I Am Hellscream

Chapter 306 The annihilation begins.

Gromash's words spread throughout Gambolin Island through radio phone worms, but those with deep backgrounds on the island had already slipped away before Gromash came, and Queen Stussy was already the latest batch to leave.

In addition to the most powerful and background people who have already gone away, there are still a large number of local tyrants who come here to entertain on the island. At this critical moment of embarrassment, they naturally won't have any extra "kindness". "Of course, life-saving is the most important thing.

As a result, a large number of local tyrants began to flee outside the island one after another under the opening of the'bodyguards'.

In fact, in essence, the reason why Gromash has to set aside 30 minutes for the people on the island is to give these rich locals time to run. He is very aware of the sinister nature of human nature. At this moment, Gambolin Island The above will undoubtedly fall into chaos, and in this chaos, sure to be able to effectively evacuate the island within 30 minutes.

They are powerful and powerful. As for ordinary petty folks, unless they are local snakes or people with a little pedigree, it is impossible to find a ship and leave in such a short period of time.

It doesn't matter if Gromash is cruel, or he is tyrannical, in short, these local tyrants are people of value to him. When Tezolo's golden city opens in the future, these people are likely to become his'golden masters'. At that time, the business of Golden City may still need rich and powerful people like them to cheer.

As for the other "little people" on the island, they are people who have no value at all to Gromash, and they are not worthy. At this juncture, Gromash will naturally not take them into consideration. Minutes is already the greatest "kindness" he can give. If the time is long, that cunning Miss. Barkin can really get into it.

Kongzi, took his mentally retarded son to drive away, it won't be so convenient to find them then.

Power is the truth. At this moment, the truth of the sentence is reflected. As a weak person, you can only struggle hard at this time, rolling in the quagmire, to find the first line of life in Hollywood, and even To pray for the kindness that'power' possesses..

On the Elune, Lu Qi has released his Observation Haki's ability to cooperate with Thunder Fruit and monitored the entire Gambolin Island. It was Edward Weibull.

With Edward Weibull’s IQ, it’s hard to understand why this good-looking island suddenly became extremely chaotic. His barbecue hasn't been cooked yet. Why did the uncle who sells barbecue suddenly run away in horror?

And the expression of the "mother" Miss-Bakin beside him has become very frightened and pale. She is just a greedy person, not a fool, and now naturally she has realized that her greed is in the end. What kind of disaster has come, she and her stupid son have been lurking Gromash in the first half of the Grand Line

The sleeping monster provokes the New World!!!

"Weibull, hurry up, we are going to leave this island and run away quickly!!!" Barkin said to Weibull's stupid son immediately after he recovered.

Weibull was very confused and said: "But mom, I haven't eaten enough, and my barbecue hasn't been cooked yet."

"Fool, you can eat barbecue anytime, if you don't go now, you can never eat barbecue again! 々"! "The guy Barkin followed Weibull's tiny legs and quickly climbed to him. On his back, he grabbed Weibull’s hair and told him to run away with him quickly.

At the same time, Lu Qi opened his eyes, and then smiled and said, "I found you Edward, Weibull."

After hearing Lu Qi's words, Gromash, who was basking in the sun with juice in his hand, sitting on the sun lounger on the deck and experiencing Monet's massage happily, also opened his eyes and said, "Is that right? ?? Go ahead, don't let him run."

Lu Qi nodded and didn't say much. In the next second, an electric light flashed, and his whole person had disappeared in place, leaving only some electric light sparks falling on the deck.

And Monet, who was kneading the shoulders of Gromash, said at this time: "Captain, the Whitebeard II is called by the Marines to have the strength of the'Newgate' when he was young. It really doesn't matter if Lu Qi is alone. ??"

"What are you afraid of?? Marines say that this Weibull has the strength of Whitebeard, and he can really go to heaven?? I also said that Lu Qi has the strength of Kaido, and there is a fart?? The truth is the truth, not to mention, this level of master is not easy to find. Generally, even if you find it, you don't want to start a war and never do it. This is the case at this time.

Wouldn't it be great for a solid stone to sharpen Lu Qi's knife??" Gromash said that there was juice from the back of the table, and after taking a sip, he said again: "What's more, isn't I still here?? If Lu Qi really crashes, I'll take it myself."

Lu Qi's Thunder Fruit is extremely fast, basically within his range of perception, he can appear in the place where he wants to appear in the form of'teleshift'.

So his front foot disappeared from the Elune, and his back foot had reached Gambolin Island.

Just as Edward, Weibull ran stupidly with his mother Bajin on his back, a thunder suddenly exploded in the sky above his forehead, and in the next second, a roaring Thunder Dragon instantly rushed towards him. His figure.

Although Weibull had a problem with his brain, his fighting instinct was still very powerful, otherwise he would have been hammered to death.

As soon as the Thunder Flood Dragon struck, he was already in a state of combat, and he saw that the big sword in his hand, which was very similar to Whitebeard's weapon, was wrapped in a powerful Armament Haki. , Slashed to the Thunder Flood Dragon very quickly.

As soon as Daguan Knife came into contact with Thunder Dragon, a powerful shock wave erupted from his knife, directly smashing Lu Qi's Thunder Dragon.

"Paramecia-the fruit-impact ability can release powerful shock waves anytime and anywhere. I have to say that this ability is really quite strong. The rats of CP-0 can get this kind of information, but it is not wasteful. Now." Lu Qi's voice came from behind Weibull.

But Barkin, a greedy old woman, didn't react until this time from the fight between the electric light and flint.

She turned her head along with the sound and saw Rob Lucci wearing a black close-fitting suit, a small top hat, and two moustaches, who was unscrewing the milk bottle in her hand very calmly.

"Killing Machine-Rob-Lu" Bajin swallowed and said with some difficulty.

And Lu Qi glanced at her, and then said: "In my opinion, this Edward and Weibull who are carrying you on your back may really be Newgate's biological sons, but you...Haha, with all due respect, unless Newgate When he was very young, he was a pervert with a heavy taste, otherwise you would never be his woman"

Although Ba Jin was very angry that the little kid dared to insult her like this, she also knew that this was not the time to delay.Although she was also confident in the strength of her baby boy with mental retardation and thought he would not lose to Lu Qi, but Don’t forget that there’s another Proudmoore near here who just posted a mess of radio broadcasts. She’s confident about Gromash.

, I don't think that my baby, mentally retarded son can be compared with the monster like Gromash, not to mention that he can survive under the joint hands of Lu Qi and Gromash.

So Barking ignored Luc’s ridicule, but said to his son: "Weibull, run, grab a boat, we leave this island, mom, I will buy you everything you want. Stuff!!

"Mom, can I see my dad??" Weibull said stupidly.

In fact, Weibull is a very innocent person. He has always been like a tool. When Miss Barking is taken everywhere to provoke trouble, he will become a pirate.

If this guy had been sold to the World government by a slave trader since he was a child, he might have become the "ace" weapon of "justice" under the World government.

Later, after he heard that his "dad" Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate had been killed by Blackbeard. Marshall.D-Teach, he cried and squeezed his fist and said to go to the Whitebeard Pirates Compared to the remnants who took away his "dad" legacy, he wanted to find Blackbeard to take revenge and beat that guy to death!!

It's just that he is a "Momboy", under the leadership of the unscrupulous mother "Miss-Barkin", he finally failed to clean up Blackbeard first.

". I will take you to see whoever you want to see, run!" Ba Jin also said impatiently.

After hearing his mother's assurance, Weibull began to prepare to continue running.

However, Lu Qi watched the "family ethics" drama for such a long time, naturally, he would not let Weibull turn around and run, so he was watching Weibull carrying Ba Jin to run, while drinking milk and carrying it. Raising his arm to the sky, he released a lot of thunder energy, and then Lu Qi looked at the back of Weibull who was running, showing a smile

Said: "Lei Fa-Kuang Lei Heavenly Prison!!"

As Lu Qi's voice fell, a suppressed dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a strong thunder light surged in the dark cloud. Among them, it is like a cage formed by thunder.

And with the gathering of thunder, this cage is still gradually strengthening its power, and slowly beginning to shrink.

At the same time, on the Elune, Monet looked at the delicate watch on his wrist, then spoke to Gromash and said, "Captain, thirty minutes is here."

Gromash heard the words and drank the juice in his hand cleanly, then licked his lips, showing a tyrannical smile, and said: "If you want to be a man, you have to believe (for the money). Then there can be no more than one minute, and no less than one minute. Now that the time is up, destroy the port, and from now on the entire Gambolin Island

All of the people have been clearly targeted, and the annihilation has not yet begun. "

Although Gromash's orders are simply inhumane. After all, this island has not only their future rivals in the Golden City, but also more innocent people, but Monet will not care about these at all. In her heart, Gromash's The captain's order is above all else...

"Good Captain" Monet nodded slightly, and then left Gromash's side.

Immediately afterwards, under the command of the little secretary of Monet, the twenty Fourth Gate cannons on Elune's side all opened the damp-proof plate of the muzzle, and then the twenty Fourth Gate cannons burst out neatly and huge. Roar.

With the sound of the artillery, those people and ships in the port who had not had time to leave were all blown to pieces in an instant, and this was just the beginning.As the flagship of Gromash, the giant artillery it is equipped with It is a new type of gun personally developed by the great scientist of Guy, who is a pervert, which can fire 30 rounds of shells without interruption without appearing.

The bombing situation can be said to be very terrifying.

At this time, it was the "show" of this horrible artillery fire. Hundreds of artillery shells continuously covered the port of Gambolin Island and the sea and towns near the port. In less than a minute, the entire port was completely destroyed. , The fire was shining, and the chaotic crowd cried and cried like a hell on earth.

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