I Am Hellscream

Chapter 175 This beautiful and cruel world!

It is not impossible for Tiger's body to recover and return to his peak state, and there is also a top doctor under Gromash-Hokkubak, even if Tiger really has some hidden injuries that are hard to return, with Hokuba K’s method can also cure him, but even Hogback’s is not a god, Tiger’s body recuperates

It does take a long time, so going to Mariejois is not a top priority.

Of course, Gromash would not refuse Tiger's request. He agreed on the spot and arranged a comfortable room for him in the resident, allowing him to rest well, waiting for his recovery.

Regarding Tiger's whereabouts, Gromash also ordered to keep it secret, and Gromash didn't want to be troubled before he didn't want to stand up.

Moreover, Gromash didn't tell anyone about Tiger's experience, and Tiger himself didn't plan to tell anyone.

In the original story, Tiger only told Princess Otohime and Her Majesty Neptune about his experience before setting off to Mariejois, and even Jinbei and Arlong who later formed the Pirate Group with him. He never said it.

It wasn't until later that he was about to fail, when he was dying, he told the members of the Pirate Sun group such as Jinbei and Arlong of his experience.

After Tiger went to recuperate, Gromash also returned to the palace again. The reason why he promised Tiger to help him with things was not entirely out of the promise he had made to Tiger.

On the one hand, it is indeed because he has promised Tiger. As long as he needs it, he will help Tiger. Although Gromash came out as a pirate, he himself is a man with a bottom line. 01, his bottom line is to say Credibility, as long as he promises something, he will do it, even if he fights his life for it, it is so-called killing your whole family.

I won’t let a dog go, but I will not touch a chicken if I keep you safe.

People do not stand without credibility. If even the credibility is lost, it is not easy to mix in the Pirate industry.

Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, he still remembers to help Rayleigh find the Hancock three sisters, and the place where the Hancock three sisters is located is not surprisingly in Mariejois. The matter of Rayleigh's request to him is also ended, and it is easy to make Rayleigh owe him personal affection, wouldn't it be good??

Besides, with this wave of operations, maybe I can still make a good impression on Hancock? Even if you don’t consider Hancock’s strength and potential, Hancock will be a great beauty in the future, like Gromash." Erotic, how could you not think about whether you can kiss Yoshizawa with Hancock??

Bingzhuo is coming, of course Gromash will not let go of this good opportunity. If you like it, you must admit it. What's the embarrassment?

In addition to the relationship between Rayleigh and the Hancock three sisters, Gromash also has an idea that there are many slaves imprisoned and enslaved in Mariejois, and there are many qualifications and potentials worthy of his attention.

Among them is a bitter haha, and it is estimated that Mariejois is still moving bricks. That bitter haha ​​is the great figure who will become the master of the world of Pirates and the important lifeline of the world economy in the future, the golden emperor-Gilder-Tezolo!

To say that this Tezolo is also a guy with a rough fate, his experience is too appropriate to describe his experience with the word'tragic'.

This guy was born when he was young and grew up in a poor family, but that's fine, there are too many poor families, and he has nothing special.

But his father was a gambler, and his mother was not a kind mother, so Tezolo often encountered domestic violence. It can be said that he was very unfortunate in his childhood. Later, his father died of illness and the family became poorer. His mother also became very disgusted with him. So he fled there.

Later, his encounters became more common. After escaping from his'home', he was a little kid who could not make money, so in order to feed his stomach, he started to be a thief, relying on the money he stolen. After eating, I also made a lot of friends.

After a few days of this kind of life, he once again encountered misfortune. Thieves and uninfluenced gangsters, crippled people, etc., are very easy to become a kind of human hunting target, that is, human traffickers.

Because they have no power, no foundation, and no one cares about them. They are taken away as soon as they are caught, and some victims even clap their hands and applaud.

So Tezolo was also taken to the town of human traffickers. When he was arrested, his friends, friends and foxes, did not dare to help him at all, and they all fled.

Fortunately, Tezolo finally escaped without being collared, but he was beaten enough.

At this moment, he met the most important person in his life, a slave in a cage. Stella, Stella is a very gentle, beautiful and kind-hearted woman. She likes Tezolo's singing very much, and Tezolo also re-sees the truth, goodness and beauty of this world from Stella, and then determined to make Stella Buy it back, return her one

The identity of a free man.

Out of admiration for Stella, Tezolo cheered up again. Although there are not many Baileys used to buy Stella, it is also a huge sum of money for Tezolo, and it is used to give Of course, Stella can't use those dirty means to earn Stella in exchange for free Bailey, so Stella will always be burdened with stains, this is not Tezolo and

Stella would like to see it.

And Tezolo, who was healed by Stella in his heart, has also decided that he should be a good man, earn money with a decent job, and live decently!

Since then, Tezolo has been working hard to make money, and the potential that people can burst out when they have faith and are willing to work hard is endless.

That was originally an astronomical "ransom" for Tezolo, and it was gradually achieved under Tezolo's desperate efforts.

But Tezolo was molested by the "bitch" of the goddess of fate once again, and his active and sunny life returned to darkness.

Because when he was about to pool enough money to buy Stella, Celestial Dragons showed up, saw Stella's beauty, and bought Stella very easily.

The angry Tezolo also lost his sanity on the spot. He opened his mouth and squirted at Celestial Dragons. Then he was also very tragically captured by Celestial Dragons as a slave and sent to Mariejois to'move bricks', and he didn't even get it. Permit, he can't even smile.

As for Stella, Tezolo also thinks that she should also be in Mariejois, but with Stella's beauty, Celestial Dragons will do anything to her, do you still have to think?? Just like Tezolo's hair color Similarly, he estimated that he was given the green by Celestial Dragons.

Then one day, he heard the news of Stella again, but unfortunately, it was news of Stella's death. After hearing the news, Tezolo was completely collapsed, and his mentality was completely distorted. The person who finds salvation in the game, when his salvation is defiled, broken, even killed, and destroyed, then this person will inevitably fall into

In the deeper darkness.

This is the case for Tezolo. He began to have an immense desire for money. In his opinion, if he had enough money, he would be able to buy Stella so early, then Stella would not suffer from Celestial Dragons. We are insulted and defiled, let alone die!!

Money can buy everything!! This sentence may be wrong, but for Tezolo, this is the truth, because Stella is everything in his sad life, Stella was bought, Everything about him was bought, Stella died, and everything about him died.

Since then, a "twisted monster" born from the dark has appeared, if not Fisher. Tiger, the real hero, appears, maybe even if he is Blacken, no matter how depraved, no matter how twisted, it is meaningless, after all, he is a slave after all. Throw it out, worthless


However, a fire in Mariejois released his monster, and from this flame, Tezolo can be considered to have completed his own rebirth from the ashes. He gained the long-lost freedom and began to soar into the sky. .

Doflamingo has a lot of means in the dark world, with many sources and complicated connections, so he can always have good things in his hands, such as Paramecia-Golden Fruit.

Gromash doesn't know what Doflamingo thinks. If he finds this kind of fruit, he will definitely not be auctioned off. He will definitely find a competent underling to train him.

After all, once the golden fruit is operated well, it can not only play a miraculous effect in this battle, but also heaven-defying in other aspects, especially the economic and commercial aspects.

I don't know if Doflamingo hadn't found the significance of the golden fruit after his brain was drawn, or he was originally going to take the golden fruit out for a hype like the later Mera-mera Fruit, and then turn his left hand to his right.

117 In short, he just took the golden fruit out for auction, but it turned out to be good. No matter what he thought, it was lost and miscalculated, because Tezolo, a brave guy, learned Fisher at the auction house, and Tiger was at Mariejois. He set a torch to burn the auction house, and then took advantage of the chaos to snatch the golden fruit.

Doflamingo searched for him for a long time and didn’t find Tezolo until Tezolo’s “Superior Skills” came out of the mountain again. People who can afford and let go.

So he changed his strategy and lived with Tezolo, and the two reached a cooperative relationship.

Under the care of Doflamingo, Tezolo took off directly and became the "king of casinos in the dark world. With strong financial resources, Celestial Dragons was also bought, and it became a black and white all-in-one solution. People who eat.

Known as the Golden Emperor Gild Tezolo!

The story after that was even more simple and rude. This guy hadn't been in the air for a few years, and he met the Straw Hat Pirates who came to play in his golden city. There was no conflict between the two sides, but the heart of this guy Tezolo The big one is not good. I want to enslave the Straw Hat Pirates by various means, so I set a trap and shamed Luffy and the others.

But as we all know, in all the stories, few people who are right with the protagonist can end up well. If you are a beautiful woman, you will be included in the protagonist’s harem or become the protagonist for various reasons. Partner.

And Tezolo is a rough guy, so I'm embarrassed, I can only ask you to shit.

In short, Tezolo fell into the hands of Luffy. He was beaten back to the pre-liberation period and then taken away by the CP-0 guys. It is worth mentioning that the person who caught him happened to be Rob Luchi.

This is the experience of Tezolo, a man who has been "miserable" throughout his life. It is very sad and regrettable.

Most of the twisted "monsters" are like this. Some people have been redeemed, such as "Trafalgar, Luo, and some people have died of redemption, just like his golden emperor."

This world has always been both beautiful and cruel. .

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