I Am Hellscream

Chapter 337 Unreserved trust.

At this time, D.. Indigo was gathering a lot of materials and several important plant seeds in his laboratory.

These seeds are the latest '1Q herbs' he has cultivated for many years. After several generations of improvements, the potency of this herbs has reached the peak of the current stage.

Now his Shiki boss is fighting with people outside. It is unpredictable to win or lose, but what is certain is that this island is going to be scrapped, so in order to prevent his years of hard work from being destroyed along with this island. If he fell, he naturally had to prepare early.

When Dr. Indigo put the last bottle of seeds into his backpack, he carried a suitcase full of information in one hand and a backpack full of seeds on his back.

"No matter what the situation is on Shiki's side, I am already prepared accordingly," Dr. Indy said, raising his hand and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

For a crazy scientist like him, although he and Shiki have some feelings and tacit understanding, he is still more inclined to preserve his "results" when necessary, so D...Indigo has already done it. I'm ready to "run the road".

In his opinion, with his own strength, going out to help will only hinder Shiki's boss. It is better to quickly prepare for these'resurrections' and find opportunities to run away. Maybe Shiki's boss has his own vision. Can the danger be turned into a breeze at a critical time?

After comforting his own psychology a little, Dr. Indy stepped on his shoes, which could make a disgusting sound of "chuckle, chuckle," and wanted to leave the laboratory.

When he opened the closed door of the laboratory, he saw a beautiful woman with emerald green hair and a very graceful figure, leaning on the wall in the corridor, seemingly waiting for him to appear~.

At the feet of that beauty, a group of "crooked melons and cracked dates" who Shiki had invited to run errands were lying crookedly.

Watching this scene, Dr. Indy quickly understood that this seemingly harmless beauty should have come to trouble him-...

"Dr-Indy???" Monet looked at D.. Indy, who had his face painted like a clown but dressed in a white coat of scientific researcher, and asked softly.

Monet had never seen what this guy looked like, but there was only one laboratory in this palace, and there was only this guy in the researcher who seemed to have a bit of identity. Gu cracked the date also said, Dr. Indy is packing things in it, and now it should not be wrong for the goal, the inquiry is only for the most

After confirmation only.

After looking at Monet's face, Dr. Indy thought for a while, and then suddenly realized, "You are from the Frostwolf Pirates!!"

Monet was a little surprised. Although her status in the entire Frostwolf Pirates group is not low, the exposure rate is still very low. There is no bounty, and she is not taken seriously, but now she has never expected that she would be seen by Golden Lion-Shiki's subordinates."

Second-hand scientists" recognized it at a glance

"It seems that you are D...Indie, that's right, but I'm very curious, how did you recognize me???" Monet fiddled with his emerald green hair very seductively. Asked with a smile.

And Dr. Indigo looked at Monet and said: "At the auction of Gambolin, Doflamingo, the island of gambling, I specially observed your Frostwolf Pirates. At that time, you were sitting in Proudmoore-Gromash. By your side, so although you don't have a reputation, being able to be by Gromash's side is definitely trusted by him

people "

Monet was very curious and said, "Are you there at the original auction??"

"Hmph, why do you think my research has been so smooth?? Thank you for the notes that flowed out of your hands back then," Dr. Indigo Tsundere snorted.

But Monet didn't have the thought of talking nonsense with him, and said with a smile: "Since you recognize me, then I also saved a lot of tongue, Dr. Indie, our master captain is very optimistic about your talents. So I specifically asked you to go to the Elune for a narration..."

Dr. Indy said, "Your Frostwolf Pirates and Shiki boss are enemies."

But before he finished speaking, Monet interrupted his words, and saw that Monet was very calm and kicked and lay on the ground half-dead on the ground with his toes. It is changing. I have to admit that Golden Lion and Shiki are indeed rare top players and great heroes. It is not an exaggeration to call him a legend.

But Dr. Indigo, in this era, there is no ship that can carry him this'old age' hero. Come out, of course you have to pick a big and luxurious ship to board, right??"

Dr. Indie frowned, looked at Monet and said, "Boss Shiki’s boat won’t sink so easily, but he’s a Golden Lion!! Similarly, according to you, this era will belong to Proudmoore. -Gromash???"

Monet smiled confidently when he heard the words, and said softly: "Shiki's ship will sink, and our captain will personally twist the last mast on this dilapidated giant ship. In the same way, our captain will also It will become the flagship of the new era, and the next new era must belong to our Frostwolf Pirates!!"

What Monet said was very confident, as if she had never doubted this sentence at all.

Of course, she had never doubted before. In fact, Monet was a very'dead-hearted' person. After she identified one thing or a person, she would walk all the way to the dark, and would not doubt anything. In history, she treated Doflamingo, the young master, willingly to die for his "throne". In this era,

She did the same with Gromash. Don't look at her often "sucking" Gromash, which made Gromash so shameless, but at the critical moment, she was also willing to die for Gromash willingly, and she didn't even frown.

But Monet had such a strong confidence and unreserved trust in Gromash, but Dr. Indie wouldn't be convinced by her so simply.

Therefore, Dr. Indigo gently placed his suitcase and backpack on the ground, and then looked at Monet and said, "I regret that I am sorry for your captain's invitation."

After hearing D...Indy's answer, Monet also showed a regretful expression on his face, and then said softly: "That's really regrettable, but I have always asked for orders from our captain. It is done meticulously, and there has been no omission so far. This is my reservation as a secretary, so Dr. Indy, I have to

Use some special means to invite you back. "

As a scientist, Dr. Indigo doesn't care about "morality". For him, what is the most practical and what is the "truth".

0-Seeking flowers...

Therefore, after hearing Monet's last words, he was not even polite, and raised his hand to attack first.

"Science tricks chemical bombs!"

As D...Indie's voice fell, I saw this guy raised his hand and shot out a series of weird bubbles from his palm, and while these bubbles floated towards Monet, they also exploded violently. Instantly swallowed the place where Monet was.

"Yo ha ha, if you treat me as a scientist who has no power to bind a chicken, you will suffer a lot," Dr. Indy said after he succeeded in a blow, he said very proudly, and he was full of confidence. He was ready to pick up the suitcase and backpack he had just placed at his feet.

But while he was going to pick these up, a slender palm gently covered his neck from behind him, and then severely choked his throat.

In Dr. Indy's surprised eyes, Monet's figure appeared from the air from top to bottom.

"Dr. Indie, it's a pity that I have never been a helpless secretary," Monet said softly with a smile.

And Dr. Indie was very surprised and said: "When did you run behind me?? Obviously you were still there just now, but here is a corridor, there is only one way."

"Hehehe, as a scientist, has no one told you that the eyes can deceive people?? Not only the eyes, no matter what the senses of smell, hearing, and touch are, they are deceiving, so, what is it?" ', did you have the "illusion" that I am standing in front of you??" Monet asked softly.

And Dr. Indigo also quietly spit out a chemical gas from his mouth, and then he quickly said: "Scientific trick-chemical vent!

After his voice fell, Monet, who had strangled his throat, seemed to lack a bit of strength in his hands. When he was happy for three seconds, he found that he seemed to have been'stucked' again.

"Your Demon fruit power is really weird. Could it be that as long as it is related to chemistry, can you'know a little bit'??" Monet's voice came from behind D...Indie again.

And she was holding a delicate small pistol in her hand, which was directly on D.. Indie’s head.

"By the way, what you want to get just now should be the data and important experimental results?? Or, with this kind of thing, your value will drop a lot? I only give you one last chance, if If you still want to struggle, I will send you one step ahead and explore the way for your boss Shiki in the yellow spring.” Monet said as he spoke, the corner of his mouth

Bian also hung up a smile, but the smile was so cold

Dr. Indie is not someone who dares to "go to death"? The reason why he dared to make a move just now was because he knew that he had "value to Monet. Even if he was defeated, it would not be too miserable." , And now, it is obvious that his value has been "lowered". Of course, he does not want to bet whether Monet will kill him.

"If you have something to say, you see that you are a secretary, I am a scientist, and we are all cultural people. Can we use language and communication to resolve our differences? I have also heard of Lord Gromash's name for a long time and long ago. I want to visit him," Dr. Indie said unscrupulously.

"That couldn't be better. Our captain is very hospitable." Monet said with a smile. small,

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