I Am Hellscream

Chapter 291 The emperor's hunt!

Amazon-Lily, also known as the Nine Snake Island, is a large island located in the Calm Belt. As the so-called world is so big, there are no surprises. There are also things called miracles on this island. That is the mysterious spring of Amazon-Lily.

As the only daughter island in the world, the entire Amazon-Lily has had a clear rule for hundreds of years, that is, no man is allowed to enter the entire island, and any man who enters this island will be ruthless. The extermination kills.

The so-called existence is reasonable, and the strange rules on this island are also because there is a very strong reason, that is, their Amazon-Lily does not need a man!!

The population growth of Amazon-Lily has never been based on the natural reproduction of the outside world, but when anyone wants to have a child, he will drink a sip of the mysterious spring water, and then will be inexplicably pregnant, and then pass A normal pregnancy in October will give birth to a child of her own.

And because of the mysterious spring, the child who was born must be a woman. This strange and mysterious thing has continued for hundreds of thousands of years. In addition, as a country of warriors, the citizens of Amazon-Lily are all Very militant race, they will tame a snake as their partner since childhood, and will be taught by their elders

They have been practicing strength since they were young. When they are adults, they will basically have Armament Haki, and only those women who can Master and use Haki's power can truly become qualified fighters of Amazon. Lily.

In other words, women in this country are much stronger than the vast majority of men. Then since we are pregnant, we don’t need men, and the country does not need men. Why should we let men enter us? Come from the country???

Because of this weird and weird thought, coupled with the remote Calm Belt, very few people can reach here, so over time, this "prohibit men from entering" rule has been formed. 163

On the whole, from the fact that all Amazon-Lily fighters must first possess Armament Haki, which is the most benchmark standard, it can also be seen that the strength of the entire Amazon-Lily is considered a powerful country in the world.

However, this kind of power can only be said to be a military power. For all kinds of other materials and economy, it is difficult for the entire Amazon-Lily to be self-sufficient. After all, it is a "closed" country in the Calm Belt.

Since there is no way to be self-sufficient, and because of the "isolation" attribute of the Calm Belt, Amazon-Lily cannot conduct normal foreign trade. Therefore, after countless years of spreading, they gave birth to their strange culture, that is, the culture of looting.

In Amazon-Lily, what you don't have, you have to find a way to get it, whether it is by grabbing or something, so the things that this country does not have are obtained by grabbing, and they will select the most elite fighters. Become this kind of hero who is responsible for the looting.

The Royal Pirate Group-Nine Snakes Pirate Group, which has been circulating for a long time among Amazon-Lily, is the Pirate Group composed of the most powerful warriors in the entire Amazon-Lily.

The Nine Snakes and Pirates of the past generations are very powerful in the sea. The captain of this pirate group was appointed by the contemporary emperor of Amazon-Lily. For unknown reasons, basically every generation of Amazon-Lily emperor is enough to be called He is a top master.

Therefore, the Nine Snakes and Pirates can be regarded as the kind of perpetual pirates on the sea, but in the past many years, the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates have not appeared much, basically in the Calm Belt. Occasionally, I had a little trouble nearby, and I never went out to stir up the wind and rain.

Many people don't know the reason for this, but Gromash once accidentally understood what happened on Sabaody Archipelago, and I don't know if the handsome old man Rayleigh is bragging, anyway, Gromash listens to him like Amazon-Lily's predecessor The emperor (abdi) seems to have an unclear relationship with him, but anyway Rayleigh is a stray

The pirate who loves freedom, failed to capture this love when he was young, and did not expect that the emperor of Amazon-Lily, who is extremely powerful, would be peculiar to Amazon-Lily because of "lovesickness". "Disease" takes lives.

In short, when Rayleigh came back to his senses, he had accidentally killed the captain of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes. It is also for this reason that the Pirates of the Nine Snakes have been in the past ten years. In twenty years, he was basically in the most debilitating state, without a captain, and Amazon-Lily became confused because of the loss of the emperor.

At this time, it was supposed to be the crown prince, the three sisters of Boya, who came out to take the lead, but due to some small accidents, the three sisters of Boa were also embarrassed and experienced many difficult things.

So the entire Nine Snake Island-Amazon-Lily was taken over by the former emperor Gloriosa, but this old woman was still too old after all, so she failed to lead the Amazon-Lily and the Nine Snake Pirates to rise again. She barely managed to maintain the situation is already considered superb.

However, thanks to the blessing of Gromash and Fisher Tiger, Gloriosa, who had been in desperation, finally found Amazon-Lily's missing royal heir, the three sisters, Boya, at the most critical moment. Otherwise, Amazon-Lily The royal family of Boa who has been circulating for a long time is about to change her name, after all, she is such an old Gloriosa.

Now, can't she force her old man to drink another spring to have one, right??

In short, the three sisters of Amazon-Lily's royal family have been found back, and because the three of them have already experienced some ordeals in their young years, they have also experienced the actual experience of ``what a weak and weak person would become in the sea, so After returning to the Amazon-Lily, the three Sisters of Boya began to take the road of "crazy practice".

The eldest sister of the three sisters-Boya-Hancock has the strongest talent and strength. It didn't take long to return to the island of Nine Snakes, and she quickly awakened the legendary'Conqueror's" Haki, which is only one in a million people. After this, her fruiting ability happened to complement her beauty, and the whole person was just like opening up. It didn't take long for her to be on the island of Nine Snakes.

'Hit the world's invincible hand', and as her age grows, her peerless elegance has gradually begun to radiate. Her beauty can be said to be the best in the world. On Nine Snake Island, whether it is Big or small, old or young, in short, no one can escape the charm of Hancock. Under normal circumstances, she doesn't need to make a move at all, just a screaming look

It is enough to match the sweet fruit ability to make people petrify in the air.

Today, it is when Boa-Hancock's coming-of-age ceremony of Nine Snake Island is going on, as the royal family and the most orthodox heir of Amazon-Lily, she will automatically be promoted to the emperor of Amazon-Lily when she reaches adulthood.

But before that, Boya-Hancock must first complete this coming-of-age ceremony. This is not only an opportunity for her to show her strength, but also the last test before she becomes the emperor.

This coming-of-age ceremony is exactly "the emperor's hunt"!!!

To become the emperor of Amazon. Lily, the first condition is to be able to lead the citizens of Nine Snake Island to live a good life. For Nine Snake Island, they must learn to plunder if they want to live a good life. Whether an emperor here is qualified or not depends on whether she will be a pirate.

Boa Hancock's emperor's hunt this time is to test whether she will be a pirate. In this trial, she will lead the Nine Snakes and Pirates out of the Calm Belt alone, and looting enough that she can prove that she can become a pirate. Only after the qualified emperor's supplies can return to Amazon-Lily, gain the recognition of the people, and become a well-justified Pirate Empress!

As a woman who is extremely confident in her beauty, Hancock herself is also quite arrogant, or she is using this "excessive" arrogance to cover up her past hurts and tragic encounters?

In short, over time, Hancock has walked out of the so-called shadow through self-mediation in this way, becoming a self-confident and arrogant person on the surface.

Therefore, her emperor hunting naturally has to keep up with her "grade", the previous generations of Amazon. The emperor Lily's first emperor hunting was looking for some material caravans or something. After looting several times, it was considered qualified, and then You can return to China to become emperor.

But Boa Hancock didn't set her target on this, she set her target on the ‘sacking the country’!!

That's right, her proud and beautiful Boya-Hancock wants to set a strong standard when she first sets out. She wants to sack a country's materials to prove to the people of the entire Nine Snake Island, nine Snake Island and the Nine Snakes and Pirates will regain prosperity under her leadership and regain the glory that belongs to the Nine Snakes and Pirates!

At this time, in the edge waters of the Calm Belt, a pirate ship that was consigned by two huge sea snakes as the power was sailing in the Calm Belt.

The arrogant Hancock did not choose to go to the other side of the Calm Belt and find a country in the four seas to ransack. She wanted to find a rich enough country on the first half of the Grand Line to ransack, and at the same time, she could Pass the prestige of Nine Snake Island to the world again, and declare that their Nine Snake Pirates are back!

Queen of Spring Island, a famous tourist island in the first half of the Grand Line, is just like the name of this island. It is a spring island that is like spring all the year round. There are many tourists coming and going on the island, so what are the special products from various sea areas? There are also a lot of them. In short, it can be regarded as an island with very rich materials, and it happens that the one on this island is called'Tarot.'

The country seems to be very bullied.

Isn't it a good thing to rob a country like this kind of rich, no soldiers, and rich?

However, the only thing that is not so good is that there is a Marine branch base near the Queen of Spring Island. It is precisely because there is a Marine base here that the country of Tarot can be sheltered. Generally, there are few seas. The thief will look at them.

However, as a confident and proud beauty, Hancock also has strong confidence in her own strength. Naturally, she will not put a small Marine branch base in her eyes. If they, Marines, do not disturb her emperor hunting Forget it, if she really dared to bother, Hancock wouldn't mind killing them all.

At this time, on the quaint pirate ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Boa-Hancock was lying very sultry on the "sofa" coiled by her Orochi-Salome, with one hand propped his head, Pointing with one hand on a chart in front of him, he seemed to be calculating the distance.

And Sandersonia, who was not far away from her, asked curiously: "Emperor sister, what are you doing?? You have watched a chart all morning."

Hancock is not so arrogant towards his two younger sisters. After all, they are sisters who have experienced hardship together. As the eldest sister, Hancock still takes care of their two younger sisters.

So after hearing Sandersonia’s question, Hancock said with some embarrassment: “I’m looking at the Queen of Spring Island and it seems that it’s not very far from the City of Seven Waters.”

Sandersonia was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Emperor sister, do you want to drop in and see if you can see Master Gromash??"

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