I Am Hellscream

Chapter 213 Demon ghost and the first swordsman!

Although Gromash's Master Conqueror's Haki didn't last long, he was perfect for his own aura Master because of the talent that he extracted. He often used his aura to scare others, using Conqueror's. It may be difficult to blend into the momentum, but you want to control the momentum and blend into your own Conqueror's Haki

, For Gromash, it's a handy one.

Looking at the surprised expressions and gazes of Shanks and Minek, Gromash also opened his mouth and laughed very proudly, "Jiehahahahaha, I want to talk about the Master of Conqueror's Haki, I really have to start later than the two of you, no The two of you control so well, but in terms of the master of your own momentum, you two are not old even if they add up.

The son is amazing alone, let you two see what is called'majestic'!!

After Gromash finished speaking, he no longer had any reservations in his heart. He was already terrifying, the aura that was comparable to the general powerhouse Conqueror's Haki, and his own Conqueror's Haki broke out completely.

The sky over the entire sea area began to roll, and the sky was torn apart by the powerful Conqueror's Haki between the three.

The sea seemed to have been harmed by the Conqueror's Haki of these three people, and there was a painful roar.The calm sea surface also began to gradually turbulent, and slowly formed a huge wave, centered on the desert island. , Constantly rushing outward...

Gromash's aura grew stronger, and a phantom like a substance slowly formed behind him.The phantom was exactly like Gromash's half-beast that had been magnified many times, and the phantom was wrapped around him. Scarlet light, with a huge battle axe in his hand, the recurved hooves burning hot and hot flames, Chi

The red pupils are also constantly overflowing with cold and violent evil light, and a thick burning tail is constantly drifting and swaying behind him.

All this seemed as if Gromash had summoned a powerful demon from hell behind him, forcibly making him play a kind of "fantasy" feeling.

Even Shanks and Mihawk were very surprised to watch this scene. This kind of combination of their own momentum and Conqueror's Haki, playing this kind of scene, even if they are two people with very rich vision and experience, they have not seen it at all. Past this kind of thing.

"What the hell is this??? What are you thinking of Tenten??" Shanks said in surprise.

"Aren't you really the one who ran out of hell??" Mihawk also said with a "stunned" expression.

However, Gromash didn't pay attention to them, and saw that the phantom behind him slowly raised the battle axe in his hand, and then let out a silent roar, facing the ground of the island, carrying the battle axe condensed by the phantom The arrogant momentum grabbed it.

The moment the battle axe made by the phantom touched the ground, the battle axe seemed to have really hit the ground. First, a surging weather wave was set off, and the entire battle axe shattered in the next second. Then even the phantom began to break apart gradually, turning into sparks and scattered behind Gromash.

"Spray, as expected, it's still not proficient enough, I can only make a blow." Gromash looked at this scene, smacked his lips with some emotion.

And Shanks and Mihawk on the ground were also very serious at this time.The air wave caused by the collapse of the ghost behind Gromash just now made them both feel a very strong pressure, so that even they I feel my actions are a bit slow

Then the air wave is like the essence condensed by Conqueror's Haki and momentum, impacting on their souls. If it were not for the two of them, they would be the top masters in the world. Both the physical and psychological qualities are excellent, I am afraid it will be. Suffering a big loss on this, I can't help but have a fear of Gromash.

On the two boats floating on the turbulent sea in the distance, a circus-like boat, only Buggy is holding the gun barrel and barely standing. Bai Mo fainted with his eyes rolled white.

As a crew member of One Piece, Buggy has naturally experienced the baptism of Conqueror's Haki many times. He is also a master of Conqueror's, so he has already been used to washing and washing, most people

Conqueror's Haki didn't even react to him anymore.

But even Buggy, who has developed a strong resistance to Conqueror's Haki, has a very heavy expression at this time, and seems to be resisting the three Conqueror's Haki, especially the impact brought by Gromash. "Reluctantly" Xun is alive, but this is enough to prove that his will is also very powerful.

"Monsters? These three guys..."." Buggy raised his hand and wiped his forehead, wiped off some sweat, and said with some emotion.

Except for Buggy, I don’t want to say here, Red Hair Pirates Red-Forth, even if my captain often uses Conqueror's Haki to be a little messy, even if their crews are all great players, but in the face These three Conqueror's Haki, especially Gromash and Shanks's Haki, they all have heavy expressions and can't help themselves.

She shed a cold sweat.

"The demon phantom that Gromash used to condense with Conqueror's Haki just now made me feel a little flustered at such a distance under one blow... If I become the main target in person, I'm afraid I won't be able to act. Is it??" Laki Lu said in a somewhat unbelievable voice, and he who had always held his hand on the drumstick, this

Shi was also empty-handed, and a half-bitten chicken leg was falling on the deck in front of him.

"If you can't act in front of him, you will die." Yasopp swallowed hard, and said in a deep voice.

Benn Beckman raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said in a low voice: "If Conqueror's Haki's shock will only make people unable to bear the shock and fainted, then his Gromash combined momentum and Conqueror's blow It’s enough to take the lives of ordinary people who can’t fight his horrible aura and will be frightened by the fear he brings.

He was smashed to death."

Having said that, Ben-Beckman paused and said again: "Even people like us may suffer a big loss because of this."

"Fortunately, it takes a long time for him to gain momentum. If we can release it at will, we probably won't be able to form an effective confrontation with him at all," Laki Lu said after thinking about it.

"Well, it is true, but in the future, Gromash may not be able to become stronger, and this trick may not be improved by him, so we can't do this for three days and two days of fishing." Ben-Beckman said as he said. While taking out a cigarette from his pocket, biting it in his mouth and lighting it, he took a deep breath and seemed to want to soothe his mood.

On the other side, the three people standing on the desert island did not continue to do anything. Shanks showed his Conqueror's Haki, which is powerful enough to damage physical objects with Haki, and Gromash showed the devil formed by combining his aura and Conqueror's. Phantom.

Seeing that they both showed their hands, Mihawk also smiled involuntarily. He took his black knife, Yeah back, and put it on his back. Then he looked at Gromash and Shanks and said, "Since you two are both. Each shows his hand, so it looks like I have to show it."

"Of course, can't both of me throw a card, you guy is still hiding it??" Gromash also put away his Conqueror's Haki and said with momentum.

Like Gromash, Shanks also took back his powerful Conqueror's Haki, and then said with a smile: "I also wanted to see what new insights you have gained after you reached the top of the world's largest swordsman."

Mihawk moved his wrist, then a proud smile hung from the corner of his mouth and said, "I do have a new understanding of kendo. Then I invite you two to taste it together."

Hearing Mihawk's confident words, Shanks and Gromash both cheered up, wanting to see what Mihawk can do.

Mihawk first took a deep breath, and then his eyes closed slightly.When he opened his eyes again, his eyes that were stinging like eagles and falcons had become sharper, as if there were a series of invisible swords. Qi and Dao Qi are generally going outwards.

". The essence of the blade, when it is exhausted, with the strongest slash, naturally there will be the strongest defense. Jianhao, if he can't even hurt his enemy, he has already become a loser. In order to avoid this situation, I have tried hard to mention it.

The sharp path of ascending and slashing has been walking for a long time, but then I discovered that there is a brand new path that can cut everything!!" Mihawk said as he raised his hand and held it in the void. , Seems to have grasped some invisible blade.

"Shanks, the so-called path of swordsmanship, the pursuit will follow the path of purity. This is pure to Ultimate, that is, nothing is cut." Mihawk said this, gently lifting the invisible sword in his hand, and then he said: "You guys Both are ready to receive a baptism from the soul"

After speaking, the invisible knife in Mihawk's hand flicked sideways, and it slashed out so gently in the direction where Gromash and Shanks were. The sharp breath, like a gentle sea breeze, brushed across the faces of Shanks and Gromash and blew him.

The ends of our hair

"The knife cuts the body, the heart cuts the soul" Mihawk also murmured softly.

With the fall of his words, whether it was Shanks or Gromash, a gleam of light broke out in the eyes of the two of them. Above one's soul, above will, above soul.

Just when both of them were about to raise their aura and will to defend, the slashing blows lightly dispersed, leaving no harm.

After a long time, Gromash said with emotion (well): "You guy's swordsmanship is almost beyond detachment. Sure enough, your aptitude in swordsmanship can be said to be superb. It is worthy of being called for hundreds of years. The strongest swordsman claw"

"Does the heart cut the soul?? Your slash is really defenseless. It has risen from the physical level to the soul and concept level." Shanks also admired Mihawk and said.

Perhaps in terms of strength, both he and Gromash are stronger than Mihawk, but in terms of kendo, Mihawk is really worthy of his reputation as the "world's largest swordsman", and he is simply strong in kendo. NS

If he is the first swordsman, then Shanks feels that if there is a second swordsman, the gap between the first and the second is completely insurmountable...

Even he, on the road of Kendo and Swordsman, the gap between him and Mihawk is already visible to the naked eye.

"Hahahaha, I have won the prize, compared with the fact that you can use Conqueror's Haki to defend against the impact of Gromash and me, compared with the terrifying phantom that Gromash can combine its own momentum with Conqueror's Haki. ." Mihawk also spoke very modestly after he was done.

Gromash stretched out his hand and took back the Island Destroyer stuck on the ground in the distance. He hung up behind him again and said, "If you want me to say, this pretense still has to convince you sword tyrants, you're a trick." "Heart beheading the soul" is indeed a bit too handsome, the unspeakable xiaojiu and pretence, I should almost think about how to deal with this shock and injury from the soul.

harmed. ".

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