the hero's house, I don't want to come out unless I'm hungry."

"Fufurfurfurfur, isn't it?? Then it seems that you are still very satisfied with the small gift I prepared for you." Doflamingo also said with a smile.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied." Gromash said as he pressed the cigar out, and then he sat down opposite Doflamingo unceremoniously and ate it.

Doflamingo seemed to have finished eating. He wiped his mouth with a square towel very elegantly, just like a very educated nobleman. Then he looked at Gromash who was eating and said, "If you are satisfied, you can take it away. "

Gromash chewed the food in his mouth, and said with a grin: "Take it away or forget it. A woman who is not a partner will always cause all kinds of troubles. After all, sailing is a lonely thing, isn't it? ??"

Gromash seems to be saying that beautiful women will cause a battle between the men on the ship, but it is alluding to what trouble, Doflamingo is not sure, but since Gromash has said so, he has nothing to do with Doflamingo. To give him two beauties.

After Gromash finished eating, Doflamingo said, "Listen to what you said yesterday, do you plan to continue playing with me for two more days?? Actually, there are more fun places on the island."

"Jiehahahahaha, really, if it wasn't for business, I really want to stay with you for two days, well, but business matters, has the guy's information found??" Gromash asked.

"Really?? Then I won't keep you, Guy's information has indeed been obtained, but you seem to be too late. That guy was convicted and is about to be escorted to Impel down. If I rush from here, I am afraid it will be It's impossible." Doflamingo shrugged. Said his shoulder.

Gromash spoke nonchalantly and continued with his voice: "Is Impel down?? That is to say, it hasn't been sent in yet? It's not far from The fish men island, although I can't make it, but I happen to have someone there. Over there"

"Furfurfurfur, I guess it is the same. I have opened the North Blue market for you. As soon as your goods arrive, I will be able to sell these luxury goods soon. I can see the corresponding benefits." Doflamingo smiled, and then spoke.

"Really?? That really troubles you, Doflamingo." Gromash lit a cigar again, bit it on his mouth, and said.

"You're welcome, we are close partners, aren't we??" Doflamingo said after taking a soft drink.

Although the affairs of the Vinsmoke family and the Djerma Kingdom did not receive any effective help from Doflamingo, it was not a waste of time to reap an unexpected happy'Guy Sa-Courant', as Doflamingo said. In general, compared to the Kingdom of Djerma, which has good power and strength, Guy gave this'single dog' to Gromash.

It seems to be easier to control and easier to'use'.

Of course, Gromash did not intend to let the Kingdom of Germa go. If there is a chance in the future, it would be better to annex them. If not, we must squeeze some benefits from them. Otherwise, Gromash always feels that we are at a loss. He is such a careful person.

This time I came to North Blue, and Gromash has gained a lot. Not only did I get an Op-Op Fruit, but I also got a good seed like Drake. I also deepened the relationship with our partner Doflamingo. In short, what should be done It's all done, and the result is satisfactory to Gromash.

In this case, he didn't intend to continue to wander around in North Blue. After all, he is not Doflamingo, so he put his foundation and base camp in North Blue.

After bidding farewell to Doflamingo, Artemis began to slowly lift off, ready to return to the Grand Line, Gromash wanted to return to The fish men island, ready to open his own "company."

On the Artemis, Gromash was basking in the sun while watching Robin and Monet who were discussing how to give him a little color on Gromash.

Before long, this guy Cromwell also moved a sun lounger and put it next to him. He lay down and said, "Hahahaha, Boss Gromash, Robin and Monet learned about your stealing from Doflamingo. Right?? I really can't control my lower body."

"Did Joz and Lucky notify me? Let them destroy the prison ship for me before Marine sends that Guy Sa-Courant into Impel down, and then bring the people back to The fish men island. ." Gromash didn't respond to Cromwell's teasing, but started talking about business.

Cromwell did not continue joking. He nodded and said, "Well, it has been notified. As long as the prison ship has not entered the Impel down, there is no problem at all. Even Jinbei will help.'

"Really?? Then I don't worry. When we return to The fish men island, we will almost see the great scientist with the potential to be a bastard," Gromash said with a smile.

Then the two talked a few more about this topic, and then Gromash spoke casually: "As for you said I was stealing fishy from Doflamingo? Can't control my lower body?? Do you really think I am a fool? ??"

"E?? Can you find a fair reason for this kind of thing??" Cromwell was also taken aback for a while, and then asked curiously.

"Of course Cromwell, what kind of person do you think will make you "alert" and "alert" involuntarily??" Gromash did not answer first, but asked a person who seemed to be completely related to this matter. The problem of not getting along.

Cromwell thought for a while and said: "Strong strength?? Fierce and evil?? You??"

Gromash gave Cromwell a white look, and then said: "It is "perfect, the more "perfect" the person, the more alarming. For Doflamingo this guy, my strength already has enough deterrence. If this continues, it will inevitably be too late. As a partner, there is no need to engage in the relationship with the superior and the superior. The interests are mutual

Yes, the same is true for face, he is an arrogant guy with his own self-esteem, so when appropriate, we need to create some of my weaknesses for him, such as female sex, in this way, do you feel that I am more in touch ?? Only in this way, he will be willing to help us free of charge from time to time, such as this time, if I use oppression

Talk to him in a different way, the result may be very different, isn’t it?? This is the knowledge of interpersonal communication. You have to learn a little. "

"You mean, this kind of relationship will make you more comfortable with Doflamingo, right??" Cromwell looked at Gromash and asked.

"Well, that's what it means." Gromash didn't refute anything, but nodded naturally.

0-seeking flowers

"I haven't really thought about this, you are good." Cromwell seemed to be really persuaded by Gromash, and nodded in recognition of his theory.

But before he could admire Gromash, he saw Gromash showing a look of pig brother, and then said, "Jiehahahaha, but why do you think I should show femininity as a weakness???"

Cromwell's expression instantly became a little unspeakable, and then he said: "I still believed in you because of a loss. As expected, you are a scumbag."

"Don't say that, Cromwell, it's not cheap to be a bastard, don't you say, those two beauties are really good in shape, and the technology is also very good, if there is no business, I really plan to I lived there for two days..." Gromash said as he stretched out his hand, showing no shame at all.

Cromwell looked at him, smiled involuntarily and said, "Really?? That's really congratulations to you."

"Jiehahahahaha, but in the end I thought about it, or the girls of The fish men island are more to my heart, the enthusiastic and unrestrained Paradise Island, your uncle Gromash is coming back!!" Gromash said with excitement. Said.

At this moment, a thick history book hit his head severely, and then Robin's angry voice came.


"Captain, can't you be more serious when you are Tenten?? Can you think of something healthy??" Robin said angrily, standing behind Gromash.

And Cromwell also had a smirk, and Gromash was also very cheeky when he saw it, and said, "Robin, what's unhealthy about this?? In theory, this is one of the sources that everyone is fighting for. , If there is no such'unhealthy' behavior in your mouth, human beings would have been extinct? Ah, I see, you must be jealous

Is that right?? Jiehahahaha, I knew, how could my handsome and handsome Uncle Gromash make you uneasy?? Don't worry, Robin, I will always love you!!"

Robin was also irritated by Gromash's cheeks. She raised her hand again and knocked Gromash's head with a book, and then said with a blushing face: ``Only you have the most crookedness, I will ignore you! "

After speaking, Robin stepped on his short legs and ran away.

Then Gromash grabbed Cromwell's collar and said, "You bastard, why don't you remind me??"

Cromwell pretended to say: "Remind what?? Have you explained all?? Your behavior is very healthy, not wrong at all. In that case, what am I nonsense??"

"Damn, your kid really didn't fight for three days. Come, let me, the captain, weigh you gem hunter. Has Cromwell's strength improved recently?" Gromash said, While pulling Cromwell, he walked to the deck.

Cromwell struggled violently and said, "No, let me go. I have recently decided to change my career as a fisherman. Let's go fishing."

On the other side, Hokkubak, who was doing physical training with Drake, was also sweating, and his fat seemed to start to be oily. While pulling his tongue, panting heavily, he said, "Drake Brother, why don't we take a break and go fishing??"

Drake hadn't spoken yet, Monet, who was cleaning the deck with a mop, already spoke very viciously, "Should I use your fat as bait?? I don't want to eat the fish caught like that. It's disgusting. NS"

"Can Monet be gentle with me too??" Hokkubak said to Monet with a'shaking M'expression on his face.

"No, just to be able to speak to you, you should be grateful for my kindness, maybe after you have reduced the fat on your body, I can consider using the words to be more kind." Monet was merciless. Said. small,

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