I Am Hellscream

Chapter 352 Pull Doflamingo into the water.

On the deck of the Elune, a decent black suit, a small top hat, and two individual beards, Lu Qi, who has a seemingly slender figure, is holding a book in one hand. Wearing sunglasses, Robin was arguing about something while lying on a sun lounger basking in the sun.

"Robin, why do you guys drink the milk that I hide in the refrigerator every time?? There are a lot of them next to him???" Lu Qi said to Robin very unhappy.

Robin mobilized his abilities and grew a forearm again from his elbow, picked up the milk on the table, took a sip and said, "You should feel complacent, Lu Qi, after many times. Contrast and discover that the milk you hide is more delicious than normal milk"

Lu Qi's temperament comes quickly, and he goes quickly. After hearing Robin's "praise", he said so badly, "Isn't that of course?? Only the best milk is worthy of it. The identity of my senior Lucky, hahahaha, these milks are all carefully selected by me. "

"Well, yes, that's why I will take your milk," Robin said naturally.

And Lu Qi was also stunned after hearing what she said. After all, Robin's words were very reasonable, and there seemed to be no problem logically?? Because it was delicious, it was simple and rude.

On the other side of the deck, Gromash was sitting on the guardrail of the deck with a fishing rod in his hand. While blowing the sea breeze, he said, "Look, isn't it just a few bottles of milk?? As for that? When it comes to the cake island of Totto Land, I will let the fellow Charlotte-Smoky squeeze a "cow" for you. Isn't it more enjoyable than drinking milk?

? "

Lu Qi's expression became stiff when he heard the words, and then he said, "Gromash, what you said is completely different, okay??"

But before Gromash could speak, Monet, who was squeezing juice, murmured: "What a stingy man, Lu Qi, you won't be liked by girls like this~"

"Monet, don't you think that everyone wants to be liked by you women. In my opinion, you are simply a collection of troubles, and there are always some messy rules! Have time to talk to you Love, it's better to fight with Gromash, to hone your own strength, the kind of muscle-to-muscle collision, men's friendship...

"Lu Qi's expression was very disdainful, and he spoke without mercy.

But before he finished speaking, Gromash shivered all over his body, and then he said, "Lu Qi, can you use the words accurately, what is meant by "muscle-muscle collision"??? Isn’t this guy awakening some weird quirks?? How about going to form a team with Ur "Ki" -??"

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment and didn't quite understand what Gromash was talking about, but when Gromash mentioned Urouge, this guy instantly remembered the weirdness of the Frostwolf Pirates' one of the seven incredible things. There has been a story of'Urouge and Cromwell embracing passionately and blending their tongues.'

Scared enough, he quickly understood the meaning of Gromash's words, and also understood the meaning of'ji'.

I saw Lu Qi's expression turned red in an instant, and then he was very nervous and said: "Gromash, don't get me wrong, although I don't like women, but I don't like men, my orientation on the physical level is very normal. !!!"

Speaking of this, Lu Qi gave Gromash a little nervously, and his "shy" reaction almost made Gromash jump into the sea..

I saw Gromash forcibly calm down, and then pretended to be nonchalant, and said: "Oh yes, I will not misunderstand, but my preferences are very clear. I like women. My love for little Robin and Monet is very much. A deep cough, do you understand what I mean?? Twisted melons are not sweet"

Lu Qi hasn't spoken yet, Robin's face while reading a book is made very shy by Gromash's sudden confession, he involuntarily took the book in his hand upwards, covering the skin under his sunglasses , And Monet was also a little shy and said: "I just said that I love two women with one mouth, and I am embarrassed to say

My love is deep, Captain, you are really cheeky."

"Jiehahahahaha, the kid only makes a choice, I..." Gromash said with a big smile, but before he finished speaking, he frowned and looked at the sky in the distance.

The same was true for Lu Qi. Before Gromash could speak, Lu Qi had already raised his hand, and powerful electric lights and sparks surged on his arm. Erupted from his arm and hit the sky far away.

At this moment, Gromash suddenly smiled and said, "So it's him, has this place entered the sea near Dressrosa??"

Monet nodded and said: "Two hours ago, we had entered Dressrosa's territorial waters."

At the same time, Doflamingo, who was flying in the sky, originally thought that he would suddenly appear and would be warmly treated by Gromash. However, he did not expect that he had not had time to say hello, and there was an explosion on the Elune. Thunder Plasma, which made him feel a little tricky, hit him.

"Hey, you haven't determined whether it is a friend or an enemy. It really deserves to be the style of your Frostwolf Pirates. Is this kind of thunderous power Rob Luchi???" Doflamingo smiled and whispered softly. road.

Then he stretched out his hand in the air and quickly said: "Shield White Line-Spider Wall!"

As Doflamingo's voice fell, a spider-web-like shield appeared quickly in the sky, and then Armament Haki was instantly wrapped around the shield, completely blocking the thunder plasma that Luchi shot.

"Call Doflamingo??" After seeing the move, Lu Qi also put away his abilities. Although he has no good feelings for Doflamingo, he also knows that his Gromash seems to have a very good relationship with Doflamingo, especially recently. Here, it seems that the relationship between the two has risen from a "partner" to a "friend".

So he also knew that Doflamingo was not an enemy, and since it was not an enemy, there was no need to make it too embarrassing.

It didn't take long for Gromash and the others to see a guy wearing pink flamingo plumes, orange sunglasses, with an open chest descending from the sky and landing very lightly on the deck of the Elune.

"Fufurfurfurfuru, I thought I would only meet on the cake island of Totto Land, but I didn't expect to meet your ship here. It's all at the door of the house. Why don't you go in and sit? Gromash "Master" Doflamingo said with a big laugh, and stepped on his'Peas Shoes' and walked towards Gromash at that revealing pace.

"I didn't expect it, but how did you find me??" Gromash smiled and shook the fishing rod in his hand and asked.

"Are you fishing??? It's really leisurely enough" Doflamingo walked to Gromash's side and did not answer him, but said very casually.

Then Monet also handed him a glass of juice from his "brand friend brother", and Doflamingo smiled decently and thanked him.

After he took a sip of the juice, a thin line suddenly popped out of his hand and pierced into the sea water very quickly. Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled it out to "catch a seabed surveillance insect."

0-seeking flowers...

"How about? My fishing skills are not bad??" Doflamingo said with a smile.

Gromash took the surveillance bug that was thrown in the air in his hand, looked at it, and said, "Couldn't you be surrounded by all of these things near your Dressrosa sea area???? Are you the dead old lady of bigmom? ?? Have delusions of persecution???"

Doflamingo grinned and said softly: "Although it is not as exaggerated as the bigm om pirate group, it has also been arranged a lot. After all, many of my businesses are not visible. There are many "competes" in this business. It's not guarding, it's your Gromash uncle, your heart is too big, right?? I was spotted by my surveillance bug casually..."

Gromash took the fishing line back from the fishing rod. Then he lost his interest in fishing. He packed his things and said, "It's not a secret that I came to New World. There is no need to cover up the trajectory of my actions. I know, I'm going to participate in this bigmom pirate group tea party, let's talk about it, in your Doflamingo young master

Dressrosa waters, what can I hide?? Are we friends??"

After hearing Gromash's words, Doflamingo smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then happily said, "Yes, we are friends."

After the two chatted about some topics, Gromash thought for a while, and felt that he shouldn't hide Doflamingo from him about going to Cake Island this time. On the one hand, the two are ready to go together at this time, and the relationship is good. , Telling Doflamingo can also make him psychologically prepared. On the other hand, he is Doflamingo acting as the'middleman'.

Invited to the bigmom pirate group tea party, if he accidentally'exposed' over there, he will inevitably be angered Doflamingo, so it is good for him to be mentally prepared in advance

The most important point is that Gromash also wants to test it out to see if the "friendship" between him and Doflamingo is hard enough.

Thinking of this, Gromash looked at the sea and said softly: "Doflamingo, you should know the information about the four pieces of road sign history text pointing to Raftel???"

Doflamingo didn't think much, he only smiled and said, "Isn't that of course?? Although we are friends, I will not give in on the road to the king, furfurfurfurfur. ."

"Jiehahahaha, I won't be able to take the throne, but I heard that the bigmom Pirates has a signpost history text in the hands of it, is it true???" Gromash laughed and said.

"Well, there is such a thing. It is rumored that Roger had also secretly printed a copy from the bigmom pirate group in order to find Raftel." At this point, Doflamingo was suddenly stunned.

Then in his eyes under the orange sunglasses, the pupils involuntarily enlarged, and then turned to look at Gromash and quickly asked: "Hey, hey, grandpa Gromash is not looking at the road sign in the hands of the bigmom pirate group. Is the history text???"

"Jiehahahaha, you are really smart, I just mention it casually, you know what I think, you really deserve to be my good friend, yes, I went to the cake island of Totto Land this time, I also wanted Let’s see if there is a chance to surreptitiously rubbing a copy of the history text of road signs like Roger did.

It's unobtrusive.

Doflamingo swallowed and asked again: "What if there is no chance??"

"I don't have a chance, but I have to make an opportunity!!" Gromash said very firmly. small.

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