I Am Hellscream

Chapter 173 Is Hodie Jones a little fan?

In the deep sea, a large number of brawny murloc men are on board a ship heading to The fish men island. They are workers on a shift from the secret port of Sabaody Archipelago.

Although the fish men have the ability to live freely in the sea, under normal circumstances, no one would choose to swim back to The fish men island from the sea. After all, the fish men island is 10,000 meters deep under the sea. Is it tiring to swim back, okay?? Who would do this when he is sick?

So even the brawny of the fish men, as long as there are options, they will still choose to take a boat to and from The fish men island.

At this time, on the deck, a great white shark man with black curly hair was idly looking at the scenery of the sea bottom. This man was the great villain of The fish men island in the original story-Hordy Jones~.

Just like Arlong is Fisher Tiger’s little brother, this guy is also Arlong’s little brother, of course, he also admires Gromash and Fisher Tiger, the two spiritual leaders of Murloc Street. -.

If there is no Gromash, then Hodie Jones will gradually go on a crazy path of self-destruction, because he also grew up in the chaotic place of Murloc Street, and will also be in the era of the big pirates. I first saw how the human pirates who crazily poured into The fish men island ravaged The fish men island and brought his compatriots

Bullying, abuse, killing.

After Fisher Tiger died, his hatred for humans broke through the sky, becoming even more twisted and crazier than Arlong.

At least, Arlong, the stupid brother of Gromash, still has a bottom line, although he hates humans very much, and is very cold, cruel, and bloody when facing humans.

But Arlong is completely different to his compatriots.He takes care of his compatriots very much, and absolutely does not allow anyone to harm his compatriots.In essence, Arlong is a bastard and villain to humans, but To The fish men island, he is just a bad boy who likes to make trouble.

And Hodie Jones, who was distorted, immediately denied the six relatives. It doesn't matter what human beings or compatriots are, as long as he doesn't do things according to his will, he should be killed!

But those are the original Hordy Jones. The character and the three views of people have changed with the experience. Because of the emergence of Gromash, The fish men island has not been crazily destroyed by the pirates. It is also full of hope again after being transformed.

And Hodie Jones would naturally not be distorted into a "monster". After Gromash left Murloc Street, he worshipped Arlong as his eldest brother and mingled with Arlong.

Later, Arlong went to Dragon Palace and became the king's army, and he also followed. Later, Arlong left the king's army to help Gromash tame the sea beasts, and Hordy Jones also left the king's army.

It's just that he doesn't have the talent for taming sea beasts, so he was not taken by Arlong to the Sea Forest as a herder, but Arlong still arranged some tasks for his little fan, which is to become a guard to communicate with Sabaody Archipelago and The fish The captain of the labor ship between men island.

His idol arranged for him a job, Hodie Jones certainly would not refuse, so he will appear on this labor ship at this time.

"The boss of Gromash all returned to The fish men island. This time, I must let Brother Arlong take me to see the boss of Gromash. If I can join the Frostwolf Pirates group, it would be great!!" Hordy Jones embraced A trident leaned on the mast and said to himself.

But soon he began to deny himself again

"No, my strength is still too weak. The Frostwolf Pirates of Gromash boss is not the miscellaneous fish Pirates of humans. Those who can join the Frostwolf Pirates must be elites. Strength, even if you join in with the recommendation of Big Brother Arlong, the Frostwolf Pirates that will discredit the Pirate Group is the pride of The Fish Men Island, I don’t

If you can discredit them, you still have to work hard to hone your own strength!!" Hodie Jones whispered in anticipation.

In fact, Hodie Jones's strength is also pretty good.As a great white shark, his talent is quite outstanding among many murlocs. Although he does not meet the standards of the cadres on the Gromash ship, he is fully qualified to join them. I have become a little errand boy on the boat, and it is not impossible to become a little cadre even after two years of training.

It’s just that I don’t know what he has experienced in his growth this time, and he has turned into a person who is not very confident, or when he is facing Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates. Such a confident person.

And from his words, he seems to have become a person who admires Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates very much. Joining the Frostwolf Pirates regiment was regarded as a dream.

This kind of person is undoubtedly worthy of the trust of the Frostwolf Pirates. If Gromash knows that Huokadi Jones has such a mentality and thoughts, he should be absorbed into the Frostwolf Pirates as an errand boy. If you train a little bit, you might be able to train a qualified cadre in the future?? At least there is loyalty.

Just as Hodie Jones was thinking about these, he suddenly saw this figure floating in the distant sea water, looking at the red skin and tall figure, it should be a murloc compatriot That's right, and it seems to be injured, the surrounding sea water is constantly being dyed red by his blood.

At this time, Hordy Jones, as Arlong's little fan, naturally inherited some of Arlong's ideas without being distorted, such as showing great love and care for his compatriots.

After he saw the vague figure, he also quickly shouted on the ship: "Quickly, call the ship doctor who is accompanying him, as if there is a compatriot who died!! I will save him!"

As the captain of the escort, Diandi Jones certainly has a certain status and prestige on the ship. When he went down, the murlocs who were still drinking and playing cards in the cabin were all shocked. Soon, the accompanying ship doctor Came to the deck.

Then a group of murlocs saw Hodie Jones plunged into the sea from the boat without hesitation, and soon swam towards the figure in the distance.

When Hodie Jones rushed to the figure, he was also stunned, and then he shouted in a panic: "It's Tiger boss, it's Fisher Tiger boss!!"

As a person from Murloc Street, Hodie Jones certainly knew Fisher Tiger, the leader of Murloc Street. Tiger has been missing for several years, but everyone will not forget him because of this. People in Renjie are actually very concerned about Tiger's whereabouts, and they are all willing to believe that Tiger is still alive, and believe that one day, he will come back.

At this time, Hodie Jones saw that Tiger had suffered such a serious injury. If he was not treated for a while, he might be going to die soon. He also hurriedly hugged Tiger in his arms and quickly swam back to the boat.

"Quick, ship doctor, it's Tiger boss, Tiger boss has been seriously injured, he is cured quickly, do you know what Tiger boss means to us in Murloc Street? If he was not caught If you are rescued," Hodie Jones suddenly stopped after talking here.

Then he finally did not threaten the ship doctor, but said: "Anyway, do your best to rescue Tiger boss!!"

The ship doctor is a male of the individual fish clan. After seeing Fisher Tiger's injury, he quickly said: "Don't worry, it's just trauma and excessive blood loss, some help!!"

When Fisher Tiger opened his eyes again, the boats with the laborers were almost reaching Coral Hill.

"Well, am I dead??" Tiger opened his eyes slightly, and then said in a confused voice.

But soon, he saw the surrounding environment clearly, and he seemed to be in a cabin

"It seems to be rescued," Tiger murmured, and then sat up weakly from the bed.

0-Seeking flowers...

Most of his injuries were traumatic, except for excessive blood loss. There were many murloc workers on the ship, and soon he found someone who matched his blood to donate blood to him.

So his injury has healed a lot after hemostasis, but after several years of devastation, Tiger's body is seriously weak, and his strength has dropped a lot.

While Tiger was still thinking about whose boat this is and what the situation is now, the guy Hodie Jones also gently opened the door, holding a cup of hot water in his hand, as if he wanted to come and have a look. Is Tiger's situation any better.

As a result, as soon as he pushed the door, he saw that Tiger was awake and sat up. He also said very excitedly: "Boss Tiger, you are awake, come and warm yourself up with a cup of hot water."

Tiger finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the compatriot Hody Jones, and then he took the cup from Hody Jones, and while drinking it, he looked at him, and then he actually recognized it. After Hoodie-Jones, he said: "Are you Hoodie? Little Hoodie who followed Arlong's boy, I didn't expect you to grow so big, little.

At that time, he was still malnourished, but now he has become a strong man."

I have to say that there is a reason for Tiger's personality and charm. Even if there is not much contact between him and Hodie Jones, he can still recognize him at a glance and call out his name. Putting it on Gromash, Gromash will definitely not be able to do it, maybe Tiger this guy remembered all the people who had contact with him on Murloc Street.


Diandi Jones was very happy after hearing that Tiger even recognized him. He hurriedly said: "Boss Tiger, I am Hodie. It has been several years since you went out. People in Murloc Street often miss him. As for you, Brother Arlong also mentions you from time to time, saying that you will definitely come back."

"Hahahaha, is it?? It makes you worried," Tiger said with a grudging smile, and then he asked: "Is this heading to The fish men island?? What kind of ship??"

"It's the way to The fish men island. We are going to Coral Hill soon. This is the labor ship of The fish men island in Sabaody Archipelago. The boats are our compatriots, most of them are partners in the fisherman street. Guys, I just finished my work at Sabaody Archipelago, take turns back to The fish men island to relax." Hody Jones hurriedly explained to Tiger.

But Tiger said with some confusion: "The labor ship?? Sabaody Archipelago?? This"

Hodie Jones was also stunned for a while, and then he thought that Tiger hadn't come back for a long time. He probably didn't know many things, so he also found a chair to sit by the bed and told Tiger carefully about these years. Things.

After Hodie Jones finished telling the story, Tiger said with emotion: "Gromash?? That guy has grown to where he is now, so good, he has not forgotten Murloc Street, and he is able to lead. It's great for everyone to move towards a good life!

"Boss Tiger, you are also the spiritual pillar of our Murloc Street. I believe that after you come back, Boss Gromash will be very happy!" Hodie Jones said with a smile.

And Tiger smiled and said, "Well, I haven't seen him for a long time. I really miss the days when we had a drink together."

Dendie: After chatting with Tiger for a while, Jones also asked curiously: "Boss Tiger, where have you taken the risk all these years?? Why haven't you even contacted him?"

Tiger was silent for a while after hearing his question, and then said: "I went to see the dark hell."

Just when Hordy: Jones was still a little strange what Tiger this guy was talking about, a strong murloc man opened the door and said, "Captain Hordy, we are here."

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