I Am Hellscream

Chapter 189 Handsome leader!

If just one Hodie Jones before is not enough to prove that the underground port in front of you is the territory of the Frostwolf Pirates, then use the form of'the sky is loud and Laozi shines on the stage' to walk away from the thunder spark. The Lu Qi that came out was able to prove that the truth of this incident was 100%.

After all, the Logia-Thunder Fruit capable person, the killing machine with a bounty of 200 million Baileys-Rob Luchi is one of the important members of the Frostwolf Pirates, Moria still knows.

"Rob Luchi," Moria said softly as he watched him.

"Gekko Moria, you are welcome to one of the strongholds of our Frostwolf Pirates. This is still a secret stronghold for the time being. I also ask Moria you to keep it a little secret..." The boy Lu Qi was very calm and watched Moria softly. Said~.

"I don't intend to become an enemy with your Frostwolf Pirates, so I will follow this rule," Moria nodded and said -.

"It seems that you are seriously injured, but please rest assured, our Frostwolf Pirates has the best doctors in the world. As a guest, you don't have to worry about your injury continuing to worsen. Please follow me, and I am right. I plan to go back to The fish men island. It's better for us to travel together." Lu Qi was also very quick after seeing Moria's bandaged injury.

Opened his mouth and said.

Moria was silent for a while, and then didn't conceal his intentions, but said: "I am looking for your Frostwolf Pirates this time. I really want to find Dr. Hobackak and ask him to take care of it."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Everything will be as you wish."

The fish men island. At this time, the Sea Forest was not only used by Arlong to build a sea animal pasture, but also under the order of Gromash, began to build a large port. After all, Sea Forest has some natural advantages and it is very convenient to enter and exit. Moreover, building a large port near the factory on Murman Street can also meet the speed of cargo transactions to a large extent.

It takes more effort to transport the things to Coral Hill and then load the ship, just load it directly from here.

In addition, the Frostwolf Pirates are pirates in the end, and the characters they contact will inevitably be some evil parties, such as Moonlight-Moria, who came to seek medical treatment this time. If anyone wants to see Gromash, they have to come in from Coral Hill. , That would be too much trouble. It would be best to build a port that belongs to the Frostwolf Pirates directly in the Sea Forest.

At this time, Arlong was walking with Fisher and Tiger on the edge of the sea animal pasture. The two seemed to be talking about something.

"The method of taming sea beasts has always existed in The fish men island, but no one has ever established a system for it, and no one has thought of using sea beasts to become their own strength and defend the fish men island. It is really a mistake. Ah" Tiger said with some emotion as he looked at the pasture in front of him.

"Boss Tiger, you're right, but it's not too late to establish this kind of system, isn't it?? The establishment of this kind of system will not only benefit our Frostwolf Pirates, but even the entire fish men island. Benefited from it." Arlong was also very happy for Tiger's affirmation, he said excitedly.

"Yes, your brother Gromash is the true hero of The fish men island. Everything he has done is to improve The fish men island towards the good side" Tiger said softly, and then his eyes flashed. Determined, looked at Arlong and said again: "Arlong, I have something to ask you for."

When Arlong heard what Tiger said, he patted his chest and said, "Boss Tiger, just tell me if you have anything. Even if Arlong goes up the knife mountain, I will do it under the fire!!

"Hahahaha, then please, it's not a dangerous thing..." Tiger said with a relieved smile, then he reached out and took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Arlong.

"Hmm?? Boss Tiger, do you want me to send someone a letter for you??" Arlong asked strangely, and then reached out and took the letter.

"Well, it can be said that my body is almost restored, so soon I will leave The fish men island and go on a new adventure." Tiger smiled and said.

Apart from Gromash, few people knew what Tiger was going to do, and no one knew that Tiger used to be a slave and had a hoof of the Celestial Dragon imprinted on his chest.

So Arlong didn't really think much about what Tiger meant by "adventure". He thought that Tiger would continue to find his own journey after taking a rest in The fish men island.

"Really?? Are you leaving so soon??"" Arlong asked in surprise.

"Well, that's right, the journey of life is very far away. If I stay here all the time, it would be so boring hahahaha." Tiger laughed and patted Arlong on the shoulder and said.

"Then Big Brother Tiger, who is this letter for? Where do I send it for you??" Arlong smiled slyly and said to Tiger.

Arlong thought it was where Tiger had a "little lover" or something. I was embarrassed to meet, so I asked him to send this letter. Tiger couldn't help but laughed after seeing Arlong's expression. He opened his mouth and said: "Don't think too much, it's not a love letter, let alone some faraway place you don't need to go to"

Tiger paused at this point, and then said again: "This is the letter I left with your brother, Gromash. After I leave, he will definitely look for me. Then, you will give him this letter. Okay, then tell him that I am very grateful to him.

"For my eldest brother??? Even if Tiger boss is embarrassed to tell my elder brother face to face, then when you say goodbye, you can hand this letter to him??" Arlong heard that Tiger wanted to let him It was a bit strange after he handed the letter to Gromash at the right time, but he didn't think much about it, and thought it was because of Ge.

Romash took care of Tiger so much, and the boss of Tiger had many words of gratitude that he couldn't say to his face, so he could only convey it by mail.

"Hahahaha, Arlong, it's because there will be no goodbyes, so you will be asked to hand over this letter to him." Tiger said with a smile.

"There will be no goodbye??" Arlong was also a little confused at this time.

Tiger seemed to dispel his doubts and curiosity, and said with a smile: "Farewell is always sad, isn't it?? I hate this feeling, so I have already decided. I will not tell you the next adventure. No, how?? Isn’t it cool?? So if one day you find out that I’m missing, don’t worry about it, I’m just going to drive

Show off a brand new journey that belongs to me. "

Arlong, a simple-minded guy, was also fooled by Tiger's "handsome" words. He was also a little happy and said, "It's really cool, boss Tiger!!"

"So, when Gromash finds out that I'm missing and asks about me, you can help me forward this letter to him." Tiger patted Arlong on the shoulder and said.

"Well, leave it to me, boss Tiger!" Arlong said vowedly.

"Then please, see your kid is very busy here, I won't bother you." Tiger didn't linger after the request, and finally patted Arlong on the shoulder and smiled comfortedly. , Leaving this sea forest ranch.

"Gratefulness?? It's not just because of the care of my compatriots, just like you now, I also love this The fish men island deeply, you take care of the appearance of The fish men island, just like me. You little guy makes no difference, do you think you have given The fish men island a great kindness?? No,...so from the beginning, you didn’t have any

What do you owe me, Gromar" Tiger murmured softly as he walked, wearing a Kabuto hat that hid his face.

0-seeking flowers............

"You have your path, and I also have my path. I didn't understand your pirates' thinking before. I thought it was natural for your pirates to do the right thing with the world government, but as expected, you also need to keep a low profile. Ah Mariejois, if I really let you participate in this kind of thing, wouldn't it add to your original plan

Is it a big trouble??" Tiger thought in his heart.

"The fish men island can be without me Fisher Tiger, but you can't be without you, Proudmoore-Gromash. Besides, I'm just a mere adventurer, how can we take the fish men island's royal horse? Bring it into this dangerous place?? Hahahahahahaha!!!" Tiger laughed and walked on the deserted street.

Although Tiger had decided to go to Mariejois to do things on his own, he did not leave now, but started to make preparations from then on.

He Tiger is a very loyal person. At the beginning, his idea was that Gromash was a pirate, and he often went against the World government. Then he and Gromash went to Mariejois to make a big fuss. No matter what.

But later he found that these were the impressions he had kept before. Since he regained his freedom and returned to The fish men island, he found that Gromash is no longer a simple thing as the big hero of The fish men island. Thousands of fish men are relying on him to eat, and the entire The fish men island is also developing towards the good side under his influence, and Groma

What's more, the Frostwolf Pirates seem to be waiting for an opportunity, but before that, what they need seems to be a "stable" environment.

After a long period of observation, Tiger finally determined one thing, that is, the entire Frostwolf Pirates group seems to be in a dormant state. Gromash is deep in The fish men island and no longer goes out to do things. Buried in "development", so are the rest of the people.

So in that case, with his Tiger’s character, how could it be possible to pull him Gromash to Mariejois to stir up the rain because of the so-called'graciousness'?? That will not only cause a lot of trouble to Gromash, but also destroy it. He couldn't do this, and he was unwilling to do it!

The leader of Murloc Street, he should have always been so handsome, right?

At this time, Gromash didn't know that Tiger had already dumped him, and was about to have a'break up trip without saying goodbye' with him. Gromash was drinking coffee in Shyarly's room.

"Moonlight-Moria, this guy is coming to me suddenly, I really wonder what he wants to do," Gromash said to Joz and Cromwell beside him while drinking coffee.

"After all, we don't have any contact with him at all. There is no intersection, so naturally there is no grudge," Joz also nodded and said.

"Maybe I am going to find you to deal with Kaido together?? Moria wants you to avenge him?" Cromwell asked after thinking about it, rubbing his chin.

"Oh, there is such a possibility!" Gromash nodded and said.

"Boss Gromash, what do you think of Moria?? How do you feel about him??" Cromwell asked again.

"View?? Well, this guy is still pretty good at this stage. I don't know what it will be in the future. Maybe it's not impossible to become a waste." Gromash said casually. small,

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