I Am Hellscream

Chapter 161 The working emperor-Rayleigh!

Standing at the door of Impel down-Imperton, Magellan, who was already the director of the Great Prison at this time, asked with some doubts to Hannyabal next to him: "Hannyabal, when is the arrival time of the prison ship? You? That’s right??"

"The deputy director is not good, it has exposed my ambition, director Magellan, I can't make a mistake about this little thing, maybe something happened to delay it, please don't worry, please don't worry" Hannyabal held in his hand Said a long-handled sword.

However, how long hasn't his voice fallen yet, a jailer standing in front has already spoken in a panic: "It's the wreckage, the wreckage of the prison ship!!! The prison ship has been attacked!!"

Magellan's face changed, and he asked in an unbelievable moment: "What??? Go search and find survivors!! Find out the ins and outs of the matter!!"

A large number of jailers began to search and rescue the wreckage of the prison ship brought by the ocean current, but soon, the disappointing report was delivered to Magellan.

"Director Magellan’s prison ship has not survived. Even the Naval Headquarters’ Rear Admiral Commander, Mr. Dino, had his neck broken and sacrificed the prisoner-M who was supposed to be escorted to us and was detained to the fifth floor. -Guyza-Courant is gone.." A jailer said to Magellan with a heavy expression.

"Can you find a clue, can you see who did it??" Magellan asked, touching the corner of his eye a little tiredly.

"Most of the dead have scorched injuries on their bodies, and judging from the static electricity in their hair, they seem to have been killed by electric shocks. If nothing else, it should be the work of the relevant capable person. The strength of the capable person is very strong. Judging from the corpse of Nuo Rear Admiral, Dino Rear Admiral loses all combat power with just one move. The neck should be broken afterwards." So the jailer

Opened his mouth and said.

But even if he inferred some information, it was of little use. This sea has more abilities to turn people into scorched black, and even those who don’t need abilities can do it, and the fur clan can do it. The strength is powerful and can be overcome by one move. There are countless people in Rear Admiral. Based on this information, it is completely impossible to infer who the murderer is.

Magellan covered her forehead with her hand, and then said, "Go, inform Naval Headquarters. Malinford, and tell them what happened here."

"Yes, Director Magellan!" The jailer nodded and left.

Until then, the guy Hannyabal said, "Director Magellan, this kind of thing is not within our scope of responsibility?? Isn't it our fault??"

Magellan glanced at Hannyabal anger, and then said, "Well, as long as the prisoners have not been in our hands, it is not our responsibility..."

"Huh, that's great, I thought my position as deputy director was going to end..." Hannyabal breathed a sigh of relief and opened.

Magellan almost didn't kick him into the sea after hearing what he said, but Magellan also knew that although this Hannyabal didn't have a tune, he was actually a very responsible and righteous person. He was already taking Hannyabal. I was nurturing as my successor.

At the same time, the head guard Shiryu also discovered this situation, and his dissatisfaction with Magellan has become more profound. Shiryu is not a good stubborn. How can he look at the "fighting scum" like Hannyabal?? It is even more impossible to accept such a person. Riding on his head and doing a fortune, became the director of the Impel down deep sea prison.

So Shiryu at this time is not only starting to feel dissatisfied and resentful towards the Marines, even he is not happy about Impel down.

While Impel down was investigating the attack on the prison ship, Jinbei, Joz, Lucky, and Guy Sa-Courang, who was held by seastone, also landed from the small sampan on the shore near Sabaody Archipelago. Arrived on the island.

"I said, now that we are all here, you should almost untie my handcuffs, right?? I saw it, you got the key in your hand, I am also a capable person, wearing this kind of seastone handcuffs. It's so uncomfortable!!" Guy Sa this guy started grumbling as soon as he got ashore.

However, Lu Qi didn't have any birds. He turned (abdi) and said to Joz, "Shall we go to Mrs. Shaqi and Uncle Rayleigh??"

"Why do you have to say hello?? After all, we are still building an underground port on their site." Joz touched his chin and said.

That's right, as the gateway to the fish men island in the first half of the Grand Line, of course Gromash has to make a "transit station" here, so in the illegal zone, the Frostwolf Pirates are secretly building the underground The port, and the location of this port alley is just below the tavern opened by Shaqi and Rayleigh, and even the construction team is still in their tavern.

An underpass was opened inside, which can lead directly to the secret underground port.

Jinbei also opened his mouth and said, "I should definitely go and see it. I don't know how the construction is going??"

"Hahahaha, as long as this underground port is successfully built, it will be much more convenient whether it is going to The fish men island or coming out from The fish men island in the future." Joz laughed and said.

The construction of the entire underground port is completely under the responsibility of the violent construction team on Murloc Street. I am afraid that no one can think of it. In Sabaody Archipelago, a murloc forbidden area, there are a large number of murlocs hidden below it. The brawny laborers, when this underground port is completed, it will become a stable route for the Frostwolf Pirates on the Sabaody Archipelago.

The goods that are to be transferred out through the Sabaody Archipelago will be transferred from here, and there will be a large number of murloc crews acting as sailors and escorts, responsible for escorting these goods in the deep sea, and also for the entire The fish men island Free labor provides a large number of jobs.

This will tie the interests of Gromash to the entire Murloc Street and even The fish men island. Whoever wants to move Gromash's business must first look at the tens of thousands of violent fish who have finally found a job and can see a bright future. People disagree.

Guy Sa is a scientist. He doesn't care much about pirate forces. He doesn't even have much contact with outside information. He used to be in Punk Hazard for many years. In fact, this is not an example. Most people engaged in scientific research. So, not listening to things outside the window, Isshin reads nothing, Isshin studies gas bombs.

So until now, Guy hasn’t figured out what these three people who “tethered” him from the prison ship are.

Soon, Guy Sa was brought to Xia Qi's ripped-off tavern by the three of Jinbei and the others. Then Lu Qi took the lead to open the door and went in. After looking at the boss of Xia Qi who was hammering a pirate, he was also very familiar with the opening. Said: "Ms. Xia Qi, we are here again..."

"Allah, Lu Qi, do you still want to drink hot milk??" Xia Qi smiled after seeing Lu Qi and the others, and then slammed the head of the pirate he was holding on to the wall. , Make a "click" sound, no accident, it should be a broken skull, if you are lucky, it will be a serious concussion, if you are not lucky, you will not die


Lu Qi nodded awkwardly and said, "Well, I want hot milk, where's Uncle Rayleigh??"

"He? He went to your secret base. After all, it is a good and stable job to coat your boats there. It seems that he should be regarded as your hired worker?" Xia Qi said as he said. , While untied his purse from the pirate's waist, he threw it into the bar at random.

After that, she also turned to enter the bar directly, watching Joz and Jinbei speak, "Joz, Jinbei, what do you two want to drink? Also, who are you carrying?? You are still holding it?? Are you a trafficker??"

Lu Qi walked forward with a wink, and grabbed the unlucky pirate who was lying on the ground by the neckline and dragged it out of the tavern, and threw it in along the waterway around the island.

On the other side, Jinbei smiled and said, "Coffee is good."

"I still have to have some wine!! Is Senior Rayleigh a hired worker?? It's really overwhelming." Joz also said with a smile, then he paused, and then pointed to the place before Shaqi was caught. The violent tendency was frightened, and now Guy Sa, who was a little at a loss, said, "This guy is Guy Sa-Courant. What kind of scientist is it? Boss Gromash calls the name.

To find this guy, we squatted in the gate of justice for a long time, and killed a prison ship before we got him out. Waiting for you to rest for a while, we will take him back to The fish men island NS. "

Guy Sa this guy also followed his words and emphasized: "M-Guy Sa-Courant!! M!!"

But no one cares about his thoughts. After hearing Joz's words, Xia Qi smiled and said: "That man in my family is like that, you don't need to care, as long as you don't fire him because he is absent from work from time to time. Is it the one you want?? Then it seems that this guy should also be a talent, are you doing this to him??"

"Hahahaha, after all, he is also a Logia capable person. Before the boss of Gromash comes back, he is not considered our partner. Of course, we have to take precautions first, lest he runs away and it is difficult to catch." Joe I explained it with a smile.

"Well, his uncle Gromash has really kept moving recently. Not only has he transformed the Murloc Street, he has also taken down Sky Island. I'm really curious to fight. Although the five-day battle has not been determined because of the arrival of Marine, who is stronger?

?? "Xia Qi said these words while placing coffee and milk on the bar.

And Lu Qi also pushed the door in again at this time, and he confidently said, "Gromash must be stronger!!"

"Ah Lala, Xiao Lu Qi has full confidence in him, Grandpa Gromash," Xia Qi said with a smile.

While a few of them were chatting about these topics, Guy Sa, this guy was also sitting on the small bench with a dazed expression, my God, what did he hear??

Someone fight Kaido?? Five days and five nights without a win??

Kaido debuted very early, and he was the last pirate overlord. Rocks' fierce generals, even if they are Guys like this kind of otaku, they also know Kaido, so he is so shocked. It seems that the pirate group that tied him is not. What kind of fish??

At this moment, his thoughts flashed in his mind, and he instantly recalled the meaning of the four words Gromash.

"Hellscream!! Your captain is the Hellscream. Proudmoore, Gromash, the Gromash that made a big noise in Logue town and opened one of the culprits of the great pirate era!!???" Guy looked at Lu Qi and Lu Qi in horror. Joz they spoke.

And Lu Qi and Joz looked at this guy with some doubts, and then Lu Qi said: "Why?? So you just want to understand now?? Didn't I say that earlier?? We are the Frostwolf Pirates People..."

"I said why this guy didn't react too much after hearing our name. I thought it was his heart. For a long time, he didn't understand what our Frostwolf Pirate Group is? "Joz also said silently.

Even Jinbei couldn't help but looked at him like a little bitter. Guy, who was trembling on the small bench, laughed and said, "Are you scientists so unresponsive??"

Guy Sa also said with some fear and fear, "Um, I don't know what the Lord Gromash is asking for me?? I Guy Sa, Kuran is very happy to help him!!"

"Isn't M-Guy Sa-Courant??" Lu Qi said with a smile.

"No, no, no, Gromash-sama he likes to call it, so I can just call me Xiao Sa!" Guy Sa said with no ethics.

"Hahahaha, I think you are very suitable for boarding our ship, our ship doctor Mr. Hobackak will definitely like you!" Joz laughed and said when he saw it. .

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