I Am Hellscream

Chapter 362 The waves of the world.

(The mentality collapsed. I attached this chapter with the saved manuscript that I finally coded out. After I clicked it wrong, I scrapped it together and had to start over again.)

Near the waters of New World, Dressrosa, the Elune is dangling here. When returning from the Totto Land-IWC waters, it will just pass by here, so Gromash will take the lead and prepare to bring Doflamingo, the young master. Send it back to Dressrosa. After all, the two of them are good friends.

Case" is now a grasshopper on a rope.

After all, I'm back, so I can't let Doflamingo drag the white line back from the sky with exhaustion, right??

At this time in the cabin of the Elune, Gromash was smiling and observing the historical text of the red road sign, and then he spoke softly: "Jehahahaha, I didn't expect that the last person who came to give us the back of the pot turned out to be Dorag and their revolutionary army are really interesting."

"Fufurfurfurfur, thanks to the'smart and capable' Queen Stussy, the top CP-0 spy staff?? It really made me admire their abilities. It's amazing, it's amazing." Doflamingo is also great. He smiled and said, his tone was an indescribable mockery.

At this moment, sitting aside and reading a book, the "black-bellied girl" Robin, who has an elegant and demure temperament on her body, said with a smile, "But think about it, if you analyze it from the perspective of the observer, Queen Stussy Isn’t his analysis still very'reasonable'? The only shortcoming is that there is no evidence to prove that it was done by the revolutionary army.

All this is just her'speculation'."

"Jie ha ha ha ha, no, no, no evidence is the best evidence. Think about it, if the revolutionary army really planned well and wanted to do this kind of thing, would they leave evidence? So as long as we don’t leave any traces on our side, the pot will still fall on others, even if it’s not the revolutionary army, there will be other people.

Come back. "Gromash laughed and said.

However, what he said is very reasonable.Who is doing this kind of thing will not leave any'evidence' under careful action, so the bigmom pirates don't need any evidence, they only need to' "Brain tonic" is enough.

As for this matter, at the end of the investigation, which unlucky person stood up and bears the anger of the bigmom pirate group, he will not care about Gromash, after all, he is an evil pirate, isn't he?? ~?

Doflamingo also smiled after hearing Gromash's words and said, "Don't worry, Master Gromash, I always have clean hands and feet when I do things, and I don't leave any traces or traces..."

"Jiehahahahaha, you work, I don't worry, isn't this of course?? Young Master??" Gromash laughed-said.

After this, a few people chatted for a while, and Gromash looked at the red road sign history text, and then asked Doflamingo softly: "Then this big rock that cannot be destroyed, what are your plans? ??"

Doflamingo didn't even hesitate at all, and said decisively: "Just give me a copy of the complete rubbing. I won't be a Guy ship for the history text of this road sign. After all, although this thing is a rare'treasure', it is. It's also a bomb that can take my life if I take it away, in case it is exposed to the bigmom sea someday

Thieves, I can only count on you, Master Gromash to save my life."

Doflamingo is right. This thing is both a treasure and a bomb. If the bigmom pirates loses such an important thing, they will definitely not let it go. If you hide it in the future, there will be nothing wrong. The yellow mud falls in the trousers, it is not shit, it is shit, it is strange that the bigmom pirates don’t trouble him Doflamingo


And with the strength of his Don Jihede family, it is obvious that it is impossible to have done the bigmom pirate group. At the time, he might actually have to find his uncle Gromash to save his life. After all, the two of them are "accomplices". Ah, bad luck for Doflamingo, he also got stuck with Gromash

Doflamingo is so wise, and the province's Gromash has spent more time talking. I saw Gromash laughed and said: "Hahahaha, no problem, you can have as many copies of the complete rubbing as you want, and this "big bomb" just Let me pretend, anyway, my heart is very big, and the jade hand box can be carried with me at any time. I am afraid of this??"

In this way, when the Elune wandered to Dressrosa, Doflamingo and Gromash, the two embarrassing guys, had already divided the "stolen goods" into pleasure.

At the same time, in the Holy Land-Mariejois, the center of power and politics of the World government, the Five Elders are also getting together at this time, discussing some issues with a very serious expression.

After a few days of fermentation, what happened on the base camp of the bigmom pirate group-Totto Land-Cake Island, under the operation of the big news-Morgans, of course, caused a worldwide sensation.

Although the big news, Morgans didn't mention conspiracy too much, but bigmom. Charlotte- Linlin, Beasts- Kaido, Proudmoore- Gromash three big pirates in the melee on Cake Island, and Kaido. The news suppressed by Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin, coupled with the photos taken by Morgans, quickly spread.


At the same time, the occurrence of this incident has once again confirmed the name of Gromash'The Plague of New World'.This guy is safe and stable on weekdays. It seems that there is nothing, but whenever he goes to New World, it will always happen. What a big deal

At this time in Five Elders' office, Marshal Sengoku was reporting some problems.

"The overall mood of the bigmom pirate group is very unstable. It seems that they have lost something extremely important and are desperately looking for it. In just a few days, they have destroyed the three islands around Totto Land." Marshal Sengoku said in a deep voice.

"Is there nothing happening in Kaido???" The chubby Five Elders asked softly.

"Although the Beasts Pirates is also moving, but the movement is not big, but there is also the suspicion of being "preparing for war". This matter is already very sharp, and it is likely to detonate the war between the bigmom pirates and the Beasts Pirates." Marshal Sengoku's expression Said gloomily.

"In some respects, the war between them is not a bad thing for us, but there is a premise that the scale of the war should be limited to the New World. Within the New World, they can fight whatever they want, but The stability of the outside world must be maintained, so your Naval Headquarters and Seven Warlords of the Sea organization must not be implicated in it, Sengoku,

After this, what you have to do is to prevent the waves of this war from sweeping out, do you understand??" The bearded Five Elders spoke very firmly.

The bigmom pirate group seems to be'crazy', and the beasts. Kaido was once again "bullyed" by Gromash and Charlotte-Linlin on the cake island. He lost a lot of face. Now with his character, -Once he is prepared and prepared, he will definitely go back to the place. By then, Gromash will be far in the first half of the Grand Line, and the emperor will be far away.

, Kaido may not be able to reach out, but he must go back to find the bigmom Pirates.

0-Seeking flowers...

At that time, it is inevitable that no war will be launched, so the Five Elders are also asking Sengoku to prepare for this situation.

Marshal Sengoku nodded and said, "I understand, I will be prepared accordingly, and I will keep an eye on Gromash. After all, he is also one of the participants in this matter."

Five Elders smiled and said, "There is no need to worry too much about this matter. According to the news from Stussy, Gromash had already rejected the bigmom Pirates' teamwork against Kaido before he left Cake Island. 'Invitation, so this guy is still very calm and knows what his position is."

"Yes, and from the intelligence sent by Stussy, although there is still no way to determine whether the revolutionary army planned this "conspiracy", there is no doubt that Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin's attitude towards the revolutionary army happened. A great change, especially Gromash, seems to be out of his "noble" status, he also wants to deal with Dorag and the revolutionary army

That's it.. This is also a good thing for us, isn't it??" The chubby Five Elders said softly.

Marshal Sengoku nodded and replied: "It is true, the bigmom pirate group is very powerful in the New World, and Gromash is the "emperor" in the dark world. If they two can stand with us on the issue of fighting the revolutionary army. From the same standpoint, it is indeed a very good thing."

And just as the Five Elders and Marshal Sengoku were talking to each other, in the island of white soil-Barudi, the guy Dorag was also listening through a few days of exploration, and has roughly understood what happened. Shemale King-Report by Ivankov

At this time, Dorag's expression was very strange. He said in an incredibly unbelievable tone: "What??? There are rumors outside that our revolutionary army is trying to provoke a conflict between Seven Warlords of the Sea and Four Emperors. , Blew up Cake Island with a bomb?? Destroyed the bigmom pirate group tea party?? What kind of horrible news is this?? You are not talking to me

Are you kidding?

The guy Ivankov also said incredibly: "Although I think it's weird, but this is really being spread like this, Dorag."

The mood of the guy Dorag at this time is really incomparably complicated, and then he said: "In any case, we must not slack off at this time, so as not to be caught in the loop. In addition, I want to ask our "good partner" carefully. Gromash "Master Duke...what the hell is going on??"

I don’t know if it’s out of intuition. Anyway, Dorag thought of Gromash at the first time. He always feels that he is inseparable from this matter. If he can get any useful information from him, maybe he will be able to. Get rid of this black pot

And just as the situation in New World is getting worse and worse, the World government has already prepared a plan for war response, and the revolutionary army is also working hard to find an opportunity to remove the "black pot".

The instigators, Uncle Gromash and Young Master Doflamingo, have arrived at Dressrosa, the "land of toys of love and passion". Little.

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