I Am Hellscream

Chapter 248 Truly Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Mariejois is located on the Red Line. There are ports connected to the sea on the left and right sides. It is not necessary to go to the first half of the Grand Line to board the so-called "Holy Land".

At this time, the Elune of the Frostwolf Pirates was drifting near the port of Mariejois. The ship looked beaming, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

Cromwell was holding a newspaper at this time, and the news published on it was about the news about'Seven Warlords of the Sea'.

""Hellscream becomes the second Seven Warlords of the Sea!!", according to the investigation of our reporter from the World News in the Holy Land-Mariejois, a bounty of 600 million baileys is a big pirate Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash has been confirmed to have been The World government invited to be the newest member of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Proudmoore- Gromash has also confirmed that he has replied to the world.

The invitation of the world government clearly expressed their wishes and agreed to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization. '

"Not long ago, the World government passed a system bill that shocked the world. It was called the Seven Warlords of the Sea system. Once the system was launched, it immediately caused a huge wave of waves all over the world. Analyzed, the Seven Warlords of the Sea system will become an important system that affects the world structure. We already know that this system

From the very beginning of the launch, there was already a figure with strong enough identity, status, fame, and strength to join it.The first Seven Warlords of the Sea was the world's number one swordsman Dracule- Mihawk, Mihawk. Joining Seven Warlords of the Sea symbolizes the effective operation of this system, but due to various reasons, Mi Denko has always remained alone

One person, at the same time, where his whereabouts are very mysterious, making the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, which should have a strong weight, become a little transparent. Sea system', just when everyone thinks that the system will take as long as several years or even more than ten years to improve, only a few

Within a month, a heavyweight appeared again in the organization Seven Warlords of the Sea!!"

"The bounty is 600 million Baileys, faintly known as the'fifth pirate emperor', the first Impel down-Imperton escaper, participants in the North Blue Mignon Island tragedy, open this The East Blue Logue town demon, one of the root characters of the chaotic age, the red-haired demon of The fish men island, Hellscream, Proudmoore- Gromash is in a situation that no one expected

Next, he joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization abruptly. So far, the gold content of the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea organization has soared, with the world's largest swordsman and the recent Frostwolf Pirates joining, at least On the surface, the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization is no less inferior to any pirate group, even the remaining four in New World.

When the Pirate Emperor "faces the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, I am afraid he will also carefully weigh the weight of this brand new organization."

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is an important measure used by the World government to balance the power of the sea and stabilize the current chaotic sea. Its deeper meaning is not difficult to see. It is because of Marine's inability to cause New World. Pirates in the sea are rampant, and the world government’s dignity is sweeping. Now that the Seven Warlords of the Sea system is activated, it will largely cooperate with the sea.

The army expands the influence of the World government in New World... and even confronts and suppresses the expansion momentum of the Four Emperors-class pirate group, and re-establishes a strong voice for the World government in New World''!

"If there were people who would doubt and distrust whether Seven Warlords of the Sea has the ability and corresponding qualifications and Naval Headquarters-Marinford, New World Pirate Four Emperors are also called the three major forces on the sea, then I believe that no one is there anymore. I will doubt this. You have to know that Seven Warlords of the Sea has seven seats, and currently only two members have appeared.

In the eyes of our World News, it is enough to become one of the'three major forces'. If five more powerful men like Hellscream join in in the future, perhaps they can all be called the'strongest forces'! !

"Jiehahahahahaha, it seems that this World News and Morgans guy should have really fallen to the World government side. Judging from this newspaper, they boasted the Seven Warlords of the Sea system very powerfully. The strongest force and I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. They didn’t mention the ‘inferior nature’ of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system anywhere.

After all, this Seven Warlords of the Sea is composed of seven great pirates. Even if it can really suppress the momentum of the New World Four Emperors, the dangers caused by the seven great pirates themselves are probably no better than any one. The pirate emperor is less harmful and the victim has nowhere to avenge justice. After all, everything is legal. Gromash laughed and lifted it up.

A wine glass, commented after taking a sip.

"Why?? Boss Gromash, are you ready to expose to the world the deep darkness hidden behind the Seven Warlords of the Sea system??" Joz also smiled and said while looking at the reward order in his hand.

That reward order was his own reward order, but the bottom string of bounties of up to 400 million Baileys has already been marked by the World government.

In fact, it wasn't just that his wanted order for the reward became like this, it was directly invalidated, the Frostwolf Pirates and the Sun Pirates Remnant Party, as long as anyone who received a reward, one of them counted as one, and all the wanted rewards were invalidated. Yes, of course, in the words of the World government, it is that they graciously let Gromash himself and all the forces under his command “crimes”.

Luchi, Cromwell, Urouge, and others all have this'voided' original wanted order, but Guy Sa, this guy is rather pitiful, and the World government doesn't know that he has become a leader of Gromash. A scientist, I thought he was still studying some weird and dangerous things in a corner of the world

Woolen cloth.

Therefore, his 300 million Bailey offer is still safe and quiet.

"Jiehahahahaha, it seems that I have to find an opportunity to tell the World government, Guy Sa, Kuran is also a member of our Frostwolf Pirates... As for Joz, your question... Of course I won't be okay. Fuck, trouble yourself, how the World government likes to package Seven Warlords of the Sea has nothing to do with me, anyway, I don’t care about the reputation, of course

Now, if they like to make Seven Warlords of the Sea into a great gilded signboard, that would be even better. After all, we are also vested interests," Gromash said with a smile.

"That's right, and don't read that the World News now brags that Seven Warlords of the Sea is like World government wearing a pair of pants, but World government and Marine don't think so, don't talk about it, Gromash Boss, if you give that Sengoku Admiral any chance, he will definitely be the first to turn his face with us ruthlessly. Will there be any?

There is a chance to go to Impel down-Impelton's pension is a problem, hahahahaha" Cromwell threw away the newspaper in his hand and said with a big smile.

"Don't say that, I and Sengoku Admiral are good brothers. He is a good friend of worship. His son is my son. I trust the brotherhood between me and him very much. Hahahaha." Gromash is also in a very good mood. Said with a big smile.

"Captain, if Sengoku Admiral hears your words, he will definitely not be able to help tears. Of course, he is not moved, but regretful, regretting why he sent you to Impel down-Impel. Suddenly, I didn't directly kill you," Monet said with a smile.

In short, after some tossing, the News of the World can be regarded as the news that his Uncle Gromash became Seven Warlords of the Sea to the world. It is estimated that the world almost knows this news now, his Uncle Gromash. In a sudden change, the evil pirate instantly became a close ally of the World government, just like the Frostwolf before.

The Pirates' fight with the People's Congress of Naval Headquarters in New World is completely a practical exercise. Of course, the cost of this practical exercise is quite high.

Now that the news is in the newspaper, Gromash is not ready to go on wandering anymore, it is time to meet his "close allies", after all, the five bad old men are probably waiting for him.

". Set sail and head to Mariejois port. After putting down Cromwell and me, you can go back to The fish men island." Gromash smiled and waved his hand.

Following his order, the Elune also sailed on the sea in an open manner, heading towards the port of Mariejois.

At the same time, Marshal Kong of Naval Headquarters also left Malinford and rushed to the Holy Land and Mariejois on a warship. As the current marshal of Marine, he will handle the issue of Gromash joining Seven Warlords of the Sea. Related matters, and this is the last big thing he has dealt with as Marshal Marine, wait until this matter is dealt with

After that, he will be the top military commander of the World government-the commander-in-chief!

The military commander has the right to mobilize more than the Naval Headquarters, including Mariejois and the young soldiers on the Red Line-the army, the armies of the participating countries under the World government, and even the CP agency and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the Kong commander. The qualifications have been transferred.

Theoretically speaking, the Dragon Palace City of The Fish Men Island and the King's Army of Neptune are to be dispatched by him as the commander-in-chief of the whole army.

Of course, The fish men island has joined the World government for more than two hundred years, and has never seen any general military commander. Even Mariejois holds the "World Summit', The fish men island" every four years. participated.

Standing on the deck of the warship, Marshal Kong, who still looks strong and strong despite his advanced age, said to himself with emotion: "I didn't expect the last mission before leaving Marine. I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck to deal with Gromash becoming Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Ever since Gromash and Sengoku Admiral finished the phone worm, Sengoku Admiral has not doubted Gromash's remarks that he announced that he would give up blowing up'Seikan Island'.

The eager Sengoku Admiral didn't even stay overnight. He immediately announced the withdrawal of the entire army from Seiken Island and returned to Naval Headquarters-Mallinford on the same day.

Anyway, the line of defense on this island is just doing it. Although a lot of'semi-fortresses' that can be used for a long time have been built overtime, Sengoku Admiral also estimates that these things will not be used in the future. After all, it is different from Fas Island. , Saiken Island is a deserted place where birds don’t shit.

But as everyone knows, these military installations that were originally intended to deal with Gromash were eventually repaid by his old friend ‘Zephyr Admiral’.

A few years later, when Marine Admiral, who was already Blacken crazy, Zephyr took his newly established'new Marines' to attack the "semi-fortified" island of Saiken, he almost didn't bother Gromash and Sengoku in his heart. People scolded to death.

Standing on the rapidly returning warship, Sengoku Admiral was also a little excited and looking forward to it. Of course, what he was looking forward to was not the bastard Gromash, but his baby son Rosinante, who had been missing for several years.

"Finally found you... Rosinante." Sengoku Admiral whispered softly. .

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