I Am Hellscream

Chapter 225 Big news Morgans.

(Sorry, I’m sorry, but the wedding of my old classmate was too lively. I lost my consciousness and drank fragments. I didn’t catch the train. I rebooked a night train and just returned home. I hope you guys will forgive me.)

The auction venue prepared by Doflamingo is said to be grand, but in fact, the venue is not very large. It is just located on the top floor of a luxury casino. There are not many guests coming and going, but basically everyone has a face and a face. From a level point of view, it is completely worthy of the word "Shanda".

Kaido of Beasts Pirates came to a stunned boy-Jack, I don't know why Kaido loves Jack so much. Jack is the big cadre who often goes out to do business. The three plagues are all represented by Jack. His two big brothers, Jin and Quinn, are basically the same. She was nestled in her own lair, and there was not even a single movement. It always felt like Jack was the only one in the Three Plagues.

This Jack sat in the back row of the conference hall with a very serious expression. He looked at a figure not far in front of him from time to time, and that figure was Gromash.

Sitting next to Gromash was a group of Frostwolf Pirates, and there was another unexpected figure, that is, the president of the World News, Big News-Morgans.

"Didn't you hear that there was some conflict and unpleasantness between the guy Morgans and the Hellscream?? Why did they sit together in a blink of an eye?? It seems that they are still having a good chat, and they are in good harmony? ? "The king of loan sharks, who is known as one of the kings of the dark world, Lu Field, bit a cigar and glanced at Gromash.

After facing the direction of Morgans, he asked the old friend beside him strangely.

Gibbson actually seemed to know a little bit of inside information and smiled and said, "I heard that the woman from Stussy threaded and bridged it, and told Morgans and the Gromash that they had made peace with the 01-fan, so that Gromash and Morgans were'reunited.' NS."

"Huh? Stussy??" Lu-field heard the words and looked at Stussy, who was sitting in another position, surrounded by some'ladies' from all over the world, and then he continued to speak: "I always feel that the woman is not right. But I haven't figured it out yet, but now it seems that Gromash's lustful name should be true, and I don't know what Stussy used

With such a method, even Gromash was convinced."

This guy Lu-Field is a greedy and tricky person. Perhaps he really discovered something wrong with Stussy later, so that Stussy was asked to kill him for a jade hand box on the cake island. 'NS.

"Let's not talk about the relationship between Gromash and Morgans, but you, how many Baileys have you prepared this time?? Are you going to get the golden fruit??" Jibson asked with a smile.

Luffield nodded and said, "If I get the golden fruit, the business will be expanded several times for the "good luck" of my kind of loan. Faced with this temptation, of course I have to go all out. Maybe In terms of strength and influence, there are many people here who can surpass me, but in terms of financial resources, there are not many people here who can be my opponents, right?

? This is my home court today, hahahahaha. "

Gibbson watched Lu-Field speak so confidently and asked with a grin: "Then you are not afraid that you will provoke these murderers. Golden Fruit?? Don't be empty and empty at that time, Field."

Lufield also looked at him strangely after hearing what Gibbson said and asked: "Why?? Could it be that you didn't come for this golden fruit??

"Of course not, I just have nothing to do recently, so come here to meet your old friends, and then see if there is any business to expand. For golden fruits, I can't eat it anymore." Said calmly.

But Lu: Field did not continue to answer what he said just now, but was silent for a while, and then changed the topic before.It seems that this guy is really a very greedy person, even if he takes risks, he must try it. Can you get a golden fruit?

On the other side, in Gromash's sitting field, Morgans was telling Gromash the'apologies.

"Master Captain Gromash, as far as I know, the main reason why The fish men island is so separated from the world on the sea is that the communication and publicity are not in place. People on the sea are afraid of the mysterious The fish men island. , So over time, the residents on The fish men island are regarded as monsters from the deep sea, so because of this fearful psychology, I can’t help

The idea of ​​"persecution" was created autonomously, coupled with the previous inaction of the government, which intensified this trend, and gradually formed an endless loop. The persecution because of ignorance will make the residents of The fish men island even worse. Close the contact with the sea, and then you will become more ignorant and continue to intensify the persecution." Morgans is very serious about Gromash

Opened his mouth and said.

It seems that this guy has also worked hard to repair the relationship with Gromash, starting from where Gromash is more concerned, and he has a deep insight into The fish men island.

"Jiehahahaha, Morgans, what you said is correct. People have the psychology of'fear' because they don't understand it, just like you. Before that, you had a psychology of'fear' for me. It's because you don't know me, or that what you know about me is only a written description, but now that you have touched it, I see you

It has become very open. Gromash laughed and patted Morgans' feathers.

And Morgans quickly nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, that's the feeling. In fact, just like you, Captain Gromash, many things seem to be dangerous." In fact, if you actually understand it, you will find that all this is not. It’s so dangerous in our imagination. Over the years, thanks to your birth, Lord Gromash, the fish men island

The relevant information has been exposed a lot, and more people have learned about the situation of The fish men island. This is a good development, but if you only rely on you, you may not be able to make this thing better. , So as my negligence in my previous work, which caused your reputation damage, the people are also willing to ask for

Within the scope of your consent, set up a branch of the newspaper in The fish men island. This branch will put the main focus of work on The fish men island and be promoted worldwide. The image brings the "paradise" in the deep sea to the ignorant and ignorant people on the sea. I believe this kind of propaganda will effectively reverse the human being against fish.

What do you think of Rendao’s perception and attitude??"

Gromash looked at Morgans after hearing this, and after a little thought, he nodded and said, "Of course there is no problem with this. The fish men island welcomes you good friends who come here with kindness, but I am not The fish men. The owner of the island, so after I go back, I will ask the king of The fish men island, the great knight of the sea-Neptune's majesty, but I am

Xin and your majesty's wise and Rong Zhi, he will be happy to accept it. "

Morgans laughed and said, "Everyone knows that King Neptune, the master of the Dragon Palace City, admires you, Lord Gromash. Besides, I should call your lord your'His Royal Highness' now. It's up to you to talk to Neptune. What Wang tells will definitely succeed, so everyone should start preparing in advance."

"Jie ha ha ha ha, I also hope that The fish men island can spread its positive image to all parts of the world. Your "apology" I am very satisfied, President Morgans, maybe we will become good friends in the future. "Gromash said with a smile.

Morgans finally breathed a sigh of relief, put his heart in his stomach, and spent so much time thinking about how to please Gromash. After all, he didn't go wrong.

News of the World has always wanted to set up a branch on The fish men island. After all, The fish men island is an island with a very special'unique', and it is the only country in the deep sea. This is full of'mystery' The region of'alternative culture' is very attractive. Once the fish men island is the main focus, a "special issue" dedicated to the mysterious The fish men island will be opened.

Then the sales and attention of this special issue are in Morgans's expectation, and it will soon be popular all over the world.

This is where he and Gromash are both beneficial. On the one hand, he can promote the positive image of The fish men island, on the one hand, he can also bring a lot of benefits to his newspaper. More importantly, he is in The fish men. No one is blind on the island anymore, he has his own eyes after all.

Of course, Gromash also knows these, but he also needs to radiate the positive image of The fish men island to the world. In this way, his business will steadily rise to a higher level. After all, it comes from the "beautiful and rich". The special products of the deep sea paradise The fish men island are more attractive than the terrifying and mysterious The fish men island', right?

While Gromash and Morgans130 were very happily talking about this, the auctions in the field were also in full swing.

Sitting behind the curtain of the venue, Doflamingo is also very happy to watch this very hot auction. He has expanded his social circle a lot in the past few days. Although he has not yet converted into effective practical benefits, he has His methods, as long as they are connected first, they will naturally become more and more familiar in the future.

Gromash is the best "example". In this way, Doflamingo weaves his own dark web step by step in the dark world, covering this wide-ranging dark web to all aspects, and he will become the center of this network. , Mediating the interests of all parties and becoming the master of this'rein'

Just as after Doflamingo’s “stumble” was arrested, not only Dressrosa was greatly affected, but even the country of flowers in West Blue was affected. Among them, wars in several countries were also affected by Doflamingo’s fall. In the end, even Kaido's business has been affected, which is enough to prove that the spider woven by Doflamingo

How big the net is.

"It's almost the finale, take the "Golden Fruit"," Doflamingo whispered with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, Young Master." Gladius said softly. He also had a suitcase in his hand. The suitcase contained the "Paramecia-Golden Fruit" that everyone coveted.

After speaking, he steadily walked from behind the curtain to the front desk

Seeing the appearance of Gladius, Gromash also straightened up a little bit, and said, "The show is here, Mr. President, are you going to grab the golden fruit from me??"

Morgans quickly filled his hands and said, “I’m a news reporter. What do you want Jin Jin Guo to do? It’s useless at all. It’s better to give Jin Jin Guo to someone in need like you. If Captain Gromash, you need it. If you support it, please speak up. I still have some funds prepared on my side."

"Jie ha ha ha ha, eh?? But I just happened to get a huge'treasure, with plenty of funds," Gromash said confidently after looking at Morgans. .

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