I Am Hellscream

Chapter 192 Tiger rushes to Mariejois!

Gubaque’s medical skills are superb, and the surgical operation performed on Moria is very successful. This guy is indeed very physical and will soon be able to move freely.

In the station of the Frostwolf Pirates, Gromash was also chatting with Moria.

"Are you really not going to take care of your injury before leaving here?? Are you in such a hurry to leave, are you afraid that I will regret it? Jiehahahaha." Gromash asked Moria while biting his cigar.

"I can trust the credibility of your Gromash, but I really don't plan to stay here anymore. If I always seek asylum with you, maybe I will be discovered that there will be some bad rumors outside and I have something to go. I did." Moria smiled and said, looking like he was in a good mood.

Originally, the image of this guy is not the same as the image in Gromash's cognition. In Gromash's cognition, Moria's body is stitched and patched, but these were not available before Hogback had surgery on him. , And this guy still has a chin. When he is healed by Hokkubak, he will play again, and Gromash will see him'pleasing to the eye'

Many, as expected, those strange traces were left by the guy Hogback. Moria didn't even have a chin this time. It was directly connected to the head with a long and narrow neck. Except that his body was not as bloated in the future, he did. It is already seven to eight similar to the final image.

"Rumors? Jiehahaha, I'm afraid they say you voted for "One Seven Seven" and depended on me and became my subordinates?? Why don't you let this rumor be settled?" Gromash said some jokes first. Moria spoke, and then asked, "Then what will you do next?? Of course, it doesn't matter if it is inconvenient to say.

"There is nothing inconvenient to say or need to keep confidential, I am also ready to learn from you, re-accumulate strength, single-handedly can not beat Kaido, let alone revenge," Moria said without concealment.

"Is it the plan of the zombie army that you mentioned before?? To be honest, I think" Gromash was about to attack Moria's plan, but after a pause, he smiled and said, "Forget it, no If you give it a try, how can you be willing?? Then I wish you success."

Moria nodded and stood up, then looked at Gromash and said, "Then I won't be here to trouble you any more."

"Is this going to go?? There are many coated ships in the port, you can pick any one, as I will give you a farewell gift." Gromash did not hold back anything, but was very generous. He allowed Moria to leave and gave him a boat.

"Thank you, then, I'm not welcome." Moria also smiled and said.

His tall body quickly walked to the door of the room. When he just put his hand on the doorknob, he also stopped moving, then turned his head and glanced at Gromash, who was sitting on the sofa and swallowing mist. Then he said softly: "I remember your help this time. Thank you very much. If there is anything I need to help in the future, please feel free to

Open up.

After Gromash breathed out a puff of smoke, he laughed and said, "I have shortcomings here. If you have ideas, you are always welcome to come to me for employment. Hahahahaha."

"Your character is really funny, goodbye." Moria said with a helpless expression after hearing Gromash's words, then unscrewed the doorknob and walked out of the room and left the Frostwolf Pirates. Station, left The fish men island

When Moria came to the port to choose a boat to leave, he also saw a very strange person in the port. The man wore a Kabuto hat to cover his face and held a large transparent jar in his hand. In his arms, what seemed to be pills in the jar, seemed to be looking for ships.

When Moria saw the man, the man also saw Moria, and then he said to Moria: "Are you going to leave The fish men island?? If it is convenient, can I give you a boat? Hahaha Sure enough, holding something in your hand still has some influence, and it’s troublesome to swim up, and it’s very tiring."

"Huh? You don't even know whether I am going to enter the New World or the first half of the Grand Line. Are you going to come and "catch the boat"??" Moria looked at this strange guy and asked with some curiosity.

"It doesn't matter whether you are going to the New World or the first half of the Grand Line, it doesn't matter to me. I just want to go to the sea and see the Red Line, no matter which side is OK." The man wearing the Kabuto hat said while he raised his head and looked at Moria's tall body, and Moria also saw the man hidden by this.

The face hidden under Kabuto's hat.

A murloc with a red skin, he is exactly Fisher Tiger who was supposed to be recuperating in the Frostwolf Pirate Regiment.

"A murloc??" Moria looked at Tiger and murmured, and then he smiled and said, "I also received the kindness of a member of your murloc clan. In that case, it's okay to take you for a ride."

Tiger smiled after hearing Moria's words and said, "Thank you very much, Moonlight-Moria."

"So did you recognize me??" Moria said with a smile.

"After all, your recognition is still very high, although it is a little different from the previous appearance, my name is Tiger, Fisher Tiger, I wish you a pleasant journey in the future." Tiger also smiled and said .

Moria touched the scar on her neck connected to her chest and the eight-pointed mark on it, and then smiled with emotion and said, "Yeah, I am no longer the same me as before. Get on the ship, adventurer- Fisher. Tiger"

"Hmm?? So do you know me??" Tiger asked in a daze after hearing Moria's words.

"After all, your recognizability is also very high, especially after you declare your home." Moria said with a smile.

In this way, a guy who was frustrated in New World and was ready to regroup to avenge Kaido with another man who was frustrated in Mariejois and was ready to climb the Red Line with his bare hands, launched his own revenge and angry man boarded the same boat and left The fish men island.

Moria did not return to New World directly, nor did he go to Wanokuni to steal Ryoma's body and his saber "Autumn Water", but returned to the first half of the Grand Line. In his words, he needs to find a decent doctor to cooperate with him. Complete this plan.

In Sabaody Archipelago, Moria looked at this Fisher who ran here from The fish men island with herself. Tiger, then said: "I'm leaving here. I hid a ship not far from here, so this ship will take you off."

The ship Moria said was not the ship he had previously abandoned over the Red Line and grabbed it when he boarded the Sabaody Archipelago. It was the largest pirate ship in the world, the Thriller barque!!

The area of ​​the Thriller barque is as large as an island, and this ship is also hidden by Moria in a very safe place, the Devil's Triangle, where fog accumulates all the year round, like Yong Yoruichi, no sunlight can penetrate it, and Very few ships enter there voluntarily.

Most of the ships that were accidentally caught in are also lost in it, becoming a "ghost ship" floating on the sea. The skeleton man who is still alive for a long time, he will be the king of souls-Brook in the future.

"Thank you very much, I really need a boat as a response," Tiger said with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank you for shooting, please thank you Proudmoore-Gromash, the hero of The fish men island. Anyway, this ship is also his," Moria waved her hand and said.

There was not much intersection between the two.After sending the ship to Tiger, neither of them said much, so they separated 0 silently.

Tiger first drove the boat to the port near Mariejois under the Red Line, and then anchored directly in this sea area.

His plan is very simple. It is impossible for him to enter Mariejois through the formal procedures, so he can only take the unusual way. He decides to climb the Red Line with his bare hands, then sneak into Mariejois, first think of a way to go around there. Arson, causing riots, first muddled the whole situation, and then went to liberate the slaves and put the medicine in hand

Distribute out, and finally lead the slaves who have the opportunity to escape from Mariejois to the port under the Red Line. After all, you can't jump off the cliff to survive, right? After arriving at the port, take this ship to leave, if things go well. If too many slaves escaped, grab some more ships in the harbor.

How high the Red Line is, Gromash hasn't noticed it. After all, who has nothing to do to study this kind of boring problem?? Tiger doesn't know very well, he only knows how high it is.

Although this Red Line is high, it can't stop Tiger's will and that firm heart.

"It's only a few kilometers up to the left and right. I gritted my teeth and crawled over. It's considered a practice." Tiger said as he carried the potion jar behind his back with a sturdy backpack, and then reached out and touched Red. Line's rock wall, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, climbed up without hesitation.

He is right. Although there are rumors that the Red Line is 10,000 meters high, it is impossible to think about it. What is the concept of 10,000 meters? A Red Line with a height of 10,000 meters will directly pass through the white sea and white white. Hai, lift Mariejois to the height of Sky Island. It's impossible to think about it. Celestial Dragons will live in that kind of place when their brains are sick.

Therefore, Gromash estimates that the height of the entire Red Line will not exceed seven kilometers at most. After all, it is the height of the White Sea, and it may even be lower. Normally, two kilometers to three kilometers is the most suitable situation.

After all, the rising ocean currents of the upside-down mountain can also prove that this journey is not very far. If it is really that high, Luffy and the others will arrive at Sky Island the moment they leave East Blue

At the same time, Gromash also found out that Tiger was missing.. Originally, it would be okay for him to find that Tiger was missing. After all, Tiger is not his prisoner, so Tenten can't be locked in the resident to prevent him from wandering around?? So Tiger this guy will occasionally leave the station and wander around The fish men island. It is normal for him to find no one for a day or two.

3.8 But this time, the reason why Gromash found something wrong was not only that Tiger was missing, but also that the jar of'Miracle MAX' was also missing. This made Gromash have some ideas. Soon, he felt that something was wrong. Something is wrong.

"No one sees where Tiger is going???" Gromash asked after calling a group of his men.

"In the morning, I did see Boss Tiger leaving the station, why? Didn't he come back??" Cromwell asked strangely.

"If I come back, do I have to ask??" Gromash flipped through Byakugan and said.

"Mr. Tiger doesn't he often go out like this?? Is there anything to worry about? Are you looking for something to do with him??" Joz also asked with some doubts.

"No, there is something wrong this time. He didn't leave like before." Gromash said this and looked at Arlong, only to see that Arlong was holding a letter in his hand and was waving at Gromash.

"Big brother, this is a letter from Tiger boss some time ago, saying that if this happens one day, let me give the letter to you, he may have started a new adventure" Arlong wrote the letter After handing it to Gromash, he said.

Gromash seemed to have already thought of something, and he sighed helplessly and said, "Just leave, don't you want to hurt me?? There are really handsome guys, the leader."

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