I Am Hellscream

Chapter 171 Is it really an illegitimate child??

Not long after he left the Dragon Palace in Gromash, Jinbei also led Drake, Monet, and Sugar, who had not visited the Dragon Palace before, after visiting the Dragon Palace. Joz and the others soon joined Monet and his group. After leaving here.

After sending them away, Jinbei also turned and walked towards the palace, preparing to talk to King Neptune about the previous mission of the "matchmaker". After this period of thinking, he felt that this kind of thing was indeed true. Those who are in a hurry can only cultivate slowly, and he also realizes that he is really not a material for this business, so he is going to ask King Neptune to plead guilty.

Then quit this messy task.

As a result, Jinbei just walked to the gate of the palace, and saw that both the left and right ministers came out of the palace very quickly, and after seeing Jinbei, both of them admired and said: "Jinbei, you really have you. Great."

"Yeah, Jinbei, I didn't expect you to be able to do this. It's amazing. I really deserve to be the pillar of our Dragon Palace. I won't tell you more. We are going to prepare for the marriage contract." Minister Zuo patted. After Jinbei's shoulder, he quickly left here with Minister Right.

And Jinbei also has a look on his face, what is it?? What did I do?? The engagement?? The engagement of Princess Shirahoshi?? The boss of Gromash agreed??

With this kind of puzzled mind, Jinbei also walked into the palace with some confusion. As soon as he entered, he was talked about by Princess Otohime about the arrangement between Gromash and Shirahoshi by King Neptune. Saw.

Neptune was also very happy after seeing Jinbei. He laughed and said, "Come here, Jinbei, you are so good. You have not disappointed this king at all! This is the happiness of Shirahoshi and Gromash, You should take the lead, hahahaha!"

Jinbei was also taken aback after hearing what His Majesty Neptune said. Hearing the meaning of His Majesty Neptune's words, it seems that the boss of Gromash has already discussed with His Majesty Neptune about Princess Shirahoshi here?? Gromash Has the boss also agreed to become the cohort of Dragon Palace??

So Jinbei hesitated and asked: 117 "Your Majesty, has the boss of Gromash agreed to the marriage contract with Princess Shirahoshi??"

The guy Neptune laughed and said, "Yes, he said that this is a great thing, and that Shirahoshi is very cute, and he likes it!"

After hearing these words, Jinbei couldn't help but sneered, and then recalled Gromash's'pervert' fetish, and then he smacked his lips and said, "This Loli control is too powerful?? Boss Gromash is really. It's amazing! It's amazing!"

After Jinbei murmured, he quickly recovered his thoughts, and then said congratulations: "That's really congratulations to your majesty and the princess, and I finally got what I wanted!!"

Princess Ouhime and Her Majesty Neptune also smiled and said, "Hey, it's all your credit, Jinbei!"

Jinbei had already misunderstood that Gromash was conquered by the cute and charming little princess Shirahoshi because of his soul of'Loli control'. Only when His Majesty Neptune mentioned this matter, he immediately agreed to it, and he also I thought that His Majesty Neptune had also misunderstood what major role he played in it.

Actually, think about it, Jinbei didn’t play any role here?? So Jinbei waved his hand and said modestly, “Your Majesty, these are the credits of you and Master Gromash. I actually didn’t do it. What? It's just a little mention, mainly because Lord Gromash himself has changed a lot. He likes white very much.

Princess Star, this is the only way to agree?? Otherwise, with the character of Lord Gromash, he would definitely not agree so easily, right??"

Jinbei is not usually a proud person, but a very humble person who knows how to advance and retreat. Therefore, after hearing what Jinbei said, Neptune also thought that as usual, Jinbei was humble. So there was nothing strange, but he said, "Anyway, you did a good job!"

(abdi) In this way, not only King Neptune and Princess Otohime had a misunderstanding, Gromash also had a misunderstanding, and even Jinbei had a misunderstanding.

And because of the misunderstanding between the three of them, the world's number one beauty in the future, the little princess of The fish men island, Ancient Weapon- Poseidon- Poseidon and Gromash are somehow about to sign a marriage contract soon.

And the two who are the real parties have not figured out anything. Shirahoshi is because she is still young, she is not sensible at all, and don't expect her to understand what a marriage contract is, and Gromash...he still has a relationship with him. I don't know anything like a fool!

On the other side, Gromash, who was walking on the road, was also stopped by Joz, who had caught up.

Gromash looked back at them, and then asked Monet and the others: "Why?? I won't continue to visit in Dragon Palace?? Don't be so polite, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime are both very good. People, even if you treat Dragon Palace City as your own home, they won't say anything, but will be very happy."

Monet smiled and said, "Although Dragon Palace City is good, it is not our site after all, isn't it?? Compared to Dragon Palace City, I still want to see what our Murloc Street is like."

Sugar released Monet's hand directly, then ran to Gromash's leg, without a word, grabbed his pants very easily, and then slipped along his pants very quickly. Climbed onto Gromash's head, grabbed the two horns of Gromash, and sat firmly on his head.

The rest of the people seemed to have taken it off a long time ago. After all, this kind of scene does not happen seven or eight times a day, which means that Sugar hasn't woken up yet.

Robin also smiled and said, "I also want to go back to Murloc Street and have a look, and then start preparing to intervene in the business of the dark world."

Gromash smiled and said: "Okay, let Joz and Lu Qi lead the way, and see how the Murloc Street belongs to us now??"

The original fish men street was a very shabby and gloomy place, full of corruption and evil. The residents of The fish men island did not dare to come here when they were idle. The average people thought it was'terrible', after all. It is full of darkness all day, and there are frequent bloodsheds such as large-scale battles. It is not a good place to think.

Now it’s different. You can often see Mermaid members wandering around near Mermaid Street, where basically no Mermaid would appear.

In addition, the street-style old city that had been extremely chaotic was completely demolished, and the scattered new city and factory buildings were very neatly greeted by Gromash and their eyes.

And between this city and the factory, there is a castle full of The fish men island style and a sense of seriousness. Even the castle can't describe its size. It's a standard palace group.

On the bell tower at the highest point of the palace, the mighty wolf-head flag of Haki of the Frostwolf Pirates is hung. Around the palace, many Shandia warriors are patrolling and guarding here.

Compared with the original Murloc Street, the changes here can be said to have surprised Gromash.

Looking at the magnificent palace, Gromash even feels a bit like Xiaolong Palace..

"How is it?? Very mighty?? Our resident??" Joz looked at Gromash's somewhat surprised expression and asked with a smile.

In fact, when he and Lu Qi came for the first time, they were also stunned by this palace that looked like a royal palace. We have never seen such an atmospheric building, one by one, just like the "soil" from the sky, they are very at a loss.

Lu Qi was also very happy and said: "This design was designed by His Majesty Neptune personally sent to us by the royal architect of Dragon Palace, so it looks a little grandiose, like a palace. However, His Majesty Neptune is very satisfied with this place, and often says that only such a palace can be worthy of your body.

share. "

This palace is indeed not inferior to the Dragon Palace, but it is a bit smaller than the Dragon Palace. Well, if The fish men island is not big enough, it really can't accommodate it.

The palace here in Gromash will be much smaller. After all, the entire Murloc Street can't be used to build a palace for him?? It is more important that the factory and people's livelihood are more important, but even so, Gromash is already very satisfied.

Originally in Gromash's estimate, he was satisfied as long as he could have a building similar to Marine Base. Now this kind of building completely exceeds his estimate. The money and time spent in this are completely compared to Marine Base. Base is several times higher, and it is enough to see how much Neptune royal family love and value Gromash.

After Gromash came back to his senses, he smacked his chin with emotion, then looked at Lu Qi and said, "You said I shouldn't really be His Majesty Neptune, what?"

"A bastard??" Lu Qi said without covering up.

"Why shouldn't it be possible??" Gromash seems to be a little afraid to assert. It should be unreasonable to be so valued by Neptune, so caring, and loving just by what he did for The fish men island? It is estimated that this palace has taken out the bottom of the Dragon Palace City by half, and His Majesty Neptune is also too generous, too polite?? It made him thick

The cheeky Gromash was a little bit embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Gromash also quickly said: "We have brought back gold from Shandora, pick some worthy of collection and send some to Dragon Palace City. Don't care about the cost. Give your sincerity enough. After all, you can't always It’s because of the favor of others, and it seems we are too ignorant."

After hearing what Gromash said, Joz nodded and said: "We have prepared things a long time ago, but before you come back, we can't make the decision without authorization, so we just wait for your words, don't worry, tomorrow morning, Can be sent to Dragon Palace City."

"Well, that's fine." Gromash nodded in satisfaction, and then he looked at the palace-like residence of the Frostwolf Pirates again, and murmured, "Fuck, it's such a high-end, I'm a little embarrassed to go in. Living"

Where did Gromash know that although he is not the illegitimate son of the Neptune guy, the Neptune guy is already determined to marry Shirahoshi to Gromash and turn Gromash into the nephew of the Neptune royal family, so He's repairing the palace for his son-in-law, he doesn't squeeze at all, it's all spent on his own family anyway, isn't it?


And when Gromash sent a large number of gold collections to the Neptune royal family the next day, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime were also very happy. Since Joz is a rough man, even though he thought of asking for it. In return, but I really didn't say any more nonsense, and because of his behavior, Neptun and Otohime did not take this expensive

The heavy gold collection was regarded as Gromash's return gift, and I thought Gromash sent the "betrothal gift" of the marriage contract very quickly.

As a result, this return gift completely settled the matter of Gromash's marriage contract with Princess Shirahoshi. Later, Joz was almost not beaten to death by Gromash. ,

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