I Am Hellscream

Chapter 210 Let my name resound through heaven!

East Blue, there is a small village called Shimotsuki Village on a small island in this sea area. In that Shimotsuki Village, there is also an ordinary sword dojo called Isshin Dojo.

The owner of the kendo is called Koshiro, a great swordsman who lives in the East Blue. His strength is unfathomable and has not been directly expressed.

But judging from the people he had contact with, he should be a great strong man. He had a deep friendship with Monkey-D-Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army, and it seemed that the two had a different past.

Dorag’s revolutionary army is operating underground. It is regarded by the World government as a'flood beast', spreading the idea of'guilt'.Unlike the pirates, the pirates are at most disrupting the order, and their revolutionary army wants to replace it. Order, the destroyed order can be remedied, but the replaced order can be completely finished.

Dorag has often come to East Blue to secretly purchase a large amount of food from Mr. Koshiro. From a certain perspective, this great sword tyrant living in East Blue is like a'beneficiary' of the revolutionary army. The revolutionary army is supported in a well-known corner.

Koshiro is also the largest “landlord class” in the entire Shimotsuki village. In order to provide sufficient food support for the revolutionary army, he not only secretly buys grain and grass in various places, but also buys back all the surplus grain of the entire Shimotsuki village all the year round. It can be said that most of the Shimotsuki village Everyone lives on his Koshiro.

It is completely impossible to sustain Koshiro's "artificial" expenses with a dojo alone, so there may be his "business" in some unknown places.

Koushi 01 Lang's reputation in Shimotsuki Village is also very high on weekdays. The residents who live here respect this amiable and very kind guy.

East Blue is so large that it occupies a quarter of the entire world. On Logue town, the sky is clear and the weather is very good. The sun is warm and shining on people, but in Shimotsuki Village, it is overcast and cloudy. The wilting light rain, it seems that God is also sad about what happened.

Today is not a special day, but the people in Shimotsuki village seem to be in sorrow and grief. Everyone has lost the smiles of the past, seems to be remembering something, and feels heartache for some people.

"Mr. Koshiro's heart must be the same as the weather?? It's raining," said an old man sitting in front of the door, watching the drizzle in the sky, and said sadly.

"She was so young, she would encounter such misfortune," an old woman said with some sadness.

"Mr. Koshiro proudly talked about Guina when he was drinking tea with us not long ago, saying that although she is a daughter, she is more talented in kendo than ordinary men, and is able to inherit them Isshin in the future. The Liangcai of the dojo is really sad." The old man said, closing his eyes very painfully.

He and Mr. Koshiro are not very close friends, they are just people who live in the same village. In the past, they would sit down and drink tea together.

But even this ordinary relationship still makes him feel sad and sad for Mr. Koshiro from the heart, and it is enough to prove how good Mr. Koshiro's reputation and character in Shimotsuki village are.

This is not an isolated case. Most people in Shimotsuki Village are saddened by Mr. Koshiro's experience. Many people have already gone to the Isshin Dojo to express their condolences.

Today is an ordinary day, but from now on, for Koshiro, this moment of every year will be a sad day.

Because every year from now on, today will be the death day of his daughter Guina.

Guyina, a talented kendo genius with excellent qualifications, is the only daughter of Mr. Koshiro. She is also very competitive. Not only did she not waste her qualifications, but instead worked hard, she became under her father Koshiro at a young age. Isshin dojo's first kendo master, even some adults can't beat her. If there is no accident, she might be

Many years later, she became a famous female swordsman like Momousagi-Gion, the number one swordsman in Naval Headquarters.

But there are always some tragedies happening in this world, happening all the time, maybe even God is jealous of her aptitude, her young but promising life was just because she accidentally fell down the stairs. It's a big break.

Mr. Koshiro lost his beloved daughter

The funeral procession is very long. A group of people dressed in white linen are walking on the country road. Everyone's expression is sad and heavy.

Mr. Koshiro is still the same as before, wearing ordinary small glasses, squinting his eyes, and his expression is so calm, it seems that everything is nothing like him, as if nothing happened.

It's just that maybe his heart is already painful and can't continue breathing, right??

There was a little guy next to him. The tears of that little guy couldn't stop flowing down. His painful expression and unacceptable mood made him look very wolf fox.

This little guy who is immersed in sorrow and pain is Roronoa-Zoro who has an indissoluble bond with Mihawk who is drinking with Gromash in Logue town in the future.

When he was young, it was the first time he experienced life and death with a close friend, and Guyina was not only his close friend, but also his childhood sweetheart, or the object he knew how to "love" with that Yidiu.

In addition, she is an opponent he has never beaten, a record of two thousand and one against Roronoa-Zoro, and a record of two thousand and one defeats by Roronoa-Zoro.

Not once, he never defeated her, not before, and never again.

"Obviously, it was just agreed to run and win the battle. It's too cunning???" Zoro whispered while crying.

On the night before Guyina's death, he and Guyina had their last duel. The two used not wooden knives, but real sharp knives, one of which was Gu Yi. Na's Sabre-Harmony and Words.

On that night, Guina told her pain as a daughter, Zoro also successfully enlightened her heart knot, the two agreed to fight for the position of the world's largest swordsman together, to decide the two people in the end. Who is stronger.

But this vow seems to be still in the ear, but the person has already left gently.

"Human Zoro is really fragile. Just falling down the stairs will die..." Mr. Koshiro looked at the painful Zoro beside him and said softly.

"Master" Zoro looked up at Koshiro with tears, not knowing what to say.

"You have to live well" Koshiro barely smiled at the corner of his mouth, and whispered to Zoro.

Guyina's funeral is very ordinary, no matter how talented people are, after halfway through the journey, they will be the same as ordinary people who die, and there is no difference.

Before death, everyone is equal.

Returning to the Isshin dojo, recalling his agreement with Guina, Zoro felt more and more that he couldn't just do nothing, just accept Guina's death in pain and sadness.If this continues, he will one day. Forgetting in grief, I will also forget Guyna, this is not the result he wants, and it is not his willingness to accept...

"The world's number one swordsman!!" Roronoa-Zoro said in a deep voice, and then his young heart became firm.

In Koshiro's room, when Koshiro looked at the portrait of his daughter Guina, he sat there silently, stroking the famous sword which is one of the twenty エ of the great artifacts in his hand. Suddenly it was pulled away.

Then Zoro came in and knelt in front of him and said, "Master, can you give me her knife and Guina's knife??"

Koshiro turned around and glanced at Zoro, then said flatly, "Yes, Zoro."

After speaking, Koshiro handed over to the young Roronoroa-Zoro, the big business object that he held in his hand, which was very attractive to all swordsmen.

"Although we can no longer decide the victory or defeat, the promise is the promise!! I will work hard with her share, I will become stronger, I will become the world's largest swordsman!! I will Strong enough to let my name spread to heaven, so that she can hear it too!!" Zoro grabbed the words of Hedao with both hands, tears with sorrow and perseverance.

Shi, facing Koshiro, facing Kazuichi characters, facing Guina's portrait, made his oath.

In this life, you want to become the world's number one swordsman! Spread your name throughout the world and spread it to heaven!!

At the same time, Mihawk, who was drinking with Gromash and them, suddenly paused the movement in his hand and frowned slightly.At the moment 130 just now, he seemed to have noticed something, but this feeling was too ethereal, even It's him, can't catch this feeling

Gromash looked at Mihawk's expression with some confusion, and then asked, "What's wrong?? Your expression looks strange??

After being called by Gromash, Mihawk came back to his senses again, and then said with some doubts: "I don't know what to say, just at the moment, I have a strange feeling. It seems that there is something very strange to me. Something important happened"

"Does my heart feel it?? Sometimes it does happen occasionally, well, but don't think about it if you don't think it is a waste of energy." Gromash also smiled and said.

To say which of the four of them can drink the most, this is really not sure, in short, Shanks and Mihawk are not convinced by anyone, and Gromash is not used to them both.

But if you want to say which of the four people has the worst alcohol, then there is no doubt that it is a'big red nose' Buggy.The amount of alcohol is obviously directly related to physical fitness, and physical fitness will represent a certain strength. Buggy's physical fitness is really not very good, at least compared with Gromash and the others, it is not very good.

So he hasn't been arrogant yet. He has been brought down by Gromash, Shanks and Mihawk. He is like a drunk, lying on the table and sleeping.

"It's really the same as before, this guy hasn't improved his drinking..." Mihawk said with a smile.

"I'm still going to ask him about how to make that'Buggy bomb'," Gromash also said helplessly.

"Then stop drinking, let's find a place to have a fight!!" Shanks burped, stood up and said.

"Just let Buggy be the notary???" Gromash asked with a smile.

"It's best for him to do it," Mihawk nodded in agreement.

Then Gromash picked up Buggy, the drunk guy, and said to Buggy's brothers like Kabaki and Moqi: "Go, take us to your boat, and get ready to set off."

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