I Am Hellscream

Chapter 245 Kuzan: This is my lifelong shame!

In the sea near New World near The fish men island, Gromash and their Elune are wandering around here, neither heading towards the heavily guarded Sekan Island, nor going to the final Terminator Island to engage in trouble.

Anyway, Gromash didn't intend to really blow up New World, so he only needs to get a Fas Island. It is enough to prove to Sengoku Admiral and the Marine people that he is indeed capable of doing this. That's it.

On the deck of the Elune, Gromash is also blowing the sea breeze with his friends, drinking small wine, and basking in the sun, looking very leisurely.

"Boss Gromash, the boy Arlong was taken away, don't you worry about anything??" Joz asked as he took the chess piece in his hand.

"What is there to worry about?? It's nothing more than being imprisoned in Impel down-because of Pelton. People on Marine and World government will not be so impulsive. After all, that kid is also my brother, especially On the cusp of this storm, as long as I'm okay, the Arlong boy will be fine. Besides, my brother will go to Impel down-Impel

After soaking in the bath, he, this stinky boy, went in to see and see that hell is also good, Jiehahahaha. "Gromash said happily while drinking a little wine, as if he didn't worry at all that his brother would be killed.

Sometimes he still wondered whether Marine would do a public execution to arrange a "jedi" like when he caught Ace in the future, so that Gromash had to save Arlong, and finally assembled all of Marine and the World government there. Power, kill them Frostwolf Pirates.

However, this ridiculous idea was quickly excluded from 01 by Gromash.First of all, the importance of Arlong is not as high as Ace. Ace is not only Whitebeard's son, he is also the son of One Piece, and he has that kind of ability. The attraction that affects all forces, followed by Whitebeard's iron rule that never allows anyone to harm his family.

Different, the Frostwolf Pirates does not have such rules. Gromash estimates that the World government and Marine are not sure if Gromash is facing this situation, will it save Arlong. The final reason is that Gromash is still busy with bombing. For New World, Sengoku Admiral's son is also in his hands. At this stage, World government and Marine dare not be in Gromash.

What are you tossing about here? I just want to quickly complete the negotiation and solve this invisible crisis, so Arlong is at best a bargaining chip.

Cromwell, who was playing chess with Joz, rubbed his chin and watched the game. The second condition mentioned before is basically considered invalid. I have tossed back and forth several times, and the negotiation has not reached a conclusion until now.

Why do you think it is??"

Gromash hadn't spoken yet. He was lying on the table. Robin, who was writing and drawing with a pen in his hand, said without looking up, "I guess they are afraid that Captain Gromash will become Seven Warlords of the Sea. Afterwards, it will cover up Fisher Tiger. If that happens, it will form a "paradox". Seven Warlords of the Sea and its members will

Being pardoned of crimes and possessing all kinds of legal "predatory" powers, this system has just been launched in such a short period of time, it is obviously impossible for the World government to violate these rules, because once that is done, the Seven Warlords of the Sea system will It can be declared'scrapped', no pirates will believe them anymore, but Fisher Tiger belongs to them again

This is a kind of killer, so they will delay time for various reasons, wanting to solve Fisher Tiger before the captain becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea. Now it seems that they have succeeded."

"Jiehahahaha, it should be said that it's all successful." After all, Jinbei has already passed on the relevant exact news to us, right?? Boss Tiger hasn't really died, but he was seriously injured and fell into a coma. It's nothing. From the bright side, the World government announced his death, and the Mariejois incident is completely over. From the dark, the boss of Tiger

He is also considered "pardoned", isn't it?? As long as he doesn't always go out and do things in the future, there will be no crisis, so it is a "win-win". The second "condition" we mentioned has been fulfilled." Gromash Said with a smile.

"Captain, why did the World government determine the death of Boss Tiger so hastily?? I always feel that this happened too fast," Monet asked Gromash softly while kneading his shoulders.

“It’s not an important thing whether Tiger died or not. It’s just an'appearance' that is needed. The World government needs him to die, and then the Pirates of the Sun gave them a satisfactory answer. Next, Taige, the captain of the Pirates of the Sun, has been confirmed dead by everyone, so what else can be held?? Another

On the one hand, we are also applying pressure here, and they don't have much time to entangle this matter," Gromash said comfortably.

At this time, the boy Lu Qi was still wrapped in a lot of bandages. While holding a milk bottle and drinking non-stop, he opened his mouth and said very comfortably: "Now the'wrestling' outside the negotiating table has ended, too. In other words, our goal should almost be achieved, right??"

"Jiehahahaha, yes, I guess it will be two days at most, the guy Sengoku Admiral should contact us, get ready, we will soon become a family that loves the World government and Marines."

At this time on Seiken Island, Sengoku Admiral also holds a life card in his hand. The life card looks neat and does not burn any traces. This shows that the owner of the life card is in good condition, and there is nothing. Injury.

This life card is Sengoku Admiral's own adopted son, Rosinante's card. Since the Mignon Island incident, Rosinante has been'missing'. Only the life card proves that he is still alive, but Sengoku Admiral has his life I took out the card and looked at it many times, and every time the life card was circling around in the same place, it was inexplicable.

For a long time, Sengoku Admiral has never interrupted the search for Rosinante's whereabouts, but he has never received any useful news. In the hands of another despicable guy.

Since Gromash informed Sengoku Admiral of Rosinante's news, Rosinante's life card has also returned to normal, and he has begun to point in one direction and no longer spins around. This also made Sengoku Admiral completely believe in Gromash's words.

But even if he knows the whereabouts of Rosinante, what can he do?? Since Gromash dared to give the news and restored Rosinante's "life card" signs, then he definitely wouldn't be afraid of them Marine going to grab someone, so Sengoku Admiral also He did not act rashly, but prepared to rescue his son during this negotiation.

Just when Sengoku Admiral was thinking about these things as a father, a Marine Rear Admiral also knocked on the door, and then walked in and watched Sengoku Admiral open his mouth and said, "Admiral, news came from the marshal. We can start the final negotiation..."

Sengoku Admiral has already guessed that before Gromash becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, the World government must try their best to kill Fisher Tiger. Now that their goal has been achieved, then Gromash should also become 'Seven Warlords of the Sea'

Sengoku Admiral nodded when he heard the words, and then asked with a strange expression: "What happened to Kuzan?"

The expression of that Rear Admiral was also very strange, and he said in a tangled manner: "Kuzan Vice Admiral was very ruthless, but he was forcibly taken away by Garp Vice Admiral and Gion Vice Admiral."

Sengoku Admiral froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Enlightenment is still not enough. For the safety of New World, Kuzan sacrifices a little bit. It is also his duty as Marine. I will go and see him."

After speaking, Sengoku Admiral stood up, walked out of the room, and headed towards Kuzan where they were.

At this time in another room, Kuzan was standing in front of a background board, touching his chin with one hand and hanging on his chest, his eyes also showed a deep feeling.He was not wearing Marine uniform at this time. Instead, he wore a set of casual clothes and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his chest muscles all the way to the abdomen.

"Crack!" A flash of light flashed in front of Kuzan, and then the photographer with the camera in his hand nodded with satisfaction and said: "Kuzan Vice Admiral, this posture is perfect, you can change to another one."

After hearing this sentence, the expression of Kuzan, who was pretending to be very deep just now, went dark, and after tangling a bit, he still inserted his hands into the explosive head on his head, and then raised his head, showing a coquettish look. The posture of the whole person also became'female'.

147 Garp, who was drinking tea from the back, almost squirted out his tea after seeing Kuzan's actions. Just when he was about to laugh out loud, Gion hurriedly reached out and covered him. "Little Garp, finally convinced Kuzan to shoot the photo album. If you smile too much, he will definitely not do it."

That’s right, so let’s just sneak a smile below."

Garp was so tossed by Gion that his laughter was stopped, and then he held back his smile on his face, and said intermittently: "This Gromash is really a genius. He would add such a requirement to the negotiation conditions. Hahahahaha."

Even Gion, who has very entangled feelings for Gromash, laughed after hearing these words. Then she said: "After Kuzan finishes taking this photo album, I will also collect a copy that will definitely become the best in the future. The value of collectibles.

"Ahahahaha, me too, I want to collect ten sets!!" Garp Vice Admiral said quickly.

At this time, Kuzan had already marked Gromash as a "lifetime enemy" in his heart. He wanted to be a candidate for Marine Admiral, but he wanted to do such a shameful thing. It would be a lifelong shame, if it weren't for Garp Vice Admiral and Garp Vice Admiral. The guy in Gion was moved with affection and reason for him, and put the "burden" of New World's thousands of lives on him. He is Kuzan

I would rather die than shoot such a shameful photo album

Just when Kuzan was hitting his upper body naked and posing the iconic posture of a bodybuilder, Sengoku Admiral also suddenly opened the door and walked in. Then he saw Kuzan and his expression became stiff, and he almost didn't laugh. And Kuzan’s expression was even darker, and he said, "Sengoku Admiral, I have already taken more than a hundred pictures, it's almost time to end it.

?? "

Sengoku Admiral thought: "I haven't seen what's going on yet, how can I end it??"

So he spoke earnestly and said: "Kuzan, you have taken all the shots, so don't give up halfway. Take a few more shots so that Gromash doesn't have anything to do. You don't want to take another shot, right??"

After Kuzan's expression was tangled, he said weakly, "Then take a few more shots..."

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