I Am Hellscream

Chapter 194 Mariejois illuminated by fire.

Gromash finally relied on the talent of the murloc in his body to swim all the way to the surface and under the Red Line.

In fact, he didn't want to. If he could, he would of course want to take a clipper to the sea more comfortably, but he couldn't control himself at all at the time, a Conqueror's Haki who had awakened inexplicably The entire The fish men island was'shocked' again, except for a few very determined people who were able to act, the rest started

Lying on the ground in a coma, naturally no one can sail Gromash, so he can only rely on himself.

Looking at the towering Red Line, Gromash also smacked his lips and said, "Damn, I took back what I said earlier, Tiger, if you are a leader who is not good at all, you will find something for me. It's so early. I know that Laozi doesn't give you any'Zhong Yao MAX' anymore, if your damn you accidentally give that medicine to the Hancock three sisters and my favorite Tezolo

What should I do if I eat it?? For this alone, Laozi has to come if he doesn't come."

What does it mean that a person is not as good as the sky? What is a pit I dug, and I have to fill it in tears?? , If he didn't assemble a'crazed drug MAX', after seeing Tiger's letter that moved him so much, he might really gritted his teeth.

, I accepted Tiger’s kindness, I didn’t come to this muddy water, but no matter what, I was itchy for a while, and my hand was low. He will clean up this mess by himself~.

At the same time, the entire Mariejois is also burning with raging fires, and countless people are at a loss in this "disaster", crying, roaring, and wailing-.

And the culprit of this shocking arson, the leader of Murloc Street, Fisher. Tiger this guy is taking advantage of the chaos to liberate the slaves imprisoned in this hell.

Although he was desperate for mankind in his heart, he did not hide the brilliance of humanity because of this. The great Fisher-Tiger finally made a great move. He took all slaves regardless of race. Liberated, giants, murlocs, merfolks, long hands, long legs, furs and humans.

At this time, he had no more pots of medicine in his hand. Compared with Mariejois's huge number of slaves, the hundreds of'killing drugs MAX' were nothing but a drop in the bucket. As early as the beginning, Tiger had given them out.

Mariejois has happened such a big thing. Some people are setting fire everywhere, disturbing public order, and also freeing slaves and setting off riots. Of course, Naval Headquarters has to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise it will have to be scolded in the future.

Although Naval Headquarters Malinford is very close to Mariejois, there is still some distance, and this kind of thing can't be delayed, so they must send the fastest person to solve it, and this person deserves to fall on the Admiral candidate-wave Rusalino's body.

This is also the reason why Polusalino has been dealing with the pursuit of the "Mariejois arsonist" Fisher Tiger, because Tiger ran away from him.The speed of Polusalino is indeed very fast.When a beam of golden light appeared in the sky above Mariejois, which was illuminated by fire, the figure of Polusalino soon appeared in a burning building. On the roof of the house.

"This is really a rare scene in a thousand years.. It's so bold. It's troublesome to dare to do such a thing here." Possalino wore orange sunglasses and looked at Mariejois burning. , Said strangely.

Of course, it is impossible for Porussalino to do anything directly after he arrived here. Because of the sudden incident, neither the Naval Headquarters nor Mariejois's CP organization have figured out what the cause and course of the incident is, just let it go. It's a fire, and it doesn't matter if you liberate the slaves. If someone takes this opportunity to carry out a bigger conspiracy, it will be very dangerous

Especially in the recent period, the revolutionary army who has always been doing the right thing with the World government has emerged. If this matter were planned by them, it would be quite dangerous.

So Polusalino is also here to observe Mariejois and collect information.

Mariejois is naturally defensive. After the initial panic, the entire'error correction' system has begun to operate, and a large number of guards and CP agencies have begun to take action to quell the riot.

In order to quell this riot, in addition to putting out the fire, it is more important to get rid of all the slaves who are now fleeing, so that order can be stabilized and the matter can be handled more efficiently.

However, in Polusalino's observation, he found that when many slaves were in desperation, an inexplicable force would suddenly burst out, the Jedi came back, and all the guards were killed, and finally in anger and hatred. Self-destruct.

This kind of thing is not a single case, but a large number of them. If there is nothing strange, he would not believe that Polusalino killed him.

"Flash-laser." Polusalino stretched out a finger and was surrounded in the distance. A slave who was about to fight for his life shot a laser, and the laser was also very precise. The slave's arm, and ended his life.

It is estimated that this is the last kindness that Polusalino has given him? Rather than being caught, it is better to return to eternal sleep here.

In the next second, a golden light flashed, and Polusalino had already appeared in that place. Then the guards also spoke with respect and said: "Pulsalino Vice Admiral..."

"Ah, let you go and do your job, leave me alone." Polusalino said casually, and then he took the slave from the ground in his hand and picked up the pills that he was about to eat. .

"Sure enough, there is something strange. This kind of medicine that can fully stimulate the human body's potential and make people enter a rather powerful violent state is not something that ordinary people can take out casually." Polusalino looked at the pill in his hand. He whispered softly.

And at this moment, he saw three little girls wearing ragged clothes, just broke out of a fire, and ran in the direction where they were. If they didn't seem to be surprised, they should be slaves. NS.

"It's really a pity." Polusalino sighed, and there was a bit of pain in his heart, shooting unarmed slaves like this, killing these poor guys like this, and taking these innocent girls like this. Life, even him, is very reluctant.

But no matter what the position is here, even if he is reluctant, Polusalino will do it. Moreover, this may be his kindness to these people. Death is also a kind of relief for the slaves.

"Sister, it's Marine, run!!" Sandersonia grabbed Hancock, then pointed to Polusalino and said.

Hancock was also taken aback for a while, then turned around and ran away in the other direction with his two younger sisters.

Porusalino stretched out three fingers and said softly: "There will be no pain, don't worry.. Flash-laser."

As Polusalino's voice fell, three lasers shot from his fingers instantly and hit the three Hancock sisters.

Hancock also sensed the threat of death. She turned around and made a gesture very unwillingly, and the Devil Fruit ability in her body began to activate.

"Mr. Tiger’s kindness, how could it be so easily taken away again? Sweet” Hancock said, and the two sisters next to her also quickly took out the freedom that was so easy to get. The "Evil Drug MAX" that Ge gave them, activated the abilities of the two, and began to become a snake girl

Just when this laser laser is about to kill three people, just here Hancock is about to activate his own abilities, just when Sandersonia and Marigold are preparing to take drugs and berageous, in the fire not far from them, extremely quickly A unicorn beast made up of flames popped out, and then the unicorn beast opened its mouth and swallowed three laser lasers.

Go in.

Polusalino's shot was very slight. After all, he was'executing' the three little slaves. He didn't need to raise his hand with all his strength. In that case, his laser explosion could destroy Mariejois more than flames.

Because of this, these three laser beams were easily blocked by Huo Qilin, and the three Hancock sisters also involuntarily stopped the movements in their hands, watching them all without knowing them.

0-Look for flowers...

"Fire Qilin, really did you do it? Hellscream-Proudmoore Gromash" Polusalino looked at the fire Qilin and asked softly.

Not long after that, a man with a tomahawk on his back and his fiery red hair flying in the flames, punching his upper body naked, showing his strong muscles, his body was wrapped in blood-red light, and his pupils were filled with red light. He walked out unscathed from the flames in the distance, and in his hand he also carried a half-sized child who had passed out in a coma.

When he walked in front of the three Hancock sisters and blocked Polusalino's sight, the three Hancock also saw the fierce fire unicorn tattoo behind the man who seemed to want to break his body.

"You can't talk nonsense, Borsalino Vice Admiral, I swear by my banner, this Mariejois fire and slave riots were not my hands. In fact, I just came up, but I just saved this little guy. That's it." Gromash said as he mentioned the unconscious guy in his hands.

Porusalino also fell silent after hearing what Gromash said.Since Gromash appeared here in such a fair manner, he still used his own banner to speak, he is willing to believe that the fire was not set by him, but no matter what he thinks, this Nothing can have nothing to do with this man, right?

So Polusalino asked, "Then, what are you doing here? Do you want to take advantage of the chaos and attack Celestial Dragons like many years ago??"

"Jiehahahaha, that's all how many years ago, I almost forgot it, why do you always mention it??" Gromash laughed and said.

"Whether it is ten years or a hundred years or longer, crime is a crime, and will not be forgotten because of the passage of time" Polusalino said as he raised his hand to activate his abilities, pulling out a sparkle Holding the golden sword, looking at Gromash, he said again: "Heaven Cloud Sword, I will ask again, what are you doing here??"

Gromash also looked at Porussalino, stretched his arm to his back, held the handle of the legendary battle axe-Hell Destroyer, and said softly, "I just see it seems to be quite lively here, take the opportunity to save it. No matter these three little girls, I also want to take Polusalino.

Porusalino's face sank, and he said, "Are you underestimating me??"

Gromash smiled and said: "No, among the entire Marine Admiral candidates, I am most optimistic about you.. Polusalino, you are very strong, even if it is me, it is impossible to solve you quickly. , Once we fight against each other, do you think about what Mariejois will become? So are you sure you want to play with me here??"

After Gromash finished speaking, he also took the battle axe hanging from his back and carried it in his hand. With a brutal smile on his mouth, he looked at Polusalino.

Porusalino also stared at Gromash for a long time without speaking. The fire was burning in their surroundings, and the whole scene seemed to be silent. The three Hancock sisters were also nervous when hiding behind Gromash. sound.

Porusalino finally sighed and said, "What made you take this risk and run here to find someone??"

"Jiehahahaha, it seems that you are not going to do it with me, so for the sake of your face, I will tell you why, because there is a damn old man, let me help. Let him owe me personal affection, and I came, so I am only entrusted by others." Gromash looked at Polusalino and said with a laugh.

After speaking, Gromash didn't continue to care about him, turned to look at Boa. Hancock three sisters, and asked softly, ""Is it from Nine Snake Island??"

"" Hancock hesitated, but finally nodded.

"That's right, come with me," Gromash said with a smile. small,

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